Let's look at the 2012 Idaho Falls CAFR page 10
And the 2012 Idaho State CAFR page 4Financial Highlights•The assets of the City exceeded its liabilities at September 30, 2012 by $400,974,115. Of this amount, $104,737,868 of unrestricted net assets may be used to meet the City’s ongoing obligations to citizens and creditors.•The City’s net assets increased $14,370,485 as a result of this year’s operations. The governmental net assets increased by $1,108,860 and the business-type net assets increased by $13,261,625.•At September 30, 2012, the City’s governmental activities reported combined ending net assets of $126,025,984, an increase of $1,108,860 in comparison with the prior year. Approximately 23.4 percent of this amount, $29,474,037, is available for spending at the City’s discretion.•The unassigned fund balance for the general fund was $15,671,513 or 43.4 percent of the total general fund expenditures.•Total liabilities of the City decreased by $8,286,968, which represents a 23.3percent decrease from 2011.
To Tennessee's 2012 CAFR page 15FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS – PRIMARY GOVERNMENTGovernment-Wide HighlightsIdaho reported net assets of $9.8 billion for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2012, comprised of $13.0 billion in total assets offset by $3.2 billion in total liabilities. Of this amount, $783.3 million in unrestricted net assets may be used to meet the State’s ongoing obligations to citizens and creditors. The State’s total net assets increased by $465.1 million as a result of this year’s operations. Net assets of governmental activities increased $236.5 million, while net assets of business-type activities increased $228.6 million. The total cost of all the State’s programs was $7.6 billion, which includes $1.6 billion in business-type activities.
• Government-wide:
Net Assets - The assets of the state exceeded its liabilities at June 30, 2012, by $29.9 billion (reported as net assets). Of this amount, $3.1 billion represents unrestricted net assets, which may be used to meet the state’s ongoing obligations to citizens and creditors while $25.6 billion represents invested in capital assets, net of related debt. Changes in Net Assets - The state’s net assets increased by $1.4 billion. This increase was largely the result of an increase in capital assets. Component units - Component units reported net assets of $6.5 billion, an increase of $213.7 million.
If I understand correctly Idaho Falls "exceeded its liabilities at September 30, 2012 by $400,974,115."
The States of Idaho " reported net assets of $9.8 billion for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2012 "
The States of Tennessee "exceeded its liabilities at June 30, 2012, by $29.9 billion "
Where does all this money come from? income tax, property tax, sales tax, licenses, fees, and fines? Oh... us! Now, do the police agencies of the municipal corporate governments really need to conduct preemptive drunk driver searches to find a revenue stream?
There is nothing more sobering then responsibility. The state has taken our responsibility away. If you kill someone deliberately "MAN 1" seven years in jail and then you get out. Or you might die on death row of old age after years of meals and entertainments. The secret here is that if you are in jail you are a revenue source for a government. People we need your taxes to keep these prisoners locked up and our streets safe. Boy! is this expensive. Five guys at $1000 dollars each, 5 rifles at $200 dollars each, 4 bullets, and a blind fold (or 4 guys, a rope, some wood, and a bag) there just isn't any profit in an execution. No long term taxation required.
Back to responsibility, currently the state assumes responsibility for my actions. They told me there is no God so they are afraid of executing me unless their popularity with the people is positively effected. I really don't respect liars as they have become because most of the consequences for wrong doing is arbitrary. They what me to suffer. Well, I can't suffer if I'm dead in an atheistic point of view.
So, do I think the kid was wrong... No. Since 1913 the system has been wrong. Do I think Mr. Larson is lost? Well, I think he is uninformed.
Benjamin Franklin once said "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither safety nor liberty. " I find the 4th Amendment an essential liberty. To take it lightly is to not have security at all.
"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
The Constitution is dangling by a tread. If we don't know what's in it much less practice it personally how will we know when we have no rights at all?
Oh, and each cop in the film is liable for $5,000 each if the kid has the correct paperwork filed for Tennessee. Plainly, if the kid has the paper to prove sovereignty as per 1913 and the 9th Amendment he is outside the officers jurisdiction and the cops are liable. Granted, such an arrangement has consequences. Killing a man when you are drunk means you have to personally look after the family or repent with your life.
It has been nice speaking at all you "SUBJECTS of the CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA".
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