Agenda 21 touts sustainable growth on this planet. Its drafters believe that currently the world is overpopulated. To restore balance all but about 500 million people must be removed from the planet. Families must stop having kids. Old people need to hurry up and die. Young people of no value need to be worked hard and disposed of so that the elite 500 million can live comfortable lives.
To control the productivity and lifespan of "us" (the drones) Monsanto steals manganese from the people and Smart-meters steal calcium from the people. Of the 90 essential nutrients that humans need daily for good health manganese (scroll to bottom of link) and calcium are two of the most widely used nutrients in the body after pure unfiltered sunlight. Unfiltered sunlight produces vitamin D3 when it strikes the skin. Vitamin D3 is at the base of good health. Without it calcium will not work properly in the body no matter how much you take. This is a hint that sunscreen doesn't do a body good but causes cancer in multiple ways. Just a little more trivia. A calcium deficiency causes obesity. Calcium kills Candida the main fungus found in humans. Candida has been proven to cause type 1 diabetes. (In this last link Hydrogen Peroxide is referred to as a free radical, It is not. It is an anti-oxidant)
So how does Obamacare play into this little scenario? Well, it raises the price of health care to everyone. It rations healthcare to the more valuable people in the workforce. It reduces the number of doctors available to the workforce. Bad food and environmental conditions lead to sick people which in turn leads to a few disgruntled doctors. With the acceleration of the extermination of the devout honest conservative people, progressive politicians have cut a deep rut through the world governments. Agenda 21 is well on its way to full implementation.
And to think THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA MAGISTRATE COURT system just convicted Kevin Trudeau of lying in a book when it has such a large beam in its own eye. Who did Kevin injure?... a judges feelings and intuition - not an offence by Constitutional law. Who did Obama and all the progressive politicians injure?... 300 million citizens of the United States - a felony by Constitutional law! This is why the original 13th Amendment was illegally purged from the Constitution. It reads;
"If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any Emperor, King, Prince, or foreign Power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them."The real 13th Amendment, ratified some 30 years before Lincoln took office, disappeared after Lincoln was assassinated, convenient. I found this page interesting as well.
So much for ranting today.
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