I'm still stumbling on things. I once wrote that some people see me as a guru and others wonder how they trained a monkey to walk upright (no offense to moneys intended).
Why do I have to measure and quantify everything. Why do I have to see the illogic and artificial segues between functions in systems. It is obvious that others don't and don't even worry about such things. In fact I have come to believe that most people enjoy being sheltered from the facts.
Like fluoride and its use. It is a poison and always will be. BUT, 11 out of 12 dentists recommend it daily. Other products fall into the same boat sunscreen, milk, and fats.
I spend more time then I should seeing things. I should take a quick peek and buy the party line like others... my life would be less complicated and I wouldn't feel like I'm spinning my wheels so much. I've heard it said that "ignorance is bliss". Why is it so against my nature? Why do some people run into gunfire and disasters?
I know... I can see the little boy even now "daddy why is the sky blue? why does the sun set? what makes popcorn pop?" an inquiring mind wants to know. What makes a shoelace a good shoelace?... Easy, the right amount of friction makes it stay tied yet allows it to be untied. Friction is controlled by the material in which the laces are made. And let's not forget the load stress on the laces. Laces that have to stay tied under stress must have a higher friction coefficient also. Why do I even consider things like this?
Yet, life goes on.
My mom used to get so mad at me when she was in a hurry. She often claimed I slowed down if she told me to hurry. The joke here is "An INTJ in a hurry". An INTJ processing data is like watching a pot boil. There is only one speed but watching makes time drag.
Oh! I should at least mention the main topic in this post. Heavenly Father must muse at my childish tendencies as I stumble along in this life. I have found myself on the other side a few times watching my own kids struggle, fail some, and achieve things. I can't imagine it being to different for our Father. A few weeks ago while praying I received the inspiration it was time to cast my nets. I see others doing it so easily yet I have entangled myself and fumbled things and have but yet to get the net wet. The trick is having the faith to continue trying to get the net in the water believing I can pull it up full.
INTJ have so few friends because they talk to much. Never can seem to conclude an interlude... so bye before I think of something else.
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