Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Neal & Cala playing both sides in Idaho politics (The "Progressives" and the "Tea Party")

Neal & Cala, Dr. Laura had a thing that wives often do to their husbands called a "Crazy Maker".  It's when the wife uses emotions and circular logic in telling their husbands what they need or would like done (if a chore).  Now the "Crazy Maker" is a chore that has two opposing heads.  Husbands hate "Crazy Makers" as there is no way to complete them and wives can't see the duality or disconnect in the chore.

Well, Neal your stance on libertarians is a "Crazy Maker".  You just took a call from a lady ( July 9th 9:00ish) that very accurately explained why the republican convention went so badly after bad mouthing libertarians in reference to some crack mom killing her kids in Utah.  My point... conservatives are fleeing the republican party because they are not being represented by it.  Many of them are becoming libertarians just like the lady said.  From your discussion after the lady hung up it was obvious that you missed her point by focusing on the deeds of the democrats and not on the facts she pointed out about republican politicians becoming as bad as democrats.

Plainly, the republican convention fell apart because the establishment republicans are immoral.  They can't follow their own laws and they wanted to remove God from governance.  All true conservatives see this like this lady said.

There are two political affiliations in The United States; the "Progressives" and the "Tea Party".  Establishment Republicans are the same as Establishment Democrats both have adopted the "Progressive" platform of "Capitalistic National Socialism".  This is why conservatives are leaving, not voting, and losing faith

It pains me to talk to people that plainly don't understand the true modern political landscape.  "Can't we all just get along" is their motto.  If anyone in the history of the world was "luke warm" and "fence sitters" it is them.  What did God say He would do to people like this?  Spue them out of His mouth       

Now Neal & Cala, the "Crazy Maker" here is that you seem to bad mouth a fraction of the conservatives while saying you're conservative when you're keeping your feet in bed with the progressives.  The progressive agenda is designed to confuse, dishearten, and divide people and many citizen democrats and republicans have fallen into this trap.
I once heard a very profound teaching "There is no secret ingredient" (Kungfu Panda).  The point here is... there is no magic that makes things special.  If we don't do it nobody will.  If we want to live in the United States and not for THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA we need to put some effort into righting correct principles.