Saturday, December 28, 2013

Things that are real? Things that have intrinsic value? Things that are The United States?

What are God, marriage, and Christmas.

I know very few people will ever see this blog.  Of those that do I'm sure a few will think I'm nuts.  Well that maybe... at least I'm not alone.

I have been ask quite a number of times while growing up if I had any heroes.  I can not elevate a man to that position for myself.  Not that I don't respect a few people but I have no mortal heroes.  When I pray and the spirit from my Heavenly Father touches me I can't deny the joy, knowledge, and energy of being I receive.  I know God my Heavenly Father lives.  Now, here is the funnest thing - Every body knows this.  Every time an individual or group attempts to remove guilt from themselves they demonstrate He lives by deliberately attacking Him.  Why do so many people want to write God out of the founding of the United States?  Well, The United States was founded only using Christen values, teachings and law.  By attacking God our politicians believe they are opening a window to enslave us in socialism or worse for the world power.

The Pilgrims set the stage for The United States by founding it on the Christen Bible.  Faith in God and Gods word.  Morality to Gods word.  Gods Law from the Bible enforced.  Gods law taught to their children.  Liberty (based on spiritual agency) to demonstrate our commitment to God.  Now the rub, Gods laws are reflected in natural laws and Intelligent Design.

How many times are we to believe perversions of natural law?  Let's look quickly at the life and death struggle of the Pilgrims.  Half of them were dead and the other half dying under just the weak socialism brought with them from England as they were seeking religious freedom.  But, God proves all things and when the Pilgrims kneeled to pray (after fasting) the parable of the 10 talents may have influenced them as they stood and divided the land amongst themselves with the charge that if they were to survive it would be at their own individual hands as families.  It is funny what a man can do if left alone.  And! when they saw the fruits of their labors after proving God they kneeled again in Gratitude.  But now...

Faith in God has been attacked!

Morality to law has eroded!

The Law of God corrupted!

Education infultrated with half truths!

Liberty traded for slavery.

Let's look at Marriage.  Let's teach the kids evolution and remove God in schools and government where we can.  This will remove accountability for individual actions.  With our new found lack of self motivated personal accountability comes a resentment to morals and a lack of concern for law.  Wow! this made it easier to corrupt and remove the rule of God's law pertaining to sexuality.        

1st Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" This means the government will not make a religion.  What a bout "Human Secularism"? 

"or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" A school (the government) removing the Christen words in a Christen Christmas song pertaining to the birth of the Christ Child... Interesting?

"or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press" Who really owns the companies that give us the news?

The list of abuses of our Constitution goes on... however, we shan't.
To be honest the United States would not of existed without Christianity.  Today moral perversions of Gods laws are weakening the power of the United States.  Think of it like a TV.

When a TV was turned on without a signal to receive a field of static was displayed or chaos.  This static was uncomfortable for most people so the industry changed it to a blue screen to make chaos more reasonable.  In other words they gave it form.  So instead of seeing the static we are protected from it by a facsimile of dead order unlike an actual broadcast program that communicates to the audience.  In Christianity, Satan is chaos.  He has remade himself to have some order (the blue screen of death).  But, no matter how we look at that blue screen its communication and instructional potential is very limited.

Currently the United States is being replaced with THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INC.  (23rd Article of the Constitution).  Progressive secular humanists have been replacing real family agency and development since the 1830s.  The civil war and Lincoln's assassination distracted us from the illegal removal of the original 13th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and opened the door to instigate a non-Godly control of the power that the Revolutionary war was waged to liberate.  True power only develops under complete faith, morality, righteous laws, teaching our children these laws, and letting liberty develop.            

Getting back to the topic.

God organized us and gave us marriage between a man and a woman so that we could learn His ways of proliferation under liberty.  If I stand in my place of order and lift what I am expected... I receive temporal and eternal blessings in combination with a great deal of joy.

God made me a man and gave me certain responsibility to teach me to receive His full joy someday if I can tolerate it.  Hell is cold, Heaven is hot to those that are accustom to lower temperatures.  God gave us a way to acclimate ourselves to the warmth of Heaven through Christ's selfless sacrifice of love.  Christmas is a celebration of Gods love shone to us and our efforts to understand.

Choosing to be immoral with Gods laws, although allowed, will bring no such blessing as Gods rewards for righteousness is all that He has.  Is it reasonable to trust a rebellious child as CEO of a major corporation?  Our gender requires certain actions on our part as the correct use teaches of Gods ways and proliferation.  The incorrect use of our gender limits our ability to learn and halts our spiritual advancement. 

Did it make sense to trust a Christianity challenged president as CEO of our now MUNICIPAL INCORPORATED GOVERNMENT?

According to the Ag report today the answer to the last question is "NO".  Cow heards  were reduced in size to drive up the price of beef.  However, the economy is so bad that the demand for beef has fallen limiting the price and forcing breeders and butchers into poverty.

Plainly; God, Marriage, and Christmas are the root of all good things.   

Saturday, December 21, 2013


I have to admit I wasn't looking forward to Christmas this year.  I am a physical and emotional wreck... in a happy sort of way.  Granted my kidney is sore and my ego is bruised.  I spent money I needed to live on surgery instead of food.  In the past years I've gained hundreds of pounds of weight, I've lost great hoards of money and yet my wonderful wife stepped to the plate and made up the difference instead of leaving.

Yesterday I was reminiscing over my failed attempts to prove my worth, considering I can't count on my body much the last few years, and fretting over Christmas gifts for family.  The best I can squeak out of the money we have is maybe a few things in a sock and a meal if I skip the bills one month.  Between city ordinances which created the need for surgery and all the towing fees moving cars and having to take one car out of commission accented by our sons lost revenue, our food budget for December dropped to 200 dollars to feed 6 people for 4 weeks on gluten free food.  (Trust me using food containing gluten is only cheaper superficially.) 

Anyway, I'm was licking my wounds and feeling sorry for my contributions to the family when I sought my  Father in prayer again, I seem to be praying a lot as of late.  I was swept back to a WWII German concentration camp and how unfair it was to be Jewish or a lucky Christen stripped of all worldly possessions and coldly executed in some torturous fashion.  Every person on this world and all the other worlds die.  The trick is doing your best with what you get.

Giving life and unconditional love is what matters most.  Jesus The Christ's life was tortured and short as He was tried and died to give us life and show us His love for us.  Christmas is a Christen Holy Day.  No lack of packages or other creature comforts can really dim that star of so long ago as it shines through timeless space.

This hasn't been a very productive year for me personally but... I know my Father loves me and nothing I suffer here on earth good or bad can compete with the joy His love brings to my troubled soul.  I love my wife in words indescribable in the English language I just hope she finds me worthy of her love in return.


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Obamacare, Monsanto, Smartmeters, and Agenda 21

What do these four things have in common?... Death to 6 billion people globally.

Agenda 21 touts sustainable growth on this planet.  Its drafters believe that currently the world is overpopulated.  To restore balance all but about 500 million people must be removed from the planet.  Families must stop having kids.  Old people need to hurry up and die.  Young people of no value need to be worked hard and disposed of so that the elite 500 million can live comfortable lives.

To control the productivity and lifespan of "us" (the drones) Monsanto steals manganese from the people and Smart-meters steal calcium from the people.  Of the 90 essential nutrients that humans need daily for good health manganese (scroll to bottom of link) and calcium are two of the most widely used nutrients in the body after pure unfiltered sunlight.  Unfiltered sunlight produces vitamin D3 when it strikes the skin.  Vitamin D3 is at the base of good health.  Without it calcium will not work properly in the body no matter how much you take.  This is a hint that sunscreen doesn't do a body good but causes cancer in multiple ways.   Just a little more trivia.  A calcium deficiency causes obesityCalcium kills Candida the main fungus found in humans.  Candida has been proven to cause type 1 diabetes.  (In this last link Hydrogen Peroxide is referred to as a free radical, It is not.  It is an anti-oxidant)  

So how does Obamacare play into this little scenario?  Well, it raises the price of health care to everyoneIt rations healthcare to the more valuable people in the workforceIt reduces the number of doctors available to the workforce.  Bad food and environmental conditions lead to sick people which in turn leads to a few disgruntled doctors.  With the acceleration of the extermination of the devout honest conservative people, progressive politicians  have cut a deep rut through the world governments.  Agenda 21 is well on its way to full implementation.

And to think THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA MAGISTRATE COURT system just convicted Kevin Trudeau of lying in a book when it has such a large beam in its own eye.  Who did Kevin injure?... a judges feelings and intuition - not an offence by Constitutional law.  Who did Obama and all the progressive politicians injure?...  300 million citizens of the United States - a felony by Constitutional law!  This is why the original 13th Amendment was illegally purged from the Constitution.  It reads;
"If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any Emperor, King, Prince, or foreign Power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them."
The real 13th Amendment, ratified some 30 years before Lincoln took office, disappeared after Lincoln was assassinated, convenient.  I found this page interesting as well.

So much for ranting today.