Let's start with the Pledge of Allegiance
Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance
First, we need to be on common ground. knowing the difference between a "Constitutional Republic vs a CORPORATE DEMOCRACY".
Currently, President Obama has flagrantly flaunted the difference between the two with his healthcare plan. A de jure court has found the law unconstitutional yet he is still pushing and making headway because unless you know and change your legal domicile you will be treated as an invalid under the de facto law, being forced to partake by statute.
For example:
The Rule of Law
It is a pet peeve of mine to listen to people talking of or about problems that they haven't reduced to smallest terms. Today on the radio I found my self listening to such a conversation about libertarians vs the, unmentioned, rule of law. It was discussed that libertarians push anarchy and dope smoking and such because they may not believe in obeying the law.
Now here is the truth as I see it as an intj. A local store here in town once had a miss shipped bolt of discontinued fabric of reasonably good quality and pattern. The store couldn't send it back so they purported to sell this bolt at a steal of a price in the discount bin. Customers came in and looked at it and past it by thinking something was wrong with it because it looked like an expensive fabric but the price was too low. Soon the store manager asked one of the people that replaced the fabric, after looking at it, why they replaced it. He was promptly told the price didn't match the quality so something imperceptibly was wrong with the fabric. The manager took the fabric from the discount cart and marked the price up on it to its original value. The fabric was sold within the week after sitting a month in the discount bin.
Now, illegal drugs are the same way. If they where legal and devalued in that there wasn't any compensation in manufacturing, distributing, and selling them the interest would fade. "Look, if drugs are worth zero dollars and if you use them you are the same price.", was the attached slogan. I can see the manufacturers finding something else to make. The distributors would follow suit as their paydays dried up. Let us not forget the dealers who are pushing valueless merchandise.
Now comes the Rule of Law. Allopathic doctors and pharmaceutical companies have assigned a value to the third leading cause of death in the United States. "Dr. Barbara Starfield's article in JAMA places the estimates even higher,citing a total of 225,000 deaths due to iatrogenic causes,which would place health-caused deaths as the 3rd leading cause of death in the USA." I see no difference in illegal drug dealers and allopathic drug dealers. Where is the rule of law? Where is the science? Where is the truth? Where is the money going?
The solution, have to have one to argue effectively, is real personally driven education. Our Constitution or The Constitution of the United States should be the ruling law but it isn't. It has been undermined by sudo-legal statutes dictated by magistrates and ill advised presidential executive orders. Where is congress? Did we not fight for freedom? How did we get so many kings back? The people are the power. The republic is the tool. The Constitution is the rule. When the people get mad, educated, and focused we should see a change.