Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Rush, Your Making Me Mad Again

I find myself listening to Rush's show this morning.  I wish I couldn't believe what I am hearing but I know better.  This segment is about Apple (supported Obama's election) and the inquisition Obama is putting them through for following the tax law.  Like any good company Apple attempted to cut costs so that they could keep the price of Macs and products down for the consumer.

Ran Paul (Tea Party) is the only one defending Apple for not breaking the law.  I am embarrassed by Obama and angry at the crap he is pushing on us.  Obama is forcing Apple to conform to FASCIST NAZIISM (Privately owned companies forced to be puppets of the government).

Where are the idiot republic-rats, RINOs, and non-partisans?...  Yes, I momentarily forgot... they are "Progressive Whipped".  I remember now.  How is this not to make me mad?  GO Mr. PAUL!!!!!!  I would be glad to have your back.

Next subject; Obama care

Obama's people didn't know companies would lay off full time people and hire part time people to avoid this bad, stupid, controlling, selfish, piece of crap legislation of Obama-nation.  Duh, One would think that Obama is a FASCIST again.  I would gladly work two jobs to avoid Obama and support an income form a private self controlled business.  Morons! Obama's people are morons, just these two examples demonstrates Obama is not a United States citizen.  He has done noting but mimic the NAZI Germany of Adolf Hitler.

My strength is limited but I can't stand for this tyranny.  Our forefathers fought and died for Natural Law, The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, and liberty.  The Pilgrims thanked God for showing them that a nation built on Christen values of Faith, Morality, Law, Education, and Liberty can be the most powerful country in the world.

Satan demonstrated in the Counsel in Heaven that he could not support the Father's Plan of Agency (an Eternal Law).  Being cast down to earth to tempt man, Satan brought his plan of captivity with him.  Now, it is made manifest in progressive politics and world dominating organizations.

The Republic of The United States of America has come under attack!  For those that don't see this, yet are anxiously engaged, I hope your trip to the gas chamber is quick and painless.  Even as Christ hung on the cross pleading with God the Father "Father forgive them for they know not what they do"  I hope God isn't greatly disappointed by those for being complacent in this life.  I know that I am dreading the teeth of the lions  for my family and myself.  However, it is better then an eternity of self inflicted captivity.

If I were to pray for my country, I would pray that it's leaders would open their eyes and see the destruction they are bringing on themselves and the rest of us.  With each law and judgment against the family unit God outlined, we teach our children to be slaves in this world and the next.  Ignorance of eternal law will not satisfy salvation or happiness.  Satisfying Eternal Law brings both temporal and eternal salvation in addition to happiness, liberty, and expansion.

The world banking system's entrapment & enslavement; Agenda 21 or {GMOs, toxic foods, & seed patenting; The Common Core (communist educational curriculum); Cem-trails & Geo-engineering; 440, 444, & 450 Hz musical instrument tuning & discord with nature; constant & recorded surveillance; destruction of the United States Constitution; formation of a CORPORATE DEMOCRACY in the United States; government land & resource grabs, forced government control of companies and businesses, world depopulation edict, introduction of electromagnetic pollution & people control, forced acceptance of Allopathic medicine as the nation's standard} and the direct attack on family values is just the tip of the iceberg.  We have much to win back.  Congressmen and Senators... you are tempting God to destroy you.  Like God told Nephi "It is better for one man to die in his sins than a  nation to dwindle in unbelief".


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