Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Influenza Shots

Getting your yearly shot for influenza has always presented a dichotomy of disconnect for me.  As I listen to the radio and the current discussion of why I should get a shot, I puzzle at the reasons presented.

First question; Who should get the shot? The young, the old, and hopefully everyone is what I heard.
Second question; Why should we get the shots yearly? To avoid the flu is what I heard.

Now here is where the logic starts to decay.

Third question; Can I get the flu if I get the shot?  Yes.  What is this? It takes two weeks to build up antibodies to the shot.  So the door is open for two weeks after I get the shot.  ALSO, there is viral drift.  This is when the yearly flu virus drifts from the viral form found in the vaccine from interacting in the wild.  OK, so the vaccine is only effective for a small number of people two weeks after they get a shot and before the virus starts to mutate if they aren't around other sick people?

Fourth question; Who is most at risk to get the flu?  People with compromised immune systems.  OK, I'm asking you to follow me here.  Did I not hear that vaccines were to get people with "compromised immune system" to produce antibodies?  I am STRETCHING here to understand.  Doesn't "compromised immune system" mean that the body is struggling to produce antibodies in the first place?  I thought torturing prisoners of war didn't work.

So, healthy person gets dosed by the flu virus.  His adenoids and tonsils send the message and samples to the spleen.  There antibodies are made and sent to the body inside of an hour.


An immune compromised person is injected with a quasi dead virus, if a non-living virus can be dead,  skipping the filters of the adenoids and tonsils.  Then their spleen is supposed to do what that is different from the normal way of working?

I see a disconnect from logic.  Wouldn't fixing the compromised immune system work better?  I see a vaccine as an expensive risky placebo at best.

No! I see mineral dense grain fed chicken slow roasted, bones and skin, with lots of mineral dense sage and herbs, salt and butter to taste, combined with celery, carrots. peas, and rice flour in a real nice soup a better flu shot.  And this is why; if the cell membrane is strong then the cell will resist a viral invasion.  Cell membranes are made of lipids or fat.  Slow cooked animal fat toughens the cell membranes.  Minerals are needed for dense bones, which are part of the endocrine system, hence a required resource for making hormones, enzymes, and antibodies.   So, if we combine tough cell defenses with an on-slot of antibody warriors we don't get sick.

If you do not want to get sick the secret is eating good food! and/or fixing any lingering digestive problems from eating bad foods in the past.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Economic Tsunami

In 1960 a tsunami hit Hilo Hawaii.  My father, being there at the time, told me later when I was a 9-10, that there was a boy who saw the water leave the bay and ran to warn the others.  Some of the others saw an opportunity to go treasure hunting on the bottom of the bay.  When the tsunami came back in, these souls were drown.

I see something similar now.  Gas prices in America were hovering close to $4.00 a gallon.  Now they are falling.  Gas is getting cheaper without a solid public reason.  This by its self means nothing.  However, if we look at the price difference for a gallon of gas between Canada and the U.S. It appears that the U.S. dollar is half the value of the Canadian dollar.  This is not a good thing.  If the price of gasoline and oil are dropping globally that accounts for the lower price but the dollar is weaker then the Canadian dollar means the dollar is not recovering.     

So let's investigate what is causing the water to leave the bay.  But first we need to understand what money is.  Money is as of 1913 in America made from "DEBIT" and "LOANS".  As this debit increases to increase the money supply, our politicians and bankers have pushed buttons to hide the debit.  In The United States public debit was unheard of until 1913.  With the 23rd Amendment to the Constitution our politicians sold us to the international banks.  The IRS became our slave master.

Debit as Money series III, & III

Now the debit has grown to the point that it will need to be reset soon most likely.  I expect all merchandise to drop in price over the next while until the shortages set in then the true power of the dollar will be made bare.  After all deflation is another way of debit financing a nation.

The government is starting to panic on whole.  Their solution that they have been and are still imposing are not sustainable and will drive the price down as fewer people will be able to buy thing if the price doesn't drop.  When the stock piles run out globally the debit will rush back into the harbor causing pandemonium.

Fortunately. God's plan isn't man's plan.  Do you have food, water, money, and protection?  Do you posses talents that can aid small groups of hurting people?  Can you grow food and animals?  The sooner we form small collectives of talented and prepared (mentally and physically) people the better off we will be.

All inflated professions and professional people without down to earth knowledge might starve.  Most allopathic professionals will be challenged without a pharmacy.  Computer techs will be obsolete without electrical power.  The general public will be lost without cell phone towers.  All the devices with planned obsolescence built in will fail at the most convenient times.   

How short sighted man is when the Devil is pulling his strings. Interest and secret combinations?  Intresting.