Sunday, September 30, 2012

Gender and Politics

As an INTJ personality and a guy I can't help but to have an opinion on gender and politics. First Republicans are more rational and, Democrats are more emotional. So this splits the genders as more men are rational and non feeling. Moreover, more women are very feeling and less rational. Shopping centers know this. A guy has to be sold or need an item before he will set a foot in a store. Now gals rarely travel alone and aside from INTJ women enjoy shopping. (I find  INTJ women are not average women they make a lot more sense and being an INTJ man I find them predictable.  So, I married an ESFJ.  She is a challenging project that's always new.)

(note: I am assuming that the terms "men" and "males" are worthy of the titles, being grown rational beings, and not just boys.)   
But to the point. Women who are around real men are more apt to be conservative if not republican. Women left to their own feelings are more likely to be liberal or democrats. Additionally, "beautiful and male ego mastering" women are the women that attract men. A beautiful women like Tammy Bruce (former democrat now conservative) who doesn't use the male ego will not be as exposed to male pragmatism. Hence, unattractive women needs to have more of an understanding of the male ego and use the knowledge to attract men thus facilitating a potential development of trust in a man.

A woman that trusts a man is less likely to search for security in the government. Currently our education system teaches a very feminine curriculum. This stems from that 19th Amendment. And in step, the term "General Welfare" in the Constitution has been twisted to mean "personal welfare" which ironically has taken husbandly and fatherly responsibilities from the boys trapping them as boys thus hurting the "General Welfare" of the nation. If it were not for women and men that stuck to traditional roles we would be farther down the road to anarchy.

A woman that accepts a role of wife and mother has more power then she thinks and far more then any business woman. As a wife and mother she touches the present with her husband and she touches the future with what she teaches her children.

Guys are like "Mechs" (big battling robots). They should have more strength, reason, and pragmatism then gals (give or take the application of self discipline). Guys are "warriors". Gals are the "cause". It use to amaze me how a woman could make a man do things he would not normally do. (The "male ego" is rooted in the male emotional center {what emotional center? you ask}. Males choose outside sources to influence them emotionally because they are emotionally inept compared to females) 
It's funny how kids are first open to mom and her sense of morality and emotion and then cross over to dad (as teenagers) for structure and relationship programming. Boys need to be taught morals before their strength develops (mom) and then they need to be taught self control and self discipline (dad). Girls need to be taught nurturing and understanding (mom) and relationship interaction (dad). Yes, we are responsible for our choices. That said, there is still a pheromone response to relationships. Dads supply the pheromones that their daughters need to slow development and build reason. If the pheromone is missing form lack of the father's presents; little girls develop faster. 
Later a young woman will be drawn to a guy that doesn't have similar pheromones to dad unless the "pill" is involved. Pheromones are an additional barrier between natural bothers and sisters restricting all but a platonic relationship. If the "pill" is in play she may pick a guy that when she wants to have kids will seem wrong (pheromones similar to dad's and brothers'). As if I haven't given it away yet, non matching pheromones make for more passionate marriages. Not being on the “pill” while dating is a big boost to staying married. 
Last point, men use a time-slicing thought processes. This gives them the ability to work one problem at a time to completion (or segment end for future use). Their brain runs on dopamine so it takes a lot more projects to stress them (that and they only see one project at a time). Males set boundaries by nature. 
Women use multitasking thought processes. This gives them the ability to work multiple time sensitive present problems at once. Their brain runs on oxytocin as a result ladies need down time to balance their brain chemistry (hence taking time to be nurtured and nurture others). Females honor boundaries by nature. 
So, I am fighting for my sons and I am attempting to weed out family weakening political agendas as the republicans are being inundated with boys and not men. I am fighting for my son's future wives and the moral leverage they can achieve by emotionally boosting my sons and raising moral kids. I am fighting for faith, morality, law, education, and liberty in this order as these are the principles that founded us a nation. I fight to re-instate the Constitution of the United States as the law on the land again and to bring back American common law
All politics start at home.

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