Wednesday, December 21, 2011


It's That Time Of The Year! My heart swells with memories of Christmas past. Not so much of the toys and sparkles but of that overwhelming Joy of Family. It has been growing for years and the older I get the more full my feeling is. From the roots of my Grandfathers and Grandmothers to my Fathers, Mothers, and Siblings I marvel at from where I came. As my Kids age, the thought of their Children adds significantly to the feeling as well. Family, there is no other more filling, challenging, and rewarding state.

Yet, the feeling wouldn't be complete without adding my other Family too... My Eternal Family. To think of the amount of charity our Eternal Father has in having us and giving us this time and world to learn and grow. I often think of those that I can not reach and aid. I think of man's inhumanity to man as a blight of unconscionable cruelty on the creations of God. Save all is lost, yet for one more gift.

In the council before the worlds where, our Older Brother stood and supported Our Father's plan to pass His greatest gift to us... Eternal Life. Immorality was ours for keeping our first estate. Christ's Atonement made it possible to keep our second estate. And, in paving our path Our Brother swore a perfect oath of righteousness that HE could pass the Power of Heaven to those of us that keep our second estate that we could continue populating worlds to come.

The Atonement is all about Repentance, Pure Charity, Integrity to Eternal Law, Priesthood Power, Marriage, and Families Forever.

Merry Christmas to All ! 

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