Saturday, December 10, 2011

Problems and Solutions

This is how it was explained to me by Dr Wallach and Dr Glidden. There are things that we need to take to heal and there are somethings we need to avoid to heal. I'm going to start with the things to avoid because they impede or prohibit the things we need from working.

Avoid: soda, fried food, chemically preserved food, artificial sweeteners, exercise, gluten, and meats cooked at a high temperature.

Soda and carbonated water- alters the stable acidic conditions of the stomach by replacing it with an unstable acidic solution that easily slips through the intestinal wall into the blood stream. Carbonic acid dilutes our stomach acid allowing our blood pH to lower and become acidic by suppressing the production of bicarbonate in the pancreas and kidneys. This impedes the absorption of minerals and aids the growth of bad bacterium in our bodies. Low or weak stomach acid cause the pancreas and kidneys to stop production of bicarbonate which causes the blood pH to go acidic. A low blood pH increases our odds of infections.

Fried and chemically preserved food
Burnt and rancid oils- these are not pH or electrically neutral. Oils are the major building blocks of our cells. They are used to electrically insulate the positive charges of proteins and the negative charges of minerals in our cells. They also protect us by blocking the positive charges of CO2, lactic acids, and other waste acids from attacking our cells as the blood hauls them away. Bad oils are those that have been subjugated to the following; time- good oils rot quickly (aside from introducing harmful bacteria, the insulting properties of the oils are compromised with time), heat- good oils degrade to petroleum if they are heated above 200 degrees Fahrenheit (excessive heat cooks the oxygen out of them making them an acid and a free radical), light exposure- this again reduces the negative oxygen molecules from the oils (leaving a positively charged free radical), oxygen exposure- decomposes oils into CO2 and H2O

Artificial sweeteners
Artificial sweeteners- are free radicals. They cause the aging and death to body cells.

Exercise is stress- stressful activities damaged the body and impede healing. The damage is caused in several ways; first, we sweat out minerals that we aren’t replacing quickly with our poor diets. Second, we damage our muscles and joints requiring them to be healed with the minerals we are sweating out. Third, remember the fight or flight response? Our blood is either available to heal us or defend us but not both at the same time.

Wheat, barley, rye, and oat gluten- is hard to digest. This large protein resembles a polymine produced by the candida fungus. This polymine is toxic and will trip the body's defenses shutting down proper digestion. Wheat is only digestible after we have the protein, fatty acid, vitamin, and mineral building blocks we need. Gluten requires a healthy digestive track to be digested without damage to the intestinal wall (This includes healthy intestinal flora). Nutrition digests in this order carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins, fatty acids, and then minerals. There are 6 degrees of gluten distress; the worst being anorexia easing to gluten intolerance. The common problem being the inability to absorb minerals. Minerals constitute the largest part of the nutrition we require. Disrupting digestion or eating nutrition poor food opens us to over 900 diseases. Additionally, with gluten we often find yeast... specifically, a yeast that produces CO2 and alcohol two byproducts that denote it as a bad bacteria if not fully cooked.

Slow cooked meats
Slow cooking meats- keeps the fats and oils from converting to free rascals. This also enhances the flavor.

We are what we eat (or don't eat).

Things we need: salt, butter, avocados, eggs, enzymes or live food, 13 pro-biotics, 60-77 essential minerals, 16 essential vitamins, 12 essential amino acids(proteins), 3 essential fatty acids, and compensation for any surgeries like ulcer or gallbladder surgery (supplemental digestive acid and enzymes or ox bile).

Salt- it does a body good. Salt is required to counteract heartburn (heartburn is caused by an alkaline stomach). Stomach acid is made from salt and water. Sodium bicarbonate is made from salt and CO2 from the blood in the pancreas and kidneys. Salt makes both the stomach acid stronger and neutralizes more acidic waste in the blood.

Butter and milk cream- is a large fat molecule that supplies the necessary fat to make cholesterol (a brain building block). Be aware of pasteurization and homogenization with milk (Pasteurization destroys enzymes changing milk from a alkaloid to an acid.  In addition, remember grandma's old lye soap? milk fat plus milk minerals and heat equals milk soap) (Homogenization reduces the fat molecules to an extent that they can pass undigested into the blood stream through the intestinal wall, not to mention the possible damage to the fat and the likelihood of altering its pH again)

Avocados and fatty plants- this is a good way to get raw fatty acids, a core building block for all body cells.

Whole eggs- contain all 12 essential proteins. Meat gelatin from slow cooking have high concentrations of joint and bone proteins.

Enzymes or live food
Enzymes- come from live or raw foods. There are millions of enzymes and the more we can eat and use directly, over having to make from our body's limited mineral stores, benefits us in so many ways.

13 pro-biotics
13 plus pro-biotics- aid in repelling bad bacteria and produce beneficial byproducts like vitamin K. 10 of the 13 pro-biotics can be found in keffer (a yogurt type food). The remaining 3 of the 13 are beneficial as they consume candida fungus and are found in fertile soil, raw chicken skin, and compost (or a pill supplement).

77 essential minerals, 16 essential vitamins, 12 essential amino acids (proteins), 3 essential fatty acids
Basic nutrition- Our cells are made from these nutriments. You can't build a house without building materials
and your body can't either.

Gallbladder surgery requires a daily Ox bile supplement
Bile- is required to digest all oils and fatty acids. “Allopathic surgery” when will they learn “organs do things”. Without bile digestion stops at the fat level causing all the mineral remaining in our food to be flushed from our bodies instead of being integrated.

As to infections, cranberries and natural acids that pass through the digestive track will not damage tissues. However, soda and all free radicals acidify the blood without large amounts of salt, water, and antioxidants to counter them. Normal blood pH is 7.4. Acidified blood is pH 7.3. Large quantities of calcium will be pulled from the bones to stabilize the blood's pH if needed. This will cause weight gain and food cravings as mineral are depleted. Bacteria in an acidic body will assume a posture of waste removal and prepare for its disposal attacking weak and eventually all cells at will.

The solution has a very weak MLM company. How weak? Well, $10 is a life time membership and saves you 30% flat across the board for life. Or, signing as a preferred customer is free with all the cost benefits (30% flat across the board for life) just no MLM compensation.

Recommend monthly body maintenance per 120 pounds (this isn't really enough nutrition for healing out right)

So, membership drops the price from $111.40 a month to $77.98 without shipping of course.

Now, like all MLMs if the shipping is automated its free

So, $111.40 + $30 shipping or $141.40 can be as little as $77.98 if you sign up as an associate or preferred customer with a monthly auto-ship.

Now, these supplements won't work as well if the instructions from the first email are not followed.

If you would like to get a stronger kickoff including prepping for weight loss and setting a healing agenda you will need; (barring any special situations, advanced diseases, or surgeries)

Per healing month

1 Pig Pak $304.30 member $214.00 per 120 pounds of body weight

Note: your food bill will drop as food becomes recreational only (most of it, except salt and good fats, won't taste good)

Watch out for a sugar craving if you leave the minerals for any length of time before the healing is complete. Depending on your commitment to avoiding inhibiting food, body weight, nutrition absorption, and amount of nutrition ingested most people heal in less then 6 months... with most healed in 3.

I'm still working on this as I require 4 Pig Paks a month (since I was pushing 400lbs) for an estimated 4 more months to be fully healed and back to my correct body weight. That's $1,252.00 a month or $5,000.00 I have left to invest but, of the few months of maintenance and the month of full nutrition I was able to do so far I know this is correct information and it works. The one month I was at full nutrition I began losing weight. By the second week of the month I was losing weight at 9 pounds a week. The weight loss tapered off over the next 3 months but, I haven't gained any back. It sure beats the alternative ($10,000 for lap band surgery, 2% effective on a restrictive diet,; Metformin prescription, causes weight gain,; Avandia prescription, cause heart attack,; and Boniva prescription, causes difficulties with digestion, heartburn, and bronchitis,; AND! no real healing just managing symptoms for money) Bottom lining it, after adding up the discomfort, cost of doctor appointments, cost of surgery, cost of prescriptions, the cost of over the counter medications, down time, and shortness to a challenged life; Well, naturopathic medicine is cheaper, incorporates into life, and extends productive life.

About the 3 strange pro-biotics, I found this “Candida Yeast Support” at . It works great for me. With the body pH correction of the minerals it even works faster as your body becomes healthier.

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