Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Influenza Shots
Getting your yearly shot for influenza has always presented a dichotomy of disconnect for me. As I listen to the radio and the current discussion of why I should get a shot, I puzzle at the reasons presented.
First question; Who should get the shot? The young, the old, and hopefully everyone is what I heard.
Second question; Why should we get the shots yearly? To avoid the flu is what I heard.
Now here is where the logic starts to decay.
Third question; Can I get the flu if I get the shot? Yes. What is this? It takes two weeks to build up antibodies to the shot. So the door is open for two weeks after I get the shot. ALSO, there is viral drift. This is when the yearly flu virus drifts from the viral form found in the vaccine from interacting in the wild. OK, so the vaccine is only effective for a small number of people two weeks after they get a shot and before the virus starts to mutate if they aren't around other sick people?
Fourth question; Who is most at risk to get the flu? People with compromised immune systems. OK, I'm asking you to follow me here. Did I not hear that vaccines were to get people with "compromised immune system" to produce antibodies? I am STRETCHING here to understand. Doesn't "compromised immune system" mean that the body is struggling to produce antibodies in the first place? I thought torturing prisoners of war didn't work.
So, healthy person gets dosed by the flu virus. His adenoids and tonsils send the message and samples to the spleen. There antibodies are made and sent to the body inside of an hour.
An immune compromised person is injected with a quasi dead virus, if a non-living virus can be dead, skipping the filters of the adenoids and tonsils. Then their spleen is supposed to do what that is different from the normal way of working?
I see a disconnect from logic. Wouldn't fixing the compromised immune system work better? I see a vaccine as an expensive risky placebo at best.
No! I see mineral dense grain fed chicken slow roasted, bones and skin, with lots of mineral dense sage and herbs, salt and butter to taste, combined with celery, carrots. peas, and rice flour in a real nice soup a better flu shot. And this is why; if the cell membrane is strong then the cell will resist a viral invasion. Cell membranes are made of lipids or fat. Slow cooked animal fat toughens the cell membranes. Minerals are needed for dense bones, which are part of the endocrine system, hence a required resource for making hormones, enzymes, and antibodies. So, if we combine tough cell defenses with an on-slot of antibody warriors we don't get sick.
If you do not want to get sick the secret is eating good food! and/or fixing any lingering digestive problems from eating bad foods in the past.
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Economic Tsunami
In 1960 a tsunami hit Hilo Hawaii. My father, being there at the time, told me later when I was a 9-10, that there was a boy who saw the water leave the bay and ran to warn the others. Some of the others saw an opportunity to go treasure hunting on the bottom of the bay. When the tsunami came back in, these souls were drown.
I see something similar now. Gas prices in America were hovering close to $4.00 a gallon. Now they are falling. Gas is getting cheaper without a solid public reason. This by its self means nothing. However, if we look at the price difference for a gallon of gas between Canada and the U.S. It appears that the U.S. dollar is half the value of the Canadian dollar. This is not a good thing. If the price of gasoline and oil are dropping globally that accounts for the lower price but the dollar is weaker then the Canadian dollar means the dollar is not recovering.
So let's investigate what is causing the water to leave the bay. But first we need to understand what money is. Money is as of 1913 in America made from "DEBIT" and "LOANS". As this debit increases to increase the money supply, our politicians and bankers have pushed buttons to hide the debit. In The United States public debit was unheard of until 1913. With the 23rd Amendment to the Constitution our politicians sold us to the international banks. The IRS became our slave master.
Debit as Money series I, II, & III
Now the debit has grown to the point that it will need to be reset soon most likely. I expect all merchandise to drop in price over the next while until the shortages set in then the true power of the dollar will be made bare. After all deflation is another way of debit financing a nation.
The government is starting to panic on whole. Their solution that they have been and are still imposing are not sustainable and will drive the price down as fewer people will be able to buy thing if the price doesn't drop. When the stock piles run out globally the debit will rush back into the harbor causing pandemonium.
Fortunately. God's plan isn't man's plan. Do you have food, water, money, and protection? Do you posses talents that can aid small groups of hurting people? Can you grow food and animals? The sooner we form small collectives of talented and prepared (mentally and physically) people the better off we will be.
All inflated professions and professional people without down to earth knowledge might starve. Most allopathic professionals will be challenged without a pharmacy. Computer techs will be obsolete without electrical power. The general public will be lost without cell phone towers. All the devices with planned obsolescence built in will fail at the most convenient times.
How short sighted man is when the Devil is pulling his strings. Interest and secret combinations? Intresting.
I see something similar now. Gas prices in America were hovering close to $4.00 a gallon. Now they are falling. Gas is getting cheaper without a solid public reason. This by its self means nothing. However, if we look at the price difference for a gallon of gas between Canada and the U.S. It appears that the U.S. dollar is half the value of the Canadian dollar. This is not a good thing. If the price of gasoline and oil are dropping globally that accounts for the lower price but the dollar is weaker then the Canadian dollar means the dollar is not recovering.
So let's investigate what is causing the water to leave the bay. But first we need to understand what money is. Money is as of 1913 in America made from "DEBIT" and "LOANS". As this debit increases to increase the money supply, our politicians and bankers have pushed buttons to hide the debit. In The United States public debit was unheard of until 1913. With the 23rd Amendment to the Constitution our politicians sold us to the international banks. The IRS became our slave master.
Debit as Money series I, II, & III
Now the debit has grown to the point that it will need to be reset soon most likely. I expect all merchandise to drop in price over the next while until the shortages set in then the true power of the dollar will be made bare. After all deflation is another way of debit financing a nation.
The government is starting to panic on whole. Their solution that they have been and are still imposing are not sustainable and will drive the price down as fewer people will be able to buy thing if the price doesn't drop. When the stock piles run out globally the debit will rush back into the harbor causing pandemonium.
Fortunately. God's plan isn't man's plan. Do you have food, water, money, and protection? Do you posses talents that can aid small groups of hurting people? Can you grow food and animals? The sooner we form small collectives of talented and prepared (mentally and physically) people the better off we will be.
All inflated professions and professional people without down to earth knowledge might starve. Most allopathic professionals will be challenged without a pharmacy. Computer techs will be obsolete without electrical power. The general public will be lost without cell phone towers. All the devices with planned obsolescence built in will fail at the most convenient times.
How short sighted man is when the Devil is pulling his strings. Interest and secret combinations? Intresting.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
I told myself I was going to be positive despite my position this year. In general I am happy. I know God lives and in the eternal perspective of life, I have peace. I don't know how this year is going to unfold yet. I know I can't return gift for gift but that doesn't mean I love anyone less.
When I pray each night and the thought of all those that have made it possible for me to live floods through my mind it delights me with gratitude. When the width of our family follows, I marvel. And, I am beside myself to think of those that are still to come.
I often reflect back on what I have contributed for mankind. Most of my deeds are so small and my mistakes seem so large. Then the real meaning of Christmas comes into focus. Our Heavenly Father loves us so much as to prepare a way to become like Him. Our Older Spiritual Brother loved us enough to volunteer as physical sacrifice to demonstrate the straight and narrow path. He shoulders the weight when we slip. He strengthens us, if we would, to one day face the jaws of hell without fear.
Each of us stands on separate precipices. Our challenges are our own. As we drift in a sea of learning and living someday we will find ourselves standing before all the temptations that can be a threat to life and we will see if our knees are weak.
We love that in which we serve and serve that in which we love. Our bodies are unique tools. We can use them in several ways each demonstrating our devotion. Some people serve money with their bodies. Some serve drugs or rather the feeling drugs give their bodies. Some serve sensations of feelings or physical thrills. But, what really brings peace? Maybe using our bodies to serve life, the greatest gift of all, brings real joy.
As of late I have been confronted with several people that serve their desire for nice things. I am not saying nice things are bad or that working for a goal is bad. What I am saying is that an unused instrument is wasted. If a Stradivarius was never played would it really be a Stradivarius? No. If a graphite Fenwick fly fishing rod was never used dose it feed anyone? Where in is it's value? Where in is it's true joy?
I know several people that have counseled me on my families care of their expensive things. They have assumed that I have not instilled in my kids the importance of respect. Their demeanor suggests that I shun work and taught my kids likewise. I started working when I was 12. I helped dad clean the church and mow the lawns, I delivered papers, cleaned meat cutting equipment, flipped burgers, unloaded trucks, mopped bathrooms, worked in several garden shoppes, repaired thousands of computers, drove a few pizzas, prepared financial statements for multiple companies, designed a few companies even, I was worth an aggregate amount of 3.4 million dollars of which I sat on a 2.4 million potential after 12 years of effort. I held the paperwork for 8 months waiting for reality to catch up to me. When reality caught up it informed me that I wasted 12 years.
What I really learned is that money means nothing. Work means everything. Working for others means even more. I also learned that greed binds the hands of labor.
In Sunday school we learn that God needs our hands. No... we need to learn to love eternal life to receive the fulness of Gods gifts for us. We do this by serving in mortal life the things that sustain and expand life. Mr. Limbaugh has said many time on the air that he doesn't accept discounts on new merchandise knowing that someone else has put effort and upfront money into those products and they need fair compensation. Maybe we need to think similarly.
I have heard "Hard Workers" complain how "The Poor" take everything they are offered. "Don't they think of others or tomorrow?" When you reach the bottom it is easy to see what is real. The thing that is most real... is establishing something to control. Orphans often steal dinner rolls and fruit and hide them in their beds just to control some security for the next day.
What is really funny is the difference between the professional poor and the real poor. The real poor don't have marketing agents. They don't look the part all the time. If someone gives them a new looking shirt they are often overlooked for the professional poor who lives tax free in their condo when not "working".
"Judge not that ye be not judged"
One last thought. many rich people have given the poor their junk to avoid the cost of disposing of it themselves. Some do it in ignorance others not so. What a way to make a buck? If what you give has little or inflated value expect little gratitude. The rules of marketing don't change with poverty.
When I pray each night and the thought of all those that have made it possible for me to live floods through my mind it delights me with gratitude. When the width of our family follows, I marvel. And, I am beside myself to think of those that are still to come.
I often reflect back on what I have contributed for mankind. Most of my deeds are so small and my mistakes seem so large. Then the real meaning of Christmas comes into focus. Our Heavenly Father loves us so much as to prepare a way to become like Him. Our Older Spiritual Brother loved us enough to volunteer as physical sacrifice to demonstrate the straight and narrow path. He shoulders the weight when we slip. He strengthens us, if we would, to one day face the jaws of hell without fear.
Each of us stands on separate precipices. Our challenges are our own. As we drift in a sea of learning and living someday we will find ourselves standing before all the temptations that can be a threat to life and we will see if our knees are weak.
We love that in which we serve and serve that in which we love. Our bodies are unique tools. We can use them in several ways each demonstrating our devotion. Some people serve money with their bodies. Some serve drugs or rather the feeling drugs give their bodies. Some serve sensations of feelings or physical thrills. But, what really brings peace? Maybe using our bodies to serve life, the greatest gift of all, brings real joy.
As of late I have been confronted with several people that serve their desire for nice things. I am not saying nice things are bad or that working for a goal is bad. What I am saying is that an unused instrument is wasted. If a Stradivarius was never played would it really be a Stradivarius? No. If a graphite Fenwick fly fishing rod was never used dose it feed anyone? Where in is it's value? Where in is it's true joy?
I know several people that have counseled me on my families care of their expensive things. They have assumed that I have not instilled in my kids the importance of respect. Their demeanor suggests that I shun work and taught my kids likewise. I started working when I was 12. I helped dad clean the church and mow the lawns, I delivered papers, cleaned meat cutting equipment, flipped burgers, unloaded trucks, mopped bathrooms, worked in several garden shoppes, repaired thousands of computers, drove a few pizzas, prepared financial statements for multiple companies, designed a few companies even, I was worth an aggregate amount of 3.4 million dollars of which I sat on a 2.4 million potential after 12 years of effort. I held the paperwork for 8 months waiting for reality to catch up to me. When reality caught up it informed me that I wasted 12 years.
What I really learned is that money means nothing. Work means everything. Working for others means even more. I also learned that greed binds the hands of labor.
In Sunday school we learn that God needs our hands. No... we need to learn to love eternal life to receive the fulness of Gods gifts for us. We do this by serving in mortal life the things that sustain and expand life. Mr. Limbaugh has said many time on the air that he doesn't accept discounts on new merchandise knowing that someone else has put effort and upfront money into those products and they need fair compensation. Maybe we need to think similarly.
I have heard "Hard Workers" complain how "The Poor" take everything they are offered. "Don't they think of others or tomorrow?" When you reach the bottom it is easy to see what is real. The thing that is most real... is establishing something to control. Orphans often steal dinner rolls and fruit and hide them in their beds just to control some security for the next day.
What is really funny is the difference between the professional poor and the real poor. The real poor don't have marketing agents. They don't look the part all the time. If someone gives them a new looking shirt they are often overlooked for the professional poor who lives tax free in their condo when not "working".
"Judge not that ye be not judged"
One last thought. many rich people have given the poor their junk to avoid the cost of disposing of it themselves. Some do it in ignorance others not so. What a way to make a buck? If what you give has little or inflated value expect little gratitude. The rules of marketing don't change with poverty.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Who Stole My Cheese?
I was talking with a friend of mine the other day when the topic of making cheese came up. I, like I believe most people do, love cheese. I have been researching how to make it from scratch or raw milk. Having spent some time in France step #1 is selecting the milk. Goat, water buffalo, and cow are the most common but I have seen other animals' milks used too.
Then comes the flavor and type of cheese cultures, is it Mozzarella, Cheddar, Swiss, Munster or something else? Then comes the Rennet to curdle the cheese. Most people don't know that 90% of the cheese in America contains a GMO (Genetically Modified Organism). A lot of people don't know or choose not to know how this is relevant. However, I choose to know.
With normal GMO grains BT-toxin and glyphosate producing genes can be passed and adopted into the intestinal flora. Wow! The nightmare begins! Could we start producing bovine digestive enzymes too?
And to think this all stated with "The LOVE of Money" and "The Hearts of Conspiring Men"
Added together we get "The Banksters"
We don't need to continue in the errors of our past. Iceland convicted their bankers and restarted their economy without them or the global banking system. It can be done. Unfortunately, the tactics of the wicked are full of deceit and methods like the "Delphi System of Group Manipulation". This system is commonly used against the people to push things like the tentacles of Agenda 21.
And if internal threats from the Banksters weren't enough China and Russia have plans for America also. So how real and large are the threats? America's power grid has been updated as per Agenda 21's section 4 and 5 to "Smart Meters". Well, my education in electronics and computer technologies tell me that it is harder to impossible to hack non-computerized systems. But, Smart Meters put our electrical grid on the Internet. Hack a password from safe in China and "BOOM!" no power in America. That was nice of us to hand over our electrical resources to China. I discovered one other nice feature we offer to an invading power. Smart Meters light up our homes with health threatening RF so that our enemies can see our gun cashes, food cashes, heart rate, level of awareness, and everyone in our home at any time with this $1,000 device. (please note this article was written in 2006)
So, where is all this leading? Oh, to be naive but we can't be. Soon the lines will be finished and what we don't know... will break us... And, prophecy is fulfilled.
Now, who stole my cheese?
Then comes the flavor and type of cheese cultures, is it Mozzarella, Cheddar, Swiss, Munster or something else? Then comes the Rennet to curdle the cheese. Most people don't know that 90% of the cheese in America contains a GMO (Genetically Modified Organism). A lot of people don't know or choose not to know how this is relevant. However, I choose to know.
With normal GMO grains BT-toxin and glyphosate producing genes can be passed and adopted into the intestinal flora. Wow! The nightmare begins! Could we start producing bovine digestive enzymes too?
And to think this all stated with "The LOVE of Money" and "The Hearts of Conspiring Men"
Added together we get "The Banksters"
We don't need to continue in the errors of our past. Iceland convicted their bankers and restarted their economy without them or the global banking system. It can be done. Unfortunately, the tactics of the wicked are full of deceit and methods like the "Delphi System of Group Manipulation". This system is commonly used against the people to push things like the tentacles of Agenda 21.
And if internal threats from the Banksters weren't enough China and Russia have plans for America also. So how real and large are the threats? America's power grid has been updated as per Agenda 21's section 4 and 5 to "Smart Meters". Well, my education in electronics and computer technologies tell me that it is harder to impossible to hack non-computerized systems. But, Smart Meters put our electrical grid on the Internet. Hack a password from safe in China and "BOOM!" no power in America. That was nice of us to hand over our electrical resources to China. I discovered one other nice feature we offer to an invading power. Smart Meters light up our homes with health threatening RF so that our enemies can see our gun cashes, food cashes, heart rate, level of awareness, and everyone in our home at any time with this $1,000 device. (please note this article was written in 2006)
So, where is all this leading? Oh, to be naive but we can't be. Soon the lines will be finished and what we don't know... will break us... And, prophecy is fulfilled.
Now, who stole my cheese?
Friday, October 24, 2014
Common Core
Today, I was surprised. Mr. Neal Larson seems to be genuinely against Common Core. Kudos Mr. Larson! However, I believe that everyone attacking common core currently are just batting at its flickering flames instead of aiming at the base of the fire or Agenda 21 Sections 25 and 36.
This beast has been in our fold since 1992 when President George H. W. Bush privatized us (Government can sell public assets to companies and other countries) and signed us up for Agenda 21. President William J. Clinton followed suit with Executive Order #12852 (Presidential Council on Sustainable Development) in 1993. President George W. Bush contributed to the party with the establishment of Homeland Security. President Barrack H. Obama is just introducing us to that which we already committed ourselves... Obama Care or Agenda 21 Section 6. But. it didn't stop there. Even at our city level Agenda 21 Section 4 (page 18) and 5 (page 23) or... Smart meters violate our 4th Amendment rights to security in our own homes. The real key to this is the Idaho Falls Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) (page 21). Why does the Federal Government care if we get Smart Meters in Idaho Falls to the tune of 50% matching funds?
People, our United States Constitution is dangling by a thread now. Our political leaders and banking institutions are selling us out by ignorance, intention, or both I don't know. I do know that if the United States Constitution is to survive the United States Citizens must willingly commit to saving it.
Starting with voting down Idaho House Bill HJR002. This bill relieves our state legislature of making laws giving the power to Un-Named Executive Agencies. This diminishes our state's sovereignty and ability to protect ourselves from federal powers.
So are we going to let the UN walk on us some more?
This beast has been in our fold since 1992 when President George H. W. Bush privatized us (Government can sell public assets to companies and other countries) and signed us up for Agenda 21. President William J. Clinton followed suit with Executive Order #12852 (Presidential Council on Sustainable Development) in 1993. President George W. Bush contributed to the party with the establishment of Homeland Security. President Barrack H. Obama is just introducing us to that which we already committed ourselves... Obama Care or Agenda 21 Section 6. But. it didn't stop there. Even at our city level Agenda 21 Section 4 (page 18) and 5 (page 23) or... Smart meters violate our 4th Amendment rights to security in our own homes. The real key to this is the Idaho Falls Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) (page 21). Why does the Federal Government care if we get Smart Meters in Idaho Falls to the tune of 50% matching funds?
People, our United States Constitution is dangling by a thread now. Our political leaders and banking institutions are selling us out by ignorance, intention, or both I don't know. I do know that if the United States Constitution is to survive the United States Citizens must willingly commit to saving it.
Starting with voting down Idaho House Bill HJR002. This bill relieves our state legislature of making laws giving the power to Un-Named Executive Agencies. This diminishes our state's sovereignty and ability to protect ourselves from federal powers.
So are we going to let the UN walk on us some more?
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Don't mind my pointed tinfoil hat, but would someone check this for me?
The last few days have been troubling for me I've been reading the U.N.'s Agenda 21
with all of its resolutions while listening to the news on the radio. I can honestly say that our Presidents (Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2, and Obama) sold us out to the U.N. Pick a news topic from the last few years not to mention the last week and it has roots in this document. Kids and the border... it's in there. Water rights... it's in there. Common Core... need I say it? It's in there. Obamacare?... yes. it to is in there. Are we to fully sacrifice ourselves to the state?
There are a lot of people that are hoping our government is good. But if you are a Mormon, one of the most basic philosophies in the church is that the Devil rides politicians and governments. His plan is to thwart God's plan by attacking governmental leaders and in turn swaying populations... less overall work. This is why a government left unchecked destroys its self. Are we still United States citizens?
Currently under Agenda 21 our leaders are finishing the abandonment of the checks and balances of our Constitution. Our Constitutional abandonment officially started in 1913 when we lost our independent sovereignty with the 16th Amendment. It was funny how the Original 13th Amendment was wiped out of existence to make way for the illegally ratified 16th and 17th Amendments. Once these two Amendments were installed the remaining Amendments up to the 27th Amendment are anti-family, anti-God, and anti-sovereignty.
I am not an elegant writer. But, I am an impassioned United States citizen. I hope I haven't wasted my time searching these things out just for myself. One man isn't even a good speed bump in slowing this bus down and righting its course. The funny thing is in 1959 this trend became evident to a few people just not enough.
Fortunately there maybe a silver lining coming for the God fearing Constitutional supporting people. What if the kids that Obama is dumping without support on the cities of the United States are more likely to become real tea party conservatives since all of Obama's other ambitions have ended badly. Maybe this is what Cleon Skousen was talking of in his "Cleansing of America" talk.
Just a few thoughts of a concerned INTJ.
with all of its resolutions while listening to the news on the radio. I can honestly say that our Presidents (Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2, and Obama) sold us out to the U.N. Pick a news topic from the last few years not to mention the last week and it has roots in this document. Kids and the border... it's in there. Water rights... it's in there. Common Core... need I say it? It's in there. Obamacare?... yes. it to is in there. Are we to fully sacrifice ourselves to the state?
There are a lot of people that are hoping our government is good. But if you are a Mormon, one of the most basic philosophies in the church is that the Devil rides politicians and governments. His plan is to thwart God's plan by attacking governmental leaders and in turn swaying populations... less overall work. This is why a government left unchecked destroys its self. Are we still United States citizens?
Currently under Agenda 21 our leaders are finishing the abandonment of the checks and balances of our Constitution. Our Constitutional abandonment officially started in 1913 when we lost our independent sovereignty with the 16th Amendment. It was funny how the Original 13th Amendment was wiped out of existence to make way for the illegally ratified 16th and 17th Amendments. Once these two Amendments were installed the remaining Amendments up to the 27th Amendment are anti-family, anti-God, and anti-sovereignty.
I am not an elegant writer. But, I am an impassioned United States citizen. I hope I haven't wasted my time searching these things out just for myself. One man isn't even a good speed bump in slowing this bus down and righting its course. The funny thing is in 1959 this trend became evident to a few people just not enough.
Fortunately there maybe a silver lining coming for the God fearing Constitutional supporting people. What if the kids that Obama is dumping without support on the cities of the United States are more likely to become real tea party conservatives since all of Obama's other ambitions have ended badly. Maybe this is what Cleon Skousen was talking of in his "Cleansing of America" talk.
Just a few thoughts of a concerned INTJ.
Monday, July 14, 2014
Tesla's Hairrpin
This is a demonstration put on by Karl Palsness of Tesla's hairpin circuit.
part #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10
Additional information of ionization.
part #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10
Additional information of ionization.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Neal & Cala playing both sides in Idaho politics (The "Progressives" and the "Tea Party")
Neal & Cala, Dr. Laura had a thing that wives often do to their husbands called a "Crazy Maker". It's when the wife uses emotions and circular logic in telling their husbands what they need or would like done (if a chore). Now the "Crazy Maker" is a chore that has two opposing heads. Husbands hate "Crazy Makers" as there is no way to complete them and wives can't see the duality or disconnect in the chore.
Well, Neal your stance on libertarians is a "Crazy Maker". You just took a call from a lady ( July 9th 9:00ish) that very accurately explained why the republican convention went so badly after bad mouthing libertarians in reference to some crack mom killing her kids in Utah. My point... conservatives are fleeing the republican party because they are not being represented by it. Many of them are becoming libertarians just like the lady said. From your discussion after the lady hung up it was obvious that you missed her point by focusing on the deeds of the democrats and not on the facts she pointed out about republican politicians becoming as bad as democrats.
Plainly, the republican convention fell apart because the establishment republicans are immoral. They can't follow their own laws and they wanted to remove God from governance. All true conservatives see this like this lady said.
There are two political affiliations in The United States; the "Progressives" and the "Tea Party". Establishment Republicans are the same as Establishment Democrats both have adopted the "Progressive" platform of "Capitalistic National Socialism". This is why conservatives are leaving, not voting, and losing faith
It pains me to talk to people that plainly don't understand the true modern political landscape. "Can't we all just get along" is their motto. If anyone in the history of the world was "luke warm" and "fence sitters" it is them. What did God say He would do to people like this? Spue them out of His mouth
Now Neal & Cala, the "Crazy Maker" here is that you seem to bad mouth a fraction of the conservatives while saying you're conservative when you're keeping your feet in bed with the progressives. The progressive agenda is designed to confuse, dishearten, and divide people and many citizen democrats and republicans have fallen into this trap.
I once heard a very profound teaching "There is no secret ingredient" (Kungfu Panda). The point here is... there is no magic that makes things special. If we don't do it nobody will. If we want to live in the United States and not for THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA we need to put some effort into righting correct principles.
Well, Neal your stance on libertarians is a "Crazy Maker". You just took a call from a lady ( July 9th 9:00ish) that very accurately explained why the republican convention went so badly after bad mouthing libertarians in reference to some crack mom killing her kids in Utah. My point... conservatives are fleeing the republican party because they are not being represented by it. Many of them are becoming libertarians just like the lady said. From your discussion after the lady hung up it was obvious that you missed her point by focusing on the deeds of the democrats and not on the facts she pointed out about republican politicians becoming as bad as democrats.
Plainly, the republican convention fell apart because the establishment republicans are immoral. They can't follow their own laws and they wanted to remove God from governance. All true conservatives see this like this lady said.
There are two political affiliations in The United States; the "Progressives" and the "Tea Party". Establishment Republicans are the same as Establishment Democrats both have adopted the "Progressive" platform of "Capitalistic National Socialism". This is why conservatives are leaving, not voting, and losing faith
It pains me to talk to people that plainly don't understand the true modern political landscape. "Can't we all just get along" is their motto. If anyone in the history of the world was "luke warm" and "fence sitters" it is them. What did God say He would do to people like this? Spue them out of His mouth
Now Neal & Cala, the "Crazy Maker" here is that you seem to bad mouth a fraction of the conservatives while saying you're conservative when you're keeping your feet in bed with the progressives. The progressive agenda is designed to confuse, dishearten, and divide people and many citizen democrats and republicans have fallen into this trap.
I once heard a very profound teaching "There is no secret ingredient" (Kungfu Panda). The point here is... there is no magic that makes things special. If we don't do it nobody will. If we want to live in the United States and not for THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA we need to put some effort into righting correct principles.
Monday, July 7, 2014
Man & Woman
As of late I have found myself in another debate with a woman that informed me that a woman's life is harder then a man's life... quaintly. To which I have need of sacrificing sleep to set correct understanding. For many years as a young man I was told I was dirt because I was privileged as a white man. They eluded to a point that by birth my life was easy compared to everyone else. As a man I don't have woman problems or by being white I don't have (fill in the blank) other problems. If my life is so easy I missed something and I want my money back.
This isn't even the half of it. As an INTJ and being perceived as being unfeeling and disconnected from what real people think (oops) feel, I can't help but wonder what planet highly charged and information challenged people come from. How can you be mad in ignorance unless you are just insane to begin with?
As to giving birth being so painful... there is only one man or woman other then the mother that can influence said pain and this person is the doctor. I don't mean by drugs. Any woman that trusts an allopathic doctor for birthing babies is going to have a harder time. Allopathic medicine is just barley starting to give a vitamin pill to pregnant mothers. A woman that wants a healthy baby and fewer pregnancy and birth pain complications will fix their nutrition 6 months before getting pregnant. She will need 6 months of 90 essential nutrients daily to build up the stored of elements necessary to share her bones, muscle and fat with her baby. If she has these extra stores not only will she look amazing as per getting pregnant, she will have (depending on her nutrient deficiencies) far fewer complications and pain in birth. And for the big reveal, a well nourished woman will have far fewer difficulties getting well proportioned again (Obesity is a nutritional shortage). Now for all the women I am about to alienate, how hard or soft child birth is is based on a lot of factors and me being male isn't one of them. You have no right to tell me what is hard for you is harder then what I stumble on.
This one gets me too. "I sacrificed my body to bring children into the world." My response... yes you did especially if you listened to an allopathic doctor and didn't replenish your body's reserves and stores.
Ignorance on your part is not valid ground for arguing how difficult a woman's life is over mine. I know what it is like to be lying on the ground as involuntary abdominal muscle cramps constrict hard enough to induce vomiting as kidney sand slowly and painfully gutted me over a week. And this is the best part, pain is caused by ignorance and malnutrition. If I where as informed then as I am now I would not have ever known this pain.
Hence, personal ignorance and stupidity cause pain. Me being male didn't cause you any pain.
As to the other arguments of injustice induced by me being male upon women. This is the epic cause for all male female injustice... we are not the same. We are not physically, mentally, or emotionally equal. This one is burning, I can feel the heat from here. I can hear all the so called Ladies but, I didn't say anything about "my superiority" in reference to any of these three and sex. Our perception of time is different altering the priority of activities as well as the focus we can achieve. Our brain and body chemistry is different.
An orange and a banana line up at the start line for the big race. The orange just starts rolling toward the finish line as the gun sparks to life. The banana has to stand up on its back focusing on its balance as it rocks back and forth building up momentum. Bananas have to roll stem to stern with enough force to jump the gap from the stern back to the stem. Once this is achieved the circumference of the banana is greater then the oranges' however the orange sure does have a head start.
Now the big question, which fruit is superior? Which fruit represents which gender? Well, women are oranges and men are bananas.
Women have an ambient pH lower then men (ask Secret (Strong enough for a man but made for a woman))
Women can roll any direction at any moment with their true multitasking minds. Men need a clearer focus of the future's results to change direction with their time-slicing minds.
Women can work multiple unrelated tasks at once. Men chop everything into small pieces and reassemble them as one linear task
Women can roll over physical boundaries easier then men. Meaning they can be overloaded easier then a man; they have no off switch being present tents thinkers. Men are not able to be overwhelmed as easily; they have an off switch being future tents thinkers.
This is my list of points of relevance when judging people
The big scoop! I have learned more in life through my trials and struggling then at any other time or institution. I don't care what anyone thinks of passing their problems to me as I will not accept them. If you need help or even to vent some I can help but! belly aching and attaching me for being white or male just makes for small minded weak people.
My advice is "Suck it up little camper! Work your own problems. Quit attempting to blame others for your situation. You are responsible for you!".
Don't feed the monster! Government is the monster as of late. Crying to it may seem like a good idea now but soon it will turn on you also. All governmental gifts where stolen first! This is why the bigger the disaster is the more inept the government is. If no one has anything... socialistic and fascist politicians can get shot easily by over promising the hungry what they can no longer steal.
Men and women are not equal nor should they try to be. The hardest people to get along with are the ones we are most like. I know my job I don't need my wife doing the same job.
Just think a whole world with only fry-cooks cause every body had to be the same. Too bad we have no farmers to grow potatoes for fries.
Yes, fry-cook the lowest man on the fast food totem of which their are more fast food employees then any other profession. Then we can all be diversified in uniform only instead of really playing to the strengths of our diversity.
Diversity and equal rights sure sound good if they weren't lies that bred malcontent and placed people in positions unsuited for their strengths. Who am I to judge someones strength the white guy that had to fight for employment around government imposed quotas and lost. I didn't have anyone to run to being what I am.
This isn't even the half of it. As an INTJ and being perceived as being unfeeling and disconnected from what real people think (oops) feel, I can't help but wonder what planet highly charged and information challenged people come from. How can you be mad in ignorance unless you are just insane to begin with?
As to giving birth being so painful... there is only one man or woman other then the mother that can influence said pain and this person is the doctor. I don't mean by drugs. Any woman that trusts an allopathic doctor for birthing babies is going to have a harder time. Allopathic medicine is just barley starting to give a vitamin pill to pregnant mothers. A woman that wants a healthy baby and fewer pregnancy and birth pain complications will fix their nutrition 6 months before getting pregnant. She will need 6 months of 90 essential nutrients daily to build up the stored of elements necessary to share her bones, muscle and fat with her baby. If she has these extra stores not only will she look amazing as per getting pregnant, she will have (depending on her nutrient deficiencies) far fewer complications and pain in birth. And for the big reveal, a well nourished woman will have far fewer difficulties getting well proportioned again (Obesity is a nutritional shortage). Now for all the women I am about to alienate, how hard or soft child birth is is based on a lot of factors and me being male isn't one of them. You have no right to tell me what is hard for you is harder then what I stumble on.
This one gets me too. "I sacrificed my body to bring children into the world." My response... yes you did especially if you listened to an allopathic doctor and didn't replenish your body's reserves and stores.
Ignorance on your part is not valid ground for arguing how difficult a woman's life is over mine. I know what it is like to be lying on the ground as involuntary abdominal muscle cramps constrict hard enough to induce vomiting as kidney sand slowly and painfully gutted me over a week. And this is the best part, pain is caused by ignorance and malnutrition. If I where as informed then as I am now I would not have ever known this pain.
Hence, personal ignorance and stupidity cause pain. Me being male didn't cause you any pain.
As to the other arguments of injustice induced by me being male upon women. This is the epic cause for all male female injustice... we are not the same. We are not physically, mentally, or emotionally equal. This one is burning, I can feel the heat from here. I can hear all the so called Ladies but, I didn't say anything about "my superiority" in reference to any of these three and sex. Our perception of time is different altering the priority of activities as well as the focus we can achieve. Our brain and body chemistry is different.
An orange and a banana line up at the start line for the big race. The orange just starts rolling toward the finish line as the gun sparks to life. The banana has to stand up on its back focusing on its balance as it rocks back and forth building up momentum. Bananas have to roll stem to stern with enough force to jump the gap from the stern back to the stem. Once this is achieved the circumference of the banana is greater then the oranges' however the orange sure does have a head start.
Now the big question, which fruit is superior? Which fruit represents which gender? Well, women are oranges and men are bananas.
Women have an ambient pH lower then men (ask Secret (Strong enough for a man but made for a woman))
Women can roll any direction at any moment with their true multitasking minds. Men need a clearer focus of the future's results to change direction with their time-slicing minds.
Women can work multiple unrelated tasks at once. Men chop everything into small pieces and reassemble them as one linear task
Women can roll over physical boundaries easier then men. Meaning they can be overloaded easier then a man; they have no off switch being present tents thinkers. Men are not able to be overwhelmed as easily; they have an off switch being future tents thinkers.
This is my list of points of relevance when judging people
- Sex of person hence sex of the brain
- Personality type
- Learning style
- Brain hemisphere dominance
- Age
- Morality
- Integrity
- Attitude
- Depth of Overall Knowledge
The big scoop! I have learned more in life through my trials and struggling then at any other time or institution. I don't care what anyone thinks of passing their problems to me as I will not accept them. If you need help or even to vent some I can help but! belly aching and attaching me for being white or male just makes for small minded weak people.
My advice is "Suck it up little camper! Work your own problems. Quit attempting to blame others for your situation. You are responsible for you!".
Don't feed the monster! Government is the monster as of late. Crying to it may seem like a good idea now but soon it will turn on you also. All governmental gifts where stolen first! This is why the bigger the disaster is the more inept the government is. If no one has anything... socialistic and fascist politicians can get shot easily by over promising the hungry what they can no longer steal.
Men and women are not equal nor should they try to be. The hardest people to get along with are the ones we are most like. I know my job I don't need my wife doing the same job.
Just think a whole world with only fry-cooks cause every body had to be the same. Too bad we have no farmers to grow potatoes for fries.
Yes, fry-cook the lowest man on the fast food totem of which their are more fast food employees then any other profession. Then we can all be diversified in uniform only instead of really playing to the strengths of our diversity.
Diversity and equal rights sure sound good if they weren't lies that bred malcontent and placed people in positions unsuited for their strengths. Who am I to judge someones strength the white guy that had to fight for employment around government imposed quotas and lost. I didn't have anyone to run to being what I am.
Friday, July 4, 2014
What I think of TEN healthy food substitutes
This is an attempt to understand how non INTJs see things. I am comparing it to years of information I have gathered and tested dealing with my own health. I concluded that I can't see any point in this exercise as I finished it. I am not a non INTJ.
I will be using this article as my source Please click here!
Starting with NUMBER ONE
Rice, popcorn, or edamame substituted for potato chips-
First, why are chips bad? Dehydrated and concentrated carbohydrates coated with a free radical version of omega 6 fatty acid. Carbohydrates are what fat is made of in our bodies and free radicals cause cancers.
Let's look at the substitutes Rice chips. Do you see whats not listed on the ingredients list? The method used to create a dehydrated carbohydrate again. However oils are present so free radicals are a strong possibility still. Popcorn chips a dehydrated carbohydrate in a free radical again. And edamame (fried soybeans) Let's not forget this treat. Ninety percent of U.S. soybeans are GMO. Ok, a GMO in a free radical... What could be healthier?
Well, if we followed substitution ONE we would still get fat and get cancer.
A real substitute would be a baked potato with real unpasteurized butter, salt, chives, and a dab of real unpasteurized sour cream. Why? No burnt or dehydrated carbohydrates overload, no cancer causing free radicals, digestible fats for nerve and cell membrane repair, living probiotics with ample enzymes to aid digestion, and it requires time to eat with chewing preparing the body for food and it's complete absorption.
One last problem with common logic here... fats and oils are not the source of human weight gain. The bodies inability to process carbohydrates due to mineral deficiency is what causes weight gain.
Vanilla yogurt substituted for Non-dairy topping-
Let's see, Non-dairy topping is a free radical combined with a GMO or cancer with a side order of birth defects.
Ok, vanilla yogurt... the trick here is that most flavored yogurt is pudding not living yogurt or basically food starch. If you do find an actual yogurt, note that when flavor and sugar is added to yogurt the sugar (being a natural antibiotic)* kills the good bacteria culture in the yogurt. And, pasteurization fuses the fat and minerals (calcium) in dairy products together forming soap.
(*note sugar kills good bacteria in our digestive tract and leaves the Candida fungus causing intestinal yeast overgrowth in large quantities.)
Solution real unpasteurized cream whipped with cane sugar, genuine vanilla bean extract, and a dash of cream of tarter.
Also note that low fat diets lead to dry skin, nerve damage, artery damage, poor joint lubrication, and Alzheimer's disease. Need some saturated animal fat?
Bagels for doughnuts-
High carbohydrate low fat or high carbohydrate burnt fat let's see weigh gain with brain disease or weight gain with cancer... really?
Ok, I'll have a medium rare steak with butter.
Whole gain pasta for pasta-
High carbohydrate low fat or high carbohydrate? Weigh gain with brain disease or weight gain, I hear an echo
Low fat or vegetarian sausage for beef or pork sausage-
Brain damage and cancer or brain damage and deliberate nutritional deficiency in place of only cancer what a choice!
Dry chicken meat for fried chicken meat-
Brain damage with protein for cancer with protein, not much of an improvement here.
Solution- slow cooked chicken (bones and skin on) with potatoes, peas, and carrots served with fresh creamy butter.
Real cheese for fake cheese food-
Ok. I admit it they got one right. Nothing beats real food plus all 77 minerals.
Small french fry for large french fry-
Really? How about a tall glass of cool water and a salt shaker? I usually eat salty food when I am thirsty.
Whole grain bread for white bread-
Two carbohydrates, what a choice we have here. I am trying to resist but, I can't. Here are two articles grain people might show interest. #1 #2
Brown rice crackers for fried wontons-
Like so many of these comparisons I find them equally bad mismatches. I have found that eating good fat fixes a lot of ills. Sometimes eating bad fats relieve pain to a point (fried wontons) but, malnutrition and starvation (brown rice crackers) do neither.
I don't see the point in this article. If I were normal it would be another bad fat gaining experience for me. I may even think it was my fault instead of bad information. Lucky I am me and know better.
I will be using this article as my source Please click here!
Starting with NUMBER ONE
Rice, popcorn, or edamame substituted for potato chips-
First, why are chips bad? Dehydrated and concentrated carbohydrates coated with a free radical version of omega 6 fatty acid. Carbohydrates are what fat is made of in our bodies and free radicals cause cancers.
Let's look at the substitutes Rice chips. Do you see whats not listed on the ingredients list? The method used to create a dehydrated carbohydrate again. However oils are present so free radicals are a strong possibility still. Popcorn chips a dehydrated carbohydrate in a free radical again. And edamame (fried soybeans) Let's not forget this treat. Ninety percent of U.S. soybeans are GMO. Ok, a GMO in a free radical... What could be healthier?
Well, if we followed substitution ONE we would still get fat and get cancer.
A real substitute would be a baked potato with real unpasteurized butter, salt, chives, and a dab of real unpasteurized sour cream. Why? No burnt or dehydrated carbohydrates overload, no cancer causing free radicals, digestible fats for nerve and cell membrane repair, living probiotics with ample enzymes to aid digestion, and it requires time to eat with chewing preparing the body for food and it's complete absorption.
One last problem with common logic here... fats and oils are not the source of human weight gain. The bodies inability to process carbohydrates due to mineral deficiency is what causes weight gain.
Vanilla yogurt substituted for Non-dairy topping-
Let's see, Non-dairy topping is a free radical combined with a GMO or cancer with a side order of birth defects.
Ok, vanilla yogurt... the trick here is that most flavored yogurt is pudding not living yogurt or basically food starch. If you do find an actual yogurt, note that when flavor and sugar is added to yogurt the sugar (being a natural antibiotic)* kills the good bacteria culture in the yogurt. And, pasteurization fuses the fat and minerals (calcium) in dairy products together forming soap.
(*note sugar kills good bacteria in our digestive tract and leaves the Candida fungus causing intestinal yeast overgrowth in large quantities.)
Solution real unpasteurized cream whipped with cane sugar, genuine vanilla bean extract, and a dash of cream of tarter.
Also note that low fat diets lead to dry skin, nerve damage, artery damage, poor joint lubrication, and Alzheimer's disease. Need some saturated animal fat?
Bagels for doughnuts-
High carbohydrate low fat or high carbohydrate burnt fat let's see weigh gain with brain disease or weight gain with cancer... really?
Ok, I'll have a medium rare steak with butter.
Whole gain pasta for pasta-
High carbohydrate low fat or high carbohydrate? Weigh gain with brain disease or weight gain, I hear an echo
Low fat or vegetarian sausage for beef or pork sausage-
Brain damage and cancer or brain damage and deliberate nutritional deficiency in place of only cancer what a choice!
Dry chicken meat for fried chicken meat-
Brain damage with protein for cancer with protein, not much of an improvement here.
Solution- slow cooked chicken (bones and skin on) with potatoes, peas, and carrots served with fresh creamy butter.
Real cheese for fake cheese food-
Ok. I admit it they got one right. Nothing beats real food plus all 77 minerals.
Small french fry for large french fry-
Really? How about a tall glass of cool water and a salt shaker? I usually eat salty food when I am thirsty.
Whole grain bread for white bread-
Two carbohydrates, what a choice we have here. I am trying to resist but, I can't. Here are two articles grain people might show interest. #1 #2
Brown rice crackers for fried wontons-
Like so many of these comparisons I find them equally bad mismatches. I have found that eating good fat fixes a lot of ills. Sometimes eating bad fats relieve pain to a point (fried wontons) but, malnutrition and starvation (brown rice crackers) do neither.
I don't see the point in this article. If I were normal it would be another bad fat gaining experience for me. I may even think it was my fault instead of bad information. Lucky I am me and know better.
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Organized Religion
It is funny, my son has had some questions about supporting an organized religion. Until he posed the question I had never considered looking at a more fundamental point so directly. Well, following my own advice I will reduce the question to simplest terms and build from there.
Order and Ciaos, do we really understand these two words? Do we recognize them as opposites? I realize that I am a Mormon or a member of "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints" so some of the concepts I use expand into realms beyond Earth life. From the "Pearl of Great Price" we learn that life existed before the "Big Bang" or any thing that we know of mortality. We learn that the true building block of all things is Intelligence. What if life really began when two Intelligences, less then what is required for an idea, began to oscillate to the mutual benefit of one other. From the sea of intelligences in ciaos, order arose. This puts a new spin on Organized Religion not to mention when religion was first organized.
Now, suppose that like with other things and sciences there are plateaus and paradigm shifts. For example electrons. Electrical Charge was discovered and studied. Soon uses for charge where introduced in steps and focused to the point that "Texting", "Youtube", and I-phones are now the norms.
What if Order has been going through the same metamorphosis? Ordered Intelligence forms thought. Thoughts form ideas. Ideas form reason. Reason forms purpose. Purpose forms drive. Drive forms ambition, passion, and spirit. Step by step the level of Order increases. Even our physical form is an organization of far smaller particles of temporal energy. Intelligence to spirit to matter how we have progressed. By integrity to order we have and do exist.
The integrity that maintains order down to the intelligence level of existence is the Priesthood. There is only one Priesthood that binds all order together as a result it is not man made or controlled by man. Man is just another paradigm shift in the ordering of intelligence. Even though man did not create nor dose he control the Priesthood, he must be found holding it though obedience and integrity to eternal law to continue evolving.
Now back to organized religion. Some have told me that they can best worship God from a creek in the mountains hip deep fly fishing on Sunday. Each of us enjoy our own pleasures at God's hand and we should be full of gratitude even when we lose a fish, hook our ear casting, or we slip and fall in the creek filling our waders full of water for the walk home. Is gratitude the only element of worshiping God? Dose tending to selfish interests really demonstrate a reverence to God?
Let us look at just the beginning of the ten commandments paraphrased.
1. "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me"- are we worshiping God when we show no obedience or integrity for eternal law? Dose this not establish our ambition as our new God?
2. "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself"- are we "over looking" or "looking over" the needs of those around us?
Scrooge just popped into my mind. The line "... let me keep Christmas in my our way" and the retort "But you do not keep Christmas" and the reply "Then let me leave it alone then".
The second commandment is a compelling reason alone to participate in an organized religion. One man can do good however his "man hours" are limited to 24 hours a day give or take recouping strength. In that same day, two organized men have 48 hours and then it really starts to multiply as others with like minds collect in that same day.
How many unorganized or disorganized companies exist in America at present? How much money do they make for their stock holders? What services or products do they provide for us? Hey, if unorganized religion is so good then unorganized business should be great also.
What about unorganized crime? I bet that unorganized crime would be a winner. Just think, pot heads and johns would have a harder time finding on-demand recreation. It would be a lot cheaper too.
So, if caught in a disaster who is going to help us? unorganized crime or organized crime? Probably neither. Unorganized business? I like unicorns too. Organized business? For a price. Government? Government can only give what it takes from others. The bigger the disaster the less effective government is. How about unorganized religion? So, you like unicorns too? Who would have people, resources, and stores at no cost? Who may have a network of money, food, housing, supplies, and counseling for hurt and suffering people for themselves and others as temporarily needed? Who loves his neighbor as himself putting God as number one?
Before we answer this last set of questions a distinction must be made. There are businesses masquerading as churches. Often the difference is how they collect and use money. Is the clergy paid well? Are people willing to improve themselves... hailed or shunned?
All things on the table, there is only one way to worship God and that is with a true Organized Religion. More?
Doctrine and Covenants 109:8
Order and Ciaos, do we really understand these two words? Do we recognize them as opposites? I realize that I am a Mormon or a member of "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints" so some of the concepts I use expand into realms beyond Earth life. From the "Pearl of Great Price" we learn that life existed before the "Big Bang" or any thing that we know of mortality. We learn that the true building block of all things is Intelligence. What if life really began when two Intelligences, less then what is required for an idea, began to oscillate to the mutual benefit of one other. From the sea of intelligences in ciaos, order arose. This puts a new spin on Organized Religion not to mention when religion was first organized.
Now, suppose that like with other things and sciences there are plateaus and paradigm shifts. For example electrons. Electrical Charge was discovered and studied. Soon uses for charge where introduced in steps and focused to the point that "Texting", "Youtube", and I-phones are now the norms.
What if Order has been going through the same metamorphosis? Ordered Intelligence forms thought. Thoughts form ideas. Ideas form reason. Reason forms purpose. Purpose forms drive. Drive forms ambition, passion, and spirit. Step by step the level of Order increases. Even our physical form is an organization of far smaller particles of temporal energy. Intelligence to spirit to matter how we have progressed. By integrity to order we have and do exist.
The integrity that maintains order down to the intelligence level of existence is the Priesthood. There is only one Priesthood that binds all order together as a result it is not man made or controlled by man. Man is just another paradigm shift in the ordering of intelligence. Even though man did not create nor dose he control the Priesthood, he must be found holding it though obedience and integrity to eternal law to continue evolving.
Now back to organized religion. Some have told me that they can best worship God from a creek in the mountains hip deep fly fishing on Sunday. Each of us enjoy our own pleasures at God's hand and we should be full of gratitude even when we lose a fish, hook our ear casting, or we slip and fall in the creek filling our waders full of water for the walk home. Is gratitude the only element of worshiping God? Dose tending to selfish interests really demonstrate a reverence to God?
Let us look at just the beginning of the ten commandments paraphrased.
1. "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me"- are we worshiping God when we show no obedience or integrity for eternal law? Dose this not establish our ambition as our new God?
2. "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself"- are we "over looking" or "looking over" the needs of those around us?
Scrooge just popped into my mind. The line "... let me keep Christmas in my our way" and the retort "But you do not keep Christmas" and the reply "Then let me leave it alone then".
The second commandment is a compelling reason alone to participate in an organized religion. One man can do good however his "man hours" are limited to 24 hours a day give or take recouping strength. In that same day, two organized men have 48 hours and then it really starts to multiply as others with like minds collect in that same day.
How many unorganized or disorganized companies exist in America at present? How much money do they make for their stock holders? What services or products do they provide for us? Hey, if unorganized religion is so good then unorganized business should be great also.
What about unorganized crime? I bet that unorganized crime would be a winner. Just think, pot heads and johns would have a harder time finding on-demand recreation. It would be a lot cheaper too.
So, if caught in a disaster who is going to help us? unorganized crime or organized crime? Probably neither. Unorganized business? I like unicorns too. Organized business? For a price. Government? Government can only give what it takes from others. The bigger the disaster the less effective government is. How about unorganized religion? So, you like unicorns too? Who would have people, resources, and stores at no cost? Who may have a network of money, food, housing, supplies, and counseling for hurt and suffering people for themselves and others as temporarily needed? Who loves his neighbor as himself putting God as number one?
Before we answer this last set of questions a distinction must be made. There are businesses masquerading as churches. Often the difference is how they collect and use money. Is the clergy paid well? Are people willing to improve themselves... hailed or shunned?
All things on the table, there is only one way to worship God and that is with a true Organized Religion. More?
Doctrine and Covenants 109:8
8 Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing, and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God;
Friday, April 4, 2014
Global Warming... Hoax?
So which is it hoax or not? This is where it gets complicated. Yes and no, yes conventionally it is a hoax but in reality the truth is not what most would expect. For starters, common man is not causing that much damage to the environment. However, the US Government is culpable. The project is called "Geo-engineering". Agenda 21 chapter 9 through chapter 22 states that it is the governments' (plural possessive) responsibilities to learn to control the environment of the world. America under President Bush, President Clinton, President Bush and now President Obama fully support Agenda 21.
Considering Agenda 21 is all about killing 6 billion people globally to reduce the population to 500 million (a sustainable global number) it is hard to believe the US government is working against the people. I was shocked to see all the plans made to this end.
So is global warming a hoax? As it is presented YES! it is. However, geo-engineering is not a hoax and if there is global warming it maybe the cause. In a nutshell planes spry bio-available aluminum, other metals, and toxins into the air. You have seen them making crisscross patterns in the sky that get puffier and fuller until clouds appear. Then ripple patterns and vortexes form in the clouds as microwave radiation bombards them changing temperatures and eventually causes the jet stream to change as desired.
So global warming is a hoax but the earth has been bombarded with so much pollution from geo-engineering that it is killing the algae in the oceans. This kill off has increased the methane levels in the atmosphere as the algae decays. More over the bio-available aluminum binds with ozone decreasing the ozone layer. Notice how the sky is milky blue as of late? Aluminum Oxide is not as deep blue or protective from the sun as pure ozone is.
There are ways to stop this earth kill but you have to believe it is happening first. Isn't there something in the bible about Satan gently and quietly lulling people down to Hell?
Considering Agenda 21 is all about killing 6 billion people globally to reduce the population to 500 million (a sustainable global number) it is hard to believe the US government is working against the people. I was shocked to see all the plans made to this end.
So is global warming a hoax? As it is presented YES! it is. However, geo-engineering is not a hoax and if there is global warming it maybe the cause. In a nutshell planes spry bio-available aluminum, other metals, and toxins into the air. You have seen them making crisscross patterns in the sky that get puffier and fuller until clouds appear. Then ripple patterns and vortexes form in the clouds as microwave radiation bombards them changing temperatures and eventually causes the jet stream to change as desired.
So global warming is a hoax but the earth has been bombarded with so much pollution from geo-engineering that it is killing the algae in the oceans. This kill off has increased the methane levels in the atmosphere as the algae decays. More over the bio-available aluminum binds with ozone decreasing the ozone layer. Notice how the sky is milky blue as of late? Aluminum Oxide is not as deep blue or protective from the sun as pure ozone is.
There are ways to stop this earth kill but you have to believe it is happening first. Isn't there something in the bible about Satan gently and quietly lulling people down to Hell?
Why Do I Listen To Rush Limbaugh?
I avoid most news outlets but I do listen to Rush once in a while. Every time, I get angry. The funny thing is I'm not mad at Rush. I am mad at all the bigotry, onesidedness, and hate mongering of the socialist left wing hetero-phobic agenda.
I have never seem a more mean spirited people then the hetero-phobic. What can you expect? They can't naturally bread according to Charles Darwin. Two men can't naturally make a baby any more then two woman can.
Marriage was designed to track the posterity conceived in the marriage bed. What is conceived in a hetero-phobic bed? How anti-God can you get? God gave Adam and Eve the commandment to "Multiply and Replenish the Earth". Masturbating with like company can't get this job done.
Now as an INTJ my curiosity of both the male and female bodies is great but my respect for God is greater. His plan is "way cooler" (oops, I'm dating myself) then my fascination to be immoral. I like having children and I am looking forward to grandchildren. My fascination with bodies like mine is not a substitute to having kids.
What was done to Brendon Eich is a sin and angers me enough to reconsider using Firefox ever again. I realize that the only way hetero-phobic people reproduce is by the indoctrination of others. This is why hetero-phoebes are in our face all the time weeding out the weak and convincing their captives that they are hetero-phoebes also. Gee, a plan for societal death not unlike the "Plan for Sustainable Development". What is it like to be a tool in the hands of the "Great Deceiver"?
Please people! God gave us agency. If you choose to fornicate with an age appropriate and consenting member of your own or opposing gender in the privacy of your own house I don't care. Just stay out of my face. Leave my kids alone. Remember, the level of intimacy we share with another is not marriage, our children's well being is what marriage is about.
I have never seem a more mean spirited people then the hetero-phobic. What can you expect? They can't naturally bread according to Charles Darwin. Two men can't naturally make a baby any more then two woman can.
Marriage was designed to track the posterity conceived in the marriage bed. What is conceived in a hetero-phobic bed? How anti-God can you get? God gave Adam and Eve the commandment to "Multiply and Replenish the Earth". Masturbating with like company can't get this job done.
Now as an INTJ my curiosity of both the male and female bodies is great but my respect for God is greater. His plan is "way cooler" (oops, I'm dating myself) then my fascination to be immoral. I like having children and I am looking forward to grandchildren. My fascination with bodies like mine is not a substitute to having kids.
What was done to Brendon Eich is a sin and angers me enough to reconsider using Firefox ever again. I realize that the only way hetero-phobic people reproduce is by the indoctrination of others. This is why hetero-phoebes are in our face all the time weeding out the weak and convincing their captives that they are hetero-phoebes also. Gee, a plan for societal death not unlike the "Plan for Sustainable Development". What is it like to be a tool in the hands of the "Great Deceiver"?
Please people! God gave us agency. If you choose to fornicate with an age appropriate and consenting member of your own or opposing gender in the privacy of your own house I don't care. Just stay out of my face. Leave my kids alone. Remember, the level of intimacy we share with another is not marriage, our children's well being is what marriage is about.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Here it is I can't add any more.
Well, they changed the page on me. So, nutshell version. Candida is a normal body fungus that eats dead waste in our bodies that probiotics can't glean from any longer. It is a balanced system of nutrient releasing gut flora and gut cleaning fungus. However, if we eat foods that have anti-biotic properties in large quantities we kill off the probiotics in our gut flora leaving only the fungus which doesn't liberate nutrition. Sugar is the worst anti-biotic of all because of how it kills bacteria. It act like 2-4-D on dandelions. It is a super fertilizer that creates unsustainable pro-biotic growth causing bacteria starvation and large quantities of fungus food. Candida feasts when high levels of sugar are in the gut.
Carbohydrates and sugar are not essential food to maintain life but they can make nice love handles
Well, they changed the page on me. So, nutshell version. Candida is a normal body fungus that eats dead waste in our bodies that probiotics can't glean from any longer. It is a balanced system of nutrient releasing gut flora and gut cleaning fungus. However, if we eat foods that have anti-biotic properties in large quantities we kill off the probiotics in our gut flora leaving only the fungus which doesn't liberate nutrition. Sugar is the worst anti-biotic of all because of how it kills bacteria. It act like 2-4-D on dandelions. It is a super fertilizer that creates unsustainable pro-biotic growth causing bacteria starvation and large quantities of fungus food. Candida feasts when high levels of sugar are in the gut.
Carbohydrates and sugar are not essential food to maintain life but they can make nice love handles
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Limbaugh, Liberals, SUVs, and Real Science
Real gas mileage has little to do with the speed, size, weight, and the aerodynamics of a car or truck. Current gas mileage is based on the car's fuel injection system's design and the volume of it's cylinders. The bigger the cylinders the more noncombustible fuel can be stored during ignition for the catalytic converter to burn.
I would have thought that the tree hugging liberals would get wise to this fact if CO, CO2, NO, NO2, NO3, and hydrocarbons, not to mention the sulfides from the catalytic converter, were so dangerous. I would have thought that common everyday conservatives would get tired of being taxed per piston revolution on gasoline that they are just passing from their tank to the ground with no contributing power to momentum. To borrow a line from Jessica Rabbit pertaining to the SUVs, "they're not bad they're just designed that way". Mr. Limbaugh, as to the fact that liberals stand for all non-rational things, they are naive and just being used to drive up gasoline and fuel prices but, I think you know that... At least the bottom rung liberals.
The Current Truth About Engines
In the current combustion systems design, gasoline is mixed with MTBE which lowers its volatility and power output. MTBE is heavier then gasoline so the 14:1 ratio of air to fuel seems to be maintained. The atomized fuel is detonated up to 10 degrees before the piston is at top center. (top center is where volume if the cylinder is at it's smallest point.) This compresses the fuel and air forcing the fuel into a more liquid state. (Compressed gasses often turn to liquid.) Liquid gasoline won't burn; there is no oxygen in it to burn it. The spark plug fires at 10 degree's to top center. (This heats the fuel forcing the surface of the fuel and the air to start to burn lending energy to vaporize more of the fuel.) (note this also adds reverse torque to the engine robbing power.) After clearing top center the fuel expands and mixes with what small portion of oxygen is in the air. Expanding and burning gasses force the piston down the cylinder as the fuel continues burning past the bottom of the stroke. At this point the fuel is compressed by the piston and the expanding gasses are forced back into a liquid form to extinguish the remaining unburnt hydrocarbons. These wasted hydrocarbons are then sent to the catalytic converter to be converted to less explosive forms.
It doesn't mater if the car is big or small it consumes too much fuel. If the stoichiometric equation was really balanced there would be no need of a catalytic converters or hydrocarbons left in the exhaust. The remaining substances after running an engine would consist only of CO2 and H2O. That said let's move on to what real science says about engines.
The Real Science About Engines
First engines are air pumps not fuel burners. The proper stoichiometric equation for white gasoline is 200:1 (200 parts air to 1 part gasoline) for maximum power. Translated to horse power that would be 24,000 to 30,000 horses to the wheels (70-80 miles to the gallon) depending on the resistance of the drive chain and engine. So the speed, size, weight, and the aerodynamics of a vehicle mean nothing to fuel economy. (Conventional muscle car's have between 200-450 horses to the wheels and 8-15 miles to the gallon.)
From where cometh the horsepower? Well let's inject premixed white gasoline vapor with air at a ratio of 500:1 so we don't break anything. It is detonated at 3 degrees past top center. Even compressed for better atomic contact the vaporized premixed fuel and air remains in a gaseous form. A 6 millisecond pop burns all of the mixture and smacks the piston to the bottom of the cylinder. Since heat is absorbed in the developing vacuum the cooled cylinder at the end of the down stroke creates a small vacuum that starts that piston back up the other side of the stroke. There is no fuel attempting to expand against the returning piston
The best parts, very little fuel was used (good for conservatives). The fuel that was used was all converted to CO2 and H2O (good for tree hugging liberals). Now, who is this bad for? Well... THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and global bankers. Gas taxes dry up. The people are unencumbered by expensive travel. Shipping prices drop like rain. Less reason to raise minimum wage. Agenda 21 policies get tossed in the wind of our speeding transportation. Geo-engineers will have to spray more toxic crap in the air to compensate for the decrease in airborne hydrocarbons.
A air fuel ratio of 500:1 is about 250 to 300 miles per gallon at 1,200 to 3,200 horse power at the wheels. Without all the smog pumps, catalytic converters, and anti-population gear, the car is lighter to boot.
More Real Science
Crude oil can be manufactured in the backyard in a process called "Thermal Depolymerization" with a pressure cooker. Gasoline is a renewable resource. It can be made from table scraps and plastic garbage.
If these sociopathic politicrats and politicans don't get their banking brought back in country and reinstate the Constitution of the United States (including the original 13th Amendment) they may be surprised at the technology the common people possess.
There is no reason an SUV should get less then 220 miles per gallon and have 4 time the horsepower they currently have running gasoline all the time contributing to healthy plants. "Real Science"
The government energy labs like to give science shows in the community often around here. They attempt to encourage kids to take science classes. In the last demonstration I attended the professor had three balloons full of gasses. The first was hydrogen. The second was methane. The last was a 1/4th mixture of methane and 3/4ths air. Each balloon was tied to a string and suspended according to its buoyancy. Hydrogen floats. Methane is heavier. As the demonstration progressed a blow torch was used to detonate the balloons. The hydrogen balloon popped with attitude. The methane balloon popped louder with a fire ball. The premixed methane (after being warned to put our fingers in our ears and remove the babies) detonated with little visible fire but it rattled all the windows in the warehouse and shook the concrete floor on which we were standing.
Oh, to get down to the horsepower of conventional muscle cars using white gasoline vapor the ratio is 1,000 to 1 (1,000 parts air to 1 part gasoline). So if 0.0001 parts gas is running the car what is the other 99.9999% percent of the gas doing? Well, maybe... Some of the gas was replaced by additives? What's left is used to heat up the engine? Pollute the engine oil? Add counter torque? AND... Dump toxic gasses and unburned hydrocarbon into the air? This might be done to guarantee a steady and constant money stream for the government. Even now the gas price is probably being driven up to cover the lack of people working (decrease in demand) while maintaining governmental taxes. Our gasoline exports kind of give this impression. But I know I'm just being cynical.
I would have thought that the tree hugging liberals would get wise to this fact if CO, CO2, NO, NO2, NO3, and hydrocarbons, not to mention the sulfides from the catalytic converter, were so dangerous. I would have thought that common everyday conservatives would get tired of being taxed per piston revolution on gasoline that they are just passing from their tank to the ground with no contributing power to momentum. To borrow a line from Jessica Rabbit pertaining to the SUVs, "they're not bad they're just designed that way". Mr. Limbaugh, as to the fact that liberals stand for all non-rational things, they are naive and just being used to drive up gasoline and fuel prices but, I think you know that... At least the bottom rung liberals.
The Current Truth About Engines
In the current combustion systems design, gasoline is mixed with MTBE which lowers its volatility and power output. MTBE is heavier then gasoline so the 14:1 ratio of air to fuel seems to be maintained. The atomized fuel is detonated up to 10 degrees before the piston is at top center. (top center is where volume if the cylinder is at it's smallest point.) This compresses the fuel and air forcing the fuel into a more liquid state. (Compressed gasses often turn to liquid.) Liquid gasoline won't burn; there is no oxygen in it to burn it. The spark plug fires at 10 degree's to top center. (This heats the fuel forcing the surface of the fuel and the air to start to burn lending energy to vaporize more of the fuel.) (note this also adds reverse torque to the engine robbing power.) After clearing top center the fuel expands and mixes with what small portion of oxygen is in the air. Expanding and burning gasses force the piston down the cylinder as the fuel continues burning past the bottom of the stroke. At this point the fuel is compressed by the piston and the expanding gasses are forced back into a liquid form to extinguish the remaining unburnt hydrocarbons. These wasted hydrocarbons are then sent to the catalytic converter to be converted to less explosive forms.
It doesn't mater if the car is big or small it consumes too much fuel. If the stoichiometric equation was really balanced there would be no need of a catalytic converters or hydrocarbons left in the exhaust. The remaining substances after running an engine would consist only of CO2 and H2O. That said let's move on to what real science says about engines.
The Real Science About Engines
First engines are air pumps not fuel burners. The proper stoichiometric equation for white gasoline is 200:1 (200 parts air to 1 part gasoline) for maximum power. Translated to horse power that would be 24,000 to 30,000 horses to the wheels (70-80 miles to the gallon) depending on the resistance of the drive chain and engine. So the speed, size, weight, and the aerodynamics of a vehicle mean nothing to fuel economy. (Conventional muscle car's have between 200-450 horses to the wheels and 8-15 miles to the gallon.)
From where cometh the horsepower? Well let's inject premixed white gasoline vapor with air at a ratio of 500:1 so we don't break anything. It is detonated at 3 degrees past top center. Even compressed for better atomic contact the vaporized premixed fuel and air remains in a gaseous form. A 6 millisecond pop burns all of the mixture and smacks the piston to the bottom of the cylinder. Since heat is absorbed in the developing vacuum the cooled cylinder at the end of the down stroke creates a small vacuum that starts that piston back up the other side of the stroke. There is no fuel attempting to expand against the returning piston
The best parts, very little fuel was used (good for conservatives). The fuel that was used was all converted to CO2 and H2O (good for tree hugging liberals). Now, who is this bad for? Well... THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and global bankers. Gas taxes dry up. The people are unencumbered by expensive travel. Shipping prices drop like rain. Less reason to raise minimum wage. Agenda 21 policies get tossed in the wind of our speeding transportation. Geo-engineers will have to spray more toxic crap in the air to compensate for the decrease in airborne hydrocarbons.
A air fuel ratio of 500:1 is about 250 to 300 miles per gallon at 1,200 to 3,200 horse power at the wheels. Without all the smog pumps, catalytic converters, and anti-population gear, the car is lighter to boot.
More Real Science
Crude oil can be manufactured in the backyard in a process called "Thermal Depolymerization" with a pressure cooker. Gasoline is a renewable resource. It can be made from table scraps and plastic garbage.
If these sociopathic politicrats and politicans don't get their banking brought back in country and reinstate the Constitution of the United States (including the original 13th Amendment) they may be surprised at the technology the common people possess.
There is no reason an SUV should get less then 220 miles per gallon and have 4 time the horsepower they currently have running gasoline all the time contributing to healthy plants. "Real Science"
The government energy labs like to give science shows in the community often around here. They attempt to encourage kids to take science classes. In the last demonstration I attended the professor had three balloons full of gasses. The first was hydrogen. The second was methane. The last was a 1/4th mixture of methane and 3/4ths air. Each balloon was tied to a string and suspended according to its buoyancy. Hydrogen floats. Methane is heavier. As the demonstration progressed a blow torch was used to detonate the balloons. The hydrogen balloon popped with attitude. The methane balloon popped louder with a fire ball. The premixed methane (after being warned to put our fingers in our ears and remove the babies) detonated with little visible fire but it rattled all the windows in the warehouse and shook the concrete floor on which we were standing.
Oh, to get down to the horsepower of conventional muscle cars using white gasoline vapor the ratio is 1,000 to 1 (1,000 parts air to 1 part gasoline). So if 0.0001 parts gas is running the car what is the other 99.9999% percent of the gas doing? Well, maybe... Some of the gas was replaced by additives? What's left is used to heat up the engine? Pollute the engine oil? Add counter torque? AND... Dump toxic gasses and unburned hydrocarbon into the air? This might be done to guarantee a steady and constant money stream for the government. Even now the gas price is probably being driven up to cover the lack of people working (decrease in demand) while maintaining governmental taxes. Our gasoline exports kind of give this impression. But I know I'm just being cynical.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Smart meters contribute to hunger
To understand this article I will include some terms with definitions.
Electromagnetic Radiation - (EMR)
Ionizing radiation - is based on the energy required to ionize water. In reality the symptoms that most people experience with ionizing radiation are related to calcium ionization not water. Our bodies don't work well in a low pH environment. Our blood likes a pH of 7.4 .
Acids have positive charges - on the pH scale pH stands for potential hydrogen.
Calcium ionization - calcium can be ionized by EMR
Our body will sacrifice bone tissue to maintain blood pH
Ionized calcium no longer functions to regulate blood pH - This study links the two conditions
Body systems effected by Calcium - This is a synopses of the function of calcium in the body
To this point we have said nothing of the source of the EMR
SmartMeters are EMR devices - SmartMeters are designed to communicate with EMF causing EMR. As SmartMeters are added to the grid they form RF networks that track power consumption in Real Time. The SmartMeter is also designed to negotiate and relay this Real Time data back to the power company. SmartMeters are under chapter 40.22-40.24 of Agenda 21.
Obesity - causes
Now lets put this all together. SmartMeters work by emitting EMF. EMF can ionize calcium in our bodies. Ionized calcium allows the blood pH to drop causing poor mineral absorption. Poor mineral absorption lays the ground work for 900 plus diseases of which hunger intense enough to cause obesity is the first sign of danger. Most people treat obesity with more starvation and exercise.
Here is what the opposition is saying Huffington Post . Who really sounds uninformed?
Let's listen to Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt lecture on EMR and the body. To add clarity here is Dr. Bruce Lipton. The two Doctors information compliments each other. Dr. Lipton is debunking genetics and not physical damage to cells from outside sources. Dr. Joel Wallach on genetics fraud.
One last word on this, Ham radio operators are taught that the human body acts as an antenna. After all calcium is a metal just like an antenna. Like an antenna our calcium bones are tuned to receive RF by their length. Higher frequencies match with the smaller bones which more people have in common. Just a thought.
Electromagnetic Radiation - (EMR)
Ionizing radiation - is based on the energy required to ionize water. In reality the symptoms that most people experience with ionizing radiation are related to calcium ionization not water. Our bodies don't work well in a low pH environment. Our blood likes a pH of 7.4 .
Acids have positive charges - on the pH scale pH stands for potential hydrogen.
Calcium ionization - calcium can be ionized by EMR
Our body will sacrifice bone tissue to maintain blood pH
Ionized calcium no longer functions to regulate blood pH - This study links the two conditions
Body systems effected by Calcium - This is a synopses of the function of calcium in the body
To this point we have said nothing of the source of the EMR
SmartMeters are EMR devices - SmartMeters are designed to communicate with EMF causing EMR. As SmartMeters are added to the grid they form RF networks that track power consumption in Real Time. The SmartMeter is also designed to negotiate and relay this Real Time data back to the power company. SmartMeters are under chapter 40.22-40.24 of Agenda 21.
Obesity - causes
Now lets put this all together. SmartMeters work by emitting EMF. EMF can ionize calcium in our bodies. Ionized calcium allows the blood pH to drop causing poor mineral absorption. Poor mineral absorption lays the ground work for 900 plus diseases of which hunger intense enough to cause obesity is the first sign of danger. Most people treat obesity with more starvation and exercise.
Here is what the opposition is saying Huffington Post . Who really sounds uninformed?
Let's listen to Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt lecture on EMR and the body. To add clarity here is Dr. Bruce Lipton. The two Doctors information compliments each other. Dr. Lipton is debunking genetics and not physical damage to cells from outside sources. Dr. Joel Wallach on genetics fraud.
One last word on this, Ham radio operators are taught that the human body acts as an antenna. After all calcium is a metal just like an antenna. Like an antenna our calcium bones are tuned to receive RF by their length. Higher frequencies match with the smaller bones which more people have in common. Just a thought.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Obama's State of the Confussion Speech
Hear ye! hear ye! every progressive, RINO, and waffle who calls themselves Republicans if you do not throw Obama under the bus for his set of half truths and lies last night we really do have politicians comparable to a box of rocks representing us. It was obvious that Obama was insincere when he used moderate conservative ideas and the rest of the time he was heehawing about failed and unimportant things that would only superficially boost government expansion until our nation totally collapses. When the government has been ruling against the people deliberately for years now it is time to throw off that government.
Obama has done everything King George did to call for the writing of the Declaration of Independence. What Obama is doing is a travesty against the United States, its citizens, and its allies... Another war maybe coming to the Union.
In the book of revelation I always wondered how the United States could become so callused against Jerusalem to allow them to pass through the valley of Armageddon alone. Well, now I know. When we elect non-Christen people to lead a Christen nation we set ourselves up for disaster. Since 1913 too many non-Christens have influenced and corrupted the laws of God on this land.
Republicans lift your heads up and repeal Obamacare, the 16th through the 27th Amendments, and reinstated the original 13th Amendment. Dissolve the IRS and the municipal corporations supporting it. Reenact the usury laws. Reinstate common American law. Throw out magistrate law. Get rid of food stamps and government payouts and non-elected government employees. Repair the 10th Amendment protections. Reset the foundation of power with the people.
How far we have fallen from that hot enclosed room in September of 1787.
Obama has done everything King George did to call for the writing of the Declaration of Independence. What Obama is doing is a travesty against the United States, its citizens, and its allies... Another war maybe coming to the Union.
In the book of revelation I always wondered how the United States could become so callused against Jerusalem to allow them to pass through the valley of Armageddon alone. Well, now I know. When we elect non-Christen people to lead a Christen nation we set ourselves up for disaster. Since 1913 too many non-Christens have influenced and corrupted the laws of God on this land.
Republicans lift your heads up and repeal Obamacare, the 16th through the 27th Amendments, and reinstated the original 13th Amendment. Dissolve the IRS and the municipal corporations supporting it. Reenact the usury laws. Reinstate common American law. Throw out magistrate law. Get rid of food stamps and government payouts and non-elected government employees. Repair the 10th Amendment protections. Reset the foundation of power with the people.
How far we have fallen from that hot enclosed room in September of 1787.
Friday, January 17, 2014
One out of Six People in America is Hungry
I hear this radio add several times a day and the only question that comes to mind is why?
Is it because the government has robbed the people of their right to own property?
Is it because socialism is being forced on the people?
Is it because more money has gone to creating appetite enhancing food rather then nourishing food?
Is it because government taxes are bullying our lunch money from us?
Is it because the common man's life is unimportant to politicians?
Is it because the common man's life is unimportant to globalists?
Is it because America has become a faithless immoral lawless poorly educated socialistic country?
Is it because governmental lies are the norm and not the exception?
All of these are tentacles from the same octopus and the real solution to hunger is to give back our land and rights! Teach the real reason the pilgrims almost died. Remove corporate sovereignty. Remove government oversight of private individuals.
Bottom line, people are hungry because the government removed their ability to feed themselves and promised them food stamps for nutritionally poor food. It used to be that the rich people were the ones that could afford to eat nutritionally poor food daily, hence leading to body fat. Now, nutritionally poor food is the norm forced into the population. A few wise rich people (usually not democrats (A vegan has an average life expectancy of 1/2 that of a well nourished omnivore)) are the only one's that could afford clean nutrient dense real food. (Most vegetarian life expectancy tests are conducted with poorly nourished carnivores)
That's how this INTJ sees this statistic.
Is it because the government has robbed the people of their right to own property?
Is it because socialism is being forced on the people?
Is it because more money has gone to creating appetite enhancing food rather then nourishing food?
Is it because government taxes are bullying our lunch money from us?
Is it because the common man's life is unimportant to politicians?
Is it because the common man's life is unimportant to globalists?
Is it because America has become a faithless immoral lawless poorly educated socialistic country?
Is it because governmental lies are the norm and not the exception?
All of these are tentacles from the same octopus and the real solution to hunger is to give back our land and rights! Teach the real reason the pilgrims almost died. Remove corporate sovereignty. Remove government oversight of private individuals.
Bottom line, people are hungry because the government removed their ability to feed themselves and promised them food stamps for nutritionally poor food. It used to be that the rich people were the ones that could afford to eat nutritionally poor food daily, hence leading to body fat. Now, nutritionally poor food is the norm forced into the population. A few wise rich people (usually not democrats (A vegan has an average life expectancy of 1/2 that of a well nourished omnivore)) are the only one's that could afford clean nutrient dense real food. (Most vegetarian life expectancy tests are conducted with poorly nourished carnivores)
That's how this INTJ sees this statistic.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
To Our Esteemed Idaho Congressmen
My Dear Representatives,
I implore your attention to the subject of Education. In my studies I have discovered a discord between the Idaho Constitution Article IX and Agenda 21's section 36 better known as Common Core or Luna's plan.
Idaho Constitution Article IX reads:
This says, if I am not mistaken, that Idaho has a Republic form for its government. And, to support said Republic our children are to be taught how a Republic works. The Idaho Sate Constitution emphasizes the teaching of general materials supporting the understanding of a Republican form of government.
Do any of these three support the intent of the Idaho Constitution?
Agenda 21's chapter 25 and 36; Chapter 25 (pages 275 - 278) and Chapter 36 (pages 320 -328)
Common Core Standards
Tom Luna's plan
Plainly, the answer is NO. These three are derivatives of the same agenda against freedom progressing to a technically advanced socialistic workforce. Nowhere in these three aforementioned agendas, standards, or plans is mentioned anything about maintaining our Republic.
We The People don't like being forced to service the environment.
God created the world for man not man for the world.
God doesn't hold kindly to limiting man's agency.
We The People resent being force to prop up governmental policy to sooth the masses against war.
Doctors forced to work for peanuts under Obamacare
The youth forced to subject to the high price of Obamacare
Teachers forced to dumb down our children to accommodate Common Core
(you might be wondering why I put Obamacare into education. Well, Agenda 21 chapter 36.1 connects to chapter 6 (pages 31- 44) which is Obamacare)
Now. Luna's plan is Agenda 21's chapter 36 affixed on the local level.
This being the case I am afraid that our governor and school superintendent are socialists. As a God fearing conservative I can not support the socialistic anti-God agenda being forced on my kids by the world powers. I am a Citizen of The United States. I am not a subject under the socialistic CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA operating under the fascist state of global corporatism?
I will do all in my power to preserve our nation for our kids in freedom. I will not vote for a "Progressive", a "RINO", or a "waffle". I will do my best to publicly label all such politicrats and yoke them with the collars of "enslaving us... the workforce", of "stealing our children's future", and "robbing and killing the old".
Socialism should have died with Jamestown it is amazing how it persists.
Faith, Morality, Law, Education, and Liberty, after their near death in Jamestown at the hand of socialism these truths set the stage for The United States. Thanksgiving Day is the anniversary of God's gift of life to Jamestown and a monument to these 5 truths.
I'd like to see this taught in school.
I implore your attention to the subject of Education. In my studies I have discovered a discord between the Idaho Constitution Article IX and Agenda 21's section 36 better known as Common Core or Luna's plan.
Idaho Constitution Article IX reads:
How current is this law?
This says, if I am not mistaken, that Idaho has a Republic form for its government. And, to support said Republic our children are to be taught how a Republic works. The Idaho Sate Constitution emphasizes the teaching of general materials supporting the understanding of a Republican form of government.
Do any of these three support the intent of the Idaho Constitution?
Agenda 21's chapter 25 and 36; Chapter 25 (pages 275 - 278) and Chapter 36 (pages 320 -328)
Common Core Standards
Tom Luna's plan
Plainly, the answer is NO. These three are derivatives of the same agenda against freedom progressing to a technically advanced socialistic workforce. Nowhere in these three aforementioned agendas, standards, or plans is mentioned anything about maintaining our Republic.
We The People don't like being forced to service the environment.
God created the world for man not man for the world.
God doesn't hold kindly to limiting man's agency.
We The People resent being force to prop up governmental policy to sooth the masses against war.
Doctors forced to work for peanuts under Obamacare
The youth forced to subject to the high price of Obamacare
Teachers forced to dumb down our children to accommodate Common Core
(you might be wondering why I put Obamacare into education. Well, Agenda 21 chapter 36.1 connects to chapter 6 (pages 31- 44) which is Obamacare)
36.1. Education, raising of public awareness and training are linked to virtually all areas in Agenda 21, and even more closely to the ones on meeting basic needs, capacity building, data and information, science, and the role of major groups. This chapter sets out broad proposals, while specific suggestions related to sectoral issues are contained in other chapters. The Declaration and Recommendations of the Tbilisi Intergovernmental Conference on Environmental Education 1/organized by UNESCO and UNEP and held in 1977, have provided the fundamental principles for the proposals in this document.
Now. Luna's plan is Agenda 21's chapter 36 affixed on the local level.
This being the case I am afraid that our governor and school superintendent are socialists. As a God fearing conservative I can not support the socialistic anti-God agenda being forced on my kids by the world powers. I am a Citizen of The United States. I am not a subject under the socialistic CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA operating under the fascist state of global corporatism?
I will do all in my power to preserve our nation for our kids in freedom. I will not vote for a "Progressive", a "RINO", or a "waffle". I will do my best to publicly label all such politicrats and yoke them with the collars of "enslaving us... the workforce", of "stealing our children's future", and "robbing and killing the old".
Socialism should have died with Jamestown it is amazing how it persists.
Faith, Morality, Law, Education, and Liberty, after their near death in Jamestown at the hand of socialism these truths set the stage for The United States. Thanksgiving Day is the anniversary of God's gift of life to Jamestown and a monument to these 5 truths.
I'd like to see this taught in school.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
A Little Ditty About Fasting and Prayer
My INTJ side likes connections and understanding before doing something like "Fasting" (going without food and drink for a predetermined fixed time). Praying, not to much to understand here... Just talking to God. Fasting, how does going hungry do anything? Well, remember the old "fight and flight" response? When we are in "fight and flight" blood leaves our higher brain and internal organs to boost muscle performance. The "Rest and Heal" response prepares our body by giving us down time for food digestion and body healing. Now comes the third response, neither of the other two responses boost brain power. However, what if we didn't eat or drink and we where not in a race to stay alive? Well, then the brain would be the beneficiary of the full blood supply and the food in the blood stream bringing us to full mental alertness.
Remember the Secret and the power of prayer? Now add to that a fully focused mind with a dedicated blood supply.
Fasting and praying is truly the only way to exercise faith.
Remember the Secret and the power of prayer? Now add to that a fully focused mind with a dedicated blood supply.
Fasting and praying is truly the only way to exercise faith.
Did King James really know what he was doing when he had the Bible translated into English?
How many times have we heard "Knowledge is Power"?
How many years did man waste away in the dark ages? From the death of Jesus's Apostles to the seventeen hundreds man didn't achieve much. Man didn't start achieving again until King James put the word of God into the hands of the common people. Little did he know that it would transform them from subjects to sovereigns.
The puritans discovered by strength of will and much death that a nation of God can only be raised on the sod of Faith, Morality, Law, Education, and Liberty.
The Bible paved the way for the realization of "The Law of Nature and Nature's God" to become the foundation for The Constitution of the United States. America is born.
I can pretend to wax intelligent and educated even if so much of life is not well thought out and scripted much less based on revelation. After all, is not the educated man still just a man. Does he not trust the guesses and reason of those that lived before him. Where is reason really found? I find education not based in Faith meaningless. I find lifestyles not based in Morals self defeating. I find governments not subjected to Law weak and ripe for capture. I find youth devoid of parental guidance and Education lost and dying slow deaths. I see Liberty being crushed by evil. All that God gave us is based on the proper management of agency.
How many of us have Goals? Short term... long term? What happens when your short term goals don't support your long term goals? What really gets accomplished? Nothing! nothing really gets accomplished when there is no congruent path to an end. Dose government have an end or long term goal? Do the people? I think not. All the latest actions taken by our government clearly demonstrate shortsightedness and rebellion against God. The best example that government is lost is its interpretation of "General Welfare" strait from the Constitution of the United States. When government pays a man for being out of work does this encourage church service? Does this build a man's self-esteem? Is government micro managing men? Does it weaken a man's will? Does shame make strong soldiers? I understand "General Welfare" relates to the over all health of our nation. Things that strengthen the "General Welfare" are things like low State managed taxes, No Federal business regulation, No direct Federal taxation. No Federally owned businesses. No State owned businesses. No Unconstitutional Federal laws. A man who can do much for himself without Federal supervision or involvement makes a strong peg to rest the state or status of a nation upon. A feeble man will fold. So, what is better for the "General Welfare"? Anyone vote for a feeble invisible man? America is strengthened by real men with real work supporting their own families.
I heard a lecture not long ago that included the three tents of business operation. The Entrepreneurial or future tents, the managerial or past tents, and the technical or present tents compose these three business tents. I realize I appear lost at this point however, God made us man and woman. Each of us have gifts that the other doesn't physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually have. If the family is a business the man is the Entrepreneur. The woman is the Technician and both serve as Managers. This order that supports America is only the Christen Family.
Do you think that God has long term goals? Do you think that God gave these long term goals to the Puritans? Do you think that God gave us a base for the Constitution that was founded on His nature? Who are we to presume we could rewrite what God has already proven? America was a gift from God to all righteous men and women to aid in bringing to pass "the immortal and eternal life of man"
God gave us (his spiritual offspring) "America" to raise his children (our spiritual siblings) so that He could love us and teach us how to handle those gifts that He is still looking to give us.
How many times have we heard "Knowledge is Power"?
How many years did man waste away in the dark ages? From the death of Jesus's Apostles to the seventeen hundreds man didn't achieve much. Man didn't start achieving again until King James put the word of God into the hands of the common people. Little did he know that it would transform them from subjects to sovereigns.
The puritans discovered by strength of will and much death that a nation of God can only be raised on the sod of Faith, Morality, Law, Education, and Liberty.
The Bible paved the way for the realization of "The Law of Nature and Nature's God" to become the foundation for The Constitution of the United States. America is born.
I can pretend to wax intelligent and educated even if so much of life is not well thought out and scripted much less based on revelation. After all, is not the educated man still just a man. Does he not trust the guesses and reason of those that lived before him. Where is reason really found? I find education not based in Faith meaningless. I find lifestyles not based in Morals self defeating. I find governments not subjected to Law weak and ripe for capture. I find youth devoid of parental guidance and Education lost and dying slow deaths. I see Liberty being crushed by evil. All that God gave us is based on the proper management of agency.
How many of us have Goals? Short term... long term? What happens when your short term goals don't support your long term goals? What really gets accomplished? Nothing! nothing really gets accomplished when there is no congruent path to an end. Dose government have an end or long term goal? Do the people? I think not. All the latest actions taken by our government clearly demonstrate shortsightedness and rebellion against God. The best example that government is lost is its interpretation of "General Welfare" strait from the Constitution of the United States. When government pays a man for being out of work does this encourage church service? Does this build a man's self-esteem? Is government micro managing men? Does it weaken a man's will? Does shame make strong soldiers? I understand "General Welfare" relates to the over all health of our nation. Things that strengthen the "General Welfare" are things like low State managed taxes, No Federal business regulation, No direct Federal taxation. No Federally owned businesses. No State owned businesses. No Unconstitutional Federal laws. A man who can do much for himself without Federal supervision or involvement makes a strong peg to rest the state or status of a nation upon. A feeble man will fold. So, what is better for the "General Welfare"? Anyone vote for a feeble invisible man? America is strengthened by real men with real work supporting their own families.
I heard a lecture not long ago that included the three tents of business operation. The Entrepreneurial or future tents, the managerial or past tents, and the technical or present tents compose these three business tents. I realize I appear lost at this point however, God made us man and woman. Each of us have gifts that the other doesn't physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually have. If the family is a business the man is the Entrepreneur. The woman is the Technician and both serve as Managers. This order that supports America is only the Christen Family.
Do you think that God has long term goals? Do you think that God gave these long term goals to the Puritans? Do you think that God gave us a base for the Constitution that was founded on His nature? Who are we to presume we could rewrite what God has already proven? America was a gift from God to all righteous men and women to aid in bringing to pass "the immortal and eternal life of man"
God gave us (his spiritual offspring) "America" to raise his children (our spiritual siblings) so that He could love us and teach us how to handle those gifts that He is still looking to give us.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Ring Out Wild Bells! Ring In The New
This morning I find myself thinking of days long past when I was a kid, of the houses I grew up in, and my family and old friends. With all the turmoil and attempted slavery unleashed on the world today... one thing stays true that being love. I know at times I don't follow a chiastic demeanor... Least we forget I'm an INTJ. The order of my mind is complicated to say the least. As of late I've been more emotional and fixated on my family and friends.
Sunday I could not contain myself as we sang "How Great Thou Art" as the overwhelming meanings of years past and family lost welled up inside me. Here I know INTJs are not given to religion as many times it falls on emotion rather then tangible reason. If it were not for my past encounters I would follow suit but I can't as I know better that the contact between spiritual and touchable are real.
As things ethereal and invisible become better known and revealed... I am "overwhelmed" (this word is a poor explanation of fact). I am finding it hard not to be judgmental and critical of stupidity in government and blatant disregard for life. Even now I an experiencing an emotional onset that I am fighting to control thinking of the inhumane actions and war the people are obliviously veering to encounter.
Progressive politics has blessed us with weaponized electromagnetic radiation (Constant, and from multiple directions of EMR exposure from a Smart meter grid), toxic food, dangerous products, supercilious aristocratic politics, and eventually Agenda 21. This has been done for the greater benefit of a sustainable global population... really?
I have been removed some what from the field of play. As a spectator I am finding sadness raising its head as I watch the war rage on the field. So many are blind to the truth. So many refuse to look at the truth. The war that started before the world was is heating up again as global communication becomes second nature.
I know that order, growth, and love will win the war as there is no other choice but, how many of us will be part of the solution verses the confusion? This is my question.
Sunday I could not contain myself as we sang "How Great Thou Art" as the overwhelming meanings of years past and family lost welled up inside me. Here I know INTJs are not given to religion as many times it falls on emotion rather then tangible reason. If it were not for my past encounters I would follow suit but I can't as I know better that the contact between spiritual and touchable are real.
As things ethereal and invisible become better known and revealed... I am "overwhelmed" (this word is a poor explanation of fact). I am finding it hard not to be judgmental and critical of stupidity in government and blatant disregard for life. Even now I an experiencing an emotional onset that I am fighting to control thinking of the inhumane actions and war the people are obliviously veering to encounter.
Progressive politics has blessed us with weaponized electromagnetic radiation (Constant, and from multiple directions of EMR exposure from a Smart meter grid), toxic food, dangerous products, supercilious aristocratic politics, and eventually Agenda 21. This has been done for the greater benefit of a sustainable global population... really?
I have been removed some what from the field of play. As a spectator I am finding sadness raising its head as I watch the war rage on the field. So many are blind to the truth. So many refuse to look at the truth. The war that started before the world was is heating up again as global communication becomes second nature.
I know that order, growth, and love will win the war as there is no other choice but, how many of us will be part of the solution verses the confusion? This is my question.
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