Thursday, March 7, 2013

My interpretation of a Constitutional Amendment

     In the beginning were the despots longing to be free.  Turning only to their faith for solace, they learned that there is an eternal law that even God must obey to retain His position.  This law is the law of agency.  No one can be compelled to do good.  For in compelling a person a deep seeded resentment will form in that person.  A split devotion will emerge.  Man can't server two masters for he will always hate one of them.  And if you haven't guest which of the masters he will hate... it will be the one that doesn't causes him the most pain through force.  However, some attempt to super impose the two masters just to server one master.  Like wise, if the force is removed a drastic swing to the opposing master is seen. 

     Back to our despots.  They had a set of scripture to study namely the Bible.  As a result they knew Gods words and all about agency in the fabric of eternity.  They sot a nation that was based on God's principles and ideals to practice religious freedom.  Hence, the development of the puritans.

     The puritans or later the pilgrims (progressive ploy to hide their religion affiliation form us) met with tremendous trials that set their faith and hardened their resolve.  With each death recorded and each teaching proven the manor of raising a nation was revealed to them by God.  Faith, Morality, Law, Education, and Liberty are those five Christen truths that raise a nation under God.

     Faith- Those that founded this nation did so to escape kings and the kings' religions.  They knew the Bible and they also knew the kings were misusing the Bible to political ends contrary to the teachings of the Bible.  So, (trick question) what religion was used to found the United States?  If you said Christianity you are correct.

     Morality- Only moral people use laws to govern.  Reason with me, in the animal world do laws exist?  Yes, however, we are not speaking of natural law yet.  We are speaking of organizing anarchy.  So, what laws exist in anarchy?  Easy, the law of the fittest or a king rules by his physical strength.  Do you see the problem here?  Kings favor who they favor and their personal morals become the state's morals.  Only some of the people have privilege.  God taught that all men are created with equal basic rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; man and woman created He them.  No one can be deemed less of a living being then another no mater their physical prowess.  The founders, with strong Christen values, knew that the morals of the country they founded would need to be timeless, enduring, and greater then any one man based on the only eternal law they knew... the Bible.  They also knew that it would take a morale people to follow that law.

     Law- In the Bible we find the law of God or a good portion of it.  However, this did not stop the king of France and the people of France from having a tuft (French Revolution) just before the American revolutionary war.  And from this French tryst (Revolution) came "The law of nations and nature's God"  The law of God proven in war and the concept of governance of a nation by the people was born.  Based on this law the Constitution of the United States was conceived.  The United States Constitution was an extension of the law that supported Gods basic organization of the family.  This can be seen in the original Constitution and up to the current 15th Amendment.  The un-ratified 16th amendment up to the 27th amendment oppose the family and favor corporations and government municipalities.  1913 was not a good year. 

     Education- Anarchy dwells in the vacant mind.  Mortal man is an enemy to God for just this one reason, notwithstanding others.  The order of God is life eternal.  There are instructions to building on others and with others vaulting toward eternal increase; as, eternal increase requires transcendent governance found in written law mortally.  So, what need be done for increase?  Teach your children well of faith, morality, and the law pertaining to the Christen propensity of truth found in the Bible.  Right about now you may think of other faiths and how narrow minded I seem.  So, I pose one question to you.  How many non-Christen founded nations achieved liberty?  China?  Russia?  England?  Egypt?  None of these nations have granted complete governmental liberty to their citizenry.  England was a monarchy that adopted enough Christianity to control the population but, as proven by the puritans' separation from England, the principles found in the Bible were never fully implemented.  It wasn't until 1913 that the CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA removed the United States citizens from their God and of these fundamental rights.        

     Liberty- Practice and maintain the nature of agency after you know the foundation from which it came.  In the Bible we find passage after passage about teaching our children of God and His ways.  Many people have died when Gods ways where disobeyed.  Never the less, no man can be forced to heaven as all eternal law is individual to the person.   Those who obey may develop to loftier pursuits.  Those who chose to disobey are stopped in their progression by their own choice.

     Common law in the United States was derived from "the law of nations".  Every time the Constitution makes reference to common law it is not English common law.  Our founding fathers separated us from England insomuch as to change our language.  Why would they still support a law that they detested?  The simple answer is they did not respect English common law.

     The continuance of Christianity embedded in its citizens as the nation found footing.  The first book commissioned by Congress to be printed for use in the schools was the Bible.  In Christianity the family is an imported organization and the first step in government.  As such family members were given individual governmental responsibilities.  Children were responsible for learning the law.  Wives were responsible for child care, family loyalty and moral.  The husbands were responsible for governance, protection, food, and shelter.  Husbands by nature of their responsibility became land owners.  As the government was assembled, voting fell to the husbands being associated to the land and being the family's voice they pledged to protect.  It wasn't long ago that a man could speak for his family, how things have changed.
     The Constitution established the limited responsibilities of an executive, legislative, and a judicial branch of government.  Each with its checks and balances.  Additionally, The Bill of Rights fixed more rigorously the rights of the limited government under God.  And of course, the rest of the Amendments

First Amendment- The right to freedom of speech press, religion, and petition
This Amendment maintains our ability to place the faith and morals of God before mans laws.  It also gave us the responsibility to stand up before our government when it attempted to assume unconstitutional control.

Second Amendment- The right to keep and bear arms
This Amendment gives the people the right to defend the first amendment against tyrants even a corrupt government.

Third Amendment- The conditions for quartering soldiers
This Amendment reaffirmed the value of property by individuals unless that property is under threat requiring the housing of soldiers to defend it. 

Fourth Amendment- The regulations of searches and seizures
This Amendment again reaffirms the value of individual property.  This principle was directly related to the puritans survival.   

Fifth Amendment- The regulations concerning prosecution of individuals
This Amendment affirms God's value of us even when we error before Him and man.

Sixth Amendment- The regulations concerning trial conduct
This Amendment affirms that we are all individually important in the eyes of God.

Seventh Amendment- The right to trial by jury of peers
This Amendment is the affirmation of "ye without sin cast the first stone".  If a death affected is something our peers would also propagate in similar instance, the act of casting the stone is not at fault.  

Eighth Amendment- The government is forbidden to use excessive bail and cruel punishments
This Amendment attests to the limitations of the government by law pertaining to the people.  

Ninth Amendment- The government cannot assume rights over the people
This Amendment states that the law originates with the people.  The people retain all unspecified rights not given directly to the government in constitutional written form or allowed to the state in like manner. 

Tenth Amendment- The order of rights ascend from the people to the states and government.
This Amendment sets the proper order of governance addressing rights left to the states.  This Amendment was to protect the people if the federal government attempted to amass power. 

Eleventh Amendment- The Supreme Court is not to be solicited for suite against the states
This Amendment was to unburden the Supreme Court with state laws. 

Twelfth Amendment-  Election of President and Vice-president
This Amendment set a president for the quality of our leaders limiting them by selecting the best of our peers. 

The fully ratified Thirteenth Amendment was 

Amendment Article XIII
"If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any Emperor, King, Prince, or foreign Power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them."
However, it was only in service until President Lincoln died.  Promptly progressive politicians replaced it with our current Thirteenth Amendment.  This Amendment would have removed all internationally bought politicians from America's leadership.  The international banks knew this and would not stand for it.  So, we have an Amendment which was originally the Fourteenth Amendment in its place.

Thirteenth Amendment- The elimination of slavery
This Amendment affirms that God created all men.  And, He is a respecter of none as we are all His children.

Fourteenth Amendment- Rights of citizenship
This Amendment outlines our responsibilities of citizenship based on the law of nations as our founding fathers detested English common law.  This Amendment has been perverted by English common law since the 1890s.

Fifteenth Amendment- All men regardless of race have the right to vote
This Amendment again affirms the equality of men. 

     Up to the fifteenth amendment the principles of Christianity were used.  However, the sixteenth amendment through the twenty seventh amendment tell a different story.   Abraham Lincoln was forced to enact limited taxation legislation to pay for the civil war.  After the war the legislation was dissolved.  However, the success of his tax legislation set the stage for unscrupulous men to design the 16th amendment.  Lincoln may have been killed to prevent his interference in stopping legislation pertaining to permanent federal taxation.

     The 16th Amendment came about under the suspension of congressional rules.  Its ratification is in question as a number of the ratifying states don't have correlating paperwork supporting its ratification.  The rest of the modern amendments are based on the 16th amendment.

Sixteenth Amendment- The government can tax the people directly
This Amendment gave the federal government direct access to the people

Seventeenth Amendment- Remove the election of senators by the state
This Amendment removed the states ability to protect the people from the federal government.

Eighteenth Amendment- Banned alcohol
This Amendment was to distract the people from watching what the federal government was doing

Nineteenth Amendment- Gave women the right to vote
This Amendment split families.  Husbands and wives are gifted with different abilities and responsibilities by nature.  Men are more rational. Women are more emotional.  This amendment introduced emotion into governance setting the ground work for emotional persuasion of the electorate.  However, I believe it drastically increase the voting pool to hide illegal votes also.   

Twentieth Amendment- Presidential Replacement Policy
This Amendment gives an organized group the power to control Presidential appointments removing said power from congress and the people.    

Twenty First Amendment- Repeal of Prohibition
This Amendment finished the distraction placed before the people with the 18th Amendment, tested a few control issues concerning the people, and laid a foundation of government being for the people still.

Twenty Second Amendment- Presidential Term limits  
This Amendment set controls over the President's term of power thus limiting a good presidents ability to retain office even if by the happy people.  In such case, the organized progressive movement's multiple progressive Presidents policy gave them the ability to accelerate the progressive agenda without encumbrance.

Twenty Third Amendment- Established the District of Columbia officially
This Amendment put us under Corporate Rule and relieved us of all former rights such as the 9th Amendment.

Twenty Fourth Amendment- Unabridged Right to Vote
This Amendment assured that the States had no power to stop the emotional leverage of the people by the government.

Twenty Fifth Amendment- Set Direct Non-Public Controls Of Presidential Progression
Since the people were relieved of their sovereignty with the 23rd amendment this amendment assured municipal stock holders of a designated line of power if a CEO was incapacitated.

Twenty Sixth Amendment- Eight Teen Year Old Individuals Have The Right To Vote
This Amendment introduced the first corporate trained / educated voters into the voting pool.  Both mothers and fathers were encouraged to work to pay taxes leaving the kids to the governments influence to become predictable controllable voters.   

Twenty Seventh Amendment- The Public Can Not Interfere With Political Paychecks
This Amendment eliminated the threat of grass root organizations in controlling politician's paychecks.  It also set the president of self control in so much as politicians control their own pay scale.

All the amendments after the 16th are all designed to push a progressive agenda.  Even the 18th amendment was to distract the people while progressive politicians under the banksters thumbs were hard at work.  Thrive (Introduces banksters)  Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (of the banksters)  Iceland jails banksters

All these shenanigans aside, a real Constitutional Amendment complies with the principles of Christianity, the family, and unencumbered personal agency.  The General (Country's)Welfare, one would think should be the most impotent part of our government's responsibility using these three ends.  However, it has been substituted for personal welfare which weakens families as fathers and men are relieved of responsibility.  Mother are forced into the work place.  And children are left to government indoctrination.

In 1933 America was bankrupted and sold into slavery by our politicians.  We became subjects to a king.  We were no longer a sovereign people.  At this time, men were relieved of their land and our flag was imprisoned in gold fringe.

Faith in God founded this nation only faith in God can preserve this nation.

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