Monday, May 27, 2013

We should Thank CEO Obama

To be honest I think Obama may have done America a great service.  For all the financial stress the common private business sector has suffered and the weak financial ripple that the false government is pushing into the lower half of the public sector, Obama should be praised for exposing his predecessors money grabbing ways.  Obama's concuss decision to really exercise the rules of control and poverty on the people instead of maintaining the secret agenda was brilliant.

It has been said that only when the people feel pain will they reflect enough to act.  Well, the old agenda was to pick off the weak and then cause contention between the stronger.  Once achieved the stronger could be defeated one by one until there was none.  In walks Obama and stirs the whole nest into a panic at once.

The private sector has been gutted.  Now, the low hanging public sector is on the block.  If the private sector wanted to help it is too late as their help funds are tied up in taxes and Obama-care now.  Private sector lay-offs have come and gone.  Money and power has been switched to government control away from the people.  Where was the low hanging public sector when the private sector was gutted?  Voting for Obama and free cell phones?

Did you not know that the free cell phones and other crap is designed to lead you into the gas chamber.  "Come! get your nice warm showers here" sound familiar?  The real definition of "Food Stamps" is a promise, made by the government, that acts like the piece of cheese in a mouse trap.  When the trap is sprung hungry people will kill each other to live.  You know "Global Depopulation" and Agenda 21.  6.5 billion people killed down to 500 million loyal global citizens.  6 billion people have to die!

Now the meat, THERE ARE TWO GOVERNMENTS RUNNING IN AMERICA!!!  The one we think is running the country 'The Constitutional Republic of the United States' and the one Obama is CEO of, being 'THE CORPORATE DEMOCRACY OF THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA'.  

Since Obama doesn't qualify to be President of the United States under the Constitution he has ignored it.  You see he isn't a natural born citizen under 'natural law 215' but a Kenyon because his father is.  Natural law (base of the Constitution) doesn't recognize English common law which empowers the CEOs of America.  So, Obama can only be CEO of the CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (Please note corporate names are to be printed in all caps as per the law).  Every notice your name on your drivers license?  All caps.  You are a subject of a corporation.  In 1913 you where sold into slavery under Admiralty law and THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA owns you. 

Well, now isn't this interesting as almost all Americans are subjects of the King of THE CORPORATE STATES OF THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.  Have you ever heard Obama care... you WILL pay not you CAN pay.  A sovereign citizen can use their 9th Amendment rights to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights to defend their 1st Amendment rights to maintain their 4th Amendment rights without penalty of law.  But, a subject under Admiralty law and Magistrate court is just SOL  (slug out of luck). (Required to become more then a slug)

The plain truth is that global banksters took our money as collateral and wrote out loans on money 90% more then we had so that they could charge interest on air.  If we use this food dispenser as our model the beans in the front panel is our savings accounts.  The banksters put our money in the front to make the bank look like it was full of our money but the box was empty behind the face plate.  Then the banksters loaned out the air in the box as money while collecting money or interest on it (the beans collecting in the bottom of the box.  Note the box is still empty).  Companies borrowed money to setup, run, and pay workers.  Interesting the companies are paying money back to the bank and the box is still empty.  Very little real money gets lent out as a result your saving account will never see significant interest accrual.  Long story short, the banksters now own the company without spending a dime.  The employees are working to pay for thin air    

The banksters liked this arrangement (a quick lie and collect the money).  They knew that if the people found out they were stealing from them, tar and feathers would be a blessing over being killed out right.  In walks the politicians, and with them a solution to controlling... delaying a public execution of the banksters.  Money is spent, bad laws are made, and an army is enlisted just in case.

The Constitution is changed to hide the banksters.  Governments persecute the innocent killing if they must to control a pending civil breakdown.  Technology is suppressed because if it where public knowledge, only the banksters would fear for their lives and the lives of their families.      

Obama's blatant flaunting of this secret government has sped us down the road to requiring drastic population controls.  Private sector killing is required to limit resources at the populations level.  The MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT CORPORATIONS have  purchased with our money 70% of the public sector companies and kept the dividends again for the banksters.

Public sector based promises are being made as bate for the trap.  When the dividend market crashes green backs will be worthless as most of them are air anyway.  Resources will be destroyed by scared people looting and destroying resource production attempting to get food.  The people starving to death for the banksters safety.                      

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Do Your Homework!

As an INTJ I am always looking for connections and angles.  Acquiring data is part of my life force.  I am never too busy to make a mental note for future use.  However, notes are weighted according to whither I am looking at something or an idea related to a concise effort in-course or not.

This last while I have been plagued will "Smart Meter" data and the effect of Electro-Magnetic Radiation (EMR) and frequency on the body.  Oh to be naive again, like most of the world's population.  Maybe then while they are killing us under Agenda 21 mandates I would feel better about dying and being dead.  As of late, even our local city is buying into Smart Meters.  What a bunch of self destructive progressives sit on our city counsel.  Worse yet, they are willing to sacrifice all the people in the city to bend over for the federal and new world order screwing.      

Listening to Kim Komando it dawned on me that violent death is a prevalent theme today forced in our faces from TV shows to news programs on multiple mediums.  The Secret (or the law of attraction - found in the Bible and other scripture) states that what emotionally controls our thoughts will prove to be our reality.  If we are dwelling on death from all the entertainment and news outlets as well as any personal contacts, we are setting the table to receive in kind.   

I don't now what the future holds.  But, I do know that if we don't make a stand it won't hold anything good. 

Rush, Your Making Me Mad Again

I find myself listening to Rush's show this morning.  I wish I couldn't believe what I am hearing but I know better.  This segment is about Apple (supported Obama's election) and the inquisition Obama is putting them through for following the tax law.  Like any good company Apple attempted to cut costs so that they could keep the price of Macs and products down for the consumer.

Ran Paul (Tea Party) is the only one defending Apple for not breaking the law.  I am embarrassed by Obama and angry at the crap he is pushing on us.  Obama is forcing Apple to conform to FASCIST NAZIISM (Privately owned companies forced to be puppets of the government).

Where are the idiot republic-rats, RINOs, and non-partisans?...  Yes, I momentarily forgot... they are "Progressive Whipped".  I remember now.  How is this not to make me mad?  GO Mr. PAUL!!!!!!  I would be glad to have your back.

Next subject; Obama care

Obama's people didn't know companies would lay off full time people and hire part time people to avoid this bad, stupid, controlling, selfish, piece of crap legislation of Obama-nation.  Duh, One would think that Obama is a FASCIST again.  I would gladly work two jobs to avoid Obama and support an income form a private self controlled business.  Morons! Obama's people are morons, just these two examples demonstrates Obama is not a United States citizen.  He has done noting but mimic the NAZI Germany of Adolf Hitler.

My strength is limited but I can't stand for this tyranny.  Our forefathers fought and died for Natural Law, The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, and liberty.  The Pilgrims thanked God for showing them that a nation built on Christen values of Faith, Morality, Law, Education, and Liberty can be the most powerful country in the world.

Satan demonstrated in the Counsel in Heaven that he could not support the Father's Plan of Agency (an Eternal Law).  Being cast down to earth to tempt man, Satan brought his plan of captivity with him.  Now, it is made manifest in progressive politics and world dominating organizations.

The Republic of The United States of America has come under attack!  For those that don't see this, yet are anxiously engaged, I hope your trip to the gas chamber is quick and painless.  Even as Christ hung on the cross pleading with God the Father "Father forgive them for they know not what they do"  I hope God isn't greatly disappointed by those for being complacent in this life.  I know that I am dreading the teeth of the lions  for my family and myself.  However, it is better then an eternity of self inflicted captivity.

If I were to pray for my country, I would pray that it's leaders would open their eyes and see the destruction they are bringing on themselves and the rest of us.  With each law and judgment against the family unit God outlined, we teach our children to be slaves in this world and the next.  Ignorance of eternal law will not satisfy salvation or happiness.  Satisfying Eternal Law brings both temporal and eternal salvation in addition to happiness, liberty, and expansion.

The world banking system's entrapment & enslavement; Agenda 21 or {GMOs, toxic foods, & seed patenting; The Common Core (communist educational curriculum); Cem-trails & Geo-engineering; 440, 444, & 450 Hz musical instrument tuning & discord with nature; constant & recorded surveillance; destruction of the United States Constitution; formation of a CORPORATE DEMOCRACY in the United States; government land & resource grabs, forced government control of companies and businesses, world depopulation edict, introduction of electromagnetic pollution & people control, forced acceptance of Allopathic medicine as the nation's standard} and the direct attack on family values is just the tip of the iceberg.  We have much to win back.  Congressmen and Senators... you are tempting God to destroy you.  Like God told Nephi "It is better for one man to die in his sins than a  nation to dwindle in unbelief".


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Just a Pair of Ants

As parents we are responsible for our kids, their schooling, food, clothes, shelter, security, and many other things.  Lately, the would be powers of the world have attempted to convince us as fathers, mothers, and children that this is not so.  Many attempts have been leveled at the family to devalue fathers, isolate mothers, and dictate directly to our children.

The words resounding in our children's ears from most venues today are designed to enslave them.  The war in heaven still continues.  Satan's plan is well manifest in the world and directed at our kids.  Communism, socialism, Naziism, and globalism by any name manifests Satan's plan of limited potential and death.  When you temporally take away the people's agency you introduce limits, discontent, and poverty to a nation.  People forced to serve each other build resentment toward the force.  This resentment is a very weak foundation on which to rest a people's future.          

The first law of Heaven grants all men agency.  Men that do good of their own free will establish a very strong foundation for a nation.  When proper rewards follow proper effort correct understanding is achieved.  God knew this.  Families are His answer to educating children to be strong, happy, morale, and eternal with the blessing of creating more life.  No county, state, nation, or king can do this but a father and a mother can.   

Men and Women are complimentary in nature being they where designed to form the foundation of a family.  The family unit is the core of life, power, and fulfillment.  Business men, kings, and all forms of rulers fall short of real power.  So, they can shoot people; is this power?  No, not really, like all of Satan's lies Cain killing Able didn't stop Able from being favored of God nor did it stop God from blessing Able.  It did prove Able more resolute to eternal law.  So, long story short Cain inflicted massive damage to himself not Able.  Cain demonstrated he could not be trusted to follow the eternal law of increase as such his blessing of eternal life was self damned.

Strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leads toward salvation.  Only one nation at one time amid a world full of nations rose above all other nations in power and knowledge in less then 100 years of conception.  This nation was based on God, the Bible, and Christianity.  Its primary laws revolved around God's family model.  Agency was its war cry as freedom sprain boldly into the world.  The oh so limited power of giving death was given to all men equally as killing is most often more damning to the killer "eternally" then the killed.

That said, I know the world has attempted to teach my children that my wife and I are just a "pair of ants" before its vastness and power.  But, I know that God and eternal law are on my side.  God rules over worlds without number.  His Angels stand at my side should I need them.  I know that though Satan's work, manifest in nations, inflict pain and eventually possibly death on me they can not hurt me for very long.  And yet, my honest testimony before the judgement bar of God combined with their own acts will bind them for all eternity.  This grieves me some knowing that I can be force to condemn someone else do to their own evilness.  It is not a happy day watching people caught in wickedness terminate their potential joy.

Agenda 21 is Satan's plan leading strait to eternal death for those that would enforce it.  We as parents are not just a "pair of ants" but a major stumbling block to those that would profess the end of mortal life the ultimate power.  We were given this opportunity in mortality to prove "if" we could live eternal law.  Any persecution of the family, as God directed, will only meet one fate, even "eventually" in mortality as well, entrapment in a glory of God without that fullness of creation.