Monday, July 9, 2012

Are you really an American?

So many questions have been raised pertaining to the citizenship of our President.  Add in the question about Admiralty law and Obama-care, things get really fuzzy.  Well, let me see if I can shed some light or supply some thinking fodder.

First;  The 14th Amendment

Second; The citizenship of Vice President Chester A. Arthur who replaced James Cleavland when he died in office
Please note: Chester A. Arthur was a British Subject under American common law at the time.  See below Article 215

Third; The law of nations or natural law states that a nation has no right to the personage of foreigners including their children.  Please observe article 213, 214, and 215   

Fourth; The use of  "English common law" with the 14th Amendment instead of the intended "law of nations" as our founding fathers intended.

Fifth; Introduction of Admiralty law

Our sovereignty has eroded to the point that a foreigner could be elected CEO, based on English common law, and use Admiralty law (founded on the national debit and national bankruptcy) facilitating a declaration of war on the United States citizens thus forcing us to be subjects under a hidden king in of all places the THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INC.

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