
I have been wondering this for several years to myself. Who am I? What can I do? What am I good at? I have felt like a third person in my skin more often then I’ve felt that I was driving. I have difficulty forming habits good or bad. I like being in the moment; as a result, I actively make choices instead of allowing autonomic thought to control me.

In my search to find myself I concluded that my active participation in projects I’m involved with sets me apart form others. For example, when gardening I enjoy the process from the smell of the soil and the feel of the air but I also get totally absorbed by the plant from the vascular bundles (both xylem and phloem) to photosynthesis. I can see the plant functioning from the chemistry in play to the physics of the gravity-acting counter the strength of the individual cell walls in the stalks.

I look at everything this way: cars, electronics, people, and everything else. I know I’m weird. Boy, it makes a big hole when I find things that don’t connect. It’s like looking at a table. I can see the feet on the ground and the top floating in air but where are the legs? Then I can’t let it go. It haunts me at night and if an event or example pops up during my daily activities that may explain the phenomenon my brain records it and then the next time the table visits my thoughts I can see the legs.

Discovering that others don’t see things this way as often, I set out to discover why I do. In my physiology class I discovered that I place feelings on things, ideas, and concepts. In a class of 30 people I was the only one that scored this result in the classroom during one of our instructors “getting to know your self tests”.  Next came the claim your test results by raising your hand as the various test results were read.  Everyone else placed their feelings on people as the hands pronounced.  Since I sat on the front row of the class I didn't see the hands.  The instructor then stood right in front of me and asked me if I ever felt disconnected from other people, not having seen the response of the rest of the group from my seat. Needless to say, yes I do often feel over involved in the things in my life. I enjoy symmetry, function, understanding, process, as well as esthetics.

A few years ago I stumbled on a website They have a little test I found relevant “The Personality Sorter”. It classified me as a “Rational Mastermind”.  This test explained a lot in that it fit with the feelings and self-observations I had made up to that point and continue to make.

I require a challenge always. So, I am indulging myself with this web blog. It is my intention to expound on every important thing I learn and have already learned.
I don't take doctors, engineers, or educated people seriously. If my senses, logic, and deduction is not satisfied I don't care about ones education and am not impressed with academia.

For clarity’s sake, my academic experience did bare some fruit. I hold two associate degrees. My first degree was in electronics and my second was in computer networking. In addition, I have 106 or so other credit hours to my name in a variety of other disciplines. However, none of which makes me an expert or authority in the fields of which I am writing. With that out of the way, I have spent sometime developing 5 businesses and working around and through government rules, stockholder concerns, and employee selection criteria. The old cliché a jack-of-all-trades and a master of none, fits me well.

I do practice my religion, listen to “Talk Radio”, read books of a conservative nature, and push for an understanding of every weirdness in existence. After all, no stone should be left alone. It is in my nature to turn everything over at least once and compare it to my vast database of information and scrutiny before classifying it and placing it in my understanding. This does make me appear arrogant to some as I have a hard time revisiting an old topic without the insertion of relevant new information.

Personally, I’ve learned the most through observation, experimentation and prayer. For example while developing hiring criteria, I came to the understanding that aside from paramounting a potential employee’s former academic accomplishments with paper a formal education really does little pertaining to employment. A gut decision is still required on the behalf of an employer when selecting employees. The number of diplomas and awards a potential employee brings to the table does not translate to a smooth working experience or environment. Neither do such embellishments demonstratively demonstrate future performance, potential, or desire on the behalf of such an employee. Strait up, an education only means, at best, that some unseen authority, which we are asked to trust, has endowed a person with a skill set we might be able to use provided we can overcome any residual implanted attitudes. And, as of late, a formal education is full of deliberately prejudiced propaganda contributing to a poorer skill set being taught, not to mention, additional rhetoric to deprogram. Bottom-lining it, a formal education is strictly for the personal use of the person receiving it. Does this mean that such an education is worthless? No, It only means that Harvard can turnout a United States President that doesn’t demonstrate publicly that he understands or has a positive working knowledge of people, economics, capitalism, free markets, truth, or intelligent design. This makes me wonder about the education system.

And one last thought

This will help put things into perspective and give valuable information as to how to interpret this blog. I like talking about myself and things that compute to me although I am developing a paranoid streak... your not recording this are you?

I am a computer technician by trade. However, this is a loose term. To some I am a "Guru Supreme" to others the term "Wow, I didn't know monkeys could type" (no offense to the monkeys intended) adorns their thoughts. Salesmanship and reputation, I'm sure its a topic I will hit later.

I believe in a good education! I do not necessarily believe that our "U.S. Education System" (part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5) is where it is to be found. Too much "Academic Inflation" going on. Not to mention the curriculum shift toward "Female Learning Traits" and the "Left-Field Social Policies" that have encroached on the system.

For Example

I believe in good health. But, I don't believe going to a doctor is the correct way to obtain it. I have found this man, Dr Joel Wallach, more credible that any deemed "real" doctor I know. Real nutrition, not the hokey politically driven stuff that comes out of our academically inflated collage trained doctors who coral us for the health care slaughter house by which we are relieved of our means before we are put down, is where I'm attempting to put my money.

I live by functional additive logical. If I can't see, hear, touch, witness, compute, or derive a principle of education, health, religion, politics, economics, business, relationships, or science I throw it out. Truth seams to be additive. Anything that isn't additive and supportive isn't truth. I believe that each discipline should support and add to all other disciplines to form one large truth. Plainly, physics should support chemistry which in turn addresses health which is a model for economics and so on. The more I observe the more this seems credible.

I am ideally conservative. As a result I listen to conservative radio, serve as a republican precinct committee officer, and support the efforts of the real tea party movement uncluttered from any party antics. Soon, I am looking forward to overcoming the trap, in which I found myself, freeing me physically to be completely conservative as well.

I believe in God and trust Him completely. I believe He answers prayers, is concerned over us, and just waits to correct, inspire, and love us if we would that it be done. I rely on prayer to affirm truths til I understand complete principles.