So much to think about. I am starting to find this site confining combine with not being the fastest typist in the world inhibiting me. I've started to edit myself in the attempt at organizing my thoughts as I have found shortcomings in the blog design. Simply the way the blog is designed is to small to adequately express organized ideas. Sounds dumb I know but bare with me. Only one page of this multi-page blog allows individual entries all the other pages are only one entry. And I haven't discovered how to link multiple blogs together smooth enough to soot me yet.
Here is just a few things I have been working on since last time.
1. Gluten Free sour dough recipe - using corn flour and inexpensive ingredients
2. General conference assimilation - This is a whole blog by its self
3. Family scheduling more completely - so much to rework
4. New job starting today - working out final thoughts
5. I developed a bunch of chilli and additional sauce recipes for a cook book I'm thinking about
6. Developing a new record label marketing model
7. Reviewing my gardening business idea and polishing it
8. Poking at finding a more direct marketing method for my Youngevity connections
9. Getting the bugs out of the affiliation
10. Creating a R/C oscillator and amp for a device I'm poking at
11. Attempting to contact my precinct people and get them registered for the primaries coming up
12. Spending time with my wife & family
13. Running the house since I work at home and she doesn't
14. Attempting to finance my healing - my mineral reserves are falling off and my body is starting to hurt again
15. Researching the connection between antibiotics, fungi, candida, celiac, type 1 & 2 diabetes, and the way to correct the chain
16. AND of course, each of these have multiple layers
I know other people aren't as involved in so many non connected things at once. I can't say I'm stressed by my endeavors as it seems natural to be thinking all the time. Stress is when a plan or idea is weak. Stress is talking to people that are just talking. Stress is explaining myself over and over cause someone I'm compelled to converse with isn't listening. Stress is being ignored by educated idiots based on a ambiguous argument that the schooled are brighter then the gifted. The most insane part of this is that the educated studied the gifted to gain a semblance of knowledge. There is nothing more pathetic then a brain dead PHD. Self deception at its best. Sorry, must have hit a nerve.
17. Researching the concept that our bodies are comprised of two forms of crystal - a solid locked form in our bones and a liquid form in our blood and through our soft tissues. Of course, this also supports the mineral knowledge I gleaned from Dr. Wallach. This idea also fits nicely with my religious pursuits.
18. Been aiding my wonderful wife with her side of the family's Christmas party and gift planning arrangements.
19. Been thinking on starting a business selling my ideas for businesses to others as business plans and retaining a 5% or 10% ownership for a cash flow. If I subdivide the gardening business I can create 5 or 6 independent businesses that are all related and can be inter-supportive. The beauty here is that each of the 5 or 6 businesses are franchise-able even within a single city or town. Think of it - A multidimensional non MLM business that has no pyramid in it that competes at the market level of an MLM.
Well, I've got to get back to it. 2 hours just flew by and I have work to do.