Friday, October 28, 2011

The Body Human according to an INTJ

The human body is a wonderful device.  I have been learning of different medical philosophies and procedures in order to get healthy again.  I learned, first thing, that my health is my responsibility and no doctor can relieve me of it.  That said lets get to what I have learned.

1.  The skeleton is first made of protein.  Tendons, cartilage, and ligaments are part of this protein structure.
2.  The actual bones of the skeleton act as a mineral bank for all documented 60 but in actuality 77 mineral we are suppose to ingest daily.
3.  The bones are part of the endocrine system or hormones.  Hormones require the minerals from the bones in order to be constructed.
4.  The slowest healing bones in our body take two years to heal. (The vertebra)  All other tissues heal much faster including most bones (3 to 6 months with proper nutrition).
5.  The minerals in the skeleton, when properly assembled, forms a crystal structure that functions with the earth's energy.
6.  The soft tissues (skin, muscle, and organs) of the body posses liquefied minerals that form a liquid crystal matrix.
7.  The earth's energy oscillates between the crystals of the skeleton and the soft tissues.
8.  Shock is caused when the base energy field between the liquid crystal and the solid crystal of the body is altered.
9.  The combination of the energies oscillating between the bones and soft tissues acts as our electrical ground for our nerves and chemical reactions.
10. Each cell of our bodies have two main communication methods and many have more.(electrical ground & hormones)
11. The cell's communication methods are ground voltage, hormones, enzymes, and nerve stimulation.
12. Each cell uses minerals, fats, and proteins to manipulate minute voltages to regulate cell function.
13. Cells use advanced technology to adhere to one another.  Muscle cells use advanced technology to contract. (Lorentz effect)
14. The body's chemistry is capable of altering atomic densities to facilitate body movement.
15. The blood is the most impotent tissue.  The body will sacrifice all other organs... even the brain to protect it.
16. The brain talks to the body with nerves.
17. Organs talk to each other with hormones.
18. Beneficial organisms talk to our bodies with enzymes.
19. The earth communicates with us through the harmonic oscillations reflected between our crystal structures. 
20. Four categories of substances compose our bodies nutritional needs; The 60 essential minerals of the 77 known bio-available minerals , 16 essential vitamins, 12 essential amino acids, and 3 essential fatty acids.    
21. There is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate; sugar starch, or fiber.
22. The body has 7 major enemies viruses, bacterium, fungi, parasites, poor nutrition, persistent electromagnetic frequencies, and physical trauma.
23. There are 13 pro-biotics that should inhabit our digestive systems. (3 of which feed on candida) 
24. Candida fungus is a prolific common fungus that thrives when antibiotic use eliminates its 3 predators.
25. Carbohydrates act as fertilizers for intestinal bacteria both good and bad.
26. Salt is required to make stomach acid or hydrochloric acid. (which is needed to adsorb minerals)
27. Low salt consumption can contribute to low stomach acid that causes heartburn and allows uncontrolled bacterium growth in the gut. 
28. Low acid also allows bad intestinal bacteria to create alcohol and  gases from carbohydrates and undigestible polyamines from excess proteins. 
29. The body digests in descending order carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins, fats, and then minerals.
30. If there are any digestive problems it stops digestion at that point only passing the rest from the body.
31. The minerals are the most important part of digestion and the easiest to interrupt.
32. Body fat is created when the body lacks the minerals to burn ingested carbohydrates.
33. Candida fungus interrupts digestion and blocks mineral adsorption.
34. Over 900 diseases are attributable to mineral deficiencies.
35. Live food contains enzymes, pro-biotics, vitamins, and energy at the earth's charge.
36. Live food can be missing minerals needed to be healthy. (plants need only 9 minerals to grow they store the rest of the minerals that are or are not present in the soil for us)
37. Plants can convert rock minerals into bio-available minerals we need.
38. The rock mineral must be in the plant's root grasp to be in the plant.
39. Cooking food in general and especially on high heat reduces its nutritional value.
40. Heat, light, oxygen, and time can change a good fatty acid to a cell damaging free radical.    
41. Bad teeth are a symptom of osteoporosis.  Brushing won't keep your teeth healthy. (avoiding fluoride helps too)
42. Each body organ has a function and if the organ is removed that function stops.
43. The appendix acts as an incubator for intestinal flora.
44. The gall bladder injects bile into the digestive process to digest fats.  (no bile-no fat assimilation-no mineral absorption )
45. The tonsils and adenoids sample food and air for the spleen to create counter measures against sickness.
46. Stomach ulcers are caused by bacteria under the stomach mucus feeding on fructose in the stomach cells and blood.
47. There is a link between candida and type1 diabetes, celiac, leaky gut, and chronic fatigue.
48. Type2 diabetes is a mineral deficiency.
49. Naturopathic doctors practicing  holistic medicine handle disease better then allopathic doctors.  (bottom line: more cures less death)
50. Naturopathic medicine is cheaper and more effective then allopathic pills or surgery.
51. Allopathic medicine is effective only in trauma physical situations.  (like knife, bullet, and car crash injuries not heart attacks, ulcers, and diabetes which are caused by nutritional deficiency)
52. Exercise without minerals absorption is a death sentence.  Sweating out mineral without replacing all 77 of them causes any of 900 different diseases and death faster then sitting on the sofa watching TV.
53. Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) in the form of strong or persistent electronic frequencies can alter the charge of ionic minerals in the body rendering them inert or toxic to proper cell function.   
This is the basic list of things I learned in my travels to get healthy again.  But, I have no credibility so I watch as the people and loved ones around me submit to educated allopathic doctors making a living on managing their deaths.  Agency... God gave us a lot of it.  When will people wake up and want to live long healthy active lives instead of being walking cadavers for expensive medical experiments.  The Jews & Christians are still being robbed and exterminated by the NAZI.  NAZI Germany contributed to modern allopathic medicine.

My story

There are 4 main types of medicine practiced in the world today. 

Acupuncture medicine / Traditional Chinese medicine

Ayurveda medicine

Allopathic medicine

Naturopathic medicine

We can research out our solutions or we can entrust others that may have other motivations other then our life at hand.  It is hard for me at this point to trust a doctor for more then consultation only.

One last note 

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