Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Letter to Rush

Dear Rush,

I listen to your show often.  I agree with you loads.  I don't like Obama's politics as I have lost 3/4ths of my food budget to his stupid egocentric kingship.  Every time I hear of another executive order I want to puke; I get so sick to my stomach.

I am not an uninformed voter!  In many ways I find my self more informed then most.  This includes radio personalities.  Of course, it doesn't take much to subdue liberal political rhetoric spewing hosts.  But lately, I'm finding myself turning off conservative talk-show hosts.

I believe in free capitalistic markets, national defense, and The Constitutional Republic.  I despise globalism, the misinformed educated astute, and THE CORPORATE DEMOCRACY.

The point of my letter...  I am angry.  As an INTJ personality type I can't handle a lot of stupid people especially when my food is their play thing.  I want Obama impeached.  I want the republicans to get the stick out of their butts and leave office as they have done nothing to warrant them staying.  I want the Constitution back void of all "Obamanations" executive orders and every amendment after the 15th.  I am financially poor sitting on resources I can't use because some "too big to fail guy" will get hurt.  I can't wait for the final edict to fall on gardening with heirloom seeds.  "Sir, you are going to jail for not growing scientifically designed inferior seed." 

How many times has the FCC arrested some farmer for growing his own cow's chow because the government couldn't tax him out right.  That violates the 4th amendment but... we wouldn't want the "too big to fail" "untaxed municipal government corporations" to fail, would we?  In a heart beat.

Rush, I would like to get into it with you and health care.  What's the deal with big pharmaceutical companies?  Do you not have all the fact about health?  Allopathic medicine is the most expensive medicine in the world.  Yet, the U.S. rates 46th in the world as far as health.  I would say our allopathic medicine is a "too big to fail business".  Education, medicine, government, and agriculture all have a duplicity.  If you don't separate the two forms you're just spewing irrelevance.  The only thing that rubs my fur backwards faster is when a radio host, or anyone, can't put a complete idea together.  Contiguous support... observations, reasoning to complete concept, and proper definition is how I understand things.  People lose credibility if they mix their conclusions when the same operation model is used in different forms.  Example: big business and big government use the same business model.  So, both are wrong as both are interested in the bottom line of their government investments and not the citizen or customer.

Being financially challenged, I have had to jump through some pretty stupid hoops at times to get food.  Having two systems, "one money grabbing and ineffective (current CORPORATE DEMOCRACY government and allopathic medicine)" and the other "effective but practically illegal (Constitutional Republic and Naturopathic medicine)", has slammed doors in my face because I will not sacrifice my kids to corporate communism.

I'm tired of having my hands tied for the good of the banksters (banker + gangster).

I know I sound like I am ranting on irrational matters attempting to find excuses to the ears of semi-educated people.  However, I know that people only believe what the have experienced physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually for themselves.  Lacking my curiosity driven attempt to find the root of all truth and reason combined with a top-down logical learning progression perception (plainly; one truth must agree and build on its predecessor while supporting any others to come).  Truth is timeless.  Truth is more solid if discovered by oneself.  Unfortunately, lies and errors thwart the timid and irrational investigators.

Be it known that there is more to the story that I cannot divulge without injury to many others and myself.  Income in the US is not based on real education.  Communal necessity drives employment opportunities.  Those that are perceived with low productivity ratios are the last to be employed.  Real work security comes from integrity to a communal need often impeded by our government as of late.             

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