I am an optimist at heart. I believe that most people are as smart or smarter than I am. Even with all the bad politics and new world order crap, I believe that the United States will prevail. We are a God fearing country and God has stated that as long as we worship Him He will preserve us a nation.
Although 20% of the nation has rejected God. This may not abode well with those that would be free. The first commandment of the ten paraphrased "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me". Picking a war against God, killing His small children, and propagating usury law against the people, indirect defiance of the word of God, do these people rejecting God know the extent of their sins and the anger of God? I didn't what to nor am I going to dwell on the fate of the Godless. I would rather dwell on the blessings of the God fearing.
Over this last weekend I was talking to a relative about all the disagreement and bad politics in our area. It sounds very negative and fear-mongering. He pointed out that I sounded like a politician trying to get his vote through fear. I was set back as my last few words echoed in my ears. INTJ's have a tendency to see the scariest things in life in an attempt to correct or improve life. I can't see how other people ignore or effect repair on superficial grounds. My mother and my mother-in-law both have told me that I come across as negative. For the record, personally I don't see positive and negative. I see the most complete understanding of the problem as to formulate a solution if needs be. Many times as I work on solutions I express my perceptions to people looking for input back. Lately, I'm finding that I am just scaring people.
Part of enjoying the beauty in things is knowing the compositions of things. Women should understand this as they use the same technique applied to relationships. One football driven guy told me a few years back that in order to watch the game he had to interest his wife in the players personal lives. At first he had to do the work but after she was hooked she started doing the work herself. In some of my earlier writing on this blog I explained a simple walk in the forest at dawn. Besides the sight, smell, and feel of the event, I experience the chemistry, physics, and mathematics of the event. These things are just as beautiful as the sensory data collected to me.
I have aforementioned that there are 4 ways we need to understand all things, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. If one of these things is missing we don't have a complete understanding of the thing, event, activity, or concept. We will not recursively pursue an activity that we do not experience all 4 of these ways. We have to be able, knowledgeable, emotionally invested, and experience a spiritual connection to really experience anything and all things in life.
As an INTJ, it's not the political problems I find daunting. It's the scope of the ingrainment of bad policy the people have accepted and expect I find daunting. How do you enlighten people that have been lied to and abused by power until they don't care? The only reason I haven't quit yet is because it isn't an option eternally. Even death doesn't end any problem. We are eternal. We will get our bodies back. I can see the face of the doctors, supporting staff, and participants standing before the throne of God as an aborted in life individual walks into testify of their mortal experience in life. There isn't anyone as innocent and helpless as a baby before God. The same judgment will exist for all that offend the temples of God even these temples ye are.
There is nothing as comforting as knowing physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually that God is. Life will continue after death. My wife and I can earn the right to propagate a family for more then eons into the future. Death has no bearing or weight that can derail Gods works, even us the Children of God.
I have every right to be happy even if the fiery jaws of hell envelope me, not that I would wish this for anyone.
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