Sunday, June 2, 2013

Dwelling On The Good Things

I know some people many see me as a obstacle or a stumbling block.  Others see me as just negative and lost in a delusion   A few may even see me as a crack pot lunatic.  I am getting used to being viewed in these ways and more.

However, I am bothered when close friends and relatives find me trivial and trite.  It is not my intention to scare, persuade, or strong arm them into anything.  And, I realize that my point if view has been called into question on many occasions.  I have been told I suck all the air out of the room as I leave a wake of how badly "They" are after you.

Well, believe it or not I am an optimist.  I would rather dwell on the good stuff.  I like things that benefit the family.  I enjoy Natural Law, The Constitution, and agency.  I thrive on real science.  Systems like free market trading and genuine capitalism make me tingle with their potential.

It was hard to learn that there are people out there that don't care about others or liberty as long as they have theirs.  I am still perplexed that systems have been conceived and implemented to confuse, use, control, and eventually eliminate bodies of people.  Many of our new toys are so convenient, practical, and plain fun its hard to think that they are poison.  So much food so convenient is at our fingertips.  Power with the touch of a switch is at our fingertips.

Exodus 20:12            
Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.
This scripture, as with so many, caused me reason to ponder on its meaning.  It wasn't until of late that I have developed a loose idea of what was being said here.  There are so many things that our fathers of generations back had that we don't.  I know this is hard to believe and wow! the wheel really?  ...Fire too?  Well, they had bonding moments.

A bonding moment is an event that is difficult to live through but once completed lives in our hearts forever.  For example: a few years back my family and my mom and dad decided to go camping together.  We used mom and dad's old trailer not knowing it was going to rain.  (The trailer had known issues with a leaky vent.)  The rain came and I woke to a cold wet splat on my face.  That night we discovered that the vent wasn't the only thing leaking.  The kids were wet and cold and we had to pull together to find any comfort.  It's years later and everyone knows how miserable it was but we sit and laugh at it all now.  We endured.

With all the computers, phones, and technology are we really closer? Mom has her job.  Dad has his.  The kids run the tech in the family.  Slowly mom and dad have been replaced with a line of text or a picture from afar.

There is much research on multi-generational homes.  People that live in multi-generational homes live longer.  In such homes more family knowledge is passed from generation to the next generation.  More security exists for the older members.  The work load is lighter when more people are involved as workers.  Kids get to know their grandparents and their experiences firsthand.

To be very honest and very frank the best thing I have is my family.  Last Memorial day I almost broke into tears seeing all the relatives again.  God has blessed me well.  I cannot express the gratitude I feel for His Plan of Salvation as there just isn't the language to do so.

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