
If there was one serious problem in the world it would be the inability for the masses to grow their own food.  Not being able to grow your own food puts you at the mercy of friends, hopefully, but more often people, entities, and industries that care more about market and less about nutritional content.

Now for a really hard question? What is plant fertilizer? What makes fertilizer work?  Here again I see a bunch of mixed up terms pertaining to fertilizer.  With plants, fertilizer means nutrition like minerals.  So, fertilizer is a combination of minerals that can be dissolved and restructured to suit biological needs.  A term I call Bio-available.  As we discussed under health what we eat soon becomes us,

The best boost I found for gardening (especially if you are going to eat it) is Youngevity's  Blooming Minerals

This product contains all 77 minerals found in prehistoric plants.  It will make a garden healthier and better tasting I think.  At least I like the flavor better.  The plants are more durable to adverse conditions as well.

I have learned to cheat some though.  Instead of spreading the minerals over the whole garden and plowing it in I've come to put it in the holes as I plant.  This method cuts down the amount the weeds steal.