Friday, July 6, 2012

Getting Educated about Money

Money... is only a placeholder for work.  Everyone wants free work done for them.  The government demands free work done for them every time they force us to pay taxes, fines, fees, licenses, and other monies or go to jail.  Union bosses demand union fees for what?  The benefit of the union bosses?  Less food money for the workers?  More taxes and higher priced food? 

Socialism... is where the common people are enslaved for the common good.  Anyone that can't keep up is a waste of resources and is better off dead.  Yet, the uneducated people cry for more free money as the whip cracks across their backs lightly at first then much heavier as time goes on.  I resent being treated as a fourth rate citizen in my own country yet I am amazed at people I thought were smarter then me supporting my enslavement along with their own.  

The United States is dying.  Our Constitutional Republic has been substituted with a counterfeit corporate government.  This government declared war on us the United States people in 1933.  Just one voice in the wind.  Will others not learn the lies?  Will others not add to my voice?

As much as I would like to be dogmatic about the solutions to this overrun I have to be practical too.  People have to eat.  If our politicians trap us and starve us into compliance with our new found captivity I can't hold anyone weak.  However... I'm not willing to give in yet!

OK, money is only gained one way by cashing out a trade.  Now there are 3 forms of trade arrangements; selling a product, selling a service, or trading objects out right.  A product is an item gathered and structured by oneself or a supplier that a market exists to utilize.  A service is the replication of an action again self or supplier designed that the market desires to be accomplished.  Trading is more emotional and dream based.  Stock, money exchanges, land, lottery tickets and well built things hold a volatile intrinsic value based heavily on the buyer's emotional state.

This is why salesmen in a capitalistic environment are the richest people.  Now, in a socialistic environment the government kills the need for people to be happy with a product or service.  And... they make work a dreadful job as no one is allowed to taste the sweetness of their own labors.  I am thinking that capitalism (or getting paid with monies) is more favorable then socialism (or getting paid in years of sentence) 

Even now the real rewards of efforts is finding things to invest in that convert effort straight into store-able and reproducible commodities satisfying needs while never allowing the transaction to convert to cash.  Using this model, advanced tools and computers would only be held by those that understood how they worked.  It has long perplexed me how naive people attempt to run complex systems without knowing the basic principles of how they work internally.  And they say there's no such thing as magic.  


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