Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Perception and Value

It amazes me how things work in this world of perception and value.  Marketing especially intrigues me.  Often, lately, I see inferior products sold to replace older... more solid products.  I've see this with cars, electronics, and many other things.  How do you know when its time to devalue an item for an inferior new item?  Do we know the new item is inferior?  Have we been sold on the idea that newer is always better?

I have found that that which I understand and can use productively is more valuable to me then relearning a device so that I can still do the same job.  I realize that many think that this is in error as the new device makes the effort of work appear easier.  It's funny how hard it is to sell businessmen a new system to replace an old system if the old system isn't broken or made to look broken for the salesman's personal residual income.

Recently. our dollar has been being devalued globally due to our politicians specifically.  As this has happened there has been a covert effort to conceal old technologies and recollect expensive resources in new dollar speak.  Old technologies are hidden to focus us on inferior cheap new products as special and new for market reinvention and cash flow perpetuation.  Resource laden older parts are gathered for their quantity of reusable material as new, cheaper, lighter, parts are redistributed with built in obsolescence for good market recirculation.  We wouldn't want to have products that didn't break as that would make us more independent again... like in the 1800's

Now, humanity has the technologies to make every man independent.  So, why are we playing with this enslavement still?  Do we need a slave owner to look after us?  DID YOU KNOW that there are two forms of government, medicine, education, science, food production, and health care within the boundaries of the United States?

Here is a more complete list of the two systems and their components; 

Subject Agency and Self-reliance Guided Freedom
Food Production
Health Care

Male Roll
Female Roll
Constitutional Republic
Constitutional Law
Naturopathic Medicine
Adding Nutrition to Soil and Body
Pragmatic Education
Utilization of Natural Consequence
Natural Genetic Selection
Knowledge for Long Life
Directed by Free Market
Art of Balancing Environment
Self Betterment
A Placeholder for Beneficial Effort
Primary Responsibility
Re-enforcement of Values

Understanding & Knowledge
Guide and Provide for Family
Enlighten and Teach Family
Admiralty Law
Allopathic Medicine 

Patentable Symptom Concealer
Coercive Indoctrination
Politically Filtered Scientific Method
Man Altered GMO's
Insurance for Allopathic Solutions
Adapted Socialist Arena
Controller for the Masses
Concealment of Forfeited Agency
An Underlying Tool of Enslavement
Resented Entanglement
Object to Overcome
The Enemy

Replaced by Government Welfare
Conduit for Government Welfare

Back to the main topic, we choose what we want to perceive and the value it holds for us.  Most of us have been bumping our heads on the aforementioned list not knowing the agenda.  We see the President force health care at us even though a judge declared it unconstitutional.  The same President still has a questionable birth certificate unless he is the CEO of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INC.  and not the President of the United States.

So, what do you perceive as valuable?

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