How different is the government spending money on training hookers over seas or paying scientists to study catsup. What about spending tax money to force abortion at us.
AND the biggy, criticizing people for eating pie and cake on food stamps and getting fat is a weak argument at best. Obesity is a nutritional deficiency. (Allopathic: Naturopathic - Quote from Dr Joel Wallach
Obesity and overweight problems are synonymous with Americans. Nibble, nibble, nibble all the way home. "Pica" is a seeking, a craving with licking and chewing behavior that has its genesis in mineral deficiencies - interestingly enough neither vitamin deficiency, protein deficiency or calorie deficiency initiates this "pica" behavior, nor will supplementing vitamins or eating sugar, carbohydrate, fat or protein quench it!!!
Since American soils are critically deficient and depleted in minerals it is no surprise that pica, cribbing and cravings dominate the American scene. America is minerally deficient - dieters, athletes, vegetarians, meat eaters, embryos, children, teenagers, young adults and seniors.
The snack food and fast food industries are aware of this relationship between pica, cribbing, cravings, sugar binges and salt hunger and they use it to their advantage by liberally salting or sweetening their products. Unfortunately for us our bodies temporarily translates sugar and salt consumption as a fulfillment of the craving for nutritional minerals )
And nothing you can buy on food stamps can fix this... including salad. Until we get Monsanto and GMO crops (part 2) out of the farmland expect additional health problems and fatter people in general. Not that Monsanto is the root of malnutrition in the USA but they have contributed. The real problem is not replenishing the farm land with the minerals required for human health and not just plant health. Plants require 9 minerals to be healthy. Humans require 60 documented minerals daily to be healthy. In this interview we find that GMOs and Roundup Ready crops bind to key minerals for human health like manganese removing them from our diet almost entirely.
This is what Manganese does, or lack there of does, in the human body.
1. Utilization of glucose.
2. Synthesis of fatty acids and cholesterol.
3. Pancreas function.
4. Feeds the nerves and brain tissues.
5. Retards the onset of sterility.
1. Poor glucose tolerance.
2. Weakness of ligaments and tendons.
3. Paralysis, convulsions and blindness in children.
4. Dizziness, and loss of hearing in adults.
5. A possible connection to multiple sclerosis and myasthenia gravis.
Additionally let's introduce Aspartame into the US diet. Aspartame is a nerve poison that contributes to many maladies. These are just two of the world depopulation tactics by food being used in the US.
Now, I would like to attack the conservative uninformed. The liberal crap I expect but the conservative crap, I thought we were for the people. Let's start with the working poor. Self righteous capitalistic
Narrow is the gate and strait is the path that leads to eternal life. Taking the peoples health and enslaving them in the capacity of poorly informed or evil politicians lobbied by global corporations impedes the people's God given rights to life, liberty, and the persecute of happiness. Such impediments offends God as it obstructs the agency and responsibility God entrusted to each individual man and woman.
WHERE ARE THE PEOPLE's VOICES!!! politicrats and politicans or should we say capiticrats and capiticans?
I know the day is soon coming that our poor politicians and king makers will find justice.
To survive look here (This is a two hour sit down movie that illuminates)
and follow the money (This is a three hour sit down movie that motivates)
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