
It has long sine been my understanding that an evaluation of all the parts of a project had to be looked at before an assessment of a job could be formulated.  Well, as pertaining to health we really need to know or have some what of an understanding as to what good health is in order to achieve it.  I have come to believe man to be a duel entity being.  We have a body and a spirit.  Which is cool at Halloween, a person can go as two ghouls at once  a ghost and a zombie or a poltergeist and a skeleton.

Anyway, you are on your own dealing with things spiritual here as I will focus on the machine or body.  A fabulous machine composed of a wide range of parts from microscopic to several pounds in size.  The components of our bodies are composed of bio-available minerals, vitamins, proteins, and fats (interesting, no carbohydrates).  We run on advanced technology compared to our public and open knowledge.

OK, a knowledge of both electrical energies, biological chemistry, advanced physics, and economics are required to really discuss the body as the designer was very knowledgeable.  We use both endothermic and exothermic electrical and chemical processes to regulate our strength.  So, if you are still with me... here we go.