Sunday, July 19, 2015

Looking Out My Window, I See the Time Is Short

I do not wish to be an alarmist. I have been tempted to leave this part out of my presentation. However, a few points of concern have crossed my desk that I feel everyone should know. June 2015, The Federal Job Report stated we gained 223k jobs and lost 432k jobs for a net gain of -209k jobs created in June of 2015. If we use the job participation report to generate the unemployment rate we get 42% unemployment in America for June of 2015. We have 93million people on food stamps nationally. The federally stated unemployment rate of 5.3% doesn't include those that have given up over the last 5 years but still need to eat. 93Million people are almost 1/3rd of our gross population nationally.

Biblically and chronologically, the harbingers (KJV Bible Isaiah 9) have been played out between 2001 and 2007. America's elite declared war on God . Of the predicted blood moons, 3 of the 4 blood moons (and the corresponding eclipse) have past. The 4th blood moon is coming September 28, 2015. The Super Shemittah (explained by the KJV Bible in Leviticus 25) starts this September 2015 and lasts until September of 2016. (The Shemittah is the resting of the fields every 7 years and forgiving of all debits every 49 years. The Super Shemittah happens every 49 years.) The Federal Reserve is planing on digitizing our money October 15, 2015. October 20, 2015 is the day we find out who owns the new Global Reserve Currency .

I have a solution unfortunately my marketing skills are lacking.