I implore your attention to the subject of Education. In my studies I have discovered a discord between the Idaho Constitution Article IX and Agenda 21's section 36 better known as Common Core or Luna's plan.
Idaho Constitution Article IX reads:
How current is this law?
This says, if I am not mistaken, that Idaho has a Republic form for its government. And, to support said Republic our children are to be taught how a Republic works. The Idaho Sate Constitution emphasizes the teaching of general materials supporting the understanding of a Republican form of government.
Do any of these three support the intent of the Idaho Constitution?
Agenda 21's chapter 25 and 36; Chapter 25 (pages 275 - 278) and Chapter 36 (pages 320 -328)
Common Core Standards
Tom Luna's plan
Plainly, the answer is NO. These three are derivatives of the same agenda against freedom progressing to a technically advanced socialistic workforce. Nowhere in these three aforementioned agendas, standards, or plans is mentioned anything about maintaining our Republic.
We The People don't like being forced to service the environment.
God created the world for man not man for the world.
God doesn't hold kindly to limiting man's agency.
We The People resent being force to prop up governmental policy to sooth the masses against war.
Doctors forced to work for peanuts under Obamacare
The youth forced to subject to the high price of Obamacare
Teachers forced to dumb down our children to accommodate Common Core
(you might be wondering why I put Obamacare into education. Well, Agenda 21 chapter 36.1 connects to chapter 6 (pages 31- 44) which is Obamacare)
36.1. Education, raising of public awareness and training are linked to virtually all areas in Agenda 21, and even more closely to the ones on meeting basic needs, capacity building, data and information, science, and the role of major groups. This chapter sets out broad proposals, while specific suggestions related to sectoral issues are contained in other chapters. The Declaration and Recommendations of the Tbilisi Intergovernmental Conference on Environmental Education 1/organized by UNESCO and UNEP and held in 1977, have provided the fundamental principles for the proposals in this document.
Now. Luna's plan is Agenda 21's chapter 36 affixed on the local level.
This being the case I am afraid that our governor and school superintendent are socialists. As a God fearing conservative I can not support the socialistic anti-God agenda being forced on my kids by the world powers. I am a Citizen of The United States. I am not a subject under the socialistic CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA operating under the fascist state of global corporatism?
I will do all in my power to preserve our nation for our kids in freedom. I will not vote for a "Progressive", a "RINO", or a "waffle". I will do my best to publicly label all such politicrats and yoke them with the collars of "enslaving us... the workforce", of "stealing our children's future", and "robbing and killing the old".
Socialism should have died with Jamestown it is amazing how it persists.
Faith, Morality, Law, Education, and Liberty, after their near death in Jamestown at the hand of socialism these truths set the stage for The United States. Thanksgiving Day is the anniversary of God's gift of life to Jamestown and a monument to these 5 truths.
I'd like to see this taught in school.