Saturday, December 28, 2013

Things that are real? Things that have intrinsic value? Things that are The United States?

What are God, marriage, and Christmas.

I know very few people will ever see this blog.  Of those that do I'm sure a few will think I'm nuts.  Well that maybe... at least I'm not alone.

I have been ask quite a number of times while growing up if I had any heroes.  I can not elevate a man to that position for myself.  Not that I don't respect a few people but I have no mortal heroes.  When I pray and the spirit from my Heavenly Father touches me I can't deny the joy, knowledge, and energy of being I receive.  I know God my Heavenly Father lives.  Now, here is the funnest thing - Every body knows this.  Every time an individual or group attempts to remove guilt from themselves they demonstrate He lives by deliberately attacking Him.  Why do so many people want to write God out of the founding of the United States?  Well, The United States was founded only using Christen values, teachings and law.  By attacking God our politicians believe they are opening a window to enslave us in socialism or worse for the world power.

The Pilgrims set the stage for The United States by founding it on the Christen Bible.  Faith in God and Gods word.  Morality to Gods word.  Gods Law from the Bible enforced.  Gods law taught to their children.  Liberty (based on spiritual agency) to demonstrate our commitment to God.  Now the rub, Gods laws are reflected in natural laws and Intelligent Design.

How many times are we to believe perversions of natural law?  Let's look quickly at the life and death struggle of the Pilgrims.  Half of them were dead and the other half dying under just the weak socialism brought with them from England as they were seeking religious freedom.  But, God proves all things and when the Pilgrims kneeled to pray (after fasting) the parable of the 10 talents may have influenced them as they stood and divided the land amongst themselves with the charge that if they were to survive it would be at their own individual hands as families.  It is funny what a man can do if left alone.  And! when they saw the fruits of their labors after proving God they kneeled again in Gratitude.  But now...

Faith in God has been attacked!

Morality to law has eroded!

The Law of God corrupted!

Education infultrated with half truths!

Liberty traded for slavery.

Let's look at Marriage.  Let's teach the kids evolution and remove God in schools and government where we can.  This will remove accountability for individual actions.  With our new found lack of self motivated personal accountability comes a resentment to morals and a lack of concern for law.  Wow! this made it easier to corrupt and remove the rule of God's law pertaining to sexuality.        

1st Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" This means the government will not make a religion.  What a bout "Human Secularism"? 

"or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" A school (the government) removing the Christen words in a Christen Christmas song pertaining to the birth of the Christ Child... Interesting?

"or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press" Who really owns the companies that give us the news?

The list of abuses of our Constitution goes on... however, we shan't.
To be honest the United States would not of existed without Christianity.  Today moral perversions of Gods laws are weakening the power of the United States.  Think of it like a TV.

When a TV was turned on without a signal to receive a field of static was displayed or chaos.  This static was uncomfortable for most people so the industry changed it to a blue screen to make chaos more reasonable.  In other words they gave it form.  So instead of seeing the static we are protected from it by a facsimile of dead order unlike an actual broadcast program that communicates to the audience.  In Christianity, Satan is chaos.  He has remade himself to have some order (the blue screen of death).  But, no matter how we look at that blue screen its communication and instructional potential is very limited.

Currently the United States is being replaced with THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INC.  (23rd Article of the Constitution).  Progressive secular humanists have been replacing real family agency and development since the 1830s.  The civil war and Lincoln's assassination distracted us from the illegal removal of the original 13th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and opened the door to instigate a non-Godly control of the power that the Revolutionary war was waged to liberate.  True power only develops under complete faith, morality, righteous laws, teaching our children these laws, and letting liberty develop.            

Getting back to the topic.

God organized us and gave us marriage between a man and a woman so that we could learn His ways of proliferation under liberty.  If I stand in my place of order and lift what I am expected... I receive temporal and eternal blessings in combination with a great deal of joy.

God made me a man and gave me certain responsibility to teach me to receive His full joy someday if I can tolerate it.  Hell is cold, Heaven is hot to those that are accustom to lower temperatures.  God gave us a way to acclimate ourselves to the warmth of Heaven through Christ's selfless sacrifice of love.  Christmas is a celebration of Gods love shone to us and our efforts to understand.

Choosing to be immoral with Gods laws, although allowed, will bring no such blessing as Gods rewards for righteousness is all that He has.  Is it reasonable to trust a rebellious child as CEO of a major corporation?  Our gender requires certain actions on our part as the correct use teaches of Gods ways and proliferation.  The incorrect use of our gender limits our ability to learn and halts our spiritual advancement. 

Did it make sense to trust a Christianity challenged president as CEO of our now MUNICIPAL INCORPORATED GOVERNMENT?

According to the Ag report today the answer to the last question is "NO".  Cow heards  were reduced in size to drive up the price of beef.  However, the economy is so bad that the demand for beef has fallen limiting the price and forcing breeders and butchers into poverty.

Plainly; God, Marriage, and Christmas are the root of all good things.   

Saturday, December 21, 2013


I have to admit I wasn't looking forward to Christmas this year.  I am a physical and emotional wreck... in a happy sort of way.  Granted my kidney is sore and my ego is bruised.  I spent money I needed to live on surgery instead of food.  In the past years I've gained hundreds of pounds of weight, I've lost great hoards of money and yet my wonderful wife stepped to the plate and made up the difference instead of leaving.

Yesterday I was reminiscing over my failed attempts to prove my worth, considering I can't count on my body much the last few years, and fretting over Christmas gifts for family.  The best I can squeak out of the money we have is maybe a few things in a sock and a meal if I skip the bills one month.  Between city ordinances which created the need for surgery and all the towing fees moving cars and having to take one car out of commission accented by our sons lost revenue, our food budget for December dropped to 200 dollars to feed 6 people for 4 weeks on gluten free food.  (Trust me using food containing gluten is only cheaper superficially.) 

Anyway, I'm was licking my wounds and feeling sorry for my contributions to the family when I sought my  Father in prayer again, I seem to be praying a lot as of late.  I was swept back to a WWII German concentration camp and how unfair it was to be Jewish or a lucky Christen stripped of all worldly possessions and coldly executed in some torturous fashion.  Every person on this world and all the other worlds die.  The trick is doing your best with what you get.

Giving life and unconditional love is what matters most.  Jesus The Christ's life was tortured and short as He was tried and died to give us life and show us His love for us.  Christmas is a Christen Holy Day.  No lack of packages or other creature comforts can really dim that star of so long ago as it shines through timeless space.

This hasn't been a very productive year for me personally but... I know my Father loves me and nothing I suffer here on earth good or bad can compete with the joy His love brings to my troubled soul.  I love my wife in words indescribable in the English language I just hope she finds me worthy of her love in return.


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Obamacare, Monsanto, Smartmeters, and Agenda 21

What do these four things have in common?... Death to 6 billion people globally.

Agenda 21 touts sustainable growth on this planet.  Its drafters believe that currently the world is overpopulated.  To restore balance all but about 500 million people must be removed from the planet.  Families must stop having kids.  Old people need to hurry up and die.  Young people of no value need to be worked hard and disposed of so that the elite 500 million can live comfortable lives.

To control the productivity and lifespan of "us" (the drones) Monsanto steals manganese from the people and Smart-meters steal calcium from the people.  Of the 90 essential nutrients that humans need daily for good health manganese (scroll to bottom of link) and calcium are two of the most widely used nutrients in the body after pure unfiltered sunlight.  Unfiltered sunlight produces vitamin D3 when it strikes the skin.  Vitamin D3 is at the base of good health.  Without it calcium will not work properly in the body no matter how much you take.  This is a hint that sunscreen doesn't do a body good but causes cancer in multiple ways.   Just a little more trivia.  A calcium deficiency causes obesityCalcium kills Candida the main fungus found in humans.  Candida has been proven to cause type 1 diabetes.  (In this last link Hydrogen Peroxide is referred to as a free radical, It is not.  It is an anti-oxidant)  

So how does Obamacare play into this little scenario?  Well, it raises the price of health care to everyoneIt rations healthcare to the more valuable people in the workforceIt reduces the number of doctors available to the workforce.  Bad food and environmental conditions lead to sick people which in turn leads to a few disgruntled doctors.  With the acceleration of the extermination of the devout honest conservative people, progressive politicians  have cut a deep rut through the world governments.  Agenda 21 is well on its way to full implementation.

And to think THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA MAGISTRATE COURT system just convicted Kevin Trudeau of lying in a book when it has such a large beam in its own eye.  Who did Kevin injure?... a judges feelings and intuition - not an offence by Constitutional law.  Who did Obama and all the progressive politicians injure?...  300 million citizens of the United States - a felony by Constitutional law!  This is why the original 13th Amendment was illegally purged from the Constitution.  It reads;
"If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any Emperor, King, Prince, or foreign Power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them."
The real 13th Amendment, ratified some 30 years before Lincoln took office, disappeared after Lincoln was assassinated, convenient.  I found this page interesting as well.

So much for ranting today.    

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Government Shutdown Party!

What a CELEBRATION!!!  Truth, liberty, and the American way are not totally dead. Even now I fear the Republicans will give in first though.  If our numbers can persuade them to set like concrete there may actually be a hope on the horizon.    

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Banning The Pledge Of Allegiance

Atheists, who gave them more rights then me?  Surely, it wasn't God.  So what man thinks himself the ability to rule as such?

I am amused and horrified by the utterance of banning "The Pledge Of Allegiance" for in this statement is concealed the banning of "The Declaration Of Independence", "The Bill Of Rights", and the 11th through the 15th Amendments to The Constitution".  In fact it was Godless minions that attempted to permanently erase the original ratified 13th Amendment to acquire power.  And need we add the founding documents and laws upon which "The Constitution Of The United States", being "The Laws Of Nature and Natures God", to this dismissal.  The United States was founded as a Christen nation on the faith of the Puritans fleeing England and man's law.

A vote against God in the "The Pledge Of Allegiance" is a vote against liberty, the rule of law, and The United States.  Wouldn't it be a bleak day when only the 16th through the 27th Amendments where left.

16th Amendment - Tax the people
17th Amendment - Remove state protection of the people
18th Amendment - Distract the people from political shenanigans with sudo politics
19th Amendment - Remove the responsibility on husbands to speak for their families
20th Amendment - Set controls for an outside influence to control presidential elections
21st Amendment - Allow people to get drunk again
22nd Amendment - Limit the people's ability to preserve a good president in office
24th Amendment - Removed all local control of Federally Appointed Candidate Elections  
25th Amendment - Set rules of secession if a president needed to be removed from office
26th Amendment - Flood the voting pool with emotionally driven corporate sponsored votes
27th Amendment - Give congress control over their own pay check amounts

Who really wrote the last 12 Amendments to the Constitution... Godless banksters?  What footing does Atheism really have in politics?    

I can't help it if Atheism is slow political suicide.  I only ask that you take it out of my house.  I would rather not have to cleanup the bodies and repair the damage for such a political crippling.

The second rule from God the Puritans tested in blood was "Morality".  What morality exists without God... the law of the fittest?  The biggest bully wins?  The rule of law requires a moral people to exist.  Morality is founded outside oneself.  Its abode resides above the heads of all men.  If it came to earth in only a man surely only force would exist at the expense of any law.         

God has stated plainly that America and The United States would only be free as long as the majority of the people remained faithful practicing Christens.  Faith, Morality, Law, Education, and Liberty are the 5 principals that formed the United States and her laws.  Satan knows this.  We need to decide what God we really serve and be prepared to accept the consequence of our choice.    

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Making War

As of late my MUNICIPAL CORPORATE CITY has chosen to declare war on me for keeping two older cars of better quality and fewer built in spy features.  My intent was to have them fully restored by now but, who has ever made plans that are always executed flawlessly?  Being run into the ground with my health, losing my wealth, and my youth may have set me back just a little on my plans (or rewrote them for me).

Now the CITY needs funding as if the 14 million dollars they increased their coffers with last year over the previous year was chump change.  The sad thing is that the CITY collected $400 million dollars in net assets or after expenses in 2012 as per the 2012 CITY's  Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). (Page 10, the bullet points under Financial Highlights are amusing.) And still! they need to fine me for unregistered cars in my drive way.  What the hey, they have been floating the idea of raising taxes to see if they can beat their 2012 fourteen million dollar revenue increase for 2013.

So what is a person to do stand and fight or acquiesces.  I do have a few legal tricks up my sleeve that I know most people they bully don't have.  Do I use them?  If I do and I win it would set a president they would have to block others from using.  If I do and fail I can still play the shell game with them.

Are not governments suppose to protect man's inalienable rights?  Does not the Constitution of the United States not the statutes of THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA govern this land?  In 1913 the stage was set to lose our sovereignty and compromise the United States Constitution to a group of international bankers.  These bankers have been and are still stealing assets from the people of the world and the United States under the banner of THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.  From the CITY CAFR earlier:
The assets of the City exceeded its liabilities at September 30, 2012 by $400,974,115. Of this amount, $104,737,868 of unrestricted net assets may be used to meet the City’s ongoing obligations to citizens and creditors.
What happened to the other $396 million dollars? Why are these funds restricted?  The city should never hold property as they are jointly owned by the citizenry.  The CITY as a corporation took the joint property of the people and under Privatization Laws have been selling it to domestic and foreign interests.  This 3 hour movie explains and supports this position.  As assets are sold off, business interests are employed to run these assets with additional cost plus a nice profit at the taxpayers expense.  Why aren't the people angry at this missing $396 million dollars a year and rising?


Open and closed systems, how hard are they to understand?  When the private sector earns and spends money it is an open system.  When a government taxes and spends money it is a closed system.  My point is free trade verses forced trade.  When was the last time the GOVERNMENT (even though the 16th Amendment implies its voluntary) actually made you feel welcome not paying a tax?  The sad truth is the GOVERNMENT doesn't use or need taxes for financing itself.  It has investment accounts of which the people are not the trusties.  Like all CORPORATIONS private people own them and tax you like they where your real government.  That $396 million dollars is the CITY's contribution to the international bankers.

I don't want to see people hurt but I do want to see the United States cleansed.  I would also like to keep my rare hard earned even if broken yet to be repaired cars.  



Illegal Immigration and Abortion

Here again I find myself listening to the radio madder then two wet hens.  Rush stated yesterday on his show that we are losing 52 million healthy people a year to the plague of Abortion.

If I where God I would be angry... But wait did not God worn us

Matthew 18: 1-11
 At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?
 And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them,
 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
 And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.
 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
 ¶Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!
 Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast them from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire.
 And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.
 10 Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.
 11 For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.

For a Christen nation to fall to the point of killing the most helpless for political gain;  what monsters have we elected over the last 153 years or since the corruption of the Constitution.  It saddens me to think of the ramifications of this scripture.  Killing a child is a great sin.  Killing a converted man is equally grievous.  I can't imagine how we might be disciplined.

Oh, to be a politician and not a religious being.  Secular Humanism! the religion that denies that fact.  How wicked can we get.  Have not unseen hands manifest in past attempts to injure the people as a whole.  I don't believe that this is the case here as many are demonstrating a lack of faith and are in need of exercising those muscles.  Becoming able to bear the gifts of God requires great devotion and integrity to eternal law.  

If there is one thing I can impress upon anyone it is how precious all life is.  It saddens me how far some have fallen.  As with Noah and the flood and the lose of life, I am saddened by the cleansing affects we may endure next because of wickedness. 

Looking over our kids welfare nothing is more God like.  I hope we are found doing it well.


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Global Warming or Geo-Engineering

Upfront... global warming is caused by geo-engineering.  As an INTJ I don't say this lightly.  For the past 20+ years the governments of the world have been spraying atomized toxic waste into the air at various altitudes to dispose of the waste, control populations, and alter weather conditions.  An example of this is seeding clouds for rain.  The experiment has developed into a more serious problem.

On of the aerosols that the governments of the world has been dumping into the atmosphere at higher altitudes is bio-available aluminum.  Aluminum partials so small that they can drift in the air for years.  As the density of the aluminum increases it filters the sunlight reaching the earth causing a more even temperature globally.  This may sound good, milder temperatures year round... right?  No, two of the global systems that made earth so nice are being effected the water cycle and the oceanic algae blooms.

First, lets examine the water cycle.  I have not seen a good thunderstorm since I was a kid.  They use to last a week, big dark clouds with rain and drizzle.  Now, they last 10 minutes with spotty clouds.  The trick to getting a good thunderstorm is delta heat.  Before we had a good storm it was hot for a few days evaporating water.  By Intelligent Design the earth had a program of getting and keeping water into the air as a self-regulating system.  Humidity and not ground water drives the weather.  Temperature changes were more pronounced hot to cold maintaining the higher global humidity. The equator was hot the poles were cold maintaining the balance feeding the natural water cycles.

Introducing the aluminum into the atmosphere has tamed the extremes causing the maintenance cycles to slow.  I haven't see a 100 or -40 degree day in a few years that followed the proper cycle.  Aluminum blocks the sun yet reflects surface heat back at the earth.  Think of a potato rapped in aluminum foil in the oven.  Aluminum foil reflects heat like a solar blanket but a little heat makes it into the potato anyway.  This little bit of heat is then reflected back through the potato several times as it is reenforced by the trickle of heat from the oven.  Soon the potato heats up and stays hot as long as it is in its aluminum foil blanket for quite a while.

The earth is the potato.  As we are rapped in aluminum we are getting hotter at a more even temperature that doesn't drive the water cycle.  So, water that should be in the air is in the oceans instead.  To complicate the matter, the governments have been using microwaves from microwave arrays to heat the atmosphere unevenly in an attempt to regulate weather.  Plainly, arctic cold has been channeled down to the lower continents to hide the overall water cycle change and global temperature equalization.  This is why the poles are melting.  We are using an ice cube as an air-conditioner.

Second, the weakened light from the sun is killing vegetation on land and sea.  The oceans produces most of the oxygen found on earth.  Algae converts light to oxygen through photosynthesis.  Now, the three main ingredient are carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen for most of the life and fuels found on earth.  If the lack of sunlight intensity drops the algae starts to dye producing methane gas.

I used the following programs and information sources to draw the conclusion that governments are destroying our planet not the people. 



Global Warming





Ozone Layer


All of these are part of the same geo-engineering monster.  Even Monsanto is looking for patentable GMOs that grow in high aluminum soil

As if normal GMOs weren't bad enough.


Monday, July 22, 2013

Obama's School Lunch Program

Obama's school lunch program seems to be an extension of the Agenda 21 depopulation agenda.  The ruling class is attempting to tell us what is and isn't food by force in our schools.  I have never seen a more poorly informed forceful bunch in power.

The school lunch they purpose is a reduced calorie and fat lunch with limited protein.  Many kids are complaining about how hungry they are after eating such a feast.  The lunch is suppose to control childhood obesity.  In reality it causes or reinforces it.  And when combined with exercise, it compounds obesity.

Our bodies are made of 4 things 12 essential proteins, 77 essential minerals, 3 essential fats (the body manufactures the other needed fats), and 16 essential vitamins.  The school lunch program has limited protein consumption to 1 oz per meal.  Eliminated the good fats with the bad.  They have done nothing to fix the mineral deficiency in the food. But, they have increased the kids hidden sugar intake.  The only thing left to do is force exercise on them to sweat out their retained mineral stores and Voila!  Fat Kids!

 Let's look a little closer at a school lunch for verification.
  • Salt and butter free (possible GMO) vegetables
  • Canned, small, or half of a fruit
  • Main course loaded with  carbohydrates limited protein to 2oz (1oz meat (pink slime) and 1oz low fat cheese food)
  • A cookie
  • And a low fat milk or low fat Chocolate True Moo milk (pasteurized and homogenized)   
The first errors are salt and butter free.  Salt is necessary for the digestion of food.  The chloride molecule is needed to make stomach acid to liquify the food so that it can be absorbed as needed.  In order to absorb any of the mineral that might be in the food, a good acid is mandatory.  Uncooked butter is a brain food.  Our brains are mostly fat of different kinds (like cholesterol).  Most of these brain fats have to be saturated fats to protect nerve cells.  GMO vegetables are deliberately missing nutrients to make them more sturdy to weed control and insecticide use.  At the same time this renders them nutritionally deficient and toxic to gut flora.  

The fruit adds sugar and hidden sugar to the meal and some limited vitamins.

The main course is mostly carbohydrates which a poorly nourished body will convert to fat.  The meat runs the risk of being "pink slime" and full of bleach to kill animal intestinal flora.  The cheese is cheese food or basically "modified food starch".  Beef in general only has a few of the 12 amino acids in it we require so a variety of meats are needed to get all of the amino acids we seek daily.  Strong bases (like bleach) deplete our stomach acid and stop digestion.

A cookie is more carbohydrates

And last the milk.  Pasteurized milk requires additional calcium to digest.  Killing the enzymes in the milk forces the body to make new enzymes to digest the milk as a result more calcium is needed then the milk contains to digest it.  In addition heat pasteurization fuses the minerals in the milk with the fat in the milk making soap.  Now, homogenization extracts the fat from the milk and re-injects it as much smaller particles.  These smaller particles don't require digestion to pass through the intestinal wall.  Soap is being directly infused into our children's blood through their mouths.   The soapy chocolate flavored water is also full of sugar again.

Yum, school lunch under the Obama's.  A meal devoid of nutrition but loaded with sugar.  It may contain additives that change it's natural pH as well as produce toxic side affects.  

High carbohydrate diets spike blood sugar levels requiring the body to produce controlling hormones.  These hormones are produced from mineral stored in bone tissue.  If a mineral is depleted from the bone tissue that hormone is no longer produced.  Cells also require minerals for proper function.  So, a depletion of a needed mineral here again stops that cells function.

The wrapper our food is in is less impotent then the nutritional density it possesses.  I have seem hamburgers that are heavier nutritionally than most salads are.  It is the minerals in the dirt, the manner of processing and cooking, combined with the amount of beneficial gut flora it retains that makes food worth eating.  Food worth eating brings our kids back down in size and up in brain power.

One last hidden danger in the classroom.  The consent stream of radio frequencies.  Radio waves are a carcinogen in that they prevent the proper use of calcium in the body.  Calcium is used for many reasons in the body.  Blocking its use with a persistent radio waves causes cancer to tooth decay.  It can take two days to recover from moderate consistent microwave exposure from a cellphone or computer router.

Just thinking of the kids                  

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Role of God in Government

Good morning,

Our Bishop's Councilor asked us to speak last week granting that we should choose our own topics. The first thought that ran through my mind was “Brave”. My personality type thrives on captive audiences listening to me expounding on my favorite topics. So, I left the building last week floating on air.

My wife soon popped my bubble when she informed me that the part of the assignment I missed was that I should choose a talk from within the last two years of General Conference addresses. Now... that I've been reeled in, be assured that I have attempted to work at least 3 or 4 words from a resent General Conference talk (of my choosing) into this talk.

Bruce R McConkie... (Yes, I know Elder McConkie died in 1985 slightly before the last two years of Conference talks) anyway, Bruce R McConkie once said that for every talk he gave out loud there where 11 that never made it to the pulpit. I know well of this condition as I have suffered from it. By the time I get to present this talk I will have run the gambit of topics, reviewed my personal convictions, and prayed fervently to be worthy and proper in my address. 
One last thing before I get started. I have been of late bogged down with my civic obligations. Many of which trouble me, especially pertaining to our hard earned.. God given.. gift of liberty. 

Benjamin Franklin once said “ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither safety nor liberty.” 

Currently our 4th Amendment is under attack. It is just the most resent attack on one of the primary 15 and only amendments that where founded on Christianity and family.

Agency and family... this is what our country was founded to protect. This is what so many have died to prove and provide. Only half the puritans fleeing England ever made it to America. And, of them... another half died before God's laws of agency where invoked and proven. The pilgrims survived because after fasting and praying they arouse and furnished each family a plot of land even as God gave talents in the parable of the ten talents. If a family lived or died it was the family's agency to do so and not the community’s doing.

The largest free standing granite monument in the world overlooks Plymouth Bay. It is 81 feet tall and mostly forgotten behind a forest of trees. It is a testament to the Pilgrims. The monument attests to the 5 virtues that founded the United States. Faith, Morality, Law, Education, and Liberty adorn its four sides.

Later, yet, before developing the Constitution of the United States... our forefathers so removed ourselves from England as to change our language and it's spelling. They wanted nothing to do with England or English common law. Here again God provided “The Law of Nature and of Nature's God” penned by Emmerich de Vattel and proven by the French Revolution to be a sound framework on which to rest the Constitution. American common law was born.

When I stand before the unadorned banner of the United States known as “Old Glory” I stand before my God in reverence knowing the great cost of this gift to me given.

Shortly after the the reorganization of the church, the Constitution and our nation came under attack. Satan has pushed his pre-earth agenda on us once more. The 5 virtues esteemed by the pilgrims... have been twisted and forgotten. American common law has been once again replaced with English common law undermining the Constitution of this land. And... now even liberty, the ability to practice our agency, is in parole. So, I selected for my conference talk “Obedience to Law Is Liberty” by L Tom Perry.
From Elder Perry's talk I drew the following:

Today we find ourselves in another war. This is not a war of armaments. It is a war of thoughts, words, and deeds. It is a war with sin, and more than ever we need to be reminded of the commandments. Secularism is becoming the norm, and many of its beliefs and practices are in direct conflict with those that were instituted by the Lord Himself for the benefit of His children.”

Elder Perry speaks of a quote from a little brown book he was given by the church as he entered WWII as a soldier. In the book we find this quote.

In the universe, too, where God is in command, there is law—universal, eternal … law—with certain blessings and immutable penalties.”

In the Grand Council before we came to Earth Satan sought to aggrandize himself inadvertently or deliberately braking the eternal law of agency. If God were to allow the least degree of Satan’s plan to exist, He Himself would fall in judgment of the Eternal Law. Yet, Satan persists and temps us daily in an attempt to spread misery.

There is only one reason why these laws exist and that is to perpetuate life. When we hold fast to God's laws we reap Eternal Life and if we do so with our full agency and glad of heart we reap Exaltation and all in which God would bless us.

Joy, as of late, has taken on a new meaning for me. When I think of joy a flood of worlds full of people fill my mind and I know them all... they are mine. A tribute to my Fathers. A perpetuation of life.

On page 141 of (Elder Perry's) little brown book, it states, “Indeed our heaven is little more than a projection of our homes into eternity.”

Elder Perry continues:

In a world where the moral compass of society is faltering, the restored gospel of Jesus Christ never wavers, nor should its stakes and wards, its families, or its individual members. We must not pick and choose which commandments we think are important to keep but acknowledge all of God’s commandments. We must stand firm and steadfast, having perfect confidence in the Lord’s consistency and perfect trust in His promises.”

I know my Eternal Father lives. I know that my Savior has performed a very great miracle for me as well as you... my extended spiritual family. Let us go out of here ready and willing to defend our families through the practice of Faith, Morality, Law, Education of the law, and let us practice and maintain our Liberty.

In the name of Jesus Christ,

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Safe Retreat

What a crock!  Florida's Safe Retreat laws

Robber: "Give me you wallet!"
Man; "Excuse me Mr. bad-guy, I need to run a way now".   Robber "Yes sir, please run like a little girl and leave you wallet".

Rapist meets a couple walking.  Rapist; "Sir, I'm going to rape your wife."  Man turning to his wife; "Dear, I have to run away now so, you have to fight this guy off yourself."  Man as he walks off; "The government has neutered me again.  I can no longer protect my wife legally." 

Satan doesn't want resistance as he leads us all down to hell.  Stupid short sighted politicians attempting to rob us of our agency.

Benjamin Franklin once said
“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither safety nor liberty.” 
To be honest our politicians are so dumb, as of late, as to stifle the imagination.  They come off as "self destructive puppets to a psychopathic master".  I can't be the only one that sees this.

This trial, as of late, to the general public, locally, looks like a kid was being noble and protecting his family from a gay rapist, though mistakenly.  Bad judgment made, he ended up dead after perpetrating an assault.  End of Story.  The media, the government, and all the misinformed people that are supporting a boys misconception and poor judgement to be thugs, criminals, and unconstitutional Nazis need to run through the hose and cool off.

Using misfortune to push bad government is a major crime.  Speaking to which read this little document if you would;           
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.
He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.
He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.
He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.
He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.
He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers.
He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.
He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.
He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.
He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.
He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:
For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:
For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:
For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:
For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:
For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury:
For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences
For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies:
For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:
For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.
He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.
He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.
He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.
He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.
He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.
In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.
Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our Brittish brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.
We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.
If you haven't guessed yet this is the Declaration of Independence

Do you think these men were ass sitters when a lady needed protection much less their own wives and children?  Do you think that they sat while the government fed them?

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Sheriff and Police Agencies

This morning I awoke to the radio and Mr. Larson ranting.  He was defending municipal corporate cops stopping a 21 year old looking for probable cause in arresting dunk drivers to maintain corporate revenues.  If I am not believed here, have a look at a few Municipal Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFRs) as this is who and what the law enforcement agencies are really working to satisfy.

Let's look at the 2012 Idaho Falls CAFR page 10
Financial Highlights

The assets of the City exceeded its liabilities at September 30, 2012 by $400,974,115. Of this amount, $104,737,868 of unrestricted net assets may be used to meet the City’s ongoing obligations to citizens and creditors.

The City’s net assets increased $14,370,485 as a result of this year’s operations. The governmental net assets increased by $1,108,860 and the business-type net assets increased by $13,261,625.

At September 30, 2012, the City’s governmental activities reported combined ending net assets of $126,025,984, an increase of $1,108,860 in comparison with the prior year. Approximately 23.4 percent of this amount, $29,474,037, is available for spending at the City’s discretion.

The unassigned fund balance for the general fund was $15,671,513 or 43.4 percent of the total general fund expenditures.

Total liabilities of the City decreased by $8,286,968, which represents a 23.3percent decrease from 2011.
And the 2012 Idaho State CAFR page 4

Government-Wide Highlights
Idaho reported net assets of $9.8 billion for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2012, comprised of $13.0 billion in total assets offset by $3.2 billion in total liabilities. Of this amount, $783.3 million in unrestricted net assets may be used to meet the State’s ongoing obligations to citizens and creditors. The State’s total net assets increased by $465.1 million as a result of this year’s operations. Net assets of governmental activities increased $236.5 million, while net assets of business-type activities increased $228.6 million. The total cost of all the State’s programs was $7.6 billion, which includes $1.6 billion in business-type activities.
To Tennessee's 2012 CAFR page 15
• Government-wide:
Net Assets - The assets of the state exceeded its liabilities at June 30, 2012, by $29.9 billion (reported as net assets). Of this amount, $3.1 billion represents unrestricted net assets, which may be used to meet the state’s ongoing obligations to citizens and creditors while $25.6 billion represents invested in capital assets, net of related debt.  Changes in Net Assets - The state’s net assets increased by $1.4 billion. This increase was largely the result of an increase in capital assets.  Component units - Component units reported net assets of $6.5 billion, an increase of $213.7 million.

If I understand correctly Idaho Falls "exceeded its liabilities at September 30, 2012 by $400,974,115."
The States of Idaho " reported net assets of $9.8 billion for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2012 "
The States of Tennessee "exceeded its liabilities at June 30, 2012, by $29.9 billion "

Where does all this money come from? income tax, property tax, sales tax, licenses, fees, and fines?  Oh... us!  Now, do the police agencies of the municipal corporate governments really need to conduct preemptive drunk driver searches to find a revenue stream?

There is nothing more sobering then responsibility.  The state has taken our responsibility away.  If you kill someone deliberately "MAN 1" seven years in jail and then you get out.  Or you might die on death row of old age after years of meals and entertainments.  The secret here is that if you are in jail you are a revenue source for a government.  People we need your taxes to keep these prisoners locked up and our streets safe.  Boy! is this expensive.  Five guys at $1000 dollars each, 5 rifles at $200 dollars each, 4 bullets, and a blind fold (or 4 guys, a rope, some wood, and a bag) there just isn't any profit in an execution.  No long term taxation required.

Back to responsibility, currently the state assumes responsibility for my actions.  They told me there is no God so they are afraid of executing me unless their popularity with the people is positively effected.  I really don't respect liars as they have become because most of the consequences for wrong doing is arbitrary.  They what me to suffer.  Well, I can't suffer if I'm dead in an atheistic point of view.

So, do I think the kid was wrong... No.  Since 1913 the system has been wrong.  Do I think Mr. Larson is lost?  Well, I think he is uninformed.                        

Benjamin Franklin once said "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither safety nor liberty. "  I find the 4th Amendment an essential liberty.  To take it lightly is to not have security at all.

"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin

The Constitution is dangling by a tread.  If we don't know what's in it much less practice it personally how will we know when we have no rights at all?

Oh, and each cop in the film is liable for $5,000 each if the kid has the correct paperwork filed for Tennessee.  Plainly, if the kid has the paper to prove sovereignty as per 1913 and the 9th Amendment he is outside the officers jurisdiction and the cops are liable.   Granted, such an arrangement has consequences.  Killing a man when you are drunk means you have to personally look after the family or repent with your life.  

It has been nice speaking at  all you "SUBJECTS of the CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA".  


Monday, June 10, 2013

"Smart Meters!! No, we don't care what the customers want"

In another small city a local paper called the Post Register demonstrates its support for municipal corporations and global corporatism.  The following is a letter from the paper.  I hope you have a login account for the paper as I don't have permission to reproduce it here.

In response to this letter the following letter was drafted but can't be posted with the Post Register as they believe they need to impose a  250 word count limit... OK! read it here instead!    

 Mr. Taule, the only true victims of technology are those that allow implementation in ignorance. Aside from releasing the meter readers into a poor job market (to feed their families), what exactly are we writing about here? Bragging about how secure your job is?

 Now let's become more informed. In the City of Idaho Falls 2012 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) page 14 under Business-type activities we read
  •  The electric light utility has received a 50 percent matching federal grant for the development and installation of a smart metering program within the City. During the year the utility was reimbursed $1,970,850 under this grant.
 From this usurp I find myself concerned about why the federal government is interested in little old Idaho Falls' power grid. There are 56,000 people in Idaho Falls; let's say that equates to 14,000 homes. Now let's take 4 million dollars and divide it by 14 thousand... that is $286 dollars per meter to install. How is this cheaper then keeping the existing meters? $60 dollars to replace as needed and not all at once.

 Oh and ratepayers have already spent 1.9 million on smart meters that last 5 years before needing replacements. The old meters last for 20 years easy and up to 80 years. In 5 years do you think the federal government will send more money to off set the cost again?

 OK, now reason with me.

 "'Smart' meters will save ratepayers money -- $600,000 annually on readers and another $300,000 through improved efficiency."

 What does this really mean? That $600,000 will be no longer circulating in the Idaho Falls economy as the meter readers are laid off? This doesn't sound like a good deal for the City, less money in circulation for local businesses. Now a big one, the city of Idaho Falls has to operate on $300,000 less per year at the inconvenience of the power users. How is this a good thing?

 "Idaho Falls Power officials believe fully modernizing the system will pay for itself in five years"

 The smart meters only last 5 years so, they will be paid for in time to buy new ones? At 4 million again? Yet again another big problem.

 "could save as much as $1.4 million annually, money that can be used to lower rates or offset future increases."

 Now, if I understand correctly... the old meters have an over head of $0.9 million dollars a year. The smart meters are going to save me $1.4 million a year? How is this so? Are we really increasing our power overhead to $2.3 million and marking it down to $1.4 on sale? Or (my favorite) the city is paying us $0.5 million to run Smart meters!  Wow! free power and a paycheck too!

 I know my own usage because I can read my own meter. It doesn't take rocket science to write down the reading and then do it again at a fixed time past to know my power consumption straight from the meter.  I do it often now. You don't think I trust the City straight up do you?

 As to disliking the new system, let me show the list of problems besides the cost problems addressed above.

   1.. Smart meters illuminate your house in radio waves like an x-ray or ultra sound machine. If you know the frequency of the Smart meters you can see through the walls, your skin, and your hiding places in and on your body and home.

   2.. The federal government can count your heart beats and tell if you're stressed before breaking down your door. And this is just the analog data Smart meters expose.

   3.. Smart meters operate at the ionizing frequency of calcium creating positive ions. Calcium is used in 4 ways in the body and at least 37 body functions. Exposing your body to a constant stream of ionizing radiation eventually will cause body functions relying on calcium to fail.

   4.. Smart meters record digital data that can be sold cheap to municipal corporations (AKA federal government). The big new data collection building in Utah will most likely be used to collect your buying habits, power consuming habits, and your cash value to the municipal company. If your value isn't good enough well, you really don't need that life saving procedure do you. Obama-care and federal spying is just getting started.

 As I see it, the new smart meters are the meters that are in need of subsidizing. Don't get me started on the real cost of a hybrid. As per "saving money using a hybrid"... well, the vehicle only gets the miles per gallon that the on-board computer says it gets just like all new cars. Should we not mention the extra hazards of repairing it for the technicians or the cost of the batters and the extra waste it causes in the land fills. Hybrids remind me of an old slogan from the 50's I heard about Dina-Flow automatic transmissions "All show no go Dina-Flow"

 We can adjust a 57 Chevy to a greater MPG then a hybrid will ever see. We can also fix it in a pinch in the back yard. Oh, and we don't sacrifice horsepower, passenger seats, or load capacity. We don't need to slowdown on hills. Last, a 57 Chevy won't fold in a crash.  Haven't you ever wondered why the government wants the older cars crushed so badly?

 "It's hard to have much sympathy, however, when those who" sacrifice their freedom for convenience, scientific fraud, and subjection to global corporatism are forced to take a pill instead of seeing a doctor when a Smart meter finally catches up to them and their government's assessment of their personal value expires.

 Thank you Mr. Obama for following the global banker into slavery and taking us along. We love the high gas prices, lack of jobs, and forced compliance to federal mandates you gave us.  If we are lucky maybe we will see hunger personally also due to your policy.

 Mr. Taule, I suppose it is hard to stay a top the latest real news when your job is owned by a local government corporation that is in compliance with the federal corporation.

 Mr. Taule's writings are a good reason I choose not to carry the paper. Speaking of obsolete jobs, news papers companies are approaching their shelf life soon too.  What would we ever do without them?

 John Taylor

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Dwelling On The Good Things

I know some people many see me as a obstacle or a stumbling block.  Others see me as just negative and lost in a delusion   A few may even see me as a crack pot lunatic.  I am getting used to being viewed in these ways and more.

However, I am bothered when close friends and relatives find me trivial and trite.  It is not my intention to scare, persuade, or strong arm them into anything.  And, I realize that my point if view has been called into question on many occasions.  I have been told I suck all the air out of the room as I leave a wake of how badly "They" are after you.

Well, believe it or not I am an optimist.  I would rather dwell on the good stuff.  I like things that benefit the family.  I enjoy Natural Law, The Constitution, and agency.  I thrive on real science.  Systems like free market trading and genuine capitalism make me tingle with their potential.

It was hard to learn that there are people out there that don't care about others or liberty as long as they have theirs.  I am still perplexed that systems have been conceived and implemented to confuse, use, control, and eventually eliminate bodies of people.  Many of our new toys are so convenient, practical, and plain fun its hard to think that they are poison.  So much food so convenient is at our fingertips.  Power with the touch of a switch is at our fingertips.

Exodus 20:12            
Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.
This scripture, as with so many, caused me reason to ponder on its meaning.  It wasn't until of late that I have developed a loose idea of what was being said here.  There are so many things that our fathers of generations back had that we don't.  I know this is hard to believe and wow! the wheel really?  ...Fire too?  Well, they had bonding moments.

A bonding moment is an event that is difficult to live through but once completed lives in our hearts forever.  For example: a few years back my family and my mom and dad decided to go camping together.  We used mom and dad's old trailer not knowing it was going to rain.  (The trailer had known issues with a leaky vent.)  The rain came and I woke to a cold wet splat on my face.  That night we discovered that the vent wasn't the only thing leaking.  The kids were wet and cold and we had to pull together to find any comfort.  It's years later and everyone knows how miserable it was but we sit and laugh at it all now.  We endured.

With all the computers, phones, and technology are we really closer? Mom has her job.  Dad has his.  The kids run the tech in the family.  Slowly mom and dad have been replaced with a line of text or a picture from afar.

There is much research on multi-generational homes.  People that live in multi-generational homes live longer.  In such homes more family knowledge is passed from generation to the next generation.  More security exists for the older members.  The work load is lighter when more people are involved as workers.  Kids get to know their grandparents and their experiences firsthand.

To be very honest and very frank the best thing I have is my family.  Last Memorial day I almost broke into tears seeing all the relatives again.  God has blessed me well.  I cannot express the gratitude I feel for His Plan of Salvation as there just isn't the language to do so.

Monday, May 27, 2013

We should Thank CEO Obama

To be honest I think Obama may have done America a great service.  For all the financial stress the common private business sector has suffered and the weak financial ripple that the false government is pushing into the lower half of the public sector, Obama should be praised for exposing his predecessors money grabbing ways.  Obama's concuss decision to really exercise the rules of control and poverty on the people instead of maintaining the secret agenda was brilliant.

It has been said that only when the people feel pain will they reflect enough to act.  Well, the old agenda was to pick off the weak and then cause contention between the stronger.  Once achieved the stronger could be defeated one by one until there was none.  In walks Obama and stirs the whole nest into a panic at once.

The private sector has been gutted.  Now, the low hanging public sector is on the block.  If the private sector wanted to help it is too late as their help funds are tied up in taxes and Obama-care now.  Private sector lay-offs have come and gone.  Money and power has been switched to government control away from the people.  Where was the low hanging public sector when the private sector was gutted?  Voting for Obama and free cell phones?

Did you not know that the free cell phones and other crap is designed to lead you into the gas chamber.  "Come! get your nice warm showers here" sound familiar?  The real definition of "Food Stamps" is a promise, made by the government, that acts like the piece of cheese in a mouse trap.  When the trap is sprung hungry people will kill each other to live.  You know "Global Depopulation" and Agenda 21.  6.5 billion people killed down to 500 million loyal global citizens.  6 billion people have to die!

Now the meat, THERE ARE TWO GOVERNMENTS RUNNING IN AMERICA!!!  The one we think is running the country 'The Constitutional Republic of the United States' and the one Obama is CEO of, being 'THE CORPORATE DEMOCRACY OF THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA'.  

Since Obama doesn't qualify to be President of the United States under the Constitution he has ignored it.  You see he isn't a natural born citizen under 'natural law 215' but a Kenyon because his father is.  Natural law (base of the Constitution) doesn't recognize English common law which empowers the CEOs of America.  So, Obama can only be CEO of the CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (Please note corporate names are to be printed in all caps as per the law).  Every notice your name on your drivers license?  All caps.  You are a subject of a corporation.  In 1913 you where sold into slavery under Admiralty law and THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA owns you. 

Well, now isn't this interesting as almost all Americans are subjects of the King of THE CORPORATE STATES OF THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.  Have you ever heard Obama care... you WILL pay not you CAN pay.  A sovereign citizen can use their 9th Amendment rights to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights to defend their 1st Amendment rights to maintain their 4th Amendment rights without penalty of law.  But, a subject under Admiralty law and Magistrate court is just SOL  (slug out of luck). (Required to become more then a slug)

The plain truth is that global banksters took our money as collateral and wrote out loans on money 90% more then we had so that they could charge interest on air.  If we use this food dispenser as our model the beans in the front panel is our savings accounts.  The banksters put our money in the front to make the bank look like it was full of our money but the box was empty behind the face plate.  Then the banksters loaned out the air in the box as money while collecting money or interest on it (the beans collecting in the bottom of the box.  Note the box is still empty).  Companies borrowed money to setup, run, and pay workers.  Interesting the companies are paying money back to the bank and the box is still empty.  Very little real money gets lent out as a result your saving account will never see significant interest accrual.  Long story short, the banksters now own the company without spending a dime.  The employees are working to pay for thin air    

The banksters liked this arrangement (a quick lie and collect the money).  They knew that if the people found out they were stealing from them, tar and feathers would be a blessing over being killed out right.  In walks the politicians, and with them a solution to controlling... delaying a public execution of the banksters.  Money is spent, bad laws are made, and an army is enlisted just in case.

The Constitution is changed to hide the banksters.  Governments persecute the innocent killing if they must to control a pending civil breakdown.  Technology is suppressed because if it where public knowledge, only the banksters would fear for their lives and the lives of their families.      

Obama's blatant flaunting of this secret government has sped us down the road to requiring drastic population controls.  Private sector killing is required to limit resources at the populations level.  The MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT CORPORATIONS have  purchased with our money 70% of the public sector companies and kept the dividends again for the banksters.

Public sector based promises are being made as bate for the trap.  When the dividend market crashes green backs will be worthless as most of them are air anyway.  Resources will be destroyed by scared people looting and destroying resource production attempting to get food.  The people starving to death for the banksters safety.                      

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Do Your Homework!

As an INTJ I am always looking for connections and angles.  Acquiring data is part of my life force.  I am never too busy to make a mental note for future use.  However, notes are weighted according to whither I am looking at something or an idea related to a concise effort in-course or not.

This last while I have been plagued will "Smart Meter" data and the effect of Electro-Magnetic Radiation (EMR) and frequency on the body.  Oh to be naive again, like most of the world's population.  Maybe then while they are killing us under Agenda 21 mandates I would feel better about dying and being dead.  As of late, even our local city is buying into Smart Meters.  What a bunch of self destructive progressives sit on our city counsel.  Worse yet, they are willing to sacrifice all the people in the city to bend over for the federal and new world order screwing.      

Listening to Kim Komando it dawned on me that violent death is a prevalent theme today forced in our faces from TV shows to news programs on multiple mediums.  The Secret (or the law of attraction - found in the Bible and other scripture) states that what emotionally controls our thoughts will prove to be our reality.  If we are dwelling on death from all the entertainment and news outlets as well as any personal contacts, we are setting the table to receive in kind.   

I don't now what the future holds.  But, I do know that if we don't make a stand it won't hold anything good. 

Rush, Your Making Me Mad Again

I find myself listening to Rush's show this morning.  I wish I couldn't believe what I am hearing but I know better.  This segment is about Apple (supported Obama's election) and the inquisition Obama is putting them through for following the tax law.  Like any good company Apple attempted to cut costs so that they could keep the price of Macs and products down for the consumer.

Ran Paul (Tea Party) is the only one defending Apple for not breaking the law.  I am embarrassed by Obama and angry at the crap he is pushing on us.  Obama is forcing Apple to conform to FASCIST NAZIISM (Privately owned companies forced to be puppets of the government).

Where are the idiot republic-rats, RINOs, and non-partisans?...  Yes, I momentarily forgot... they are "Progressive Whipped".  I remember now.  How is this not to make me mad?  GO Mr. PAUL!!!!!!  I would be glad to have your back.

Next subject; Obama care

Obama's people didn't know companies would lay off full time people and hire part time people to avoid this bad, stupid, controlling, selfish, piece of crap legislation of Obama-nation.  Duh, One would think that Obama is a FASCIST again.  I would gladly work two jobs to avoid Obama and support an income form a private self controlled business.  Morons! Obama's people are morons, just these two examples demonstrates Obama is not a United States citizen.  He has done noting but mimic the NAZI Germany of Adolf Hitler.

My strength is limited but I can't stand for this tyranny.  Our forefathers fought and died for Natural Law, The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, and liberty.  The Pilgrims thanked God for showing them that a nation built on Christen values of Faith, Morality, Law, Education, and Liberty can be the most powerful country in the world.

Satan demonstrated in the Counsel in Heaven that he could not support the Father's Plan of Agency (an Eternal Law).  Being cast down to earth to tempt man, Satan brought his plan of captivity with him.  Now, it is made manifest in progressive politics and world dominating organizations.

The Republic of The United States of America has come under attack!  For those that don't see this, yet are anxiously engaged, I hope your trip to the gas chamber is quick and painless.  Even as Christ hung on the cross pleading with God the Father "Father forgive them for they know not what they do"  I hope God isn't greatly disappointed by those for being complacent in this life.  I know that I am dreading the teeth of the lions  for my family and myself.  However, it is better then an eternity of self inflicted captivity.

If I were to pray for my country, I would pray that it's leaders would open their eyes and see the destruction they are bringing on themselves and the rest of us.  With each law and judgment against the family unit God outlined, we teach our children to be slaves in this world and the next.  Ignorance of eternal law will not satisfy salvation or happiness.  Satisfying Eternal Law brings both temporal and eternal salvation in addition to happiness, liberty, and expansion.

The world banking system's entrapment & enslavement; Agenda 21 or {GMOs, toxic foods, & seed patenting; The Common Core (communist educational curriculum); Cem-trails & Geo-engineering; 440, 444, & 450 Hz musical instrument tuning & discord with nature; constant & recorded surveillance; destruction of the United States Constitution; formation of a CORPORATE DEMOCRACY in the United States; government land & resource grabs, forced government control of companies and businesses, world depopulation edict, introduction of electromagnetic pollution & people control, forced acceptance of Allopathic medicine as the nation's standard} and the direct attack on family values is just the tip of the iceberg.  We have much to win back.  Congressmen and Senators... you are tempting God to destroy you.  Like God told Nephi "It is better for one man to die in his sins than a  nation to dwindle in unbelief".


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Just a Pair of Ants

As parents we are responsible for our kids, their schooling, food, clothes, shelter, security, and many other things.  Lately, the would be powers of the world have attempted to convince us as fathers, mothers, and children that this is not so.  Many attempts have been leveled at the family to devalue fathers, isolate mothers, and dictate directly to our children.

The words resounding in our children's ears from most venues today are designed to enslave them.  The war in heaven still continues.  Satan's plan is well manifest in the world and directed at our kids.  Communism, socialism, Naziism, and globalism by any name manifests Satan's plan of limited potential and death.  When you temporally take away the people's agency you introduce limits, discontent, and poverty to a nation.  People forced to serve each other build resentment toward the force.  This resentment is a very weak foundation on which to rest a people's future.          

The first law of Heaven grants all men agency.  Men that do good of their own free will establish a very strong foundation for a nation.  When proper rewards follow proper effort correct understanding is achieved.  God knew this.  Families are His answer to educating children to be strong, happy, morale, and eternal with the blessing of creating more life.  No county, state, nation, or king can do this but a father and a mother can.   

Men and Women are complimentary in nature being they where designed to form the foundation of a family.  The family unit is the core of life, power, and fulfillment.  Business men, kings, and all forms of rulers fall short of real power.  So, they can shoot people; is this power?  No, not really, like all of Satan's lies Cain killing Able didn't stop Able from being favored of God nor did it stop God from blessing Able.  It did prove Able more resolute to eternal law.  So, long story short Cain inflicted massive damage to himself not Able.  Cain demonstrated he could not be trusted to follow the eternal law of increase as such his blessing of eternal life was self damned.

Strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leads toward salvation.  Only one nation at one time amid a world full of nations rose above all other nations in power and knowledge in less then 100 years of conception.  This nation was based on God, the Bible, and Christianity.  Its primary laws revolved around God's family model.  Agency was its war cry as freedom sprain boldly into the world.  The oh so limited power of giving death was given to all men equally as killing is most often more damning to the killer "eternally" then the killed.

That said, I know the world has attempted to teach my children that my wife and I are just a "pair of ants" before its vastness and power.  But, I know that God and eternal law are on my side.  God rules over worlds without number.  His Angels stand at my side should I need them.  I know that though Satan's work, manifest in nations, inflict pain and eventually possibly death on me they can not hurt me for very long.  And yet, my honest testimony before the judgement bar of God combined with their own acts will bind them for all eternity.  This grieves me some knowing that I can be force to condemn someone else do to their own evilness.  It is not a happy day watching people caught in wickedness terminate their potential joy.

Agenda 21 is Satan's plan leading strait to eternal death for those that would enforce it.  We as parents are not just a "pair of ants" but a major stumbling block to those that would profess the end of mortal life the ultimate power.  We were given this opportunity in mortality to prove "if" we could live eternal law.  Any persecution of the family, as God directed, will only meet one fate, even "eventually" in mortality as well, entrapment in a glory of God without that fullness of creation.