Monday, July 22, 2013

Obama's School Lunch Program

Obama's school lunch program seems to be an extension of the Agenda 21 depopulation agenda.  The ruling class is attempting to tell us what is and isn't food by force in our schools.  I have never seen a more poorly informed forceful bunch in power.

The school lunch they purpose is a reduced calorie and fat lunch with limited protein.  Many kids are complaining about how hungry they are after eating such a feast.  The lunch is suppose to control childhood obesity.  In reality it causes or reinforces it.  And when combined with exercise, it compounds obesity.

Our bodies are made of 4 things 12 essential proteins, 77 essential minerals, 3 essential fats (the body manufactures the other needed fats), and 16 essential vitamins.  The school lunch program has limited protein consumption to 1 oz per meal.  Eliminated the good fats with the bad.  They have done nothing to fix the mineral deficiency in the food. But, they have increased the kids hidden sugar intake.  The only thing left to do is force exercise on them to sweat out their retained mineral stores and Voila!  Fat Kids!

 Let's look a little closer at a school lunch for verification.
  • Salt and butter free (possible GMO) vegetables
  • Canned, small, or half of a fruit
  • Main course loaded with  carbohydrates limited protein to 2oz (1oz meat (pink slime) and 1oz low fat cheese food)
  • A cookie
  • And a low fat milk or low fat Chocolate True Moo milk (pasteurized and homogenized)   
The first errors are salt and butter free.  Salt is necessary for the digestion of food.  The chloride molecule is needed to make stomach acid to liquify the food so that it can be absorbed as needed.  In order to absorb any of the mineral that might be in the food, a good acid is mandatory.  Uncooked butter is a brain food.  Our brains are mostly fat of different kinds (like cholesterol).  Most of these brain fats have to be saturated fats to protect nerve cells.  GMO vegetables are deliberately missing nutrients to make them more sturdy to weed control and insecticide use.  At the same time this renders them nutritionally deficient and toxic to gut flora.  

The fruit adds sugar and hidden sugar to the meal and some limited vitamins.

The main course is mostly carbohydrates which a poorly nourished body will convert to fat.  The meat runs the risk of being "pink slime" and full of bleach to kill animal intestinal flora.  The cheese is cheese food or basically "modified food starch".  Beef in general only has a few of the 12 amino acids in it we require so a variety of meats are needed to get all of the amino acids we seek daily.  Strong bases (like bleach) deplete our stomach acid and stop digestion.

A cookie is more carbohydrates

And last the milk.  Pasteurized milk requires additional calcium to digest.  Killing the enzymes in the milk forces the body to make new enzymes to digest the milk as a result more calcium is needed then the milk contains to digest it.  In addition heat pasteurization fuses the minerals in the milk with the fat in the milk making soap.  Now, homogenization extracts the fat from the milk and re-injects it as much smaller particles.  These smaller particles don't require digestion to pass through the intestinal wall.  Soap is being directly infused into our children's blood through their mouths.   The soapy chocolate flavored water is also full of sugar again.

Yum, school lunch under the Obama's.  A meal devoid of nutrition but loaded with sugar.  It may contain additives that change it's natural pH as well as produce toxic side affects.  

High carbohydrate diets spike blood sugar levels requiring the body to produce controlling hormones.  These hormones are produced from mineral stored in bone tissue.  If a mineral is depleted from the bone tissue that hormone is no longer produced.  Cells also require minerals for proper function.  So, a depletion of a needed mineral here again stops that cells function.

The wrapper our food is in is less impotent then the nutritional density it possesses.  I have seem hamburgers that are heavier nutritionally than most salads are.  It is the minerals in the dirt, the manner of processing and cooking, combined with the amount of beneficial gut flora it retains that makes food worth eating.  Food worth eating brings our kids back down in size and up in brain power.

One last hidden danger in the classroom.  The consent stream of radio frequencies.  Radio waves are a carcinogen in that they prevent the proper use of calcium in the body.  Calcium is used for many reasons in the body.  Blocking its use with a persistent radio waves causes cancer to tooth decay.  It can take two days to recover from moderate consistent microwave exposure from a cellphone or computer router.

Just thinking of the kids                  

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