Monday, July 7, 2014

Man & Woman

As of late I have found myself in another debate with a woman that informed me that a woman's life is harder then a man's life... quaintly.  To which I have need of sacrificing sleep to set correct understanding.  For many years as a young man I was told I was dirt because I was privileged as a white man.  They eluded to a point that by birth my life was easy compared to everyone else.  As a man I don't have woman problems or by being white I don't have (fill in the blank) other problems.  If my life is so easy I missed something and I want my money back.

This isn't even the half of it.  As an INTJ and being perceived as being  unfeeling and disconnected from what real people think (oops) feel, I can't help but wonder what planet highly charged and information challenged people come from.  How can you be mad in ignorance unless you are just insane to begin with?

As to giving birth being so painful... there is only one man or woman other then the mother that can influence said pain and this person is the doctor.  I don't mean by drugs.  Any woman that trusts an allopathic doctor for birthing babies is going to have a harder time.  Allopathic medicine is just barley starting to give a vitamin pill to pregnant mothers.  A woman that wants a healthy baby and fewer pregnancy and birth pain complications will fix their nutrition 6 months before getting pregnant.  She will need 6 months of 90 essential nutrients daily to build up the stored of elements necessary to share her bones, muscle and fat with her baby.  If she has these extra stores not only will she look amazing as per getting pregnant, she will have (depending on her nutrient deficiencies) far fewer complications and pain in birth.  And for the big reveal, a well nourished woman will have far fewer difficulties getting well proportioned again (Obesity is a nutritional shortage).  Now for all the women I am about to alienate, how hard or soft child birth is is based on a lot of factors and me being male isn't one of them.  You have no right to tell me what is hard for you is harder then what I stumble on.

This one gets me too.  "I sacrificed my body to bring children into the world."  My response... yes you did especially if you listened to an allopathic doctor and didn't replenish your body's reserves and stores.

Ignorance on your part is not valid ground for arguing how difficult a woman's life is over mine.  I know what it is like to be lying on the ground as involuntary abdominal muscle cramps constrict hard enough to induce vomiting as kidney sand slowly and painfully gutted me over a week.  And this is the best part, pain is caused by ignorance and malnutrition.  If I where as informed then as I am now I would not have ever known this pain.

Hence, personal ignorance and stupidity cause pain.  Me being male didn't cause you any pain.

As to the other arguments of injustice induced by me being male upon women.  This is the epic cause for all male female injustice... we are not the same.  We are not physically, mentally, or emotionally equal.  This one is burning, I can feel the heat from here.  I can hear all the so called Ladies but, I didn't say anything about "my superiority" in reference to any of these three and sex.  Our perception of time is different altering the priority of activities as well as the focus we can achieve.  Our brain and body chemistry is different.

An orange and a banana line up at the start line for the big race.  The orange just starts rolling toward the finish line as the gun sparks to life.  The banana has to stand up on its back focusing on its balance as it rocks back and forth building up momentum.  Bananas have to roll stem to stern with enough force to jump the gap from the stern back to the stem.  Once this is achieved the circumference of the banana is greater then the oranges' however the orange sure does have a head start. 

Now the big question, which fruit is superior?  Which fruit represents which gender?  Well, women are oranges and men are bananas.

Women have an ambient pH lower then men (ask Secret (Strong enough for a man but made for a woman))
Women can roll any direction at any moment with their true multitasking minds.  Men need a clearer focus of the future's results to change direction with their time-slicing minds.
Women can work multiple unrelated tasks at once.  Men chop everything into small pieces and reassemble them as one linear task 
Women can roll over physical boundaries easier then men.  Meaning they can be overloaded easier then a man; they have no off switch being present tents thinkers.  Men are not able to be overwhelmed as easily; they have an off switch being future tents thinkers. 

This is my list of points of relevance when judging people
  1. Sex of person hence sex of the brain
  2. Personality type   
  3. Learning style
  4. Brain hemisphere dominance
  5. Age
  6. Morality
  7. Integrity
  8. Attitude
  9. Depth of Overall Knowledge
When I look at a person these are the things in which I see.  I cannot put a person in an uncomfortable position based on their own ignorance of their own being.  How's that for being Superior?  The upswing is formal education does little to convince me of any special talents.  I have met many book learned skulls of mush and I wondered how they walked.  They are easy to see.  They are quick to anger when life seems to drift from their image of reality.  And they are redundant.

The big scoop!  I have learned more in life through my trials and struggling then at any other time or institution.  I don't care what anyone thinks of passing their problems to me as I will not accept them.  If you need help or even to vent some I can help but! belly aching and attaching me for being white or male just makes for small minded weak people.

My advice is "Suck it up little camper! Work your own problems.  Quit attempting to blame others for your situation.  You are responsible for you!".   

Don't feed the monster!  Government is the monster as of late.  Crying to it may seem like a good idea now but soon it will turn on you also.  All governmental gifts where stolen first!  This is why the bigger the disaster is the more inept the government is.  If no one has anything... socialistic and fascist  politicians can get shot easily by over promising the hungry what they can no longer steal.  

Men and women are not equal nor should they try to be.  The hardest people to get along with are the ones we are most like.  I know my job I don't need my wife doing the same job.

Just think a whole world with only fry-cooks cause every body had to be the same.  Too bad we have no farmers to grow potatoes for fries.

Yes, fry-cook the lowest man on the fast food totem of which their are more fast food employees then any other profession.  Then we can all be diversified in uniform only instead of really playing to the strengths of our diversity.

Diversity and equal rights sure sound good if they weren't lies that bred malcontent and placed people in positions unsuited for their strengths.  Who am I to judge someones strength the white guy that had to fight for employment around government imposed quotas and lost.  I didn't have anyone to run to being what I am.

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