Friday, August 17, 2012

Why I (An INTJ) Think Like I Do

Plainly... I don't know.  So, I am admitting that arbitrary emotional interference has overtly indoctrinated my public face.  In other words, I learned that people hate "know-it-all"s.  Not that I know it all but perception is just as damming.  So, now that I have placated the obvious, let us (not to be confused with lettuce) continue our quest.

Many people go to school to get a license to know something.  I have always been disappointed with school.  Like so many other things school is only as good as the person's ability to want to learn.  AND if a person really wants to learn school isn't needed.  Now equipment, opportunity, curiosity, and liberty... that's different for they are the seeds of learning.          

I have developed a well defined set of rules of engagement based on data collected from my life.   

First, MY rules of engagement.
  1. Children, of which we all have been, start learning as their increasing mind capacity craves understanding.
  2. This understanding is directed based on a simple pain and pleasure scale at first.
  3. Later this scale includes emotional elements.
  4. Male and Female brains process information differently based on chemically measurable means.
  5. Everyone on the earth develops using this same path. 
  6. Man later implores a tentative laziness trusting others on the same path with his education instead of using self realization and experimentation.
  7. Errors introduced by others are propagated for lifetimes sometimes before being challenged.
  8. The belief in God expands one's ability to learn as knowledge is added to the path from an overseeing external source. 
  9. Four levels of perception are required to fully understand anything.   Be it a noun; a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual element is required for complete understanding.     
It is important not to read any more into these rules then what is stated.

Now to get started, if one was to read my blog in its entirety one may think that I have strayed from a more INTJ perspective.  I speak of God and non-tangibles as if they are set in stone yet most INTJs may find them more of an opinion and not a fixed constant.  I address ideas, systems, and devices beyond my formal academic education level.  In so doing I may appear as a self appointed fanatic.

I believe very strongly in things I have experienced, measured, and tested.  It is difficult for me to accept others ideas if I have already processed similar ideas and found them wanting in my path before or in the past.  I have found that there is a path that builds and supports streaming through solid concepts and realization.  No educated person can convince me of anything without touching on this path.  This being the case I find myself not trusting bankers, politicians, doctors, lawyers, teachers, and other educated people at face value.  Here I could add all my supporting test results but, I will reserve myself.  Once credibility is lost... pursuing the same path will not restore it.

The truth is some times harder to believe then a lie.  Mark Twain even stated that a lie hast to appeal to credibility to be believable and the truth does not.  The truth requires a personal commitment to gather supporting evidence if a clear understanding is to be reached rather then trusting another's assessment.  The definition of  maturing is weaning one-self from other people as supporting collaboration for any idea, concept, or manifestation that exists and finding your own supporting evidence.                     

 I know that God lives because of personal experiences, through the assessment of events, and by testing the paths of communication outlined in the scriptures.  I know that the big banks are not honest based on researching Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFR)  and testing the research locally.  I know allopathic medicine is weak at best compared to naturopathic medicine because I reviewed my own results form using both.  I will never trust an allopathic doctor as an authority again.  Even now I am finding politicians are uninformed about the laws they are supposed to know.  They lack insight into the average person's life.  They see us as the enemy and have made laws that restrict and remove us from our Constitution.  We the people have been herded into a GOVERNMENT CORPORATION and subjected to Admiralty law against our knowledge.

My point, I love my God, country, liberty, and you.  It pains me to see people slaving for existence while feeding a monster that is poisoning, punishing, stealing, and lying to them.  The beast has anesthetized most of us with the education system when they injected social programing into the basic reading, writing, and arithmetic intended by our forefathers to make informed citizens.  Now a simple test: ask a teenager to read a hand written cursive note.  They don't teach cursive in school anymore.  All of the most liberating papers and documents are written in cursive script.  The Constitution of the United States, the Declaration of Independence,  and the Bill of Rights are just a few of the ideas that founded us a nation that are being concealed in public view.  Yet, Spanish is well accepted.

There is a scale in my church by which effort is measured.  On one end is "consider the lilies of the field" and at the other end is "faith without works is dead".

The catch here is that God provides when we are on His errand.  He gave us this nation.  Are we going to waste it?

I am a conservative.  I am pragmatic.  I can see beyond my self.  I can reason.  And, I care about what happens to those around me (even if it is their fault).  I am a realist.  If you smash your thumb with a hammer no amount of hugs makes it feel better.  Yet, I can be moved by the fascination of a single musical note aloft or the mathematical manifestation of a fractal displayed by a tree.           

Why? do I think like I do.  Because... it pleases me to experience things that manifest intelligent design.  That's why I think like I do.

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