Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Obama's State of the Confussion Speech

Hear ye! hear ye! every progressive, RINO, and waffle who calls themselves Republicans if you do not throw Obama under the bus for his set of half truths and lies last night we really do have politicians comparable to a box of rocks representing us. It was obvious that Obama was insincere when he used moderate conservative ideas and the rest of the time he was heehawing about failed and unimportant things that would only superficially boost government expansion until our nation totally collapses.  When the government has been ruling against the people deliberately for years now it is time to throw off that government.

Obama has done everything King George did to call for the writing of the Declaration of Independence.  What Obama is doing is a travesty against the United States, its citizens, and its allies... Another war maybe coming to the Union.

In the book of revelation I always wondered how the United States could become so callused against Jerusalem to allow them to pass through the valley of Armageddon alone.  Well, now I know.  When we elect non-Christen people to lead a Christen nation we set ourselves up for disaster.  Since 1913 too many non-Christens have influenced and corrupted the laws of God on this land.                   

Republicans lift your heads up and repeal Obamacare, the 16th through the 27th Amendments, and reinstated the original 13th Amendment.  Dissolve the IRS and the municipal corporations supporting it.  Reenact the usury laws.  Reinstate common American law.  Throw out magistrate law.   Get rid of food stamps and government payouts and non-elected government employees.  Repair the 10th Amendment protections.  Reset the foundation of power with the people.

How far we have fallen from that hot enclosed room in September of 1787.

Friday, January 17, 2014

One out of Six People in America is Hungry

I hear this radio add several times a day and the only question that comes to mind is why?

Is it because the government has robbed the people of their right to own property?

Is it because socialism is being forced on the people?

Is it because more money has gone to creating appetite enhancing food rather then nourishing food?

Is it because government taxes are bullying our lunch money from us?

Is it because the common man's life is unimportant to politicians?

Is it because the common man's life is unimportant to globalists?

Is it because America has become a faithless immoral lawless poorly educated socialistic country?

Is it because governmental lies are the norm and not the exception?

All of these are tentacles from the same octopus and the real solution to hunger is to give back our land and rights!  Teach the real reason the pilgrims almost diedRemove corporate sovereigntyRemove government oversight of private individuals.     

Bottom line, people are hungry because the government removed their ability to feed themselves and promised them food stamps for nutritionally poor food.  It used to be that the rich people were the ones that could afford to eat nutritionally poor food daily, hence leading to body fat.  Now, nutritionally poor food is the norm forced into the population.  A few wise rich people (usually not democrats (A vegan has an average life expectancy of 1/2 that of a well  nourished omnivore)) are the only one's that could afford clean nutrient dense real food.  (Most vegetarian life expectancy tests are conducted with poorly nourished carnivores

That's how this INTJ sees this statistic.


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

To Our Esteemed Idaho Congressmen

My Dear Representatives,

I implore your attention to the subject of Education.  In my studies I have discovered a discord between the Idaho Constitution Article IX and Agenda 21's section 36 better known as Common Core or Luna's plan.  

Idaho Constitution Article IX reads:



How current is this law?

This says, if I am not mistaken, that Idaho has a Republic form for its government.  And, to support said Republic our children are to be taught how a Republic works.  The Idaho Sate Constitution emphasizes the teaching of general materials supporting the understanding of a Republican form of government.

Do any of these three support the intent of the Idaho Constitution?

 Agenda 21's chapter 25 and 36; Chapter 25 (pages 275 - 278) and Chapter 36 (pages 320 -328)

Common Core Standards

Tom Luna's plan

Plainly, the answer is NO.  These three are derivatives of the same agenda against freedom progressing to a technically advanced socialistic workforce.  Nowhere in these three aforementioned agendas, standards, or plans is mentioned anything about maintaining our Republic.

We The People don't like being forced to service the environment.
God created the world for man not man for the world.
God doesn't hold kindly to limiting man's agency.

We The People resent being force to prop up governmental policy to sooth the masses against war.
Doctors forced to work for peanuts under Obamacare
The youth forced to subject to the high price of Obamacare 
Teachers forced to dumb down our children to accommodate Common Core                 

(you might be wondering why I put Obamacare into education.  Well, Agenda 21 chapter 36.1  connects to chapter 6 (pages 31- 44) which is Obamacare)

36.1. Education, raising of public awareness and training are linked to virtually all areas in Agenda 21, and even more closely to the ones on meeting basic needs, capacity building, data and information, science, and the role of major groups. This chapter sets out broad proposals, while specific suggestions related to sectoral issues are contained in other chapters. The Declaration and Recommendations of the Tbilisi Intergovernmental Conference on Environmental Education 1/organized by UNESCO and UNEP and held in 1977, have provided the fundamental principles for the proposals in this document.

Now. Luna's plan is Agenda 21's chapter 36 affixed on the local level.

This being the case I am afraid that our governor and school superintendent are socialists.  As a God fearing conservative I can not support the socialistic anti-God agenda being forced on my kids by the world powers.  I am a Citizen of The United States.  I am not a subject under the socialistic CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA operating under the fascist state of global corporatism?

I will do all in my power to preserve our nation for our kids in freedom.  I will not vote for a "Progressive", a "RINO", or a "waffle".  I will do my best to publicly label all such politicrats and yoke them with the collars of "enslaving us... the workforce", of "stealing our children's future", and "robbing and killing the old".

Socialism should have died with Jamestown it is amazing how it persists.

Faith, Morality, Law, Education, and Liberty, after their near death in Jamestown at the hand of socialism these truths set the stage for The United States.  Thanksgiving Day is the anniversary of God's gift of life to Jamestown and a monument to these 5 truths.

I'd like to see this taught in school.


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Little Ditty About Fasting and Prayer

My INTJ side likes connections and understanding before doing something like "Fasting" (going without food and drink for a predetermined fixed time).  Praying, not to much to understand here... Just talking to God.   Fasting, how does going hungry do anything?  Well, remember the old "fight and flight" response?  When we are in "fight and flight" blood leaves our higher brain and internal organs to boost muscle performance.  The "Rest and Heal" response prepares our body by giving us down time for food digestion and body healing.  Now comes the third response, neither of the other two responses boost brain power.  However, what if we didn't eat or drink and we where not in a race to stay alive?  Well, then the brain would be the beneficiary of the full blood supply and the food in the blood stream bringing us to full mental alertness.

Remember the Secret and the power of prayer?  Now add to that a fully focused mind with a dedicated blood supply.

Fasting and praying is truly the only way to exercise faith.


Did King James really know what he was doing when he had the Bible translated into English?

How many times have we heard "Knowledge is Power"?

How many years did man waste away in the dark ages?  From the death of Jesus's Apostles to the seventeen hundreds man didn't achieve much.  Man didn't start achieving again until King James put the word of God into the hands of the common people.  Little did he know that it would transform them from subjects to sovereigns.

The puritans discovered by strength of will and much death that a nation of God can only be raised on the sod of Faith, Morality, Law, Education, and Liberty.  

The Bible paved the way for the realization of "The Law of Nature and Nature's God" to become the foundation for The Constitution of the United States.  America is born.   

I can pretend to wax intelligent and educated even if so much of life is not well thought out and scripted much less based on revelation.  After all, is not the educated man still just a man.  Does he not trust the guesses and reason of those that lived before him.  Where is reason really found?  I find education not based in Faith meaningless.  I find lifestyles not based in Morals self defeating.  I find governments not subjected to Law weak and ripe for capture.  I find youth devoid of parental guidance and Education lost and dying slow deaths.  I see Liberty being crushed by evil.  All that God gave us is based on the proper management of agency.

How many of us have Goals?  Short term... long term?  What happens when your short term goals don't support your long term goals? What really gets accomplished?  Nothing! nothing really gets accomplished when there is no congruent path to an end.  Dose government have an end or long term goal?  Do the people?  I think not.  All the latest actions taken by our government clearly demonstrate shortsightedness and rebellion against God.  The best example that government is lost is its interpretation of "General Welfare" strait from the Constitution of the United States.  When government pays a man for being out of work does this encourage church service?  Does this build a man's self-esteem?  Is government micro managing men?  Does it weaken a man's will?  Does shame make strong soldiers?  I understand "General Welfare" relates to the over all health of our nation.  Things that strengthen the "General Welfare" are things like low State managed taxes, No Federal business regulation,  No direct Federal taxation.  No Federally owned businesses.  No State owned businesses.  No Unconstitutional Federal laws.  A man who can do much for himself without Federal supervision or involvement makes a strong peg to rest the state or status of a nation upon.  A feeble man will fold.  So, what is better for the "General Welfare"?  Anyone vote for a feeble invisible man?  America is strengthened by real men with real work supporting their own families.         

I heard a lecture not long ago that included the three tents of business operation.  The Entrepreneurial or future tents, the managerial or past tents, and the technical or present tents compose these three business tents.  I realize I appear lost at this point however, God made us man and woman.  Each of us have gifts that the other doesn't physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually have.  If the family is a business the man is the Entrepreneur.  The woman is the Technician and both serve as Managers.  This order that supports America is only the Christen Family
Do you think that God has long term goals?  Do you think that God gave these long term goals to the Puritans?  Do you think that God gave us a base for the Constitution that was founded on His nature?  Who are we to presume we could rewrite what God has already proven?  America was a gift from God to all righteous men and women to aid in bringing to pass "the immortal and eternal life of man"

God gave us (his spiritual offspring) "America" to raise his children (our spiritual siblings) so that He could love us and teach us how to handle those gifts that He is still looking to give us.


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Ring Out Wild Bells! Ring In The New

This morning I find myself thinking of days long past when I was a kid, of the houses I grew up in, and my family and old friends.  With all the turmoil and attempted slavery unleashed on the world today... one thing stays true that being love.  I know at times I don't follow a chiastic demeanor... Least we forget I'm an INTJ.  The order of my mind is complicated to say the least.  As of late I've been more emotional and fixated on my family and friends.

Sunday I could not contain myself as we sang "How Great Thou Art" as the overwhelming meanings of years past and family lost welled up inside me.  Here I know INTJs are not given to religion as many times it falls on emotion rather then tangible reason.  If it were not for my past encounters I would follow suit but I can't as I know better that the contact between spiritual and touchable are real.  
As things ethereal and invisible become better known and revealed... I am "overwhelmed" (this word is a poor explanation of fact).  I am finding it hard not to be judgmental and critical of stupidity in government and blatant disregard for life.  Even now I an experiencing an emotional onset that I am fighting to control thinking of the inhumane actions and war the people are obliviously veering to encounter.

Progressive politics has blessed us with weaponized electromagnetic radiation (Constant, and from multiple directions of EMR exposure from a Smart meter grid), toxic food, dangerous products, supercilious aristocratic politics, and eventually Agenda 21.   This has been done for the greater benefit of a sustainable global population... really?  

I have been removed some what from the field of play.  As a spectator I am finding sadness raising its head as I watch the war rage on the field.  So many are blind to the truth.  So many refuse to look at the truth.  The war that started before the world was is heating up again as global communication becomes second nature.

I know that order, growth, and love will win the war as there is no other choice but, how many of us will be part of the solution verses the confusion?  This is my question.