Friday, January 17, 2014

One out of Six People in America is Hungry

I hear this radio add several times a day and the only question that comes to mind is why?

Is it because the government has robbed the people of their right to own property?

Is it because socialism is being forced on the people?

Is it because more money has gone to creating appetite enhancing food rather then nourishing food?

Is it because government taxes are bullying our lunch money from us?

Is it because the common man's life is unimportant to politicians?

Is it because the common man's life is unimportant to globalists?

Is it because America has become a faithless immoral lawless poorly educated socialistic country?

Is it because governmental lies are the norm and not the exception?

All of these are tentacles from the same octopus and the real solution to hunger is to give back our land and rights!  Teach the real reason the pilgrims almost diedRemove corporate sovereigntyRemove government oversight of private individuals.     

Bottom line, people are hungry because the government removed their ability to feed themselves and promised them food stamps for nutritionally poor food.  It used to be that the rich people were the ones that could afford to eat nutritionally poor food daily, hence leading to body fat.  Now, nutritionally poor food is the norm forced into the population.  A few wise rich people (usually not democrats (A vegan has an average life expectancy of 1/2 that of a well  nourished omnivore)) are the only one's that could afford clean nutrient dense real food.  (Most vegetarian life expectancy tests are conducted with poorly nourished carnivores

That's how this INTJ sees this statistic.


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