Thursday, October 11, 2012

What Ever Happended to "Just the Right Thing to Do"

I feel cheap.  What ever happened to responsibility?  I got into republican politics because I knew it was the right thing to do.  But, as of late the powers that be feel they need to buy us to fill obligations.  I am offended.

I have always felt that I needed to do political things out of my own understanding and sense of right.  As of late, people that think they can buy me are running our local group.  They dangle bribes and incentives before the group to motivate us into using effort to do our responsibilities.  Boy they don't know me.  I am not a democrat.  I am moved by the purity of the cause.  Give me good ideals and true principals instead of the whitewashed game playing.  I am not a marketing toy.

I joined the republican party because they fit my ideals better not because I was treated to some gimmick or payment in return.  The establishment of rewards for effort take away my incentive to work.  I find the acquisition of money a poor cause for selling people crap even in business.

The people need to talk to representatives that support them not some money stream.  How democrat can we get; pay for a marketing campaign verses spreading understanding?

I feel that as a group our republican central committee has veered to the left side of the street.  I feel placated.
Our founding fathers knew that government starts at home and required 5 things to keep it going.  Faith, morality, law, education, and liberty are those 5 things.  After the home, we find these services provided first by churches.  The United States was specifically founded as a Christen country.

After home and church comes local precincts and the precinct chairmen (the only democratically elected politician in our republic).  The precinct chairmen vet all the other candidates all the way up to president.  The precinct chairmen hold the responsibility of vetting and submitting legislation to the state and federal legislatures as the people's needs require it.

However, this part of the equation is ignored as of late and the people's voice falls on deaf ears. Marketing based advertisements are tested and presented to us as if to sell the people a government full of toys and sweets.  Since when has a gingerbread house not ended with children being cast into the oven.  What have we done for our children?  What have we done to our children?

I am not cheap enough to sell my children and my grand children for a good advertising campaign.

It offends me hearing the word democracy used in politics as we (according to the Constitution) are not ruled by democracy.  We are ruled by a "Republic" and a set of laws.  I am ashamed to tell my precinct that we let them down.  That our local committee buys into the salesmanship filtering down from our greater socialistic government.  That "We the People" are pawns in the marketing of themselves and their children's lives to pay the debts of bad government policies.

Fixing this requires faithful moral people armed with natural law willing to educate freedom and liberate it to work.  A great man once stated "Teach them correct principles and let them govern themselves" (Joseph Smith).

The people are the power.  The Republic is the tool.  The Constitution is the rule,      


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