I wouldn't be surprised to have it interpenetrated as "Obama leading the way out of America's blood smeared past"
I have seem my country all but destroyed. It was bad pledging my allegiance seemingly to the law of the COLORs knowing that I was supporting Admiralty law against myself with this banner.
Oh how we have offended our God by misusing his gift. I am afraid we have sworn our posterity to slavery and captivity after the sacrifice of so much of our nations blood. With tears on my cheeks I will not let Michelle Obama's words "All this for a damned flag" discourage me.
I will fight under one Flag, this one.
Red Skelton's "Pledge of Allegiance"
John Wayne's "Pledge of Allegiance"
Paul Harvey's words of wisdom
I pray God has compassion on us as a people and forgives us our indifference as we let His free land and light upon a hill be all but extinguished. When will we listen? When will we hear? When will "we the people" fight back?
Our Founding Fathers created a country of the people. It was a republic as the male land owners elected spokesmen to speak for their families in government. Yet the people were balanced by the States in congress as the people had a voice in the House of Representatives and the States had a voice in the Senate. People have a tendency to spend money on them selves. The States where force to manage and budget money thus adopting a more conservative posture to preserve their status.
Money was printed by the FED but managed by the States, another check and balance. The purpose of education was to teach children faith, morality, the law, and the means to understand the law. The Churches where the first link in education as they taught Faith fostering morality. The school system was to reenforce the Faith and add reading writing and the ability to do arithmetic so that law could be more readily understood. Republics are maintained only by true understanding of the natural law of God.
Soon our Constitution's meaning was corrupted by the use of English common law as the base of interpretation instead of American common law known as "The law of nature and nature's God". An example of this corruptions is found with the interpretation of the 14th Amendment. According to natural law (Article 213, 214, and 215) if your father was Danish you are Danish even if you were born in the United States. English law says otherwise. I can see our founding fathers rolling in their graves as we adopt the very law they separated us from.
It gets worse. Starting in 1913 and the ratifying of the 16th Amendment the United States was set on a course of slavery. The 16th, 17th, 19th, 22nd, 23rd, 25th, 26th, and the 27th Amendments to the Constitution have removed the people from the government as to enslave the people to prosper the global banking families. Here is the scoop:
1. tax the people
2. make sure the States can't regulate the tax codes
3. make the women pay taxes too
4. speed up the process of getting good presidents out of office
5. setup a corporate government head
6. insurance and backup plan for removing a problem-sum president
7. get the 18 year old kids voting to dilute the voting pool and add emotion to reason
8. remove the last control the people had on politicians
nice job... NOT! to all you progressive politicians out there.
If you think you are free stop paying your taxes
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