Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Just a Pair of Ants

As parents we are responsible for our kids, their schooling, food, clothes, shelter, security, and many other things.  Lately, the would be powers of the world have attempted to convince us as fathers, mothers, and children that this is not so.  Many attempts have been leveled at the family to devalue fathers, isolate mothers, and dictate directly to our children.

The words resounding in our children's ears from most venues today are designed to enslave them.  The war in heaven still continues.  Satan's plan is well manifest in the world and directed at our kids.  Communism, socialism, Naziism, and globalism by any name manifests Satan's plan of limited potential and death.  When you temporally take away the people's agency you introduce limits, discontent, and poverty to a nation.  People forced to serve each other build resentment toward the force.  This resentment is a very weak foundation on which to rest a people's future.          

The first law of Heaven grants all men agency.  Men that do good of their own free will establish a very strong foundation for a nation.  When proper rewards follow proper effort correct understanding is achieved.  God knew this.  Families are His answer to educating children to be strong, happy, morale, and eternal with the blessing of creating more life.  No county, state, nation, or king can do this but a father and a mother can.   

Men and Women are complimentary in nature being they where designed to form the foundation of a family.  The family unit is the core of life, power, and fulfillment.  Business men, kings, and all forms of rulers fall short of real power.  So, they can shoot people; is this power?  No, not really, like all of Satan's lies Cain killing Able didn't stop Able from being favored of God nor did it stop God from blessing Able.  It did prove Able more resolute to eternal law.  So, long story short Cain inflicted massive damage to himself not Able.  Cain demonstrated he could not be trusted to follow the eternal law of increase as such his blessing of eternal life was self damned.

Strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leads toward salvation.  Only one nation at one time amid a world full of nations rose above all other nations in power and knowledge in less then 100 years of conception.  This nation was based on God, the Bible, and Christianity.  Its primary laws revolved around God's family model.  Agency was its war cry as freedom sprain boldly into the world.  The oh so limited power of giving death was given to all men equally as killing is most often more damning to the killer "eternally" then the killed.

That said, I know the world has attempted to teach my children that my wife and I are just a "pair of ants" before its vastness and power.  But, I know that God and eternal law are on my side.  God rules over worlds without number.  His Angels stand at my side should I need them.  I know that though Satan's work, manifest in nations, inflict pain and eventually possibly death on me they can not hurt me for very long.  And yet, my honest testimony before the judgement bar of God combined with their own acts will bind them for all eternity.  This grieves me some knowing that I can be force to condemn someone else do to their own evilness.  It is not a happy day watching people caught in wickedness terminate their potential joy.

Agenda 21 is Satan's plan leading strait to eternal death for those that would enforce it.  We as parents are not just a "pair of ants" but a major stumbling block to those that would profess the end of mortal life the ultimate power.  We were given this opportunity in mortality to prove "if" we could live eternal law.  Any persecution of the family, as God directed, will only meet one fate, even "eventually" in mortality as well, entrapment in a glory of God without that fullness of creation.



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