In order to understand this post, you will need to over come the inner lizard brain response. (Time has past and I see now how this last line could be offensive. Oh well, I'm leaving it because I'm an INTJ and correct is better then sparing feelings. Just think of yourself as a doctor. The people mooning you are just getting shots.) Next we will need a clear definition of conservatism. Following this we need an understanding of "The law of nations or natural law". And, we will need an example of the law in motion "a poor interpretation of the 14th Amendment. After setting the foundation we can now develop the problem given to us in 1933. Which problem has rotted into a fine mess as depicted in "Thrive the Movie". Now the final note in this cacophony "The CORPORATE state of government". And for clarity this is how invasive the CORPORATE GOVERNMENT is now.
First! I am an entrepreneur and I am disappointed that I now have a
steeper rock to climb but, Romney would have only slowed the
progression to economic disaster not stopped it. Progressive republicans turning the
temperature up slowly on the pot of frogs, may have trapped more of
us in socialistic snares like the illegal ratification of the 16th Amendment and the 17th Amendment.
Conservatives educated with the United
States Constitution and nature’s law, not progressives catering to
democracy and crossing the isle, would have been more effective
during this election. Only the CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA has a democracy... a lawless corporate democracy. The
Constitution of the United States denotes a republic with laws.
(Side note; big media is part of the government corporate structure.)
In addition, you have to apply the
expensive bread analogy to the people on food stamps. When the price
of bread goes up people often buy less of a better bread to get their
monies worth. The same is true of the cost of employes. When the
cost of employes increases employers weed out all but the best
employees for keepers. No one likes buying expensive mediocrity. It doesn’t
balance the books. The best employees can keep up with the extra demand imposed by the new productivity level require to compete. Good to tolerable employees are just jobless. Of course, small businesses may have to let go of even the best employees to balance the books.
So, we should let the mediocre, poor,
and less educated starve since they are not prime candidates for the
business productivity index. As Obama squeezes his hand more of
these types of people will fall from his fingers. Small business
people will be some of the first to fall and many have. From talk radio
shows lately I find their anger at their own lack of education toward Romney
and Romney's lack of a real choice against Obama amusing. Even Rush
stated that fewer people turned out for this last election. This time
Obama received 11 million fewer votes than in 2008 and Romney received 2 million fewer then McCain did in 2008. McCain had Palin a conservative on the ticket. Romney was running as "only better then Obama".
I must admit though, I thought that
the bankers running the world would have chosen Romney to rebuild
more wealth for their taking but, it seems they are more worried
about 12/21/2012 or something. Leaving Obama in allows them to
push Agenda 21 on us sooner. Basically, Agenda 21 is world depopulation for better management of the remaining people. P.S. it started with abortions a few years back.
"Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive" (Sir Walter Scott)
If we as a people, meaning all of us (black, white, yellow, and red), don't pull our heads out of our posteriors and fight back, Iceland will be the only sovereign nation left.
I just had an interesting thought. What if the fear of 12/21/2012 hooked with the money hidden in the governments' (note plural possessive) CAFRs brings an Icelandic response in the United States?
If Romney was more conservative like Reagan he would have been president now. However, I'm not sure if it would have been the best thing at this time.
The Cactus Cuties preforming the national anthem