Friday, March 15, 2013

Dichotomy- Good & Evil - Life & Death

I have come to believe through observation that many people have been lost, confused, and deliberately misinformed.  This all stated with is there a God?  If God exists then does Satan exists?  What is the nature of good?  How is it that something can be bad?  What's the difference?  Why is there a difference?

Using my own understanding and rules, I reduced to simplest terms.  So, I started with "Religion" and the "Bible" (as long as it is interpreted correctly).  Just a pinch of scripture Moses 1:39, and voila; Good is what gives meaning to our life while granting life to others.  Evil is self indulgence and death.  Now, defining "Religion"; Religion is the rule governing sex to affirm the progression of life from one generation to the next.         

Eternally, once we are created we will never die (Alma 42: 23) unless eternal law is broken (2 Nephi 2: 13).  Remember, we have our agency to choose everlasting death or eternal life (2 Nephi 10: 23).      
Pop Quiz
If you put a group of heterosexuals on one island and a group of homosexuals on an other island what would be the outcome after 150 years if no bisexuals exist on either island?  250 years?

If you said that after 150 years the heterosexuals would still inhabit their island and the homosexual island would be vacant you would be right.

If you said that after 250 years both islands would be inhabited by heterosexuals you would be right.

We have all done something that could have shortened our lives or the lives of someone around us better know as a sin.  Tempting fate causes a propensity for sin.  Did you know that not teaching our children correct principals could allow others the opportunity to use them and encourage them to death eternally and possibly mortally?   

Politically, many have attempted to change the founding Christen principals of The United States to secular jargon.  If this is done the government and the people that let and or encouraged it to happen will meet with disappointment, hardship, and destruction from God.  Why, because they chose to die.  They chose to avoid political beef and vegetables while feeding on high carbohydrate diets of power lust.       

I can't hate sinners as I have my own list of faults and things I could have done better.  My intent is to encourage good or the closest we can get to it.  Good being the path that gives life based on faith, full moral strength, according to the clean interpretation of the law, and perpetuated by education for the sustaining of agency or liberty.

We must come to understand that Christ threw the money changer out of the temple.  He removed an obstruction to teaching life.  God kills those that choose to die to save those that would live.  Noah and the arch need I say more?  God has also killed or had killed those that impede the agency of man to individually choose good and evil.

My point here is that our politicians are leading us as a nation to our doom.  Our only hope is holding to God and waiting out the storm.  Evil will chose to die as it has done before and will continue to do until it is totally bound by its own cords.  Just remember mortal death is not the end if we do prematurely die mortally in this war.

Now some education:
  • Did you know that farm soil is the reason people are getting fat? 
  • Did you know that adding at least 60 (if not the known 77) minerals and trace mineral to farm fields would cure and prevent over 900 diseases?
  • Did you know our health care system is built on our poor soils?
  • Did you know that it takes 9 to 17 minerals to make plants look healthy but possess limited nutrition to the consumers? 
  • Did you know that all insurance perpetuated on a monitory nature is a waste of energy, labor, and time to the consumer that just bought another person's slavery?
  • Did you know that you are what you eat and don't eat?
  • Did you know that governmental insurance of any kind is a tax because we are denied a choice?
  • Did you know that this list could and does branch into more then medicine, agriculture, and politics?  
  • Did you know that the global bankers are attempting to control us by depopulation?
  • Did you know that the bankers will use air, sound, electricity, food, entertainment, and anything else to this cause? 
Life would be better if we reduced all things to simplest terms and asked "does this cause death or promote life?"

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