Wednesday, October 5, 2011

So Mad

I have everything in place to make some money off someone else for someone else and I can't do it.  Everything about network marketing rubs me backwards.  I spent my day fighting down stomach pains from the idea of calling people and telling them about a new website.  How stupid is that.

I can't stand talking to people that call me to sell me something.  Yet, I signup to call people and sell them something.  How is that for petting a porcupine backwards?  I did tech support calls for work in the past I hated it.  I hate it when people call back weeks later and ask you to help them with the same problem thinking you know who they are and what the problem is just at the mention of their first name.  They get mad when you don't know them from Adam and don't care to... let alone their problem.

I feel like an epic failure.  I have heard it said that employment was 85% who you know and 15% what you know.  I know almost 50 people.  Only one is my confident the others are hardly even friends save 2... my parents.  I have a few siblings but I am not close to them even really.


It's the day after. I am going in again today.  I have to make it work.  I need the experience.  I need to develop the ability to handle people better.  And, I can't in good conscience not do the work... it pays well.  So, I will assume the people are computer generated characters and eliminate all feeling and emotion.  One more thing, I don't have to get showered, shaved, or dressed to go to work.  I commute to my computer during the potential clients working hours but I take breaks and lunch and vacation at my leisure.  It is a great job.

Perfected my corn flour crepe recipe already today.  My sourdough start is growing getting ready to be bread tomorrow.   The family schedule is coming online.  I figure ramp up will take 2 - 3 weeks to fully implement.

Well, off to the races