Friday, March 29, 2013

Agenda 21

Agenda 21, Wow! it sounds almost as scary as Area 51.

INTJ are interesting people as they are found in all forms of academia, science, and industry.  We work systems.  It doesn't matter what the system is as long as it is working well.  Often times we are willing to entertain a far fetched idea until we are satisfied that it does or doesn't work.

One such idea I have been experiencing is people.  What makes people think and act like they do.  Salesmen are a blight on the world to me yet for many years and still today the profession is well paid and well embedded into many other professions.  A sales pitch is a waste of time with me.  However, I watch people buy sales pitches all the time.  one of the biggest sales pitches I've seen is where a salesman walks into a layers office and sells them a new computer network system because it looks good.  It is newer.  You can brag to your clients and colleges how up to date you are.  And as a computer tech, I see a dope in debt buying toys that didn't really improve his firms performance as he is the same guy he always was.  An engineer that can't do calculus can't do it better with more expensive toys.

Education falls into this boat with "Academic Inflation".  Often, education clouds the mind rater then opens it.  We have been told that if we get a business degree and are tech savvy we will earn more in this life.  Interesting, as only public sector jobs work this way, artificially.  Private sector jobs are based on how effective you are at selling somethings that's in demand.  As a result, it is possible to place oneself out of "one's moderate cash flow" into a "miserly cash flow" by attempting to buy a degree in a non-realistic application of expectation.    

In addition, education also prepares us to be receptive to authority and power; as so, modern education is conceived.  Did you know that we don't live under a "Democracy"?  Did you know that technology isn't what promotes our freedom?  

Excerpt from Idaho State Constitution:



How current is this law?

Now let's read some together; "The stability of a republican form of government depending mainly upon the intelligence of the people," I sure didn't see "Democracy" in this text but, I did see "Republican form of Government" better known as a "Republic".  What does it mean that a Republic depends on the intelligence of it's people?  When was the last time you saw the Constitution of The United States taught in a classroom?  Why, you may ask? Well, does knowing how to run a computer preserve our republic?  Answer; indirectly at best, only if we know what a republic is.  So, what is more important to know from school, cursive writing or computer programming?  Why is the school systems eliminating cursive writing from their curriculum?  Oh, so that our children can read our founding fathers hand directly?  Or, so that they require a middle "government" man to white-wash them?  

Having the Bible in Latin limited its use.  When it was translated to English it brought about reform and the nation of The United States... A Constitutional Republic.

How many of you want to be a slave under CORPORATE DEMOCRACY raise your hands?  Well let us teach you a trade that we can use like... how to buy things and when to buy things.  Our social order needs mind numb spenders to fuel our economy.  Why would we waste a free indoctrination... Oops, (teaching opportunity) on free thinking and The Constitution other then... ya, it still exists... darn it.

Down to the brass tacks, Free educations was designed to primarily teach our kids about the United States Constitution.  Secondary to this is reading, writing, and arithmetic.  Nowhere does it say "teach them a trade" for free.  This reminds me of a story I heard a while back.  Two fathers where concerned about their sons' future lives.  A poor hard working father sent his son to school to learn a trade.  The rich father sent his son to school to learn the basics math and English.  Now, on the surface one might assume the rich father had too much money as he wasted his on a non-monetarily sound choice for his son.  Many would reason that the poor father was looking after his son's future welfare more reasonably.  However, let's look a little closer.  

Yes, as a tradesman some money can be made depending on the market and what is selling.  But, tradesmen are many, which means they are competing for jobs before a company that is attempting to pay the least for the most productivity.  What will happen to this tradesman if the market changes?  Will his education mean that he has to spend more money reeducating himself?  Does it also mean that he may become a pawn and easy to lie to in a power struggle...  Most definitely, yes!

Now, a rich father knows that a good basic understanding of basic concepts, like reason and communication, are more substantial then a trade.  This education is timeless and doesn't depend on the market.  A man thus educated can adapt to market changes better provided the socialists aren't manipulating the market.  Even then, he still has an advantage.  

Teach them correct basic principals and let them employ themselves.  It all comes back to agency.  And now, as Paul Harvey used to say "the rest of the story".  Freemen are ranked by their reason, slaves are ranked by their productivity index.  The most efficient productivity index is found when socialism and capitalism get married and we get Naziism.  

Agenda 21 is all about a global productivity index.  So, when the bankers decide you (as disposable trade-slaves) are no longer productive you will be replaced.  You as a financial burden on the system will be put down like an old dog.  Your kids will get little from your estate as the government will assume ownership by nook or crook.  The icing on the cake is the reduction of the population to 500 million from 6-7 billion globally.  "Please report to your local internment center at your leisure" will most certainly become mandatory soon.  1830 to 1933 were not good years for the United States.  The worst single year was 1913.

One last note to this sonata.  The naive governor of Idaho and several state legislators jumped into bed with the Nazis seemingly because republicans are for capitalism.  They let socialism cold-cock us right to the floor.  The people that once were the state of Idaho.  

We lead the fight against Obama for 28 other states to be stabbed in the back, the first to fall to a lie.  As per yesterday's news Idaho is a joke and a push over.  We tried to warn our politicians but, we were to be ignored to the power of socialistic money it seems.

If I had the money to move from this state I would look at Montana, Oklahoma, Texas, or as of late Utah.  I have lost faith in the majority of the leaders of Idaho.  They are caving to the fringe pressure of Agenda 21.  Agenda 21 has attacked our food, water, education, environment, economy, healthcare system, utilities, and our politicians.  WE are slowly and carefully being given the opportunity to voluntarily surrender our rights, lives, and happiness for ourselves and our kids for generations to come.  Oh! to be lulled to our doom.  

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