Faith is an interesting concept. Being LDS I've heard that faith without works is dead quite often. There are other concepts to faith as well... for example. It has to be founded in something that is real even if it is unseen. Granted many things are real and unseen. China is real but I've never seen it. Consumer buying habits are real but, if you don't have a measuring apparatus they are quite invisible. Collective medical results for any prescribed treatment are quite transparent especially with the right to patient privacy enacted. I have come to believe patient privacy policy is to cover up ineffective but cost intensive medical treatments... like chemotherapy (see page 551) but, I digress.
In re-railing the train, this principle of faith is actually quite involved in learning to learn. I've concluded that learning is a 4 dimensional process. The 4 pieces being physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. All 4 have to agree to make an idea, philosophy, or habit completely satisfying to the person learning. Now, faith applies to all 4 parts of learning in that it must be used to confirm any or all 4 of the parts. Let's say we are looking at a surfer as an example. His body has to be trained how to maintain balance on the board... physical. His mind has to be focused on objects and wave motions... mental. He has a sense of enjoyment and freedom rush over him...emotional. His well-being relies on his trust of the elements and humble interconnection to their allowances... spiritual. If any of these things are missing he is not a surfer for long.
Marriage is the same way. It has to have all 4 parts. The physical (were most guys start), mental (where the fights with money start), emotional (the entrance for the ladies), and the spiritual (the basis of all lasting communication) are all present in a good and strong union. Most marriages I've observed have problems to workout. The ones that fail are lacking the spiritual part most often. "When she has a headache" doesn't wound a husband that is looking at a bigger picture. In fact, it opens an opportunity for compassion. Feelings of regret, doubt, and longing are not so insurmountable with the realization of true time and eternity. Money dealings, kids, and responsibilities prioritize with a click as they lock into a seemingly preassigned place if the spiritual elements are alined. However, if any one of the pieces are missing resentment will grow in one or both parties over time and they will end with irreconcilable differences.
Back to learning, good art, literature, and philosophy all revolve around these 4 parts. I know this to be so in that through my observations, if my brain isn't stimulated in all 4 aspects I deem the work lacking satisfaction. Educated people, most often, leave me wanting as they will usually leave out up to 3 of the 4 parts of understanding. Or, they will focus on a specific aspect to manipulate compliance with their cause... like a salesman or politician. I need all 4 aspects otherwise I can't except the pitch. I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Pulling this altogether, faith is an action word for exercising the aspects we have in or on a particular topic to see if the rest materializes. If it materializes it becomes knowledge, if it doesn't we move on. But, there are those that propagate incomplete understanding or have accepted incomplete understanding that really just stir the mud of confusion.
Example cancer,
I have to start with the periodic table. Left to right the elements on periodic table start with a more positive charge and progress to a more negative charge as electrons are added. Of course leaving the last column neither positive or negative. Our bodies require nutrients to function (60 to 77 essential bio- available minerals, 16 essential vitamins, 12 amino acids, 3 essential fatty acids). In addition we need air or oxygen, water, and bio-energy. To aid us along we require the assistance of enzymes, pro-biotic bacterium, and beneficial parasites. We have to maintain a reasonably fixed pH in our blood, cells, and digestive tract respectively based on the system involved.
pH is lower if a series of atoms in a sample have a shortage of electrons. A high pH constitutes the counter with an abundance of electrons. So, acids are positively charged and alkaloids are negatively charged. Good fats are neutrally charged. Proteins are changeable as they function. Bio- available minerals lean to the alkaloid side but not always. Vitamins are acidic but not always. Antioxidants lean to the alkaloids (which is funny considering ozone and oxygen are negatively charged like the antioxidants. Look at sodium bicarbonate +Na2 added to -CO3 oxygen is on the negative side). Now, the punch line free radicals are positively charged and they oxidize elements around them however oxygen, in its many forms, acts as an antioxidant
Some meat... we are susceptible to 6 things malnutrition, viruses, bad bacterium, fungi, parasites, and physical trauma. Most disease is poor nutrition like AIDS, diabetes, osteoporosis (sorry about the exercise rhetoric... exercise depletes the body of minerals through sweat) , and hypertension. Birth defects are the same. If the mother has the minerals the baby is good to go but, if the mother is lacking the baby will have problems. Notice how some kids grow out of diseases and some don't... look at their food very close. Even vegetables lack nutrition if the ground is devoid of minerals... all 77 of them. Dr Joel Wallach proved that no disease is genetic just poor nutrition.
Poor nutrition is usually at the root of all problems. Reason with me, viruses, bacteria, and fungus are all around us. So, how do we keep them from getting to us? Well, nutrition fortifies the inside of our bodies (building white blood cells and the like). Good fats in our skin keeps a lot of germ warriors at bay so, let's go to our nose and throat. Tonsils and adenoids sample potential dangers and sent the information to the spleen for targeted reinforcements. What about our stomach? Our stomach acid can kill some but not all threats. Our intestinal flora fights off germs in the intestines. Antibiotics play a significant part in keeping us sick. Antibiotics kill both good and bad bacterium leaving a void for the fungi to move in. Fungi can keep us from adsorbing nutrition from our food as well as poison us with toxic byproducts.
One last stop before I get back to cancer... food adsorption. Requirements to digest nutrition, narrow band UVb radiation, UVa radiation, a full array of enzymes, and salt. Salt the main ingredient to health. Sodium gets made into sodium bicarbonate (keeps the blood cool). The chloride ion goes to make HCL or hydrochloric acid (stomach acid). Minerals require good stomach acid to get into the body.
Free radicals in the body case cancers. Now, how? you may be wondering. Free radicals come from burnt and rancid oils we eat. Try this one on for size petroleum products contain free radicals... prolong exposure causes cancers. The difference between a petroleum product and a good fat is oxygen in the molecule (they tried to hide it in the article with some science-ease). If you take a good fat and expose it to light, heat, time, or oxygen it degrades or rots. Now when was the last time you had to throw away rotten gasoline? or unused motor oil from the self? or unused cooking oil, shorting, or vegetable oil? If an oil lasts more then 3 days outside of a fatty tissue, its a free radical. Food preserving chemicals are often free radicals. Sunscreen breaks down to form free radicals in UV light (sunscreen... cancer three ways #1, #2, #3). Bad bacteria and fungi toxins are often free radicals. Acidic drinks, like "soda", reduce stomach acid which causes a reduction of bicarbonate in the blood and a reduction of mineral absorption allowing free radicals to penetrate cell defenses more easily.
Bad fat is NOT found in butter, slow roasted beef, eggs, pork, chicken skin or fat, or cream per-say. It is found in charbroiled lean turkey, seared well done steak, deep fat fried chicken, french fries, potato chips, olive oil, hydrogenated oils, and all processed foods that contain oil. Even milk after processing (starting with the cow) is garbage #1, #2.
Lets look at an American diet:
1. Hamburger with fries and a diet soda- grilled meat (burnt oils); potential wheat bun complications with digestion; lettuce and tomato grown in mineral poor soil for shelf life; cheese (from a engineered cow (hormones and antibiotics) lacking a mineral rich diet) salt (one good thing) ; french fries (extremely burnt oil) salt (same good thing); diet soda (carbonation inhibits digestion, poor mineral absorption)(artificial sweetener (free radical, breaks down to nerve toxins, and stimulates hunger)). Yum!!!
2. Fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, coleslaw, corn, and diet soda- engineered chicken (hormones and antibiotics added) deep fat fried (lots of free radicals added) salt; mashed potatoes (fungicide, to protect freshness) sterilized water, dried low fat milk, butter flavoring (acidic water, dead milk, no real good fat) salt; Gravy (modified food starch (from wheat), dried low fat milk, burnt chicken oils, spices (questionable soil), monosodium glutamate (gluten), sterilized water, (fungicide, acid water, bad fat, potential gluten problems) salt; cabbage, sugar, vinegar, oil, egg, preservatives, carrots, onions, (vegetables grown in mineral poor soil, simple carbohydrate (spikes insulin) white vinegar (acid, may contain malt (gluten)), oil (free radical), egg (trace amounts (complete protein, very good)) preservatives (nightmare); corn (soil again); diet soda (carbonation inhibits digestion, poor mineral absorption)(artificial sweetener (free radical, breaks down to nerve toxins, and stimulates hunger)).
3. Sub sandwich with veggies, chips, and diet soda- Bun (wheat issues), processed meat (engineered animals (hormones and antibiotics) sodium nitrate (free radical, more toxic when heated), monosodium glutamate (gluten), salt, veggies (commercial farm grown poor mineral soil) ; chips (free radicals); diet soda (carbonation inhibits digestion, poor mineral absorption)(artificial sweetener (free radical, breaks down to nerve toxins, and stimulates hunger)).
Can't see the cancer there! The sad thing is that I can scratch make very similar food with no side effects.
1. Get organic grass fed beef. Turn the heat down on the meat to 210-220 and use a lid to trap moisture and flavor cook it just a little longer. The center of the meat shouldn't be hotter then 160. Use my own veggies (tomatoes, lettuce, onions, and garlic) grown with all 77 minerals in the soil. Use (in my case) gluten free bun. Use avocado, butter, salt, and pepper liberally for dressings. Use organic cheese. Baked potatoes in peel with lots of butter, sour cream, onions, salt, pepper, and garlic. Unsweetened blue berry juice mixed with unsweetened apple juice diluted with mineral rich water.
2. Organic chicken slow roasted on a spit at 250-275 for 2.5-3 hours with salt, butter (inside), sage (from garden), and basil (from garden). Place water in drip pan to cool chicken drippings and keep then from burning (will be needed for gravy later). Steamed potatoes mashed with raw milk, salt, and steamed chopped onion. Garnish with chives (from garden) and paprika. Place meat drippings in sauce pan bring to slow boil. Add cream cheese and let it melt out into the broth. Mix water, eggs, and cornstarch vigorously. add slowly to gravy base and sir on low heat until it starts to boil. Remove from heat add more salt, basil, sage, and chives to taste. Coleslaw, dice cabbage, onions, pineapple, and thin cut carrots. Place into bowl. In a sauce pan heat well beaten salt, pineapple juice, egg, and cornstarch with butter. Stir constantly until mixture thickens. Cool mixture and add to coleslaw to texture and taste. Steam corn on the cob (from garden). Serve with butter and salt. Separate raw milk from cream. Mix with blender lots of cocoa powder with a sample of the milk add honey or raw sugar and vanilla bean extract. Pour back into main milk container, shake, and chill.
3. Bake gluten free bun. Add veggies from garden. Slow cook organic beef roast, turkey leg, pork roast, or chicken for 3-4 hours on low. Add fresh made mustard (garlic wine vinegar, turmeric, mustard, salt, honey, and horse radish). Lightly steamed broccoli (from garden) with cheese sauce (meat broth, milk, butter, cream cheese, parmesan, cheddar, cornstarch, egg, salt, and parsley (from garden)). Unsweetened blue berry juice mixed with unsweetened apple juice diluted with mineral rich water.
Real food... no additives... It is amazing how filling it is. Our bodies use mineral (like calcium absorbed) to regulate our hunger. "We digest carbohydrates first, then vitamins, proteins, fats, and minerals last." This was a live quote from Dr Peter Glidden
Now that we've seen the world of nutrition back to faith. In order to gather, understand, retain, and practice good eating all 4 parts of learning has to be implemented in faith of the results. For clarity... I used my body's physical reactions to various foods based on a knowledge of nutrition with an emotional twist to live. This produced a spiritual event as the physical, mental, and emotional elements became focused. With all four parts of understanding present, faith, or the work before understanding, produced an answer.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
I sit here at close to midnight listening to old music I found on an old computer hard-drive just feeling it and reminiscing. We are so blessed by the love of God as the posterity of Divinity. The order that is found in the intricacies of math, chemistry, physics, music, languages, joy, and the many forms of love delights me. To live is such a great gift... I find it hard to see why some people are so eager to pollute or destroy it. "Je chanterai" a song from Celion Dion rings out with this experience but most would miss it being lost in the French interpreting.
Oh, that I had the voice of an angel, even as I have heard so many times, that I could expound the Glories of God found in all pure art, talent, effort, and trial. That I may show his hand even as I have seen it. Even the plainness of such a simple geometrical shape as a sharp corner manifest in wood screams with such order as to manifest Gods love for us. Otherwise, if He loved us not, understanding and order would loose its coarse and corners would not be so crisp if at all.
Often, I find my thoughts drifting through the stars. It reminds me how small I am, as I lay on my back looking at the night sky. It amazes me, even as I feel the force of attraction to the earth, how my prospective changes and I feel at the mercy of gravity keeping me from floating off aimlessly.
Not long ago I gave a talk in sacrament meeting. It was my intent to display orally the importance and commitment I have to my wife. I heard from a group talking afterwards as they stated "wow, he really loves her" how unusual it was to have such strong connections. I was taken back as I only believe in strong connections. It perplexes me when others treat cavalierly those relationships that compose the tapestry of life. I have seen others throw their relationships away for so many trivial reasons. I just what to beam some sense into them. But, I just shake my head as a feeling of clarity reaffirms agency as a God given gift to all.
Even now in my situation, there are those that would undermine my wife and I in the practice of our relationship. Things got inverted as per what would be considered the norm by most. I can't say that I'm content with the arrangements we had to make. A few have approached us with the condescension that we have sinned or that I have sinned and that she should leave me.
Our first child died shortly after birth. At the funeral we were told that it would break us up. I couldn't believe my ears. Why would I multiply my pain by leaving my wife? Yes, she was in pain too. She needed me to lend shoulders to cry on for awhile. It was hard for me because I needed support too. Yes, it was bucket draining as for a few years we passed what little water we had between us back and forth until it began to increase again. I can't see my dumb luck with employment as a reason to divorce any more then I could see leaving her for center squeezing the toothpaste. We have dealt with a lot of little things and some not so little things that have ended the relationships of others. It makes the others look petty and superficial to me especially those that are addicted to money.
Well, that will not be a problem in 12 to 18 months as the dollar dies and is replaced by yen. Those that where so hooked on making money for security will find their work void and the years wasted.
The truly sad thing here is that I can't even explain what has really unfolded in our family pertaining to the world stage. I have been a multimillionaire twice now but do to my luck I can't do anything that would claim my wealth without jeopardizing my family. So, I appear as a whacked out bum with a truth that most people can't wrap their minds around even if I was to expound it.
Humanity, a challenge to be overcome. Goodnight
Oh, that I had the voice of an angel, even as I have heard so many times, that I could expound the Glories of God found in all pure art, talent, effort, and trial. That I may show his hand even as I have seen it. Even the plainness of such a simple geometrical shape as a sharp corner manifest in wood screams with such order as to manifest Gods love for us. Otherwise, if He loved us not, understanding and order would loose its coarse and corners would not be so crisp if at all.
Often, I find my thoughts drifting through the stars. It reminds me how small I am, as I lay on my back looking at the night sky. It amazes me, even as I feel the force of attraction to the earth, how my prospective changes and I feel at the mercy of gravity keeping me from floating off aimlessly.
Not long ago I gave a talk in sacrament meeting. It was my intent to display orally the importance and commitment I have to my wife. I heard from a group talking afterwards as they stated "wow, he really loves her" how unusual it was to have such strong connections. I was taken back as I only believe in strong connections. It perplexes me when others treat cavalierly those relationships that compose the tapestry of life. I have seen others throw their relationships away for so many trivial reasons. I just what to beam some sense into them. But, I just shake my head as a feeling of clarity reaffirms agency as a God given gift to all.
Even now in my situation, there are those that would undermine my wife and I in the practice of our relationship. Things got inverted as per what would be considered the norm by most. I can't say that I'm content with the arrangements we had to make. A few have approached us with the condescension that we have sinned or that I have sinned and that she should leave me.
Our first child died shortly after birth. At the funeral we were told that it would break us up. I couldn't believe my ears. Why would I multiply my pain by leaving my wife? Yes, she was in pain too. She needed me to lend shoulders to cry on for awhile. It was hard for me because I needed support too. Yes, it was bucket draining as for a few years we passed what little water we had between us back and forth until it began to increase again. I can't see my dumb luck with employment as a reason to divorce any more then I could see leaving her for center squeezing the toothpaste. We have dealt with a lot of little things and some not so little things that have ended the relationships of others. It makes the others look petty and superficial to me especially those that are addicted to money.
Well, that will not be a problem in 12 to 18 months as the dollar dies and is replaced by yen. Those that where so hooked on making money for security will find their work void and the years wasted.
The truly sad thing here is that I can't even explain what has really unfolded in our family pertaining to the world stage. I have been a multimillionaire twice now but do to my luck I can't do anything that would claim my wealth without jeopardizing my family. So, I appear as a whacked out bum with a truth that most people can't wrap their minds around even if I was to expound it.
Humanity, a challenge to be overcome. Goodnight
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Hello World
As I hinted, I am an INTJ personality type. What this means is that I am easily fascinated by things and ideas while being seemingly distant in my emotional relationships... what few I have.
That said, here we go!
I have an opinion on almost everything... religion, politics, science, education, space, mathematics, relationships, health, healthcare,and everything else.
When I'm asleep I'm still thinking. I can't help myself. If I found myself walking on a forest road between dawn and sunrise, I'd start processing everything the smell, breeze, temperature, the shape of the trees, colors, the physics of the trees, the weight of the coupling forces as the limbs stress the trunks, the fractal arrangement of the limb disbursement, the shadow displacement of the sunlight filtering through to the ground, the amount of energy starting to be stored through photosynthesis as the sunlight begins to touch the leaves or needles of the trees and plants, and then I'd really start absorbing data.
Its hard to express the pure joy, excitement, delight, and emotion that tingles from head to toe over the simplest blade of grass and the world of cell interaction as it lives and grows.
However, don't get me wrong. I like eating meat and have no problem killing animals to eat. Rabbit, chicken, beef, venison, veal, lamb, pork, goose, turkey, a variety of sea creatures, fish, snails, and once in France even horse. Born in the west US if I would have known it was horse I would have passed but, it was very... well, tasty. Yes, I'm ashamed of myself.
As I sit here typing, the radio in the background, I am disturbed by the push for animal rights as two kids are missing and the rage supporting things like abortion are inflicted on our children. Many individuals think I am lacking in emotion but, I can assure them every child is worthy of my tears if I can't impede the abuser directly. Not to be confused, there is a difference between a discipline administered by a loving parent and a monster venting on or playing with a rag doll.
Well, in a nutshell the rest of my involvements. I am LDS, conservative, like the Tea Party, politically active, have a family, and I've struggled with employment for the last 15 years. Some of this struggle is my seemingly cold customer support skills. However, I had help. My last real employer told me he would give me a good reference as he unemployed me during a company merger. Well, 10 years later and 100s of resumes sent, my son walks into a computer store and fills out an application using me as a reference pertaining to his education and skill set. Well, he dazzled them with his abilities in Windows and Linux and they asked to contact his references... his high school and... well, me. They needed more information so they looked me up, found my last employer, and called them. My son reported back to me that my ex-employer accused me of every wrong the company suffered while I was there to clear their name before the merger. The faults should have been laid at the feet of the owners but being a cold INTJ I was the logical biggest old scapegoat available.
Since then I've assembled 5 companies for others and one for myself. I learned loads about business accounting, private placement investing, and public investing. I watched the 5 companies fold under the weight of poor financial management by their executives and presidents. Finally, I even saw my own company fail as my health declined combined with a little incident with a hardware virus and being stranded in Atlanta during the attack. My client needed me and I was attempting to patch a 10 million dollar hole in another company. Well, I lost both companies, my wealth, and my health was all but gone too.
I've spent the last 3 1/2 years rebuilding my health. It has been challenging with no money, job, and the poor nutritional education of conventional allopathic doctors.
The amusing thing in my experience was the hardware virus. We used a combination of high end anti-virus and the remote exploit "Back Track" to poke at the virus as I had the same virus at home that lost me my client. We acquired an IP address in which the virus was communicating. I was awed to see this hack end at a government firewall. I was not happy.
As an INTJ in a challenge, I have had little to do but solve the worlds problems, as of late, and leverage a form of income. Stick around to see the solutions as they unfold.
That said, here we go!
I have an opinion on almost everything... religion, politics, science, education, space, mathematics, relationships, health, healthcare,and everything else.
When I'm asleep I'm still thinking. I can't help myself. If I found myself walking on a forest road between dawn and sunrise, I'd start processing everything the smell, breeze, temperature, the shape of the trees, colors, the physics of the trees, the weight of the coupling forces as the limbs stress the trunks, the fractal arrangement of the limb disbursement, the shadow displacement of the sunlight filtering through to the ground, the amount of energy starting to be stored through photosynthesis as the sunlight begins to touch the leaves or needles of the trees and plants, and then I'd really start absorbing data.
Its hard to express the pure joy, excitement, delight, and emotion that tingles from head to toe over the simplest blade of grass and the world of cell interaction as it lives and grows.
However, don't get me wrong. I like eating meat and have no problem killing animals to eat. Rabbit, chicken, beef, venison, veal, lamb, pork, goose, turkey, a variety of sea creatures, fish, snails, and once in France even horse. Born in the west US if I would have known it was horse I would have passed but, it was very... well, tasty. Yes, I'm ashamed of myself.
As I sit here typing, the radio in the background, I am disturbed by the push for animal rights as two kids are missing and the rage supporting things like abortion are inflicted on our children. Many individuals think I am lacking in emotion but, I can assure them every child is worthy of my tears if I can't impede the abuser directly. Not to be confused, there is a difference between a discipline administered by a loving parent and a monster venting on or playing with a rag doll.
Well, in a nutshell the rest of my involvements. I am LDS, conservative, like the Tea Party, politically active, have a family, and I've struggled with employment for the last 15 years. Some of this struggle is my seemingly cold customer support skills. However, I had help. My last real employer told me he would give me a good reference as he unemployed me during a company merger. Well, 10 years later and 100s of resumes sent, my son walks into a computer store and fills out an application using me as a reference pertaining to his education and skill set. Well, he dazzled them with his abilities in Windows and Linux and they asked to contact his references... his high school and... well, me. They needed more information so they looked me up, found my last employer, and called them. My son reported back to me that my ex-employer accused me of every wrong the company suffered while I was there to clear their name before the merger. The faults should have been laid at the feet of the owners but being a cold INTJ I was the logical biggest old scapegoat available.
Since then I've assembled 5 companies for others and one for myself. I learned loads about business accounting, private placement investing, and public investing. I watched the 5 companies fold under the weight of poor financial management by their executives and presidents. Finally, I even saw my own company fail as my health declined combined with a little incident with a hardware virus and being stranded in Atlanta during the attack. My client needed me and I was attempting to patch a 10 million dollar hole in another company. Well, I lost both companies, my wealth, and my health was all but gone too.
I've spent the last 3 1/2 years rebuilding my health. It has been challenging with no money, job, and the poor nutritional education of conventional allopathic doctors.
The amusing thing in my experience was the hardware virus. We used a combination of high end anti-virus and the remote exploit "Back Track" to poke at the virus as I had the same virus at home that lost me my client. We acquired an IP address in which the virus was communicating. I was awed to see this hack end at a government firewall. I was not happy.
As an INTJ in a challenge, I have had little to do but solve the worlds problems, as of late, and leverage a form of income. Stick around to see the solutions as they unfold.
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