Saturday, February 23, 2013

I Find Myself in Anger

For the last few weeks I have listened to very little news or politics.  Most of it angers me anyway so I was saving myself the ulcers.  However, I listened to 5 minutes of a so called benign radio program a few minutes ago and thought I needed to vent some.

The host was attempting to make a combative caller more informed.  The point here, that angers me, is the uninformed position most thin or moderately built people have (including this host) about what really makes people fat.  Fat is not an overeating problem.  Fat is a under nutrition problem.      

First I see myself as a fat skinny guy.  I became an adult at 135 lbs 28 inch waist.  I was never fat as a kid.  After I married I got sick and it didn't matter how much I exercised or dieted I was gaining weight and I didn't know why.  INTJ's don't like not understanding.  After 26 years of sorting through doctors theories I found out what makes people fat.  If your body is an engine we would need a few things to make it burn gas.  Oil, or vitamins, are needed to lubricate the engine.  Coolant, or anti-oxidants, are needed to cool the engine.  Rings, filters, spark plugs, and bearings; or minerals; are needed to enable the functioning of the engine.  The carburetor or injectors serve as the digestive tract.  Fats and proteins serve as the main  components of the engine.  The engine's exhaust serves as our weight.  The catalytic converter serves as allotropic medicine. (Oops, Allopathic medicine)    

Now, assuming that cars are designed to burn as much gas as seems reasonable to the consumer thus deviating form real science; we have our basic model.  Now, if there is a problem with any part of the engine; the fuel to work ratio will become skewed.  And, the engine will get fat as the exhaust becomes more polluted.  Our doctor, the catalytic converter, will attempt to inject air and heat better known as drugs and exercise to control the pollution or fat; hydrocarbons, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and the nitrous oxide group in the air or bulges building on our bellies is the result.

In addition to our analogy, we have our electrical system deliberately over looked by allopathic medicine as per the forced introduction of Smart Meters.   

Bringing this back to real -

Fat is caused by poor nutrition hitting the blood stream.  As a result:  A digestive problem can make you fat.  A food preparation problem can make you fat.  Poorly nourished farm soil can make you fat.  Farming chemicals can make you fat.  Allopathic medicine, AKA antibiotic use, can make you fat.  Consistent stray EMR (Electro-Magnetic Radiation) can make you fat.  Lack of rest can make you fat.  Eating carbohydrates in combination with any or all of the aforementioned will make you fat. 

And exercise and drugs will not solve the problem but they may cover it up and then you die.

Vegetarians live to be 45 on average

Athletes, 100,000 die of cardiovascular distress annually on the field.  Note; Jack Lalanne died of respiratory failure at the age of 96.  He ate raw vegetables, fish, and eggs.  Respiratory failure can be caused by a manganese deficiency.  "Round Up" kills weeds by robbing then of manganese.  "Round Up" is often used to control weeds on farm land.  But, he was 96... OK.  George Burns lived to be 100, smoked cigars, and didn't exercise nearly as much.  He died of cardiac arrest... copper, selenium, and essential fats deficiency.

Doctors die between 45 and 62

Couch potato averages 75

But back to fat.  When I eat nutritionally dense food (expensive) I lose weight.  When I eat nutritionally poor food (cheap) (with my bone's depleted mineral reserve) I get fat.  Building healthy people starts at the dirt level and doesn't incorporate much modern medicine.  Remember, neither Jack Lalanne or George Burns used doctors much.

Maybe we need to lay on our politicians to get rid of Monsanto?  Oops, that's right! too many politicians sit on or have direct influence over Monsanto's board of directors.  And where's the conflict of interest? 

So, exercise causes a need for food.  Nutritionally challenged food causes cravings.  Cravings cause food sales.  Eating poor quality food causes health problems and a desire to avoid exercise to preserve body minerals.  Doctors get paid to treat symptoms of health problems and force exercise.  Health problems go "really" untreated under a band-aid.  People die broke.  

Radio hosts rag on fat people as unmotivated.  (Dare I say this) people on food stamps are often fat and unwelcome in the workplace because they thought the government (FDA, Food and Drug Agency) was watching their backs.  To our surprise they were watching our butts get wider as we were propping up their economy.  Soon we will all be slaves to the system and broke.  I want my kids to learn to work as slaves and die like rats while some misinformed idiot gripes about their willpower.    
Body fat preserves life when food is lacking nutrition - LIKE - A SIM pack keeps you fighting 3 hours longer after a fatal dose of radiation.  

Hey business men if you want to keep your profits get the politicians to reduce the need for food stamps by fixing agriculture thus relieving doctors of sick people while such an action reduces the need for (expensive ineffective government based fraudulent allotropic (oops Allopathic) based insurance economy supporting) healthcare.  This also increases the number of people able and willing to work.  

Hey people if you want to keep your wealth and health get the politicians to reduce the need for food stamps by fixing agriculture thus relieving doctors of sick people while such an action reduces the need for (expensive ineffective government based fraudulent allotropic (not again Allopathic) based insurance economy supporting) healthcare.  Oh, and you will pay less for products we need.  There will be more employment to choose from. 

Hey politicians if you want to be a hero reduce our taxes and reduce the need for food stamps by fixing agriculture thus relieving doctors of sick people while such an action reduces the need for (expensive ineffective government based fraudulent allotropic (boy again Allopathic)  based insurance economy supporting) healthcare.   This will also increase the tax revenue by increasing the number of people that can and will work.

Now, I realize that the bankers and government own 70% of all big business globally.  I know that if the actions above were enacted  the government would loose money as it shifted to the people.

This is how you fix the farm land and eating animals
  1. Ban all GMO seed - Make heirloom seeds mandatory
  2. Make field burning mandatory - ban chemical herbicides and insecticides
  3. Treat farm soil with rock dusts every 3 years from multiple sources
  4. Every 7th year give the field a rest in crop rotation use the land for grazing
  5. Use more animal waste as a soil conditioner and enzyme enhancer
  6. Feed farm animals nutrient dense alfalfa. grains, and corn stalks - Not the corn
This might reduce the amount of food produced but it raises the food's nutritional value thus requiring less food to satisfy a person.

Well, I'm harped out for now. 

I was asked to divulge how to really get healthy (skinny doesn't mean healthy).

Things to avoid to start healing;
  • No GMO eating (especially; corn, corn syrup, "sugar beet" sugar, and high fructose corn syrup) 
  • No wheat or gluten for two weeks then try it and see if it makes you sick. (includes; wheat, barley, rye,  oats, and triticale)
  • Gluten is in 86% of all food in the U.S,
  • If Gluten upsets your stomach you will need to get rid of it for a while while you heal.
  • Reduce exposure to EMR, EMF, and Microwaves (cell phones and tower exposure)
  • Sleep between 11:00pm and 8:00am
  • Sleep 6 to 8 hours
  • Restrict organized exercise, but take random walks and lift random weights.
  • Don't try to sweat 
  • Don't eat fried or deep fat fried foods (aka chips and fries, fried chicken with wheat breading, pizza, and basically all fast food and prepared foods)   
  •  Find a good Probiotic
  • Add more punch to your Probiotic with "Candida Yeast Support" (anti candida probiotic)
  • Find a good enzyme supplement
  • No soda pop
  • If you have had gallbladder surgery you may need an ox bile supplement every meal
Nutrition needed
  • 77 essential minerals, 16 essential vitamins, 12 essential amino acids, 3 essential fatty acids
  • Carbohydrates or fat burning may require additional mineral supplimentation of vanadium, chromium, and calcium while on a carbohydrate reduced meal plan.
Don't panic if you start detoxing
  •  Itching, irritability, rashes, sore liver and gallstones, digestion difficulty, and the list goes on.
  • Slow down the weening process to a more comfortable manageable level.  

Work in progress

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