Saturday, May 17, 2014

Organized Religion

It is funny, my son has had some questions about supporting an organized religion.  Until he posed the question I had never considered looking at a more fundamental point so directly.  Well, following my own advice I will reduce the question to simplest terms and build from there.

Order and Ciaos, do we really understand these two words?  Do we recognize them as opposites?  I realize that I am a Mormon or a member of "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints" so some of the concepts I use expand into realms beyond Earth life.  From the "Pearl of Great Price" we learn that life existed before the "Big Bang" or any thing that we know of mortality.  We learn that the true building block of all things is Intelligence.  What if life really began when two Intelligences, less then what is required for an idea, began to oscillate to the mutual benefit of one other.  From the sea of intelligences in ciaos, order arose.  This puts a new spin on Organized Religion not to mention when religion was first organized.

Now, suppose that like with other things and sciences there are plateaus and paradigm shifts.  For example electrons.  Electrical Charge was discovered and studied.  Soon uses for charge where introduced in steps and focused to the point that "Texting", "Youtube", and I-phones are now the norms.                       
What if Order has been going through the same metamorphosis?  Ordered Intelligence forms thought.  Thoughts form ideas.  Ideas form reason.  Reason forms purpose.  Purpose forms drive.  Drive forms ambition, passion, and spirit.  Step by step the level of Order increases.  Even our physical form is an organization of far smaller particles of  temporal energy.  Intelligence to spirit to matter how we have progressed.  By integrity to order we have and do exist.

The integrity that maintains order down to the intelligence level of existence is the Priesthood.  There is only one Priesthood that binds all order together as a result it is not man made or controlled by man.  Man is just another paradigm shift in the ordering of intelligence.  Even though man did not create nor dose he control the Priesthood, he must be found holding it though obedience and integrity to eternal law to continue evolving.

Now back to organized religion.  Some have told me that they can best worship God from a creek in the mountains hip deep fly fishing on Sunday.  Each of us enjoy our own pleasures at God's hand and we should be full of gratitude even when we lose a fish, hook our ear casting, or we slip and fall in the creek filling our waders full of water for the walk home.  Is gratitude the only element of worshiping God?  Dose tending to selfish interests really demonstrate a reverence to God?

Let us look at just the beginning of the ten commandments paraphrased.

1. "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me"- are we worshiping God when we show no obedience or integrity for eternal law?  Dose this not establish our ambition as our new God?

2. "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself"- are we "over looking" or "looking over" the needs of those around us?       

Scrooge just popped into my mind.  The line "... let me keep Christmas in my our way" and the retort "But you do not keep Christmas" and the reply "Then let me leave it alone then".     

The second commandment is a compelling reason alone to participate in an organized religion.  One man can do good however his "man hours" are limited to 24 hours a day give or take recouping strength.  In that same day, two organized men have 48 hours and then it really starts to multiply as others with like minds collect in that same day.                              
How many unorganized or disorganized companies exist in America at present?  How much money do they make for their stock holders?  What services or products do they provide for us?  Hey, if unorganized religion is so good then unorganized business should be great also.

What about unorganized crime?  I bet that unorganized crime would be a winner.  Just think, pot heads and johns would have a harder time finding on-demand recreation.  It would be a lot cheaper too.

So, if caught in a disaster who is going to help us?  unorganized crime or organized crime?  Probably neither.  Unorganized business?  I like unicorns too.  Organized business?  For a price.  Government?  Government can only give what it takes from others.  The bigger the disaster the less effective government is.  How about unorganized religion?  So, you like unicorns too?  Who would have people, resources, and stores at no cost?  Who may have a network of money, food, housing, supplies, and counseling for hurt and suffering people for themselves and others as temporarily needed?  Who loves his neighbor as himself putting God as number one?

Before we answer this last set of questions a distinction must be made.  There are businesses masquerading as churches.  Often the difference is how they collect and use money.  Is the clergy paid well?  Are people willing to improve themselves... hailed or shunned?

All things on the table, there is only one way to worship God and that is with a true Organized Religion.   More?  

Doctrine and Covenants 109:8
 Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing, and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God;

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