Here it is I can't add any more.
Well, they changed the page on me. So, nutshell version. Candida is a normal body fungus that eats dead waste in our bodies that probiotics can't glean from any longer. It is a balanced system of nutrient releasing gut flora and gut cleaning fungus. However, if we eat foods that have anti-biotic properties in large quantities we kill off the probiotics in our gut flora leaving only the fungus which doesn't liberate nutrition. Sugar is the worst anti-biotic of all because of how it kills bacteria. It act like 2-4-D on dandelions. It is a super fertilizer that creates unsustainable pro-biotic growth causing bacteria starvation and large quantities of fungus food. Candida feasts when high levels of sugar are in the gut.
Carbohydrates and sugar are not essential food to maintain life but they can make nice love handles
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