It has been said that only when the people feel pain will they reflect enough to act. Well, the old agenda was to pick off the weak and then cause contention between the stronger. Once achieved the stronger could be defeated one by one until there was none. In walks Obama and stirs the whole nest into a panic at once.
The private sector has been gutted. Now, the low hanging public sector is on the block. If the private sector wanted to help it is too late as their help funds are tied up in taxes and Obama-care now. Private sector lay-offs have come and gone. Money and power has been switched to government control away from the people. Where was the low hanging public sector when the private sector was gutted? Voting for Obama and free cell phones?
Did you not know that the free cell phones and other crap is designed to lead you into the gas chamber. "Come! get your nice warm showers here" sound familiar? The real definition of "Food Stamps" is a promise, made by the government, that acts like the piece of cheese in a mouse trap. When the trap is sprung hungry people will kill each other to live. You know "Global Depopulation" and Agenda 21. 6.5 billion people killed down to 500 million loyal global citizens. 6 billion people have to die!
Now the meat, THERE ARE TWO GOVERNMENTS RUNNING IN AMERICA!!! The one we think is running the country 'The Constitutional Republic of the United States' and the one Obama is CEO of, being 'THE CORPORATE DEMOCRACY OF THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA'.
Since Obama doesn't qualify to be President of the United States under the Constitution he has ignored it. You see he isn't a natural born citizen under 'natural law 215' but a Kenyon because his father is. Natural law (base of the Constitution) doesn't recognize English common law which empowers the CEOs of America. So, Obama can only be CEO of the CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (Please note corporate names are to be printed in all caps as per the law). Every notice your name on your drivers license? All caps. You are a subject of a corporation. In 1913 you where sold into slavery under Admiralty law and THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA owns you.
Well, now isn't this interesting as almost all Americans are subjects of the King of THE CORPORATE STATES OF THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Have you ever heard Obama care... you WILL pay not you CAN pay. A sovereign citizen can use their 9th Amendment rights to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights to defend their 1st Amendment rights to maintain their 4th Amendment rights without penalty of law. But, a subject under Admiralty law and Magistrate court is just SOL (slug out of luck). (Required to become more then a slug)

The banksters liked this arrangement (a quick lie and collect the money). They knew that if the people found out they were stealing from them, tar and feathers would be a blessing over being killed out right. In walks the politicians, and with them a solution to controlling... delaying a public execution of the banksters. Money is spent, bad laws are made, and an army is enlisted just in case.
The Constitution is changed to hide the banksters. Governments persecute the innocent killing if they must to control a pending civil breakdown. Technology is suppressed because if it where public knowledge, only the banksters would fear for their lives and the lives of their families.
Obama's blatant flaunting of this secret government has sped us down the road to requiring drastic population controls. Private sector killing is required to limit resources at the populations level. The MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT CORPORATIONS have purchased with our money 70% of the public sector companies and kept the dividends again for the banksters.
Public sector based promises are being made as bate for the trap. When the dividend market crashes green backs will be worthless as most of them are air anyway. Resources will be destroyed by scared people looting and destroying resource production attempting to get food. The people starving to death for the banksters safety.
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