Monday, January 23, 2012

The Most Powerful Concept in the World

This concept was originally taught to me in the 3rd grade.  It is a math concept.  It can be applied to everything I've encountered.  Even though an educational institution taught me this concept they aggressively run from it  Knowledge is only power if this concept is applied.

Here it is  

1269 / 1692

simplifies to
3 / 4

The concept is simplification or reduction to simplest terms.  So many people get lost attempting to work with big numbers.  Or they start working a problem before they know if all the apples, bananas, and oranges are sorted one form other.  I find that more often then not the educated use big numbers to prove how smart they are.

One other complication to simplification is used to confuse the masses.  I call it working outside the line of relevance. 

Here goes
1268 / 1693

This doesn't cleanly reduce so let's NOT apply common sense and attempt to work the numbers as humungous weights anyway. 

There is an old joke that goes like this;

Three fellows and their wives were at a party; a Mathematician, an Engineer, and a Chemist.  The three were to stand 50 feet away from their wives to start the game.  With the correct answer to the question presented in turn, the contestant answering was to go half the distance closer to their respective wife.  Immediately the mathematician protested and walked off knowing that he would never get to his wife.  The engineer knew that he could get close enough for practical operation.  And the chemist wasn't really concerned about distance.

How many times have we been told by a would be academic that 1268 / 1693 is not 3/4 hoping that we will walk away or, that we need to be concerned about irrelevance instead of our own hands and abilities?

Plainly, all things are understandable if they are reduces to basic concepts.  Only the ignorant will argue that something is to complicated for the average man to understand.  That's like saying genetic disease exists even though the concept has been proven wrong.  But, many still hold to the flat world concept that the cell's brain is its nucleus.  It goes to show you it doesn't matter what you are man or cell we're presumed to be thinking with our gonads. (Article: "Brain Versus Gonads")

An example of reducing to simplest terms.

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