Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Power and Discipline

Power and Power Disciplined, need I say more?   Well I'm going to anyway, of course I wouldn't have started this line of thought without planning to go on.  I have a very gifted son in many ways.  His ability to understand and apply all forms of technology is unmatched in most circles.  Yet, I couldn't understand what was so different between us until it dawned on me recently that it is my self discipline and goals that make us different.

I have to admit... I think my son is more knowledgeable than I am with technology but he lacks the discipline to use that knowledge effectively.  As the father of such a child I pull my hair out at night for him.  I can see how he is irritated at his own stumbling.  I watch as he takes any council as an assault on his abilities.  

A few years ago I was meditating profusely, otherwise known as dreaming, while thinking about "Parts and Passions". A profound dream came to me about how we are born with a passion for life. A spark of passion, not unlike fire, glows in us as we come into the world. Our parents are there to feed our fire and guard it with rocks to keep it safe. As we grow the flames grow hotter and differing temperatures are felt as we stir around in the coals. Each coal now represents passions not only for life but it’s activities, understanding, and abilities.

Soon a simple fire pit can’t hold the developing heat of the fire and parents must provide enclosures, chimneys, and hearths, which give way to furnaces of every kind until our children become kilns ready to start making ceramics and porcelain equatable to developing talents and trying different interests to see what best fits for a lifetime. As they become young adults the fire grows hotter yet until we see steel forges created that can shape and refine their metal. Then comes that day… the day they transform into a vehicle not unlike a motorcycle and move their fire inside of it for power.

Note that each function on a device such as a motorcycle uses a different application of fire from its engine and auxiliary application motors to the blinkers and headlight. A correlation can again be depicted for each passion we develop in our lives. 

As I reflect on this dream I can't help but now see the importance of discipline and self discipline in our lives.  Passion or power unbridled just burns out at least or can really destroys things the hotter the fire... if it is freed.      

Even so we move from bikes to cars as we marry and join two sets of passions together as one. But, it doesn’t stop here. Our passions continue to grow as our families develop through many stages of vehicles even into air born vehicles. When we die we take wing and if we are still progressing our passions are still getting hotter until soon we are like the SR71 Blackbird. With a combustion chamber engine temperature reaching 32,000 degrees it cruses through the stratosphere as we become like our Spiritual Father.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


It's That Time Of The Year! My heart swells with memories of Christmas past. Not so much of the toys and sparkles but of that overwhelming Joy of Family. It has been growing for years and the older I get the more full my feeling is. From the roots of my Grandfathers and Grandmothers to my Fathers, Mothers, and Siblings I marvel at from where I came. As my Kids age, the thought of their Children adds significantly to the feeling as well. Family, there is no other more filling, challenging, and rewarding state.

Yet, the feeling wouldn't be complete without adding my other Family too... My Eternal Family. To think of the amount of charity our Eternal Father has in having us and giving us this time and world to learn and grow. I often think of those that I can not reach and aid. I think of man's inhumanity to man as a blight of unconscionable cruelty on the creations of God. Save all is lost, yet for one more gift.

In the council before the worlds where, our Older Brother stood and supported Our Father's plan to pass His greatest gift to us... Eternal Life. Immorality was ours for keeping our first estate. Christ's Atonement made it possible to keep our second estate. And, in paving our path Our Brother swore a perfect oath of righteousness that HE could pass the Power of Heaven to those of us that keep our second estate that we could continue populating worlds to come.

The Atonement is all about Repentance, Pure Charity, Integrity to Eternal Law, Priesthood Power, Marriage, and Families Forever.

Merry Christmas to All ! 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Perception and Value

It amazes me how things work in this world of perception and value.  Marketing especially intrigues me.  Often, lately, I see inferior products sold to replace older... more solid products.  I've see this with cars, electronics, and many other things.  How do you know when its time to devalue an item for an inferior new item?  Do we know the new item is inferior?  Have we been sold on the idea that newer is always better?

I have found that that which I understand and can use productively is more valuable to me then relearning a device so that I can still do the same job.  I realize that many think that this is in error as the new device makes the effort of work appear easier.  It's funny how hard it is to sell businessmen a new system to replace an old system if the old system isn't broken or made to look broken for the salesman's personal residual income.

Recently. our dollar has been being devalued globally due to our politicians specifically.  As this has happened there has been a covert effort to conceal old technologies and recollect expensive resources in new dollar speak.  Old technologies are hidden to focus us on inferior cheap new products as special and new for market reinvention and cash flow perpetuation.  Resource laden older parts are gathered for their quantity of reusable material as new, cheaper, lighter, parts are redistributed with built in obsolescence for good market recirculation.  We wouldn't want to have products that didn't break as that would make us more independent again... like in the 1800's

Now, humanity has the technologies to make every man independent.  So, why are we playing with this enslavement still?  Do we need a slave owner to look after us?  DID YOU KNOW that there are two forms of government, medicine, education, science, food production, and health care within the boundaries of the United States?

Here is a more complete list of the two systems and their components; 

Subject Agency and Self-reliance Guided Freedom
Food Production
Health Care

Male Roll
Female Roll
Constitutional Republic
Constitutional Law
Naturopathic Medicine
Adding Nutrition to Soil and Body
Pragmatic Education
Utilization of Natural Consequence
Natural Genetic Selection
Knowledge for Long Life
Directed by Free Market
Art of Balancing Environment
Self Betterment
A Placeholder for Beneficial Effort
Primary Responsibility
Re-enforcement of Values

Understanding & Knowledge
Guide and Provide for Family
Enlighten and Teach Family
Admiralty Law
Allopathic Medicine 

Patentable Symptom Concealer
Coercive Indoctrination
Politically Filtered Scientific Method
Man Altered GMO's
Insurance for Allopathic Solutions
Adapted Socialist Arena
Controller for the Masses
Concealment of Forfeited Agency
An Underlying Tool of Enslavement
Resented Entanglement
Object to Overcome
The Enemy

Replaced by Government Welfare
Conduit for Government Welfare

Back to the main topic, we choose what we want to perceive and the value it holds for us.  Most of us have been bumping our heads on the aforementioned list not knowing the agenda.  We see the President force health care at us even though a judge declared it unconstitutional.  The same President still has a questionable birth certificate unless he is the CEO of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INC.  and not the President of the United States.

So, what do you perceive as valuable?

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Problems and Solutions

This is how it was explained to me by Dr Wallach and Dr Glidden. There are things that we need to take to heal and there are somethings we need to avoid to heal. I'm going to start with the things to avoid because they impede or prohibit the things we need from working.

Avoid: soda, fried food, chemically preserved food, artificial sweeteners, exercise, gluten, and meats cooked at a high temperature.

Soda and carbonated water- alters the stable acidic conditions of the stomach by replacing it with an unstable acidic solution that easily slips through the intestinal wall into the blood stream. Carbonic acid dilutes our stomach acid allowing our blood pH to lower and become acidic by suppressing the production of bicarbonate in the pancreas and kidneys. This impedes the absorption of minerals and aids the growth of bad bacterium in our bodies. Low or weak stomach acid cause the pancreas and kidneys to stop production of bicarbonate which causes the blood pH to go acidic. A low blood pH increases our odds of infections.

Fried and chemically preserved food
Burnt and rancid oils- these are not pH or electrically neutral. Oils are the major building blocks of our cells. They are used to electrically insulate the positive charges of proteins and the negative charges of minerals in our cells. They also protect us by blocking the positive charges of CO2, lactic acids, and other waste acids from attacking our cells as the blood hauls them away. Bad oils are those that have been subjugated to the following; time- good oils rot quickly (aside from introducing harmful bacteria, the insulting properties of the oils are compromised with time), heat- good oils degrade to petroleum if they are heated above 200 degrees Fahrenheit (excessive heat cooks the oxygen out of them making them an acid and a free radical), light exposure- this again reduces the negative oxygen molecules from the oils (leaving a positively charged free radical), oxygen exposure- decomposes oils into CO2 and H2O

Artificial sweeteners
Artificial sweeteners- are free radicals. They cause the aging and death to body cells.

Exercise is stress- stressful activities damaged the body and impede healing. The damage is caused in several ways; first, we sweat out minerals that we aren’t replacing quickly with our poor diets. Second, we damage our muscles and joints requiring them to be healed with the minerals we are sweating out. Third, remember the fight or flight response? Our blood is either available to heal us or defend us but not both at the same time.

Wheat, barley, rye, and oat gluten- is hard to digest. This large protein resembles a polymine produced by the candida fungus. This polymine is toxic and will trip the body's defenses shutting down proper digestion. Wheat is only digestible after we have the protein, fatty acid, vitamin, and mineral building blocks we need. Gluten requires a healthy digestive track to be digested without damage to the intestinal wall (This includes healthy intestinal flora). Nutrition digests in this order carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins, fatty acids, and then minerals. There are 6 degrees of gluten distress; the worst being anorexia easing to gluten intolerance. The common problem being the inability to absorb minerals. Minerals constitute the largest part of the nutrition we require. Disrupting digestion or eating nutrition poor food opens us to over 900 diseases. Additionally, with gluten we often find yeast... specifically, a yeast that produces CO2 and alcohol two byproducts that denote it as a bad bacteria if not fully cooked.

Slow cooked meats
Slow cooking meats- keeps the fats and oils from converting to free rascals. This also enhances the flavor.

We are what we eat (or don't eat).

Things we need: salt, butter, avocados, eggs, enzymes or live food, 13 pro-biotics, 60-77 essential minerals, 16 essential vitamins, 12 essential amino acids(proteins), 3 essential fatty acids, and compensation for any surgeries like ulcer or gallbladder surgery (supplemental digestive acid and enzymes or ox bile).

Salt- it does a body good. Salt is required to counteract heartburn (heartburn is caused by an alkaline stomach). Stomach acid is made from salt and water. Sodium bicarbonate is made from salt and CO2 from the blood in the pancreas and kidneys. Salt makes both the stomach acid stronger and neutralizes more acidic waste in the blood.

Butter and milk cream- is a large fat molecule that supplies the necessary fat to make cholesterol (a brain building block). Be aware of pasteurization and homogenization with milk (Pasteurization destroys enzymes changing milk from a alkaloid to an acid.  In addition, remember grandma's old lye soap? milk fat plus milk minerals and heat equals milk soap) (Homogenization reduces the fat molecules to an extent that they can pass undigested into the blood stream through the intestinal wall, not to mention the possible damage to the fat and the likelihood of altering its pH again)

Avocados and fatty plants- this is a good way to get raw fatty acids, a core building block for all body cells.

Whole eggs- contain all 12 essential proteins. Meat gelatin from slow cooking have high concentrations of joint and bone proteins.

Enzymes or live food
Enzymes- come from live or raw foods. There are millions of enzymes and the more we can eat and use directly, over having to make from our body's limited mineral stores, benefits us in so many ways.

13 pro-biotics
13 plus pro-biotics- aid in repelling bad bacteria and produce beneficial byproducts like vitamin K. 10 of the 13 pro-biotics can be found in keffer (a yogurt type food). The remaining 3 of the 13 are beneficial as they consume candida fungus and are found in fertile soil, raw chicken skin, and compost (or a pill supplement).

77 essential minerals, 16 essential vitamins, 12 essential amino acids (proteins), 3 essential fatty acids
Basic nutrition- Our cells are made from these nutriments. You can't build a house without building materials
and your body can't either.

Gallbladder surgery requires a daily Ox bile supplement
Bile- is required to digest all oils and fatty acids. “Allopathic surgery” when will they learn “organs do things”. Without bile digestion stops at the fat level causing all the mineral remaining in our food to be flushed from our bodies instead of being integrated.

As to infections, cranberries and natural acids that pass through the digestive track will not damage tissues. However, soda and all free radicals acidify the blood without large amounts of salt, water, and antioxidants to counter them. Normal blood pH is 7.4. Acidified blood is pH 7.3. Large quantities of calcium will be pulled from the bones to stabilize the blood's pH if needed. This will cause weight gain and food cravings as mineral are depleted. Bacteria in an acidic body will assume a posture of waste removal and prepare for its disposal attacking weak and eventually all cells at will.

The solution has a very weak MLM company. How weak? Well, $10 is a life time membership and saves you 30% flat across the board for life. Or, signing as a preferred customer is free with all the cost benefits (30% flat across the board for life) just no MLM compensation.

Recommend monthly body maintenance per 120 pounds (this isn't really enough nutrition for healing out right)

So, membership drops the price from $111.40 a month to $77.98 without shipping of course.

Now, like all MLMs if the shipping is automated its free

So, $111.40 + $30 shipping or $141.40 can be as little as $77.98 if you sign up as an associate or preferred customer with a monthly auto-ship.

Now, these supplements won't work as well if the instructions from the first email are not followed.

If you would like to get a stronger kickoff including prepping for weight loss and setting a healing agenda you will need; (barring any special situations, advanced diseases, or surgeries)

Per healing month

1 Pig Pak $304.30 member $214.00 per 120 pounds of body weight

Note: your food bill will drop as food becomes recreational only (most of it, except salt and good fats, won't taste good)

Watch out for a sugar craving if you leave the minerals for any length of time before the healing is complete. Depending on your commitment to avoiding inhibiting food, body weight, nutrition absorption, and amount of nutrition ingested most people heal in less then 6 months... with most healed in 3.

I'm still working on this as I require 4 Pig Paks a month (since I was pushing 400lbs) for an estimated 4 more months to be fully healed and back to my correct body weight. That's $1,252.00 a month or $5,000.00 I have left to invest but, of the few months of maintenance and the month of full nutrition I was able to do so far I know this is correct information and it works. The one month I was at full nutrition I began losing weight. By the second week of the month I was losing weight at 9 pounds a week. The weight loss tapered off over the next 3 months but, I haven't gained any back. It sure beats the alternative ($10,000 for lap band surgery, 2% effective on a restrictive diet,; Metformin prescription, causes weight gain,; Avandia prescription, cause heart attack,; and Boniva prescription, causes difficulties with digestion, heartburn, and bronchitis,; AND! no real healing just managing symptoms for money) Bottom lining it, after adding up the discomfort, cost of doctor appointments, cost of surgery, cost of prescriptions, the cost of over the counter medications, down time, and shortness to a challenged life; Well, naturopathic medicine is cheaper, incorporates into life, and extends productive life.

About the 3 strange pro-biotics, I found this “Candida Yeast Support” at . It works great for me. With the body pH correction of the minerals it even works faster as your body becomes healthier.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Expectations of Truth

The First Expectation

So many of us claim we want to know the truth in our judicial system, doctor's offices, and even from our kids, if there is any. But, do we really want to know? How many of us are actually lying? The benign phrase “How are you today?” followed with “I'm fine and how are you? Just great, thank you.” just rings of truth in my book. So common it is to be polite at the expense of truth.

How many of us have heard the phrase “if it sounds to good to be true... it probably is”? Being an INTJ let's investigate a little more. What is actually being said here? Did you know that the truth needs no support... it stands as is. The truth is the truth. If an event happened or if a device is real well, everything around it demonstrates that it is real even if it sounds to good to be. However, a lie is different. For a lie to work it has to sound reasonable to the listener. So, I see the phrase “to good to be true” a self-deception; If this phrase is believed it can filter one's understanding to the point of being a self-imposed lie while actual truth is rejected.

In my book, I have learned to examine ideas and things associated with “to good to be real” and run from perceptions of rational compliance. Sherlock Holmes and Spock (from Star Trek) have both been heard saying “when you have eliminated the possible that that remains, no matter how improbable, is the truth”. Herman Cain, a republican presidential candidate, was accused of sexual harassment. Well, the liberal democratic media confronted him with the allegations expecting a spin of some sort instead he stated “yep, it happened”. It is incredible how powerful the truth is... No spin, no survey, no coverup team, and no story.

In my book, if “something” sounds sane and rational it is probably a lie. If it sounds as fruity or loony as I have never heard or conceived, even to stretching the boundaries of my understanding, well then, watch out it has the real markings of a truth... I may need to know.

Conclusion, truth often sounds to unbelievable to be true.

The Second Expectation

The truth stretches our understanding. So many of us get tired or lazy, we don't want to listen and rundown facts to support what comes our way. We lie to our selves to cover our fatigue or laziness instead of just shelving the possible truth until we are better equipped to follow up on them. It's funny, in the last few weeks I have been working with certificate servers. A security device that is designed to know if it is being lied to by remote systems. The system runs certificates to ground to reveal intruders. One computer holds the main certificate which is self signed all the other computers that wish to communicate have certificates that are signed by the one or a progenitor of the one. Now , if a system attempts to use the network resources then the resource system must run the users certificate to the one's self signed certificate or to an established progenitor of the one. This description is like truth. If someone comes to us with an idea or thing do we not have to compare it to what we know to be true until it complies, proves to be self-signed, or is reject-able as an intruder.
“Self Evident” we find these words in the Declaration of Independence. Our founding fathers used this term “We declare these truths to be self evident”. Even our founding fathers knew the importance of self signed certificates pertaining to truth. They knew of the truths of the existence of God and that God gave man the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness stamping them self signed... standing alone. If anyone attempts to infiltrate the line of truth they stick out like flares at night.

It is great amusement watching educated people attempt to deceive us. Like with Mr. Cain's altercation, the media assumed to be pointing at him as a flawed candidate because he is a sexual deviant. But, in their mock up of their perception of known truth, to us it fell flat when Cain claimed the truth. The event happened. Self signed statement with real supporting evidence. He is a sexual deviant. This is not self signed so we have to look harder at the source until we find a self signed truth... which we didn't. This testifies against the media as being creditable.

The tea party is the same way. They use self signed or supported by self signed arguments in their rational. The most important being God lives. Those that throw out God can not get a self signed signature from Him for their arguments. And, if they attempt to inject lies it is hard to make them stick without His endorsement.

Conclusion, truth is always self signed and able to support scrutiny.

The Third Expectation

The truth is not always easy to see. The traditions of our fathers may cloud our eyes if we don't challenge our own understanding. Excepting an understanding of a concept without seeing an example of it in at lease 3 of the 4 ways we draw understanding (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual), we are assuming a truth not verifying it.

Education falls into this category. Often lessons are based on faulty logic and political reasoning. Truth needs no rational support. Truth isn't found in a political agenda. Truth is the self-signed certificate that a rational idea needs for support. A political agenda requires truth as a foundation to hold water. Agenda based educational propaganda clouds our minds and blinds our eyes. Schools are to be scrutinized continually to maintain a solid connection to a foundation of truth.

Conclusion, truth can only be covered in false tradition, poor understanding, and deviant agendas not changed.

Friday, October 28, 2011

The Body Human according to an INTJ

The human body is a wonderful device.  I have been learning of different medical philosophies and procedures in order to get healthy again.  I learned, first thing, that my health is my responsibility and no doctor can relieve me of it.  That said lets get to what I have learned.

1.  The skeleton is first made of protein.  Tendons, cartilage, and ligaments are part of this protein structure.
2.  The actual bones of the skeleton act as a mineral bank for all documented 60 but in actuality 77 mineral we are suppose to ingest daily.
3.  The bones are part of the endocrine system or hormones.  Hormones require the minerals from the bones in order to be constructed.
4.  The slowest healing bones in our body take two years to heal. (The vertebra)  All other tissues heal much faster including most bones (3 to 6 months with proper nutrition).
5.  The minerals in the skeleton, when properly assembled, forms a crystal structure that functions with the earth's energy.
6.  The soft tissues (skin, muscle, and organs) of the body posses liquefied minerals that form a liquid crystal matrix.
7.  The earth's energy oscillates between the crystals of the skeleton and the soft tissues.
8.  Shock is caused when the base energy field between the liquid crystal and the solid crystal of the body is altered.
9.  The combination of the energies oscillating between the bones and soft tissues acts as our electrical ground for our nerves and chemical reactions.
10. Each cell of our bodies have two main communication methods and many have more.(electrical ground & hormones)
11. The cell's communication methods are ground voltage, hormones, enzymes, and nerve stimulation.
12. Each cell uses minerals, fats, and proteins to manipulate minute voltages to regulate cell function.
13. Cells use advanced technology to adhere to one another.  Muscle cells use advanced technology to contract. (Lorentz effect)
14. The body's chemistry is capable of altering atomic densities to facilitate body movement.
15. The blood is the most impotent tissue.  The body will sacrifice all other organs... even the brain to protect it.
16. The brain talks to the body with nerves.
17. Organs talk to each other with hormones.
18. Beneficial organisms talk to our bodies with enzymes.
19. The earth communicates with us through the harmonic oscillations reflected between our crystal structures. 
20. Four categories of substances compose our bodies nutritional needs; The 60 essential minerals of the 77 known bio-available minerals , 16 essential vitamins, 12 essential amino acids, and 3 essential fatty acids.    
21. There is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate; sugar starch, or fiber.
22. The body has 7 major enemies viruses, bacterium, fungi, parasites, poor nutrition, persistent electromagnetic frequencies, and physical trauma.
23. There are 13 pro-biotics that should inhabit our digestive systems. (3 of which feed on candida) 
24. Candida fungus is a prolific common fungus that thrives when antibiotic use eliminates its 3 predators.
25. Carbohydrates act as fertilizers for intestinal bacteria both good and bad.
26. Salt is required to make stomach acid or hydrochloric acid. (which is needed to adsorb minerals)
27. Low salt consumption can contribute to low stomach acid that causes heartburn and allows uncontrolled bacterium growth in the gut. 
28. Low acid also allows bad intestinal bacteria to create alcohol and  gases from carbohydrates and undigestible polyamines from excess proteins. 
29. The body digests in descending order carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins, fats, and then minerals.
30. If there are any digestive problems it stops digestion at that point only passing the rest from the body.
31. The minerals are the most important part of digestion and the easiest to interrupt.
32. Body fat is created when the body lacks the minerals to burn ingested carbohydrates.
33. Candida fungus interrupts digestion and blocks mineral adsorption.
34. Over 900 diseases are attributable to mineral deficiencies.
35. Live food contains enzymes, pro-biotics, vitamins, and energy at the earth's charge.
36. Live food can be missing minerals needed to be healthy. (plants need only 9 minerals to grow they store the rest of the minerals that are or are not present in the soil for us)
37. Plants can convert rock minerals into bio-available minerals we need.
38. The rock mineral must be in the plant's root grasp to be in the plant.
39. Cooking food in general and especially on high heat reduces its nutritional value.
40. Heat, light, oxygen, and time can change a good fatty acid to a cell damaging free radical.    
41. Bad teeth are a symptom of osteoporosis.  Brushing won't keep your teeth healthy. (avoiding fluoride helps too)
42. Each body organ has a function and if the organ is removed that function stops.
43. The appendix acts as an incubator for intestinal flora.
44. The gall bladder injects bile into the digestive process to digest fats.  (no bile-no fat assimilation-no mineral absorption )
45. The tonsils and adenoids sample food and air for the spleen to create counter measures against sickness.
46. Stomach ulcers are caused by bacteria under the stomach mucus feeding on fructose in the stomach cells and blood.
47. There is a link between candida and type1 diabetes, celiac, leaky gut, and chronic fatigue.
48. Type2 diabetes is a mineral deficiency.
49. Naturopathic doctors practicing  holistic medicine handle disease better then allopathic doctors.  (bottom line: more cures less death)
50. Naturopathic medicine is cheaper and more effective then allopathic pills or surgery.
51. Allopathic medicine is effective only in trauma physical situations.  (like knife, bullet, and car crash injuries not heart attacks, ulcers, and diabetes which are caused by nutritional deficiency)
52. Exercise without minerals absorption is a death sentence.  Sweating out mineral without replacing all 77 of them causes any of 900 different diseases and death faster then sitting on the sofa watching TV.
53. Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) in the form of strong or persistent electronic frequencies can alter the charge of ionic minerals in the body rendering them inert or toxic to proper cell function.   
This is the basic list of things I learned in my travels to get healthy again.  But, I have no credibility so I watch as the people and loved ones around me submit to educated allopathic doctors making a living on managing their deaths.  Agency... God gave us a lot of it.  When will people wake up and want to live long healthy active lives instead of being walking cadavers for expensive medical experiments.  The Jews & Christians are still being robbed and exterminated by the NAZI.  NAZI Germany contributed to modern allopathic medicine.

My story

There are 4 main types of medicine practiced in the world today. 

Acupuncture medicine / Traditional Chinese medicine

Ayurveda medicine

Allopathic medicine

Naturopathic medicine

We can research out our solutions or we can entrust others that may have other motivations other then our life at hand.  It is hard for me at this point to trust a doctor for more then consultation only.

One last note 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Perception on Hydration

Living in a dry climate it is not uncommon to wake in the  morning with a dry throat, nose, lungs, and skin.  But I've been testing things again and discovered something interesting to me at least and if anyone else is reading this maybe to you too.  Doctor Wallach informed me that dryness in the body or dehydration happens when we eat rancid, burnt, or old fatty acids since fatty acids make up the cell membrane of each cell in our bodies we need the best Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids we can get.  Fatty acids also electrically insulate our nerves as well as insulate our bodies from the cold and our organs from physical shock from jarring and impact.  A quick glimpse at Omega-3 fatty acids in the body is quite revealing.

This is what I learned over the last few months.  I have been taking Wallach's approved nutrition (part 1 & part 2) in the quantities I need for my weight as often as I can afford them which is easier to do as I feel better and can work longer and harder with them.

However, as of late I have been lacking in the EFAs or Essential Fatty Acids area by design to see what symptoms of my former broken down existence would return.  The first thing I noticed was my brain power.  I started losing words and ideas off the tip of my tongue again.  My joints started hurting and creaking again.  My bones reacquired their dull discomfort once more.

Now this is where I'm going with this.  The mere chemical reaction of breaking down fat isn't keeping me hydrated anymore.  Fatty acids are composed of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen.  When we metabolize fat we get water and carbon dioxide.  This water helps keep us hydrated if we have the right fatty acids guarding our cells.  When we have leaky cell walls holding our protoplasm we need to drink more water.

Good EFAs keep your nose moist at night.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

We the People

I find that a few people can't break down the meanings of the terms government, corporations, businesses, market, capitalism, socialism, and communism  just to name a few.  So I will simplify the equation (like in math class).  Who is the government?  What are corporations and businesses?  Who constitutes a market?  What is the real point of  capitalism, socialism, and communism?

Well a picture is worth a thousand words.

Did we notice anything special in this picture?  In the preamble of the Constitution it states "We the People of the United States," and so on.  Now who is the government?  We are.  What are corporations and businesses?  Organizations of who?  We the people.   Who constitutes a market?  Again we do.  

Now this being the case, let's look at a few quandaries like market function, taxes, executive pay, employee pay, poverty, and personal responsibility.  Do we the people like to buy things?  All the same things?  Yes, we like buying things and no, we don't always like the same things.  Some people like peanut butter.  And Viola! if we put all the people together that like peanut butter we have a market.  Do we like it when other people tell us we don't like peanut butter? NO, we do not.   

The people that like peanut butter purchase peanut butter but the people that made the peanut butter may like jam better and they join the jam market.  However, they need money to trade for jam   So, the money they receive from supplying peanut butter is divided between employee needs, company investments for future sales, and funds for maintenance, waste, and accident.  Now here is the trick, watch carefully.  It costs money to make peanut butter (employee needs, company investments for future sales, and funds for maintenance, waste, and accident).  If this price is too high then the market gets smaller forcing the price of peanut butter to go up.  If the market gets bigger the price of peanut butter goes down.  But, no matter what happens the market stays balanced.

When a market starts falling off the people that make peanut butter will start making it cheaper or better or faster or ship it to other markets or what ever the market demands to balance the market again.


If a market is booming (lots of peanut butter buyers) then there is room for other businesses to enter into the market.  Competition!


It's all about the demand (people that like peanut butter) balancing with the supply (people that make peanut butter).  

Jumping to internal business economics,  why do executives get paid more then normal employees?  

A person finds that there is a good market of peanut butter buyers.  He or she decides to make peanut butter.  Time and money is spent getting a working business plan together finding other people that can organize specific details of each of the major function of the company are found and enticed.  Then more people are found that can salt peanuts, cook peanuts, shell peanuts, crush peanuts, bottle peanut butter, pack boxes, ship boxes, and sell peanut butter at a price the market thinks is fair for their efforts.  

Who did the most work and is risking the most?  The person that wanted to make peanut butter.  Who is next most responsible?  The people riding the horses of the business's major functions.  One bad buck and the company can suffer loses that affect everyone in the company.  What employee positions become more redundant in numbers of people holding them?  The line workers.  Wow, a micro market inside a bigger market.  Looking at the job of  "salting peanuts", if there are lots of people that can fill the job the wage goes down.  If few people can do the job the wage goes up.  If the wage gets too high the company fails.  

However, another person's company  might be able to salt peanuts for less then hiring an internal employee to do it.  Or, there might be a new machine that can do it cheaper then paying a person or a company to salt peanuts.

So, it comes down to what the people will pay for verses what the people will work for to maintain the peanut butter availability.  

dom, Dom, DOM, I hear the genital foot steps of the government coming in stride with the tax man.  OK, let's get the playing field organized.  Hear the soft voices of people shouting "I want peanut butter", "I want jam", "I want toast", and so on.  Businesses jib and jab attempting to balance the supply with the demand at the price the market dictates.  The government announces that they will supply toast.  Oh, by the way we say the price is high according to market standards and you will pay it any way.  


Forcing a price without regard to market demand buys a whole lot of waste.  Let's look at a few wasted bucks.

Education:  Let's loan the students money without regard to market needs so that they have a healthy debit right out of college.  Will their chosen profession be in a saturated market causing a trip to the twilight zone of micro markets and low wages to pay off those loans?    

General Welfare:  As mentioned in the Constitution Article 1 Section 8 refers to the health of the nation in whole not the individuals.  Let's think on this, if the government pays people that do not participate in supplying goods and services in the private markets are they not weakening the general welfare of the nation as goods and services dry up?  Nature will balance the equation with poverty, disease and death if it comes to that.  So the government is breaking the law as they spend on a twisted understanding of general individual welfare.

Health Care:  We are all people with different talents, desires, and educations.  Why does a doctor become a doctor?  Easy answer- self improvement personally or publicly.  Or wealth and fame, your choice.  Now without regard to market demand and supply again the government people have set arbitrary requirements on doctors to see people in poverty that they created.  This forces the doctor into poverty also.  Cool, here's one better.  Governmental protections have forced all but the most profitable forms of medicine like allopathic medicine into poverty.  Buy a shot.  Buy a pill. Fix the problems as individual modules, that way 4 doctors need to look at you instead of one.  In effective waste of power and funds.

The people we trusted to govern need to read the Declaration of Independence.  For the same reasons our fore fathers left England, the people may rise against the current "CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INC.".  

We the people, why have we bowed to anything but the real rights we have... life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  The other day the radio news was talking of grade schoolers and their right to education.  "What?" was my reply.  Since when is education a right? Rule number ONE; rights don't cost money.  Rule number TWO; rights don't require other people to do anything for us.  Rule number THREE; rights are God given not some rhetoric from some government .

Socialism, and communism are both but not the only government rhetoric machines.  They tell people that they don't need to work for themselves.  The government expounds to everyone things like; need food call us we will magically get it for you from thin air.  We don't force people to work after we tell them the government will provide.  Behind the thin veil of government is always the people.  Governments can do nothing save the people actually do it; usually out of fear.           

Many people believe that Naziism is the ultimate conservative position.  However, NAZI is the German acronym for the National Socialist German Workers' Party.  So, if you live in communist China Nazi s are conservative.

Well that's all I can say for now.