Thursday, November 8, 2012

Oh, bummer

 In order to understand this post, you will need to over come the inner lizard brain response.  (Time has past and I see now how this last line could be offensive.   Oh well, I'm leaving it because I'm an INTJ and correct is better then sparing feelings.  Just think of yourself as a doctor.  The people mooning you are just getting shots.)  Next we will need a clear definition of conservatism.  Following this we need an understanding of  "The law of nations or natural law".  And, we will need an example of the law in motion "a poor interpretation of the 14th Amendment.  After setting the foundation we can now develop the problem given to us in 1933.  Which problem has rotted into a fine mess as depicted in "Thrive the Movie".  Now the final note in this cacophony "The CORPORATE state of government".  And for clarity this is how invasive the CORPORATE GOVERNMENT is now.    

First! I am an entrepreneur and I am disappointed that I now have a steeper rock to climb but, Romney would have only slowed the progression to economic disaster not stopped it.  Progressive republicans turning the temperature up slowly on the pot of frogs, may have trapped more of us in socialistic snares like the illegal ratification of the 16th Amendment and the 17th Amendment.  

Conservatives educated with the United States Constitution and nature’s law, not progressives catering to democracy and crossing the isle, would have been more effective during this election. Only the CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA has a democracy... a lawless corporate democracy. The Constitution of the United States denotes a republic with laws. (Side note; big media is part of the government corporate structure.)

In addition, you have to apply the expensive bread analogy to the people on food stamps. When the price of bread goes up people often buy less of a better bread to get their monies worth. The same is true of the cost of employes. When the cost of employes increases employers weed out all but the best employees for keepers. No one likes buying expensive mediocrity. It doesn’t balance the books.  The best employees can keep up with the extra demand imposed by the new productivity level require to compete.  Good to tolerable employees are just jobless.  Of course, small businesses may have to let go of even the best employees to balance the books.     

So, we should let the mediocre, poor, and less educated starve since they are not prime candidates for the business productivity index. As Obama squeezes his hand more of these types of people will fall from his fingers. Small business people will be some of the first to fall and many have. From talk radio shows lately I find their anger at their own lack of education toward Romney and Romney's lack of a real choice against Obama amusing. Even Rush stated that fewer people turned out for this last election.  This time Obama received 11 million fewer votes  than in 2008 and Romney received 2 million fewer then McCain did in 2008.  McCain had Palin a conservative on the ticket.  Romney was running as "only better then Obama".

I must admit though, I thought that the bankers running the world would have chosen Romney to rebuild more wealth for their taking but, it seems they are more worried about 12/21/2012 or something. Leaving Obama in allows them to push Agenda 21 on us sooner. Basically, Agenda 21 is world depopulation for better management of the remaining people.  P.S. it started with abortions a few years back.

"Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive" (Sir Walter Scott)

If we as a people, meaning all of us (black, white, yellow, and red), don't pull our heads out of our posteriors and fight back, Iceland will be the only sovereign nation left.     

I just had an interesting thought.  What if the fear of 12/21/2012 hooked with the money hidden in the governments' (note plural possessive) CAFRs brings an Icelandic response in the United States?

If Romney was more conservative like Reagan he would have been president now.  However, I'm not sure if it would have been the best thing at this time. 

The Cactus Cuties  preforming the national anthem 

Friday, November 2, 2012


Last night I was dreaming about an old client I no longer have.  In the dream I was sitting across a very male decorated lawyer's desk facing the lawyer's secretary.  Apparently, the lawyer had died recently and I was needed to complete some paperwork.  In so doing I had an epiphany and I left the desk for a moment to check my hypothesis.  Upon returning only moments later I was met with scorn. As an INTJ I found myself bewildered at the cold response when I returned.

Apparently, it is poor manners to test an hypothesis while interacting with someone else.  It wasn't until I had cleared my train of thought and dedicated a few seconds to analyzing possible solutions to her reaction did I see a weak correlation between my action and her bewilderment and eventual anger.

Here is the part that worries me.  I know that if I find myself in such a place again I will be blind sided and step into the same trap.  Dream, this time, it was.  However, I know I have provoked such responses in real interactions from people.  I always felt at a loss as to why some people grew so hostile toward me.

I find so little satisfaction from being with others.  I feel compelled to help others even though I find myself mostly met with indifference or hostility.  One of my many sons is an ENFJ.  He is always met with warmth and admiration from others.  I have found it bewildering as he contributes little to actual measurable effort on their behalf.  Even now my mind is contemplating the potential of others to interpret my words into hostile or less then fatherly ambitions.  I am very pleased at my sons abilities... I just don't understand their nuance as I find people like wounded animals lashing out at their caregiver.

There are times I wish I had a different personality type.  I get tired of being scratched and bitten or ignored for finding solutions.  Yesterday, I agreed to talk to a preparedness group about computer safety and security.  I took my ENTJ son with me as he can communicate with people more effectively then I can.  By the end of the meeting the group seemed more comfortable addressing my son then me.  Here again I am amazed at how fluid and honest he was without offending people.  He was talking over their heads and yet he was more acceptable then I was.

I was informed of a new saying in the last few days "If you want to serve you must learn to sell and market".  It seems that all business and service not only revolves around but are "marketing".  I personally don't see this clearly.  I don't buy things from advertising and marketing.  I find such efforts wasted money and TV programming time.  As I have need, I research solutions.  A lot of times the solutions I find are contrary to popular belief.  I don't trust doctors, engineers, politicians, bankers, or lawyers at face value without proof.  A degree is not proof.  Tangible results are proof only to a point.  Sometimes short term results don't manifest a greater problem caused by a solution immediately.  The use of fluoride in toothpaste falls into this group as fluoride causes brittle bones and teeth.  But in the first six month period of exposure it kills bacteria in the mouth slowing tooth decay just to cause bone and tooth failure later.

One of the biggest lies out there now is "genetic disease".  How is this a lie?  I can cause or expound upon a mineral deficiency in the soil and cause a disease.  For instance, make food plants that can metabolize manganese even in the presents of glyphosate.  Now glyphosate binds to manganese rendering it inert so if you eat food (these plants) you will have a manganese deficiency which causes respiratory problems like asthma and allergies to bone and joint failure.  The lie is that asthma and allergies are considered derived from a genetic disposition.  So, doctors need not cure them.  Bad food equates to bad health and an academic paycheck to a doctor and pharmacist.  Planned obsolescence made medical. 

As a result, I have to find a nice way of telling people how to fix themselves for my sanity is what it comes down to.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

What Ever Happended to "Just the Right Thing to Do"

I feel cheap.  What ever happened to responsibility?  I got into republican politics because I knew it was the right thing to do.  But, as of late the powers that be feel they need to buy us to fill obligations.  I am offended.

I have always felt that I needed to do political things out of my own understanding and sense of right.  As of late, people that think they can buy me are running our local group.  They dangle bribes and incentives before the group to motivate us into using effort to do our responsibilities.  Boy they don't know me.  I am not a democrat.  I am moved by the purity of the cause.  Give me good ideals and true principals instead of the whitewashed game playing.  I am not a marketing toy.

I joined the republican party because they fit my ideals better not because I was treated to some gimmick or payment in return.  The establishment of rewards for effort take away my incentive to work.  I find the acquisition of money a poor cause for selling people crap even in business.

The people need to talk to representatives that support them not some money stream.  How democrat can we get; pay for a marketing campaign verses spreading understanding?

I feel that as a group our republican central committee has veered to the left side of the street.  I feel placated.
Our founding fathers knew that government starts at home and required 5 things to keep it going.  Faith, morality, law, education, and liberty are those 5 things.  After the home, we find these services provided first by churches.  The United States was specifically founded as a Christen country.

After home and church comes local precincts and the precinct chairmen (the only democratically elected politician in our republic).  The precinct chairmen vet all the other candidates all the way up to president.  The precinct chairmen hold the responsibility of vetting and submitting legislation to the state and federal legislatures as the people's needs require it.

However, this part of the equation is ignored as of late and the people's voice falls on deaf ears. Marketing based advertisements are tested and presented to us as if to sell the people a government full of toys and sweets.  Since when has a gingerbread house not ended with children being cast into the oven.  What have we done for our children?  What have we done to our children?

I am not cheap enough to sell my children and my grand children for a good advertising campaign.

It offends me hearing the word democracy used in politics as we (according to the Constitution) are not ruled by democracy.  We are ruled by a "Republic" and a set of laws.  I am ashamed to tell my precinct that we let them down.  That our local committee buys into the salesmanship filtering down from our greater socialistic government.  That "We the People" are pawns in the marketing of themselves and their children's lives to pay the debts of bad government policies.

Fixing this requires faithful moral people armed with natural law willing to educate freedom and liberate it to work.  A great man once stated "Teach them correct principles and let them govern themselves" (Joseph Smith).

The people are the power.  The Republic is the tool.  The Constitution is the rule,      


Friday, October 5, 2012

Our New Flag

Come November 7, 2012 we have a new flag over our nation.
I wouldn't be surprised to have it interpenetrated as "Obama leading the way out of America's blood smeared past"
I have seem my country all but destroyed.  It was bad pledging my allegiance seemingly to the law of the COLORs knowing that I was supporting Admiralty law against myself with this banner.

Oh how we have offended our God by misusing his gift.  I am afraid we have sworn our posterity to slavery and captivity after the sacrifice of so much of our nations blood.  With tears on my cheeks I will not let Michelle Obama's words "All this for a damned flag" discourage me.

I will fight under one Flag, this one.

Red Skelton's "Pledge of Allegiance"

John Wayne's "Pledge of Allegiance"

Paul Harvey's words of wisdom

I pray God has compassion on us as a people and forgives us our indifference as we let His free land and light upon a hill be all but extinguished.  When will we listen? When will we hear? When will "we the people" fight back?    

Our Founding Fathers created a country of the people.  It was a republic as the male land owners elected spokesmen to speak for their families in government.  Yet the people were balanced by the States in congress as the people had a voice in the House of Representatives and the States had a voice in the Senate.  People have a tendency to spend money on them selves.  The States where force to manage and budget money thus adopting a more conservative posture to preserve their status.

Money was printed by the FED but managed by the States, another check and balance.  The purpose of education was to teach children faith, morality, the law, and the means to understand the law.  The Churches where the first link in education as they taught Faith fostering morality.  The school system was to reenforce the Faith and add reading writing and the ability to do arithmetic so that law could be more readily understood.  Republics are maintained only by true understanding of the natural law of God.

Soon our Constitution's meaning was corrupted by the use of English common law as the base of interpretation instead of American common law known as "The law of nature and nature's God".  An example of this corruptions is found with the interpretation of the 14th Amendment.  According to natural law (Article 213, 214, and 215) if your father was Danish you are Danish even if you were born in the United States.  English law says otherwise.  I can see our founding fathers rolling in their graves as we adopt the very law they separated us from.

It gets worse.  Starting in 1913 and the ratifying of the 16th Amendment the United States was set on a course of slavery.  The 16th, 17th, 19th, 22nd, 23rd, 25th, 26th, and the 27th  Amendments to the Constitution have removed the people from the government as to enslave the people to prosper the global banking families.  Here is the scoop:

1. tax the people

2. make sure the States can't regulate the tax codes

3. make the women pay taxes too

4. speed up the process of getting good presidents out of office

5. setup a corporate government head

6. insurance and backup plan for removing a problem-sum president

7. get the 18 year old kids voting to dilute the voting pool and add emotion to reason

8. remove the last control the people had on politicians

nice job... NOT! to all you progressive politicians out there.

If you think you are free stop paying your taxes            


Sunday, September 30, 2012

Gender and Politics

As an INTJ personality and a guy I can't help but to have an opinion on gender and politics. First Republicans are more rational and, Democrats are more emotional. So this splits the genders as more men are rational and non feeling. Moreover, more women are very feeling and less rational. Shopping centers know this. A guy has to be sold or need an item before he will set a foot in a store. Now gals rarely travel alone and aside from INTJ women enjoy shopping. (I find  INTJ women are not average women they make a lot more sense and being an INTJ man I find them predictable.  So, I married an ESFJ.  She is a challenging project that's always new.)

(note: I am assuming that the terms "men" and "males" are worthy of the titles, being grown rational beings, and not just boys.)   
But to the point. Women who are around real men are more apt to be conservative if not republican. Women left to their own feelings are more likely to be liberal or democrats. Additionally, "beautiful and male ego mastering" women are the women that attract men. A beautiful women like Tammy Bruce (former democrat now conservative) who doesn't use the male ego will not be as exposed to male pragmatism. Hence, unattractive women needs to have more of an understanding of the male ego and use the knowledge to attract men thus facilitating a potential development of trust in a man.

A woman that trusts a man is less likely to search for security in the government. Currently our education system teaches a very feminine curriculum. This stems from that 19th Amendment. And in step, the term "General Welfare" in the Constitution has been twisted to mean "personal welfare" which ironically has taken husbandly and fatherly responsibilities from the boys trapping them as boys thus hurting the "General Welfare" of the nation. If it were not for women and men that stuck to traditional roles we would be farther down the road to anarchy.

A woman that accepts a role of wife and mother has more power then she thinks and far more then any business woman. As a wife and mother she touches the present with her husband and she touches the future with what she teaches her children.

Guys are like "Mechs" (big battling robots). They should have more strength, reason, and pragmatism then gals (give or take the application of self discipline). Guys are "warriors". Gals are the "cause". It use to amaze me how a woman could make a man do things he would not normally do. (The "male ego" is rooted in the male emotional center {what emotional center? you ask}. Males choose outside sources to influence them emotionally because they are emotionally inept compared to females) 
It's funny how kids are first open to mom and her sense of morality and emotion and then cross over to dad (as teenagers) for structure and relationship programming. Boys need to be taught morals before their strength develops (mom) and then they need to be taught self control and self discipline (dad). Girls need to be taught nurturing and understanding (mom) and relationship interaction (dad). Yes, we are responsible for our choices. That said, there is still a pheromone response to relationships. Dads supply the pheromones that their daughters need to slow development and build reason. If the pheromone is missing form lack of the father's presents; little girls develop faster. 
Later a young woman will be drawn to a guy that doesn't have similar pheromones to dad unless the "pill" is involved. Pheromones are an additional barrier between natural bothers and sisters restricting all but a platonic relationship. If the "pill" is in play she may pick a guy that when she wants to have kids will seem wrong (pheromones similar to dad's and brothers'). As if I haven't given it away yet, non matching pheromones make for more passionate marriages. Not being on the “pill” while dating is a big boost to staying married. 
Last point, men use a time-slicing thought processes. This gives them the ability to work one problem at a time to completion (or segment end for future use). Their brain runs on dopamine so it takes a lot more projects to stress them (that and they only see one project at a time). Males set boundaries by nature. 
Women use multitasking thought processes. This gives them the ability to work multiple time sensitive present problems at once. Their brain runs on oxytocin as a result ladies need down time to balance their brain chemistry (hence taking time to be nurtured and nurture others). Females honor boundaries by nature. 
So, I am fighting for my sons and I am attempting to weed out family weakening political agendas as the republicans are being inundated with boys and not men. I am fighting for my son's future wives and the moral leverage they can achieve by emotionally boosting my sons and raising moral kids. I am fighting for faith, morality, law, education, and liberty in this order as these are the principles that founded us a nation. I fight to re-instate the Constitution of the United States as the law on the land again and to bring back American common law
All politics start at home.

A Long Two Weeks

It has been said that in order for man to learn and grow he needs agency.  I find that agency is painful.  Two acquaintances of mine died in the last two weeks.  One from a selenium deficiency problem and the other from a radiation overdoes administered by an allopathic doctor known as chemotherapy.

I could argue that their poor use of agency caused their deaths but I know like with everything else this isn't that easy to classify and file.  How is this any different then catching a bullet or furnishing a speed bump for a car.  It isn't.  As I pondered on these situations I concluded that some of us are ready to leave life before others of us.  The method that gets used is really of little relevance.  Being mortal means we are an enemy to God as we are not "perfect" (a more appropriate translation from Greek; or "complete") ... as we can die and be separated from our bodies.  "Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father in Heaven is perfect" can also be more appropriately interpreted as "Be ye therefore complete even as your Father in Heaven is complete".  The monks translating didn't understand the ramification of the scriptural meaning of the Greek "complete" so they used "perfect" in its place.

Being "complete" means we need to find a wife and stay with her.  We need to have kids as the meaning of life is to give life.  Then we need to achieve the completeness of being fused body and spirit into one sole being.  This fusion (body and spirit "immortally") is one of the gifts from God found in the Atonement of His Son "The Christ".  As to building a family... we need to demonstrate our propensity for accepting this greatest blessing of all "Ever Lasting Life".

In the greater scheme of things, poor nutrition, bad politics, and death may be upon us in mortal life. However, God only cares about the spiritual condition of our individual hearts.  A man can posses all things but if he lacks charity... he is nothing.

I morn the loss of my friends but I believe they died as "complete (in this mortal state)" as they could. I just hope I did what I was needed to do without infringing on their agency with my opinoins.

As for me, I choose to live as long as I can (200 years-ish I understand is possible).  Granted I have to fix my nutrition, sleeping habits, and develop a few other things.  I think it would be fun to see my 4th and 5th generation kids if all things allow me.


Friday, September 7, 2012

World's End (as we know it)

The last few years have been full of struggle, stress, and the potential of doom and gloom.  As a result my thoughts have often drifted into a world of self reliance and the value of things in time of need.  The one thing I have not figured out is why buy gold, silver, or any money?  You can't eat it for food.  You can't burn it for warmth, give or take paper currency if you have enough of it.  The real wealth is in land... farm land and the seed, water, fertilizers, minerals, and ability to work it.

It's just like a rich man to go into the wilderness with a pocket full of gold to weigh him down.  Last time I looked the animals would not trade their meat for gold.  Plants will not feed you for gold.  However, if you master your surroundings and can apply some knowledge anything is possible.

I must confess I have thought this for a long time but I heard on "Coast to Coast AM" radio last night that I may not be off my rocker as far as I thought I was.           

Now the biggest enemies of self reliance are; the love of money, planned obsolescence, GMO crops, the FTC (Federal Trade Commission), the long haul shipping of food, and all government regulations and taxes imposed.  All of these things caused our short sightedness.

This is my reasoning.  Money is a placeholder for labor.  When you buy something it is the labor you are buying.  Everything starts with dirt and especially minerals.  The minerals are gathered and processed by hand or vegetation starting the labor stream that ends in products and services.  So we are buying organized dirt.  The price of which items is assigned according to the need of the product or service and the value of the perceived organization and construction.  This balancing of labor and market value creates a free market.  When money becomes more then a placeholder for labor as products and services become more refined, it transforms into a poison when people see it as an end (or magic power) without a connection to work done.  Money is then a poison for work to come.

Planned Obsolescence decreases the true value of labor by leading people away from the core elements of self reliance.  True self reliance is only possible if  people are able to live under their own hand or effort.  Planned Obsolescence is the equivalent of busy work.  It dumbs down the skill set of people to a few repetitive strokes with the intent of keeping people busy and unfocused on government.  This policy affords the limiting of personal "value added" decreasing the value of labor two ways.  The first, the people are compelled to sell their time at a fixed price even if the market is climbing.  Second, people are compelled to re-buy products wasting labor on redundancy as they lack the skills to avoid the expense.

GMO crops exacerbate the mineral deficiency diseases caused by poor soil conditions.  Remember everything comes from the dirt... even people.  We count on nutrition density form vegetation to feed our meat animals and our selves.  If we lack any of the 60 documented or 77 total bio-available minerals in our diet we suffer 1 or more of the 900 (plus) diseases associated with their absents.  GMO crops are designed to grow on fewer minerals then conventional crops.  They contain elements that bind with minerals to render "neutral" chemically and electronically active bio-available minerals.  GMO crops grow with fewer then the 9 minerals required for heirloom seeds.  This is way under the 60 humans and animals (food meat) need daily.

The FTC has in the past levied fines to farmers for growing their own cow feed crops.  Talk about a waste of stolen labor.  When a government compels people to pay taxes... they are stealing.  Taxes need be voluntary.   Fines, fees, licenses, and the like should never exist.  Where is the governments beneficial work?  They misinterpreted "General Welfare" in the Constitution to mean compete with the father's role in the family.  They force a tax burden reducing the incentive as fathers now have two yokes to pull.  They forced a situation where women have to find employment to aid in paying taxes.  In general the government as is has taken food away from people, gleaned it, and sent back the gleaning.  How are we supost to be happy with this?  How many people have real labor time to spend on their families?

Last, since I covered the government intrusions under the FTC, is the interstate and international trucking of food staples.  Removing a community's food production from the community destroys the community's infrastructure needed to feed the community if shipments of food are stopped.   

Untwisting this mess:

Well, the only way to untwist this mess is to fire the government for supporting the bankers running the world.    

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Romney's Election

I believe Romney will win the 2012 election.  As an INTJ I can't say definitively if this is good or bad for us.  INTJ's have a nature of looking through the obvious or surface.  Of course, Obama did us no favors.  But this election isn't about who is the better businessman its about who will propagate the underlying system of debt slavery.  As with every thing else, I have a set of rules for my understanding.

  1. I use the word "believe" when an interpretation of more basic concepts exist.
  2. The term "More Basic Concepts" refers to principles that are supported by even more basic concepts or proven information by trial and experimentation resulting in a Core Principle".
  3. Rules lacking the word "believe" denotes a "Core Principle" unto itself.   
  4. I believe the war that started before the worlds were... continues.
  5. I believe Satan is attempting to rule this world.     
  6. I believe God lends inspiration and clarity to those who are listening.
  7. I believe the education system is a tool of misinformation more often then not extending later into most media outlets.
  8. I believe the founding fathers were correct when the said a republic is hard to maintain.
  9. I believe we no longer live under a Constitutional Republic.
  10. I believe power and greed has subjected us to CORPORATIONS.
  11. I believe Admiralty law is used to manage us, the CORPORATION's assets. 
  12. I believe that we have been enslaved as a nation into a CORPORATE DEMOCRACY.
  13. Democracy is not a part of the United States Constitution.
  14. I believe our labor and the labor of our children has been stolen from us and sold.
  15. I believe that the crimes perpetrated on us have little or no eternal impact on us.
  16. I believe that these crimes may impact the knowledge of our children which can impact their eternal progress.
  17. Parents are to teach their children in the ways of God to preserve them as well as save ourselves.
Assumptions (based on the rules):

A group of bankers (Rockefeller, Morgan, and Rothschild) through the privatization of the FEDERAL RESERVE eventually formed and purchased THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INC. in 1933.  Over the ensuing years the people of the United States have been incorporated as corporate entities into the main CORPORATION.

Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy were killed to preserve the CORPORATION.  Lincoln discovered that he had erred with the 16th amendment (created on the suspension of congressional rules) and was attempting to correct the error.  Kennedy started printing government money in an attempt to phase out the private FEDERAL RESERVE.  Both were removed from office by the bank's board of directors.

The CORPORATION or THE UNITED STATED OF AMERICA INC. and its subdivisions in each DIVISION, DISTRICT, STATE, COUNTY, CITY, TOWN, and BOROUGH combined with its organized investment companies are privet unregistered for profit tax, fine, fee, license, and tariff absorbing CORPORATIONs.  They have been used to acquire and hide great wealth at the expense of the people.  It has been shown that even the large public CORPORATIONs are majority owned by these GOVERNMENT CORPORATIONS.       

Private Corporations are not part of the schema but like most of us... victims.  If they pay taxes they are not the problem.  If they hold no preferred government stock they are clean as well.       


Since 1933 congress has circumvented the "usury laws" in the United States violating the Old Testament {the core of these three faiths, Christians (up to Christ), Jews (up to Israel), and Muslims (up to Abraham)}    

As a result the people of the United States are subjects of the magistrate under Admiralty law and do not own land or real property any more.  

This has created the opportunity for the bankers, as of late and by pushing presidential candidates, to pump and dump the global economy at will to acquire all real property.

This cycle, of which Obama and Romney are part (ignorantly or not), appears to be another pump and dump.  Obama pumped us up by freeing up assets from the private sector for the public sector.  Then Romney will encourage us to work again. Thus, increasing our assets so that in a cycle to come they can be ceased again.


So, let the big boys play their games.  how does this hurt me?  Well,  here is a condensed version:
  1. It will become illegal to save seed from your garden for the next year.
  2. You can be tracked in case you commit a crime against the bank.
  3. The sheriff no longer answers to the people but the CORPORATION.
  4. Fees, fines, licenses, and taxes have no check and balance by the people.
  5. Elected officials will have more limited power as time progresses. 
  6. Schools will teach even less about the Constitution and the ability to read it.
  7. Remember the productivity index.  Like working harder for your buying power.
  8. Remember when people actually owned property and could work it for their family's benefit free from government.
  9. Once upon a time, a man only needed to support his family.  Now a man and his wife need both work struggling to pay the CORPORATION's greed as well as the family's need.
  10. The CORPORATION likes running interference between parents and children as to protect their investments and potential income, of course, by dictating learning, earning, and spending habits creating predictable earnings.
  11. We already are encouraged strongly to buy expensive drugs instead of use effective medical knowledge.
  12. Individual energy independence is bad for CORPORATE business.

Romney will be very effective in reorganizing the CORPORATION for this next run.  As to restoring the United States Constitution, American common law, and our founding fathers vision... well, now that is the question.



Friday, August 17, 2012

Why I (An INTJ) Think Like I Do

Plainly... I don't know.  So, I am admitting that arbitrary emotional interference has overtly indoctrinated my public face.  In other words, I learned that people hate "know-it-all"s.  Not that I know it all but perception is just as damming.  So, now that I have placated the obvious, let us (not to be confused with lettuce) continue our quest.

Many people go to school to get a license to know something.  I have always been disappointed with school.  Like so many other things school is only as good as the person's ability to want to learn.  AND if a person really wants to learn school isn't needed.  Now equipment, opportunity, curiosity, and liberty... that's different for they are the seeds of learning.          

I have developed a well defined set of rules of engagement based on data collected from my life.   

First, MY rules of engagement.
  1. Children, of which we all have been, start learning as their increasing mind capacity craves understanding.
  2. This understanding is directed based on a simple pain and pleasure scale at first.
  3. Later this scale includes emotional elements.
  4. Male and Female brains process information differently based on chemically measurable means.
  5. Everyone on the earth develops using this same path. 
  6. Man later implores a tentative laziness trusting others on the same path with his education instead of using self realization and experimentation.
  7. Errors introduced by others are propagated for lifetimes sometimes before being challenged.
  8. The belief in God expands one's ability to learn as knowledge is added to the path from an overseeing external source. 
  9. Four levels of perception are required to fully understand anything.   Be it a noun; a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual element is required for complete understanding.     
It is important not to read any more into these rules then what is stated.

Now to get started, if one was to read my blog in its entirety one may think that I have strayed from a more INTJ perspective.  I speak of God and non-tangibles as if they are set in stone yet most INTJs may find them more of an opinion and not a fixed constant.  I address ideas, systems, and devices beyond my formal academic education level.  In so doing I may appear as a self appointed fanatic.

I believe very strongly in things I have experienced, measured, and tested.  It is difficult for me to accept others ideas if I have already processed similar ideas and found them wanting in my path before or in the past.  I have found that there is a path that builds and supports streaming through solid concepts and realization.  No educated person can convince me of anything without touching on this path.  This being the case I find myself not trusting bankers, politicians, doctors, lawyers, teachers, and other educated people at face value.  Here I could add all my supporting test results but, I will reserve myself.  Once credibility is lost... pursuing the same path will not restore it.

The truth is some times harder to believe then a lie.  Mark Twain even stated that a lie hast to appeal to credibility to be believable and the truth does not.  The truth requires a personal commitment to gather supporting evidence if a clear understanding is to be reached rather then trusting another's assessment.  The definition of  maturing is weaning one-self from other people as supporting collaboration for any idea, concept, or manifestation that exists and finding your own supporting evidence.                     

 I know that God lives because of personal experiences, through the assessment of events, and by testing the paths of communication outlined in the scriptures.  I know that the big banks are not honest based on researching Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFR)  and testing the research locally.  I know allopathic medicine is weak at best compared to naturopathic medicine because I reviewed my own results form using both.  I will never trust an allopathic doctor as an authority again.  Even now I am finding politicians are uninformed about the laws they are supposed to know.  They lack insight into the average person's life.  They see us as the enemy and have made laws that restrict and remove us from our Constitution.  We the people have been herded into a GOVERNMENT CORPORATION and subjected to Admiralty law against our knowledge.

My point, I love my God, country, liberty, and you.  It pains me to see people slaving for existence while feeding a monster that is poisoning, punishing, stealing, and lying to them.  The beast has anesthetized most of us with the education system when they injected social programing into the basic reading, writing, and arithmetic intended by our forefathers to make informed citizens.  Now a simple test: ask a teenager to read a hand written cursive note.  They don't teach cursive in school anymore.  All of the most liberating papers and documents are written in cursive script.  The Constitution of the United States, the Declaration of Independence,  and the Bill of Rights are just a few of the ideas that founded us a nation that are being concealed in public view.  Yet, Spanish is well accepted.

There is a scale in my church by which effort is measured.  On one end is "consider the lilies of the field" and at the other end is "faith without works is dead".

The catch here is that God provides when we are on His errand.  He gave us this nation.  Are we going to waste it?

I am a conservative.  I am pragmatic.  I can see beyond my self.  I can reason.  And, I care about what happens to those around me (even if it is their fault).  I am a realist.  If you smash your thumb with a hammer no amount of hugs makes it feel better.  Yet, I can be moved by the fascination of a single musical note aloft or the mathematical manifestation of a fractal displayed by a tree.           

Why? do I think like I do.  Because... it pleases me to experience things that manifest intelligent design.  That's why I think like I do.

Monday, July 30, 2012


I am an optimist at heart.  I believe that most people are as smart or smarter than I am. Even with all the bad politics and new world order crap, I believe that the United States will prevail.  We are a God fearing country and God has stated that as long as we worship Him He will preserve us a nation.

Although 20% of the nation has rejected God.  This may not abode well with those that would be free.  The first commandment of the ten paraphrased "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me".  Picking a war against God, killing His small children, and propagating usury law against the people, indirect defiance of the word of God, do these people rejecting God know the extent of their sins and the anger of God?  I didn't what to nor am I going to dwell on the fate of the Godless.  I would rather dwell on the blessings of the God fearing.

Over this last weekend I was talking to a relative about all the disagreement and bad politics in our area.  It sounds very negative and fear-mongering.  He pointed out that I sounded like a politician trying to get his vote through fear.  I was set back as my last few words echoed in my ears.  INTJ's have a tendency to see the scariest things in life in an attempt to correct or improve life.  I can't see how other people ignore or effect repair on superficial grounds.  My mother and my mother-in-law both have told me that I come across as negative.  For the record, personally I don't see positive and negative.  I see the most complete understanding of the problem as to formulate a solution if needs be.  Many times as I work on solutions I express my perceptions to people looking for input back.  Lately, I'm finding that I am just scaring people.

Part of enjoying the beauty in things is knowing the compositions of things.  Women should understand this as they use the same technique applied to relationships.  One football driven guy told me a few years back that in order to watch the game he had to interest his wife in the players personal lives.  At first he had to do the work but after she was hooked she started doing the work herself.  In some of my earlier writing on this blog I explained a simple walk in the forest at dawn.  Besides the sight, smell, and feel of the event, I experience the chemistry, physics, and mathematics of the event.  These things are just as beautiful as the sensory data collected to me.

I have aforementioned that there are 4 ways we need to understand all things, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.  If one of these things is missing we don't have a complete understanding of the thing, event, activity, or concept.  We will not recursively pursue an activity that we do not experience all 4 of these ways.  We have to be able, knowledgeable, emotionally invested, and experience a spiritual connection to really experience anything and all things in life.

As an INTJ, it's not the political problems I find daunting.  It's the scope of the ingrainment of bad policy the people have accepted and expect I find daunting.  How do you enlighten people that have been lied to and abused by power until they don't care?  The only reason I haven't quit yet is because it isn't an option eternally.  Even death doesn't end any problem.  We are eternal.  We will get our bodies back.  I can see the face of the doctors, supporting staff, and participants standing before the throne of God as an aborted in life individual walks into testify of their mortal experience in life.  There isn't anyone as innocent and helpless as a baby before God.  The same judgment will exist for all that offend the temples of God even these temples ye are.

There is nothing as comforting as knowing physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually that God is.  Life will continue after death.  My wife and I can earn the right to propagate a family for more then eons into the future.  Death has no bearing or weight that can derail Gods works, even us the Children of God.     
 I have every right to be happy even if the fiery jaws of hell envelope me, not that I would wish this for anyone. 



Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Food Stamps

Lately, there has been a big hub bub about Food Stamps and what they should and shouldn't be able to buy. I can't see this as a big problem but a sidestep to the real point. The real step is the misappropriation of tax dollars.

How different is the government spending money on training hookers over seas or paying scientists to study catsup. What about spending tax money to force abortion at us.

AND the biggy, criticizing people for eating pie and cake on food stamps and getting fat is a weak argument at best. Obesity is a nutritional deficiency. (Allopathic: Naturopathic - Quote from Dr Joel Wallach

Obesity and overweight problems are synonymous with Americans. Nibble, nibble, nibble all the way home. "Pica" is a seeking, a craving with licking and chewing behavior that has its genesis in mineral deficiencies - interestingly enough neither vitamin deficiency, protein deficiency or calorie deficiency initiates this "pica" behavior, nor will supplementing vitamins or eating sugar, carbohydrate, fat or protein quench it!!!
Since American soils are critically deficient and depleted in minerals it is no surprise that pica, cribbing and cravings dominate the American scene. America is minerally deficient - dieters, athletes, vegetarians, meat eaters, embryos, children, teenagers, young adults and seniors.
The snack food and fast food industries are aware of this relationship between pica, cribbing, cravings, sugar binges and salt hunger and they use it to their advantage by liberally salting or sweetening their products. Unfortunately for us our bodies temporarily translates sugar and salt consumption as a fulfillment of the craving for nutritional minerals )

And nothing you can buy on food stamps can fix this... including salad. Until we get Monsanto and GMO crops (part 2) out of the farmland expect additional health problems and fatter people in general.  Not that Monsanto is the root of malnutrition in the USA but they have contributed.  The real problem is not replenishing the farm land with the minerals required for human health and not just plant health.  Plants require 9 minerals to be healthy.  Humans require 60 documented minerals daily to be healthy.  In this interview we find that GMOs and Roundup Ready crops bind to key minerals for human health like manganese removing them from our diet almost entirely.

This is what Manganese does, or lack there of does, in the human body.

Functions of Manganese :

1. Utilization of glucose.
2. Synthesis of fatty acids and cholesterol.
3. Pancreas function.
4. Feeds the nerves and brain tissues.
5. Retards the onset of sterility.

Deficiency Symptoms of Manganese

1. Poor glucose tolerance.
2. Weakness of ligaments and tendons.
3. Paralysis, convulsions and blindness in children.
4. Dizziness, and loss of hearing in adults.
5. A possible connection to multiple sclerosis and myasthenia gravis.

Additionally let's introduce Aspartame into the US diet.  Aspartame is a nerve poison that contributes to many maladies.   These are just two of the world depopulation tactics by food being used in the US.      
Now, I would like to attack the conservative uninformed.  The liberal crap I expect but the conservative crap, I thought we were for the people.  Let's start with the working poor.  Self righteous capitalistic conservatives RINOs (progressives masquerading as republicans AKA: Republican In Name Only) with their heads buried in the sand have no credibility when talking of jobs or the poor in general as they are in many ways aiding to the liberal cause.  They are adding additional stumbling blocks for the poor that would be rich.  Deliberately contributing to the public's general poor health while expecting people to work longer hours in such a condition.  Surely, this will force all of us to taste of bitter defeat like when the proud Indian chefs of old were forced on to reservations and denied the right to be men.

Narrow is the gate and strait is the path that leads to eternal life.  Taking the peoples health and enslaving them in the capacity of poorly informed or evil politicians lobbied by global corporations impedes the people's God given rights to life, liberty, and the persecute of happiness.  Such impediments offends God as it obstructs the agency and responsibility God entrusted to each individual man and woman.   

WHERE ARE THE PEOPLE's VOICES!!! politicrats and politicans or should we say capiticrats and capiticans?

I know the day is soon coming that our poor politicians and king makers will find justice.

To survive look here (This is a two hour sit down movie that illuminates)
and follow the money  (This is a three hour sit down movie that motivates)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Are you really an American?

So many questions have been raised pertaining to the citizenship of our President.  Add in the question about Admiralty law and Obama-care, things get really fuzzy.  Well, let me see if I can shed some light or supply some thinking fodder.

First;  The 14th Amendment

Second; The citizenship of Vice President Chester A. Arthur who replaced James Cleavland when he died in office
Please note: Chester A. Arthur was a British Subject under American common law at the time.  See below Article 215

Third; The law of nations or natural law states that a nation has no right to the personage of foreigners including their children.  Please observe article 213, 214, and 215   

Fourth; The use of  "English common law" with the 14th Amendment instead of the intended "law of nations" as our founding fathers intended.

Fifth; Introduction of Admiralty law

Our sovereignty has eroded to the point that a foreigner could be elected CEO, based on English common law, and use Admiralty law (founded on the national debit and national bankruptcy) facilitating a declaration of war on the United States citizens thus forcing us to be subjects under a hidden king in of all places the THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INC.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Getting Educated about Money

Money... is only a placeholder for work.  Everyone wants free work done for them.  The government demands free work done for them every time they force us to pay taxes, fines, fees, licenses, and other monies or go to jail.  Union bosses demand union fees for what?  The benefit of the union bosses?  Less food money for the workers?  More taxes and higher priced food? 

Socialism... is where the common people are enslaved for the common good.  Anyone that can't keep up is a waste of resources and is better off dead.  Yet, the uneducated people cry for more free money as the whip cracks across their backs lightly at first then much heavier as time goes on.  I resent being treated as a fourth rate citizen in my own country yet I am amazed at people I thought were smarter then me supporting my enslavement along with their own.  

The United States is dying.  Our Constitutional Republic has been substituted with a counterfeit corporate government.  This government declared war on us the United States people in 1933.  Just one voice in the wind.  Will others not learn the lies?  Will others not add to my voice?

As much as I would like to be dogmatic about the solutions to this overrun I have to be practical too.  People have to eat.  If our politicians trap us and starve us into compliance with our new found captivity I can't hold anyone weak.  However... I'm not willing to give in yet!

OK, money is only gained one way by cashing out a trade.  Now there are 3 forms of trade arrangements; selling a product, selling a service, or trading objects out right.  A product is an item gathered and structured by oneself or a supplier that a market exists to utilize.  A service is the replication of an action again self or supplier designed that the market desires to be accomplished.  Trading is more emotional and dream based.  Stock, money exchanges, land, lottery tickets and well built things hold a volatile intrinsic value based heavily on the buyer's emotional state.

This is why salesmen in a capitalistic environment are the richest people.  Now, in a socialistic environment the government kills the need for people to be happy with a product or service.  And... they make work a dreadful job as no one is allowed to taste the sweetness of their own labors.  I am thinking that capitalism (or getting paid with monies) is more favorable then socialism (or getting paid in years of sentence) 

Even now the real rewards of efforts is finding things to invest in that convert effort straight into store-able and reproducible commodities satisfying needs while never allowing the transaction to convert to cash.  Using this model, advanced tools and computers would only be held by those that understood how they worked.  It has long perplexed me how naive people attempt to run complex systems without knowing the basic principles of how they work internally.  And they say there's no such thing as magic.  


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The People, The Republic, and The Constitution

  The People are the Power. The Republic is the Tool. The Constitution is the Rule. When the people get mad, educated, and focused we will see a change in the politics of the day. 

Why do politicians believe they can walk on the people and remain in power?  The answer is simple... They don't believe the people are smart enough to unite against them.  How many times have entrusted politicians gone to congress and voted with lobbyists?  The answer is too many.

Last night I attended a local liberty celebration.  I was moved.  I can honestly say I am a patriot at heart.  However, I found the lack of attendance disturbing and revealing.  I don't know why so few attended.  I thought, obviously naively, that the government rests on our individual shoulders collectively.  But, there are those that for one reason or another discharge this responsibility.  No wonder the politicians are ignoring us.  No wonder they declared war on us in 1933.  Then our politicrats (new word) perpetrated a fraud on us... the people.

As a United States citizen we have the charge to be responsible.  Everything about the Constitution shouts justice and freedom for all that would bare the responsibility.  As soon as we beg for socialism we forfeit justice and freedom.  When a man seeks unrighteous dominion over another man the laws of God are broken leading both to the bottom of captivity.

The Declaration of Independence was drafted after the King of England perpetrated crimes against the colonies.  How similar the travesties of our current government resemble the past.  I address this concern as there was one speech that bothered me during the Liberty Celebration.  The speech was on attacking our enemies and not our brothers.  The speech contained no grievous violations of truth but it did include those that hide beneath sheep's wool pretending in form but not in deed to be our brothers.  Are we to relinquish to these hidden forces as friends?  After reading this list of abuses from the The Declaration of Independence

" The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.
He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.
He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.
He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.
He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.
He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers.
He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.
He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.
He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.
He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.
He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:
For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:
For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:
For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:
For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:
For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury:
For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences
For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies:
For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:
For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.
He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.
He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.
He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.
He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.
He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.
In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people."
How many of these abuses have been republished on us today through the use of Admiralty law?  Who is my enemy?  I find it difficult to compare today's government and president with what the colonists faced as I find mounting abuse identical in nature if not in situation.     

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My solution to the coming world money crunch

Here's the problem, globally... we are brokeFood requires money to produce.  World food supplies are falling.  Combined with the falling amounts of food the food itself is becoming less nutritious.  This pushes up health care expenditures.  Diseases are linked to depleted minerals in  the farmlandAllopathic medicine doesn't treat mineral deficiency diseases effectively.  Allopathic medicine is the standard medicine practiced in the US.  Allopathic medicine is responsible for antibiotics.  Antibiotics cause poor food digestionHealthcare and health insurance are paying for ineffective allopathic medicine.  Even the basics of our life... our education system is failing us.         


We are broke, sick, poorly educated, and getting hungry.  The situation was created by godless educated people.  

The solution;

1.   Real education, we have to know God lives and has a purpose for us
2.   Adopt and attitude of self reliance and gratitude.
3.   Decentralize monies and resource control. 
4.   Loosen the bonds on old technologies and start using them again.
5.   Put minerals back into the farm soil... all 77 of them.
6.   Don't eat or support GMOs, artificial sweeteners, damaged oils, or medicated meat.  
7.   Crude oil is a renewable resource, it can be made from garbage and sewage.
8.   Engines run on pressure not quantity of fuel.
9.   Vaporized hydrocarbon fuels burn with more power then atomized.
10. Electrical power comes in two forms... hot and cold.
11. Mixing hot and cold power increases efficiency.
12. Atoms can be controlled and manipulated mechanically, photonically, and magnetically.
(Photonically- new word meaning manipulation through the use of light radiation; infrared, ultraviolet, or visible light.)
13. Atomic electron manipulation can preserve food, control water, heal wounds and disease, alter material density at a molecular level, generate electrical power, control gravity, and alter known thermal dynamic properties.

People need to be responsible for the power they posses instead of surrendering it to governments and dictators.    

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Most Powerful Concept in the World

This concept was originally taught to me in the 3rd grade.  It is a math concept.  It can be applied to everything I've encountered.  Even though an educational institution taught me this concept they aggressively run from it  Knowledge is only power if this concept is applied.

Here it is  

1269 / 1692

simplifies to
3 / 4

The concept is simplification or reduction to simplest terms.  So many people get lost attempting to work with big numbers.  Or they start working a problem before they know if all the apples, bananas, and oranges are sorted one form other.  I find that more often then not the educated use big numbers to prove how smart they are.

One other complication to simplification is used to confuse the masses.  I call it working outside the line of relevance. 

Here goes
1268 / 1693

This doesn't cleanly reduce so let's NOT apply common sense and attempt to work the numbers as humungous weights anyway. 

There is an old joke that goes like this;

Three fellows and their wives were at a party; a Mathematician, an Engineer, and a Chemist.  The three were to stand 50 feet away from their wives to start the game.  With the correct answer to the question presented in turn, the contestant answering was to go half the distance closer to their respective wife.  Immediately the mathematician protested and walked off knowing that he would never get to his wife.  The engineer knew that he could get close enough for practical operation.  And the chemist wasn't really concerned about distance.

How many times have we been told by a would be academic that 1268 / 1693 is not 3/4 hoping that we will walk away or, that we need to be concerned about irrelevance instead of our own hands and abilities?

Plainly, all things are understandable if they are reduces to basic concepts.  Only the ignorant will argue that something is to complicated for the average man to understand.  That's like saying genetic disease exists even though the concept has been proven wrong.  But, many still hold to the flat world concept that the cell's brain is its nucleus.  It goes to show you it doesn't matter what you are man or cell we're presumed to be thinking with our gonads. (Article: "Brain Versus Gonads")

An example of reducing to simplest terms.

Monday, January 9, 2012


As an INTJ, I like seeing things work, equations balance, and loose ends resolved.  Religion is a difficult thing to resolve as it is so aethereal.  Even so, I know that God lives as I have felt His power, heard His voice, and seen His messenger.  

When I was 13-14, I needed help finding my scout book for a talk my dad was giving. He told me he needed it early in the week but I spaced it until Sunday morning when he asked for it again. I went in to the bathroom and asked for help from my Heavenly Father. A power overcame me and my body got up and went into the bookshelves my Grandfather had setup for his library. My knees bent and my hand reached under the rebound exerciser. At the moment I touched something, the power left. I almost bumped my chin. But, I had the book.
During a District Leader workday in the mission field my companionship split with the Elders in Nancy, France. I was riding behind my companion for the day when I tangled my paints in the bike chain and had to stop abruptly. I shouted at my temporary companion but the noise was horrible. I fixed my chain and paints as quickly as I could and I headed out after him. I turned down a street I thought I saw him use a few seconds earlier but was stopped again by a voice sayingWrong Way”. I though I was responding to a subliminal glance at a one-way sign so I stopped and looked for the sign. There wasnt a sign and cars where going both ways so I concluded that if I heard the voice again I would turn around. So, I started in the same direction I was going originally. Sure and clear, the voice came again and I turned around to find my companion waiting at the corner for me

One morning in the mission field, I was having a hard time believing I was accomplishing anything, so as I awoke at 5:56am I decided I would turn off the alarm and sleep in. My companion always did. At 6:00 sharp a man in a white robe was standing by my bed. He had dark hair and beard. I was awake and standing on my bed screaming as my companion awoke with me a few seconds after 6:00 that morning.

I have been protected in times of physical harm and taught both the living and the dead.

The day I was transferred to Brussels, I was walking behind my new missionary companion after getting some fries. My companion was talking to a friend and I was just tagging along 10-12 feet behind. They crossed a street and I followed them. As I was walking between two cars at the far side of the street, there was a wreck in the round-a-bout. A car slammed into the row of parked cars that I was traversing at the time. Just like dominoes, a wave of energy came at me through the cars until I felt the cars tighten on both my knees. As fast as it happened, it was over and the cars released me in mid step. The wave of energy should have crushed my legs as hard as it hit the cars but instead it didnt even break my stride.

One night, I was dreaming about an Arabian quest in detail. I did not think about it much again even though I remembered it vividly the next day. As we were tracting, we encountered an older woman who invited us in. We were talking with her when she said she was lonely. Her husband had died and she was having family problems with her kids and missing him very much. Then she told us she had this dream often about Arabs dressed in white and black and their quest. I could not believe the story she told. It was the same dream I had the night before but, I had an interpretation in my mind and my heart was glowing. Her husband was watching over her and had some new friends he wanted her to meet.

There are other events but I will finish with this one. In Arras, France, I was dreaming on Easter eve about floating over the highway approaching our mission apartment. As I floated closer to the apartment, my coarse deviated over the branch mission leaders apartment which was a 3 story building sharing the same parking lot as our much taller building. I came into our apartment through the 14th story window. At this point, I was wide awake and I could see my companion and myself laying in bed. I was on my stomach with my head toward the window. This person radiated light. He went to wake my companion but realized I was awake. My hair bristled on my neck. I was thinking to myself that if I dont move he may go away. Thoughts started entering my mind. “Dont be afraid I wont hurt youcame as clear as if I heard it with my ears. He wanted to know about the spirit world so I reflected on everything I knew about the spirit world. He talked for 10-15 minutes with me and then left the room through the door into the living room. Then he turned and went into the adjacent elders' room and woke one of the elders. Then he walked out their window into the darkness. The next morning I told my companion. He scoffed so I told him to ask the awakened elder from the adjacent room who confirmed the experience.

I have had other experiences besides these.  I know my Father in Heaven is real. I know that Jehovah, the Eldest Spiritual Son of God, came to earth as Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ, and loved us so much as to offer Himself as a ransom for this Creation of God.