Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Power and Discipline

Power and Power Disciplined, need I say more?   Well I'm going to anyway, of course I wouldn't have started this line of thought without planning to go on.  I have a very gifted son in many ways.  His ability to understand and apply all forms of technology is unmatched in most circles.  Yet, I couldn't understand what was so different between us until it dawned on me recently that it is my self discipline and goals that make us different.

I have to admit... I think my son is more knowledgeable than I am with technology but he lacks the discipline to use that knowledge effectively.  As the father of such a child I pull my hair out at night for him.  I can see how he is irritated at his own stumbling.  I watch as he takes any council as an assault on his abilities.  

A few years ago I was meditating profusely, otherwise known as dreaming, while thinking about "Parts and Passions". A profound dream came to me about how we are born with a passion for life. A spark of passion, not unlike fire, glows in us as we come into the world. Our parents are there to feed our fire and guard it with rocks to keep it safe. As we grow the flames grow hotter and differing temperatures are felt as we stir around in the coals. Each coal now represents passions not only for life but it’s activities, understanding, and abilities.

Soon a simple fire pit can’t hold the developing heat of the fire and parents must provide enclosures, chimneys, and hearths, which give way to furnaces of every kind until our children become kilns ready to start making ceramics and porcelain equatable to developing talents and trying different interests to see what best fits for a lifetime. As they become young adults the fire grows hotter yet until we see steel forges created that can shape and refine their metal. Then comes that day… the day they transform into a vehicle not unlike a motorcycle and move their fire inside of it for power.

Note that each function on a device such as a motorcycle uses a different application of fire from its engine and auxiliary application motors to the blinkers and headlight. A correlation can again be depicted for each passion we develop in our lives. 

As I reflect on this dream I can't help but now see the importance of discipline and self discipline in our lives.  Passion or power unbridled just burns out at least or can really destroys things the hotter the fire... if it is freed.      

Even so we move from bikes to cars as we marry and join two sets of passions together as one. But, it doesn’t stop here. Our passions continue to grow as our families develop through many stages of vehicles even into air born vehicles. When we die we take wing and if we are still progressing our passions are still getting hotter until soon we are like the SR71 Blackbird. With a combustion chamber engine temperature reaching 32,000 degrees it cruses through the stratosphere as we become like our Spiritual Father.

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